raphaelaan · 5 years
Gintama chapter 704 translation
Chapter 704: “There’s no such thing as a good guy with perm head”
Under the cut
Page 1
Katsura: Gintoki! Takasugi! Can you hear my transmission!! Where are you right now? Are you alright? We have taken over this ship and in the process of eliminating the rest of the enemy; they are at the state of complete annihilation. But the terminal’s berserk won’t stop! It’s just a matter of time until it blew itself up along with this plane, you have to escape quickly!
Page 2
Sakamoto: Zura! We can’t run either! If the terminal goes down, the Altana’s berserk will only get worse! That would spell the end for this planet as well! Those who are still alive have to deal with that thing somehow!
Katsura: But do we have any way of doing that?
?: There… is…
?: Can you please… allow me… handle the things here…
Katsura: Who is…
Katsura: You are….
Shouyou: This berserk happened because the sucking up far too great a quantity of Altana using the enemy’s weapon.
Page 3
Shouyou: Which means, if we can reverse its flow we can let the Altana collide with an equally strong force. Turn this great quanityty of Altana back to the Terminal by destroying the weaponry. Using the Altana inside of me as the trigger.
Shouyou: But even if we stop the berserk that way, this terminal won’t come out unscratched. Can I trust you with the evacuation, my prodigious student? I do not want to allow for more victims than there already are. If it’s you, then I can entrust this task.
Shouyou: All of you.... please… go and live.
Page 4
Shouyou: Just as you heard, please leave this place…
Shinpachi: Shouyou-sensei… you
Shouyou: //coughs blood
Shinpachi: …! Sensei!
Shouyou:  …….
Shouyou: How very ironic. That I, who bear eternity, am now trying to stretch what time I have left. And I understand very well, the meaning of why he gave what remained of that fragile life.  
Page 5:
Shouyou: I am a failure of a teacher, one who cannot even protect his students. That’s why I must protect the future that they weaved… I have to protect all of you.
Shouyou: My one thousand years of life might exist solely for this moment. This is the first time that I honestly think… I want to live a bit longer. Please give me more time, even if just one second.
Page 6:
Shinpachi: one second will not be enough. If one person can only bear that one second
Kagura: then if we combine the life of every one
Shinpachi: Then you will have enough time to at least see your student’s stupid face.
Shouyou: …! You all--!
Shinpachi: I’m sorry, Shouyou-sensei. As I thought we cannot leave just like that. Because if we do, we will no longer be Yorozuya.
Page 7
Shinpachi: Haven’t we said?
Kagura: That the Yorozuya will work until the payment is received?
Shinpachi: If there is a future, then we will not want someone to give it to us. We Yorozuya will doggedly take it by our own hands.
Page 8
Shouyou: All of you…
Kyuubei: Then we will accompany you.
Sacchan: It seems like in order to create an immortal, the cult has collected Altana from various planets.
Kyuubei: If we destroy all this, you can even hit your idiot student and not just look at him,
Shinpachi: Everyone!
Zenzo: Saying we’ll destroy it is fine and all but how are we supposed to do that? Let me tell you, the only type of cellphones I can use is the ancient ones.
Mobcop: We can no longer follow the current pace of modern technology
Zenzo: Is that something a person completely made of tech should say???
Nobume: If it’s cellphones then just leave it to me.
Sacchan: People and pieces of techs are the same. When they just don’t want to listen…
Page 9
Girls: You do this to them!
Zenzou: Ooooooiiiii you tomboy bitches!! This is no longer at the level of communication jamming! It’s now at the level where Siri would give it her all to shower you in boos and jeers!!
Tsukuyo: It will reach. If we gather this many feelings, it will certainly reach even without a phone.
Page 10
Shinpachi: This—this is--! A huge amount of Altana is flowing in!
Shinpachi: Shouyou-sensei, if you want to destroy it then this is the chance!
Kagura: Sadaharu! Protect Shouyou!
Shouyou: All of you… why… why…
Page 11
Hijikata: yo. You’re late, we almost left without you.
Gintoki: You guys…
Hijikata: Evacuating citizens is also the work of police force.
Kondo: My god, if there are unreasonably stubborn guys like you around, our work will get way harder.
Okita: Sorry but I’m not interested in kicking the bucket together. The only choice left is to go home, side-by-side.
Hijikata: Get up and let’s go.
Page 12
Katsura: Gintoki. Just a bit more. Ahead of that, sensei… and the Yorozuya will be there. If you have anything else to do, wrap it up quick.
Gintoki: Is that okay with you? Isn’t the prodigy of Shouka Sonjuku entrusted to make sure everyone come home safe?
Katsura: The evacuation is over, the only ones remaining is you troublemaker lot.
Gintoki: Zura… Takasugi is…
Katsura: Maybe sensei just doesn’t understand. Every time you troublemakers make a mess back then, there’s one more troublemaker who stepped up and wiped your asses. Isn’t that right Gintoki? So when it comes to Takasugi’s… to the final trouble the two of you stir up, the one who gotta wipe your asses later can’t move from this place.
Page 13
Gintoki: Zura…
Sakamoto: Dying or living, we’ll go together I guess… if it’s like this then there’s no choice but to come back alive. But don’t worry. I will come and save you, even from the deepest bowels of hell.
Sakamoto: That’s why go and make as great a fuss as you wish. Make a big one for his part too.
Page 14
Shouyou: Gintoki…
Page 15
Shouyou: The people here… for you they are what you are to me, aren’t they?
Page 17
Shouyou: That day… the eternal demon met you… met all of you and was able to become Yoshida Shouyou.
Page 18
Shouyou: Since that day… the small demon with such sorrowful eyes gained many meetings
Page 19
Shouyou: And was able to become Sakata Gintoki
Page 20
Shinpachi: Shouyou-sensei!!!
Page 22
Gintoki: Shouyou. I always wanted to show you. A lot of things happened since then. And I…
Page 23
Gintoki: I worked as Yorozuya with these guy.
Shouyou: Yes… I see it.
Page 24
Shouyou: Yorozuya. Sakata Gintoki. You have become… such a good man…
Page 26
Small Tama: Data transfer is completed. Good morning, Fuyou Iizerogou.
Page 27
Tama: This place is…
Small Tama:  This is Gengai-sama’s workshop. Ever since the war, you have been asleep for a very long time. I am your clone, Tamako, whose job is to gather data in your place during that time.
Tama: I’m sorry… I still… my circuits is still out of order. How long have I been asleep for?
Tama: Is this… Edo…?
Tama: No, right now this place is called Tokyo. After the last battle, Edo has seen many great changes and was reborn.
Page 28
Small Tama: Without everyone’s hard work, this Tokyo wouldn’t have come into existence. Yes… the world has regained peace.
Tama: And yet… it seems like the world that I know no longer exist. After that, what happened to everyone…?
Small Tama: The answer to that question is already inside of you.
?: -san… Tama-san…
?: I wonder when you will wake up and receive this data.
Tama: This voice... Shinpachi-sama? And is this the old Edo?
Shinpachi: Since that day, we still don’t know what we fought, with whom we fought. Or just what we lost and what we won.
Page 29
Shinpachi: But we returned home. To Edo. To the everyday life. And yet from the lonely smile I saw on Gin-san’s face that day, I feel that the amount of what we regained and what we lost…
Shinpachi: It seems… they won’t come back after all.
Page 30
Shinpachi: Aaaaaaaa!!! Where the hell are you sleeping Gin-saaaan! It stinks—I stepped on puke!! Just when I thought I’m not gonna be seeing your face for a while you went off and had a drink, didn’t you!!
Gintoki: Agh so noisy. This is my home. I can come back whenever I like and throw up wherever I like—gogogogoo
Shinpachi: Wait!! Don’t make more of a mes—gogogogo
Gintoki: And why are you sitting nonchalantly on the president’s seat
Shinpachi: The hell you’re talking about! The one who supported the Yorozuya while everyone’s gone is the leader! Didn’t you say you will start from the very bottom of the rungs?!
Gintoki: I didn’t say it. And didn’t you say you will start over, beginning from your glasses frame?
Shinpachi: I didn’t!! Why don’t you start over from your dad’s ballsacks?!
Gintoki: You start over from you dad’s glasses case
Shinpachi: That’s just dad’s glasses then!! And if you’re gonna sleep, sleep properly on the futon!!
Page 31:
Kagura: Don’t come into a lady’s room! How many times should I tell you this is no longer Gin-chan’s room! This is the room of the vice-president, who returned second after the president!
Shinpachi: Yeah… but vice-president, your president flew because of that kick as well...
Kagura: In all companies, presidents are nothing but decoration where short beards can grow. The real power usually belong to the strong ones, in the end the people with the most physical strengths hold the world in their palms.
Shinpachi: No… the super strong is not even super strong and not even the vice-president.
Kagura: Well, just he just won’t be responsible then just beat the responsibility into him as hard as you can.
Shinpachi: Even if the one doing it is a super-powered hercules it still can’t be done!!
Gintoki: Cut it out you two!! Just where is my place to belong now? Since it came to this, let’s just begin everything back from the markingssss----rruururururuu
Shinpachi: We’ll kill you, you bastard!!!
Shinpachi: …even so, I think the reason we can still be ourselves with nary a change like this is because there is three people and one dog here.
Page 32:
Otose: My, my… since it’s been two years I thought you all would have piled up enough money to pay the rent. But looking at those faces, seems like all you did these past two years are digging your noses.
Gintoki: I’m thinking about leaving the rent in the new president’s care.
Shinpachi: Don’t just push off that role when it benefits you…
Kagura: Alright, leave it to Leader! I’ll handle the right hole, Gin-chan handle the left. And then there’s Shinpachi.
Shinpachi: You bastards aren’t doing anything but picking noses, are you?!
Otose: I thought both Shinpachi and Kagura have grown up, but it seems like they all just went back to how they were when you returned.
Catherine: One spoiled apple would spoil the entire barrel, after all.
Gintoki: I’m more of the sweetness of canned fruits person than barrel person.
Gengai: I see. When it comes to canned stuff, the rot don’t spread out easily after all.  
Gintoki: Can the person one step away from rotting just stop talking?
Shinpachi: Even though she verbally abused everyone as usual, she doesn’t tell us the reason…
Umibozu: There’s no need to ask about such a thing, is there?
Page 33:
Umibozu: Then I’ll ask in return. What is the reason for me to come from across the universe and see you?
Kagura: Because you’re balding?
Umibozu: It doesn’t have anything to do with baldness.
Kagura: Or maybe that thing is balding.
Umibozu: I said it doesn’t have anything to do with baldness.
Umibozu: There’s no reason. There’s no reason for a family member to come and see the member of their family. Just as you need no reason to remain here and rebuild the Yorozuya. Same goes for your hell-raising big brother, he might come without no reason at all.
Shinpachi: And just like that… It is said that Umibozu-san’s back as he walked away looked a bit lonely and bald.
Otose: Well, whatever happened, I’m not going to complain as long as you pay the rent. With the world changing, is there no good stories to be heard?
Reporter: Behold, the rebuilding of the terminal has reached this stage.
Soyo: No matter how many disasters come knocking, as long as we have a heart that won’t give in we will be able to stand back up no matter how many times we’re knocked down.
Page 34
Soyo: That’s why, everyone, with me…
Reporter: With all due respect, Soyo-sama, but what we really want to hear is about the assassination of the previous leader Donald Zuramp. There have been some rumors that it was ordered by you to remove Donald Zuramp and gain power
Nobume: If the princess truly is someone who will assassinate people who stood in her way, does that mean you came here ready to die?
Reporter: Then, that rumor truly is real!
Shinpachi: They are the ones who rebuilt Edo that once again was filled with conflicts. Taking over what Zuramp (Katsura) –san  has started, Soyo-hime marvelously rallied the masses and rebuilt Edo. And loyally staying by her side is Nobume-san. No… not just her. Surely by their side, those people are also…
Page 35
Shinpachi: And then one more person that must not be forgotten about.
?: You fools! There is no way the great Donald Zuramp was done in by the likes of those girls! That man is alive! His soul has become a Heroic Spirit that protects this land! Do not forget that Donald Zuramp is always watching you. Must you stray from the righteous path and forgot your heart, he will come and strike you down with heavenly vengeance!
Katsura (?): Yes, this patriotic Heroic Spirit , ObaZ!!
Gintoki: And that’s the end. Katsura-san is dead.
Shinpachi: Don’t kill him off on top of taking over the narration!! And it’s not like he’s definitely Katsura-san even if it’s 100% Katsura-san!
Gintoki: That idiot’s as good as dead anyway. I’ll put an end to him. And what’s with the continuous grumbling, when will you stop?
Shinpachi: Did you hear that!! I’m so embarassed!
Page 36:
Shinpachi: I thought it would be nice to leave a recording for Tama-san.
Gintoki: Just because it’s the final chapter do you think you can wrap it up high-handedly with a narration? It’s long and boring, and there’s no need to give that idiot Katsura any pages. Tama’s and the reader’s eyes will fall off if this goes on. Here, let me take over for a bit.
Gintoki: Tama, there has been so many things that happened since then, I don’t even know where to begin. But there is one thing I want you to know…
Gintoki: that everyone is dead.
Shinpachi: Don’t just wrap it all up like that!!!
Gintoki: Whatever, it’s fine isn’t it. Everyone will someday die anyway.
Shinpachi: That’s too rough a stroke to draw! Surely Tama-san would want to know what happened after that!
Kagura: Gin-chan, it’s just as Shinpachi said. It’s sad if only Tama doesn’t know anything. I will tell everything that happened and everything I feel while she’s gone.
Kagura: The tamagoyaki is delicious.
Shinpachi: What did you decide to tell her? Goddamit! If we also include commentaries about breakfast, our final chapter is going to be even longer all the volumes of KochiKame!!
Kagura: After KochiKome ended, for some reason Jump felt a little lonely.
Shinpachi: We also don’t need to know your feelings after KochiKome ended!!
Kagura: Jump, too, dies.
Shinpachi: Don’t say here that it will die!! That will just create misunderstandings!
Page 37
?: Now have you beheld the truth? Without another peron’s eyes to look at them, human will fall into corruption and decay to the very final chapter.
Shinpachi: Hey, who’s saying that? It’s not me, you know.
?: This world needs an ‘eye’ that will cross through time and watch over the nation for eternity. The only one who can do it is this Supreme Heroic Spirit… no, this Patriotic Heroic Spirit, Obaz--
Gintoki: He’s coming this far just because we didn’t pay attention to him, oi.
Kagura: Even so, with this we wrapped up one person. Who will be next?
Shinpachi: Don’t work your hardest to make this an ‘everybody dies’ ending!!
Gintoki: And those are his final words.
Shinpachi: I am not dead yet!!!
Shinpachi: it’s okay, I’m not going to let them take over the narration. As you have seen above, the torch lit by the Zuramp administration passed down, and with it comes too the revival of the Shinsengumi.
Matsudaira: I want to say welcome home, but the place we returned to is not so soft as to allow those words. This is a battlefield. All your overflowing feelings and nostalgia better be thrown out right here.
Page 38
Matsudaira: And drink until you’re dead!!!
Shinpachi: there’s not even a second to breathe in their job. So that the tax money from the people doesn’t get wasted, they fought without rest day and night. And that is alright because they have their girlfriends by their sides. Beside successfully reviving the dojo and gaining her own shop, my sister who has become the face of Kabuki-cho, the one who used to fight Kondo-san’s advances to the bitter end… they are now…
Shinpachi: They now support each other both publicly and privately. Though I feel quite lonely, for the sake of my sister’s happiness I shall pass through myriads of battles to become a proper adult. I wonder if I can manage to do so someday…
Shinpachi: OO! Eat this adult tsukkomi!!!
Page 39
Shinpachi: So it’s you! The one who’s been stealing my identity and went on and on as you please about things that didn’t happen!! Just what are you lot thinking? Don’t deceive yourself into thinking you can run off to imaginary land just because this is the final chapter, goddamit!!
Shinpachi: Just like that, the moment I set eyes on my brother in law, I just wanted to tease him.
Shinpachi: Oi! Are you a psycho or something, you bastard? That’s not what you normally say to people’s faces!
Shinpachi: Big sis too, why are you supporting this fabricated final chapter??
Tae: Eh? But I’m not doing anything, you know? I’m just…
Tae: Ou, Gorilla. If you ever show your face in this shop ever again, I’ll make it so that you’d have to pay triple.
Shinpachi: Something super scary just came out as the narration!!
Kondo: I understand, Otae-sama. My wallet… no, this government’s treasure vault belongs to you. Oh yeah, and here’s the live ticket to Bz’s as forward payment.
Tae: Ah, Gorilla you are such a bad boy.
Kondo: Ah, no, no, I’m nowhere near Otae-sama’s level.
Shinpachi: It’s just a scene of corruption!!
Tae: I’m sorry… you must have been trying to hide it using narration.
Shinpachi: My tears flows free, unable to stop. As I thought, the only person I can entrust big sister to is—
Shinpachi: Like that’s true at all!!
Gintoki: Oi, you’ve used up three pages on that bullshit. What’re you going to do now, you morons really never changed.
Okita: I’m sorry danna, but isn’t that for the best? I don’t need such a thing as a fabricated ending, as long as I have this peaceful everyday life.
Gintoki: oooh, you said a noble thing, didn’t you. Now wrap it up in the next panel. Wrap it up by committing hara-kiri.
Page 40
Okita: The peaceful everyday life they regained. But for Shinsengumi it is only the beginning of a new battle. From here onward, the Memoirs of Shinsengumi will begin serialization! This is but a small preview.
Gintoki: Rather than ending, a new serial is being greenlit over there!!
Gintoki: Where’s the heck’s the next issue gonna be?! Because of our repeated ending scam offense this manga’s been kicked off Jump!
Okita: With new costume and a new beginning, Shinsengumi’s new fight is freshly beginning. And what is the identity of their mysterious new enemy?
Gintoki: It’s not new at all! I’ve just seen that face just now!! Don’t try to be sneaky and come out here as well!!
Okita: And what exactly is Shinsengumi’s new weapon…?
Okita: Yamazaki-kun, during the process of your rebirth, your personality has been split into 108 individuals…
Gintoki: Oiii!! What happened there Jimmy? He’s still in a situation that looks wholly troublesome!!
Okita: Now, will the Shinsengumi succed in protecting Edo from the disgusting idiot?
Okita: Being a vice-chief is quite troublesome, after all… Now I’m painfully aware of how hard it was for you. But… I will support Shinsengumi for your sake as well, Hijikata-san.
Page 41
Hijikata: In the end you’re fabricating stuff as well!!
Hijkata: What are you people doing, slacking off on your jobs?! Pay for your shame by committing hara-kiri simultaneously!!
Okita: Hijikata-san, this is the final chapter, y’know? We’re not going to get paid even if we work anyway. Look at Yamazaki over there. He’s doing mecha poses with the mecha Yamazakis.
Hijikata: But why??
Gintoki: Vice-chief, vice-chief. I get it, I get it. None of you have the talent to wrap things up, I understand that now. For now, here, just put this on. Alright, now strike a pose. Good. Now stay just like that.
Hijikata: Please wrap this up, will you?! Just why did you tell me to strike a pose? What were those eyes??
Gintoki: Shinsengumi is that.
Hijikata: Is what?? What kind of wrapping up is that?!
Page 42
Tae: Hijikata-san, don’t be so tense. Since it’s a rare thing for everyone to gather under one roof, why don’t you relax as well? Considering this is the final chapter…
Hijikata: There’s no such thing as a final chapter on a policeman’s job!! During the time we’re being stupid like this—
Kyuubei: I see… so throwing up a huge fuss and going berserk inside a shop is a policeman’s job, is it? Then, I, too, shall do my job.
Hijikata: Oh yeah, I remember this kind of thing happening back then, Kyuubei. Fine, bring it on. I held back because you’re a woman but now I know you’re much more than that. Now show me the dedication to your job!!
Kyuubei: A serving of fruits coming up, now open wide~
Hijikata: You’re a cabaret girl?????????
Tae: When I invited her to just come and play, she said she feel bad about it and decided to help out as well.
Kyuubei: I thought up of a way to serve the costumers without coming into contact with men. Like this, being the number one cabaret girl is not a mere dream for me.
Hijikata: Don’t put someone who appreciates their personal space far too much on customer service!
Tae: This, right here, is a fight as well. There’s a lot of cabaret clubs where people try to please the costumers by eliminating distances, but I hear in Yoshiwara it’s customary to first reject the costumer with a swipe of your graceful, flowing sleeves and make them more interested that way!
Page 43
Tsukuyo: Otae, the mission is complete.
Hijikata: Forget graceful flowing sleeves, this girl has no sleeve!!
Sacchan: Mugu—Ginsyaan staaaph
Hijikata: With her being here as well, I don’t know what you’re trying to pull anymore!!
Tsukuyo: Kagura, how have you been?
Kagura: Everyone came here after all.
Tsukuyo: Yes, everyone does
Page 44
Zenzo: Shoo, shoo! Hey, I came here because I was invited to visit but there’s no fuglies around! What’s the meaning of this?!
Gintoki: Here’s your order, please enjoy your stay.
Gintoki: Dang it, what a troublesome bunch. Coming around and gathering just because it’s the final chapter.
Tae: But with this we can wrap the whole thing up with everyone’s narration, right?
Shinpachi: uh, why are you trying to wrap things up. Everyone getting drunk and having fun together, that fits us just well doesn’t it.
Page 45
Shinpachi: Yes. Truly, nothing has changed. That might be the best words we can offer you.
Shinpachi: Come on, please hold it together.
Gintoki: Which part of me is not holding it together? If you want proof I can list al Dragon Ball’s villains for you right now.
Shinpachi: Uh, that offer is already proof you’re no longer holding it together. Doctor—gororororororo
?: Hei, lady. I want ten more portions of this meal.
Abuto: Oi oi, just take it slow and stop right there, will ya? We’re a poor-as-dirt organization with no money and no financial backing, you know? Be a bit mindful about your spending habits.
Kamui: I can’t help it, this place just have the best food. Plus, it’s better to fill up your belly before a war.
Abuto: A war? Like we have the money to do that.
Page 46
Kamui: Then delay the excitement for a bit, lady. Next time, we will come to consume this planet.
Abuto: my, my. We spent so much again.
Kamui: Even if we are broke when it comes to money, we have to be rich in dreams.
Abuto: What about your little sister?
Kamui: Is that even a question? Of course, I will defeat her.
Abuto: Ah you’re saying such a thing again. Even though when your little sister went out to look for knowledge during the last two years, you followed her around for quite a while.
Kamui: Another old man also did the same as me, didn’t he? Don’t play dumb, you idiot.
Katsura: Y-you have very good eyes to notice me, ahahaha! That’s right, the Heroic Spirit ObaZ will always be watching y--
Page 47
Sakamoto: It has been some times since I contacted you, how are you faring? Chintoki-kun, as always I’m still running around in space. As I thought, space is just the best. When I look out to the infinity stretched before me, petty stuff like all my bad feelings just packed their bags and left. Mantoki-kun should come and look around space with me next time.
Sakamoto: Now, the reason why I took up the brush this time is that there is something I must tell you. I promised that come hell or high water I will come and save you, but when I saw the broken terminal I had honestly thought “Oh, well, they’re dead lol”.
Sakamoto: I don’t mean to say this as mere consolation, but I believe the one who saved you was, without question, that man. After sacrificing his all to the Altana and was erased, he became a part of it and protected his students.
Page 48
Sakamoto: That’s why I don’t think there’s any reason for you to feel lonely. Without doubt your teacher is there, inside that planet, and always watching over you.
Sakamoto: To my dearest friend, Chinmanbuku-kun.
Sakamoto: P.S. I met Zura recently and heard that the remnant of Kiheitai is showing strange movements.
Katsura: Dragon’s veins?
Henpeita: Yes. I heard she continued her journey to visit every Dragon’s Veins opening in the land.
Katsura: Just who is she imitating by doing that….
Henpeita: I believe she must have been unable to forgive her own self who allowed Sakata Gintoki to bear the burden of Takasugi’s... of everything.
Page 49
Henpeita: Of course we are grateful, to be able to see his smile once more—the man who was trapped by death. And this time, this is her turn.
Katsura: ….
Katsura: Takasugi’s body was certainly swallowed by altana, but the possibility of him being reborn is not even one in a million. That miracle only happened because Utsuro was born from the Altana.
Henpeita: And that does not matter. Because this is Kiheitai’s atonement. Our cross to bear.
Katsura: Takechi, could it be you too….
Katsura: won’t give me any attention?
Sakamoto: I believe that something like a miracle doesn’t exist in this world.  
Page 50
Sakamoto: the things that happen in this world have a reason to be, and only happen because they must. That’s why I don’t think you being saved was a miracle, no.
Villager1: Why is in this kind of place…
Villager2: Did someone abandon it?
Villager3: It’s the work of the Dragon Vein God, the divine punishment of the Dragon Vein God!
Sakamoto: A teacher protecting his students can’t be called a miracle. It’s just how things are.  
Page 51
Tae: Oh, so you came after all.
Tae: It’s been some time since we meet our father together. We should report something to him.
Shinpachi: No…
Shinpachi: Back then, father looked up to the skies of Edo and lamented. And yet… even though this is that very same sky, it seems so different now.
Page 52
Shinpachi: That’s because I know now that everyone is also under this very sky.
Page 53
Shinpachi: It doesn’t matter if a cloud comes rolling in. I know that, inside our hearts, everyone is still here underneath my sky.
Page 54
Shinpachi: That’s why, Tama-san… Even if now you’re standing underneath an unknown sky, even if now you’re standing underneath a sky under which we no longer exist. Please don’t cry. Beneath your sky, by your side, we are always there.
Page 55
Shinpachi: That’s right. If you would kindly believe us, then it doesn’t matter what comes. Without fail we will break through the world, the era, and the panels to come and wipe your tears.
Page 56
Tama: Let’s go.
?: After that, those girls continue to live in this era. A world of technology where robots are at its peak prosperity. Humanity had their homes and jobs robbed from them by the robots, and in this new world a new main character appear.
?: Those girls lived happily, and humans became jobless. Everyone. Every last one.  
Page 57
Madao: If everyone is jobless then joblessness is no longer joblessness. Joblessness will become colorlessness. And then colorlessness will become happiness…
Tama: Hasegawa-san…?
Yorozuya: You’re trying to fabricate an ending too aren’t you??!!
Gintoki: You bastard! What kind of final chapter you’re trying to make Tamako believe?!
Kagura: Don’t just make up a story about the future as you please!!
Madao: No, you’re wrong! You’re wrong! It’s just I stopped being a hero and tried looking for jobs but no one would hire me!! That’s why I was just telling Matako-chan that it’s good thing the world has become one where everyone is jobless!!
Tamako: I’m sorry. It seems like there is an error in my data.
Page 58
Gintoki: Yoo, what’s with that half-asleep face you’re making there, Tama? Well whatever, we’re going out on an emergency job so you keep your eyes open until we’re back, got it? There’s no need for us to wipe those tears, eh?
Kagura: Gin-chan! What’s the emergency job again?
Gintoki: Eh…? What is it…
Shinpachi: Why are you forgetting it even if the work is an emergency??
Kagura: What was it…
Gintoki: What was it…
Gintoki: Ah, well, it doesn’t matter. Because we are--
Page 59
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