#shingeku no kyojin x reader
robinofinashiro · 4 years
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request by anonymous: “Hi im so sorry your asks got purged :( that must suck! Im sending a request for Levi get uncharacteristically drunk with the gang (104th/erwin + hange) and even more uncharacteristically being openly affectionate with his f!s/o and everyone losing it. I guess even his s/o is wtf happened when they get home and they have a fluffy(+nsfw???) Moment!! You can decide on the fluff part and if it's modern or not but that's the general request heh”
pairing: levi ackerman x fem! reader 
request status: CLOSED
side note: i went with a modern au / req’s won’t be open for another week bc midterms have me working like i’m some kind of maid and i’m so exhausted by the end of the day i haven’t had any kind of motivation
oh my god, if anyone saw what they were seeing in front of their eyes, they wouldn’t have believed them but here they all were, witnessing their boss getting plastered in front of their eyes 
this was supposed to be just a celebratory dinner for closing out a deal for the company all of you worked at but hange being the one to pressure everyone a bit to drink turned into a small drinking contest between the boys and now all of you were witnessing Levi be the drunkest out of everyone. 
at first he was just talking a bit more to people and then it suddenly turned into him being a bit more loving towards you. and by a bit more loving you meant he was continuously hugging you, wrapping his arms around your waist and murmuring sweet nothings into your ear. 
erwin and eren were the first to notice it after he started doing it. eren couldn’t believe his eyes. the most stoic man he knew, the man who has threatened him to fire him and kick his ass a few times was declaring his love for you on a table. 
hange and mikasa on the other hand could notice how uncomfortable you were getting but didn’t want to stop it from happening. not gonna lie, they liked seeing you getting a bit flustered by what levi was doing and was enjoying seeing levi act so out of his element. 
“baby, have i ever told you how much i love you? you’re literally the only person i ever want to settle down with. i can’t imagine my life without you anymore. we should get married, right everyone?” 
your eyes barely were in their sockets when he finally stopped talking as you pushed for him to drink at least one glass of water before the end of the night came. you had never had to deal with a drunk levi before and honestly, you were terrified at how his hangover was going to be the following morning. 
“levi, sweetheart, we should get going, you’re really drunk and i know i’m going to have to play doctor tomorrow in order to get you through your hangover.” 
thankfully, armin was enough to give you some tips to help him not be as hungover tomorrow but since you were speaking to him, you hadn’t noticed that levi was now ordering himself another shot of tequila in which you immediately ran towards him and drank the shot yourself before he could. 
levi gave you a pout, saddened by the fact that you stole his drink, “nope, you’re past your limit and although i love you so much, i can’t be dealing with this right now,” “wait, you love me?” you felt yourself growling at how ridiculous he was being but nevertheless, you grabbed him by the arm and dragged him out of the bar before he could embarrass himself anymore. 
you just knew tomorrow levi was going to wake up to a bunch of messages from everyone telling him how cute he was being and you got the odd sensation that he was going to blame it on you
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robinofinashiro · 4 years
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request from anonymous: "Hi could I please request a yelena x reader where the reader had went through a bad breakup so Yelena comforts her and makes her forget about her ex. Thank you"
note: so i hope that it's okay if it's a modern au? i felt like it was a bit hard to write this in the AoT universe so i switched it.
request status: CLOSED
pairing: yelena x fem! reader
yelena helping you get over your ex:
okay so first things first, Yelena would try to get you to not even think of the motherfucker who did that to you. she can see that you're hurting and doesn't even want you thinking of your ex.
secondly, she will take you out to drink. whether it's to a bar, a club, hell, even a fucking jazz club! she'll pay for the entire outing and make sure that you forget about that fucking idiot who did that to you.
when you call her upset, she'll remind you about why their an ex. an ex as an for a fucking reason and whatever it was that made you both break up with each other, she'll remind you that it's best that the two of you broke up and are now in the process of healing.
in this au, I like to think that all the girls are actually friends so she'll enlist in their help to make you forget about the idiot. they know about her crush on you so they'll make sure that whatever it is their doing to make you forget about them, it somehow props up Yelena.
she won't try and make a move on you right away because she wants you to heal and doesn't want to end up as the rebound so she'll stay away until you're able to fully come back into the market and then she'll make her move.
within the time that you're still healing, Yelena will get a bit of her own revenge on your ex. she'll do shit that'll piss them off but try to make it as though she wasn't apart of it. say they suddenly lost their car keys...Yelena didn't do it but now she has a key that belong to someones Nissan.
oh, if you're feeling a little petty, you and Yelena will take those photos of her holding you or kissing you on your face to post on snapchat so your ex can get a little salty. it's a little bit of revenge on both of your parts and likes it when your evil side comes out. yelena is tall asf so it works out in her favor a lot. she'll be hugging you from the back, holding you against her chest and grinning from ear to ear.
wine night? say you don't want go to a bar, she'll have your favorite wine stacked in the wine holder along with your favorite snack. she'll tell you what she loves about you the most and why anyone would be lucky to be with you and hell, even end up married end up with you.
when she feels you cuddling up against her at the end of the night, she'll wrap a blanket around you and make sure you're comfortable. if this was a sleepover kind of night, she'll prepare you your favorite kind of breakfast and make you coffee the way she knows you like it.
when Yelena finally brings herself to try and admit her feelings for you, once you've gotten over your ex and all, she'll take you out for dinner. making sure she paid for it all considering she was the one who asked you out first.
yeah, Yelena is nervous that you'll reject her but as soon as she confesses, she'll let the biggest sigh of relief when you accept and grab her hand softly to hold over the table, giving it a tight squeeze for a second before letting go.
you knew that moving on from your ex to yelena was a major upgrade. she'll make sure that she cherishes you until she can't any longer. yelena is the kind of girl in relationships where if she's gets into one, she'll be in it for the long haul and sees herself thinking of marriage or kids in the future.
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robinofinashiro · 3 years
“you're the one they adore, who they came to see, you're a rock star baby. everybody wants you player. who can really blame you? we're the ones who made you.”
character: bertholdt hoover x fem! reader
request status: OPENED / okay pls listen to ‘we made you’ by eminem in order to set the mood for the fic and this is an au! 
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you were hanging out with Annie, seeing the way your ‘boyfriend’ was surrounded with his fangirls. you were leaning back against the wall, not wanting to bother Reiner in the middle of his groupie time. Annie could tell you were angry and just waiting for Reiner to notice the look you were giving him. 
Annie knew the relationship was holding onto a thread by this point. you had fallen out of love with Reiner quite a long time ago but you wanted to be the one to break up with him first. you weren’t going to look like an idiot to save Reiner’s reputation. 
ever since he became the main quarterback to the school football team, his entire attitude changed. the photos you both had up on Insta were taken off. he skipped out on dates almost constantly and before your relationship had taken a toll, the friendship between him and Bertholdt had completely fallen apart. 
at first, you thought it was Bertl that became jealous of his friends new found status but when your issues with him finally started, you started to understand why their friendship was no longer there. it was Reiner’s fault. 
“you good?” Annie asked. you laughed, your annoyed tone giving it all away. just as you were about to get up to ruin Reiner’s fun time, you felt someone tap you on the shoulder. you turned around, seeing Bertholdt looking down at you with a small smile playing on his face. 
Annie could feel the tension between the two of you almost immediately. she had no idea if it came from anger, unspoken words, or pure hatred from Reiner pinning you against him but as soon as she realized she should no longer be there, she walked away claiming she needed to get a drink. 
“hey Bert,” you said softly. he gave you a wave before murmuring if the two of you could talk alone. you followed him out of the party, into a less crowded space in the backyard and sat with him on a bench, “what’s up? I haven’t seen you in a while,” you told Bert, seeing him shrug in reply. 
“yeah, i’ve been keeping low for a while,” Bert finally responded, “ever since Reiner and I stopped being friends, I really haven’t been in the mood to be around people,” he added on. you nodded, completely understanding, “oh, how I know how you feel,” you sighed. 
Bert whipped his head to look at you, “whatever is going on in the blond’s head is getting to him. ask me when’s the last time we’ve hung out alone or he’s even bothered text me first thing in the morning and I’d tell you that it’s been almost two months,” you confessed. 
Bert’s eyes widened, not believing what he heard, “wait, you’re still with him?” he asked in disbelief. you nodded slowly, “the entire school thinks the two of you are broken up. at least that’s what Reiner told me before our fight happened,” he said slowly. 
you covered your mouth with your hand, trying to figure out when there was time for Reiner to make up such an elaborate lie, “wait, what?” you said rhetorically, “the entire school believes we’re broken up?” you asked. Bert nodded, “I’m nothing short of a petty bitch, Bert. I know we weren’t friends long enough for you to figure that out but wanna make Reiner pissed off?” you asked, a smirk playing on your face.
“what are you thinking?” he asked, not knowing where you were going with this. “just answer, wanna make Reiner suffer?” you asked again. Bert nodded slowly as you grabbed his hand and pulling him up, “come on,” you replied, running back inside of the house. 
you first brought Bert to the bar where your friend Pieck was handing out the drinks. you ordered both you and Bertholdt two shots of tequila, wanting to shake off any nerves you had in your system. Bertholdt didn’t bother to question what your plan was and followed along. 
“lets go,” you said through a face of disgust because of the tequila. Bert nodded, feeling you lead him to dance floor. he could see Reiner sitting by the beer pong table, talking his ear off with a few girls but Bert knew that if Reiner were to look up, he’d see you both immediately. 
you grabbed Bert’s hands, placing them on your hip as you turned around to dance against him. the song wasn’t exactly one to move in the way you were but you knew that if Reiner even saw the way you were being with Bertholdt, he was going to blow a fuse. 
Bert remained as stiff as a board, not knowing what to do. he had never danced this way with anyone before but feeling the way you were against him, he couldn’t like, he was getting turned on a bit. 
you were turned yourself back around, trying to get eye to eye with him but as soon as you did that, you felt a stare onto your back. “is he looking?” you asked Bert with a giggle in your voice. Bert nodded, finally understanding what you were doing. you were going to make Reiner purposely jealous. 
Bertholdt was not a man of many actions, everyone knew that. he was awkward, weird some might say, and really not the kind of guy to be petty but in this case, he could make an exception. not only that but he always found you attractive so that was a plus on his end. 
breathing, Bertholdt took a chance and dipped you in for a kiss. you were stunned, not expecting that coming out of Bertholdt but regardless, you shook it off and kissed him back. considering Bert was a fucking bean stock, you had to get on your toes to even reach him. 
after the two of you pulled away, Bert bent down, “he’s livid,” he murmured in your ear. you laughed, “I knew it, serves him right,” you responded before going back and dancing with him, “I think we deserve it, no?” you asked. 
he nodded before giving Reiner a small wave, making sure there was a spark of competition in his eyes. whatever lipstick you had on had smeared a bit on the side of his lips and wiped it off, his eyes still locked on Reiner’s. 
you held Bert’s hand as the two of you walked through the hallway. it had been a couple of weeks after your incident with Reiner. within those weeks, you had started seeing Bertholdt more. it started off with dinners which turned to you both watching movies at his place and then it gradually became the two of you just dating. 
Annie was surprised to see that it was Bertholdt that made the first move. the two had known each other for maybe the same amount of time him and Reiner were friends and she never thought Bertholdt would ever grow the pair to ask you out. 
“hey, what’re you both up to tonight?” Annie asked. you looked to Bert, “not much probably. why do you ask?” she handed you two a flyer, “the schools state football game is tonight and both of you should go,” she said, knowing that what she was planning would be the thing to make Reiner suffer the most. 
“why the hell do we need to do that?” you asked a bit in disbelief. she smiled, “wouldn’t you think that Reiner seeing you and Bertholdt at one of the biggest games of his life would really irk him?” she asked. 
Annie had been there for both you and Bertholdt when it came to your issues with Reiner and if she had to be honest, she was a bit more than pissed off at him. he pushed away the two most important people in his life and he still acted as if it was nothing. at the end, he really just pushed the two of you together but it still angered her seeing Reiner being as carefree as he was. 
“Annie come on, we’re evil but not that evil,” you told her, not sensing what she was getting at by ruining something that meant so much for him, “i’m just offering a small sense of advice for tonight. i mean, he was the one who let fame get into his head and decided drop you both but hey, that’s just my thought,” she murmured before heading off to her class. 
you looked to Bertholdt who remained silent, “I mean, it is just a game,” you told him before looking down at the flyer. Reiner was plastered on the cover with that annoying smile on his face. “sure, I’ll buy tickets but this is the last time we do anything petty!” Bert threatened. 
you put your hands up in defense as Bertholdt dialed the number to get the tickets for tonight. you were hugging him by the side, smelling his cologne and gaining comfort from it. 
the night came faster than you would have wanted too. you pulled on your schools sweater and paired it with ripped jeans and converse. Bertholdt didn’t know how to feel about the entire situation. a part of him felt bad that he was going to his former best friends game to try and get him to slip up but another part of him screamed that he deserved it. 
“ready?” you asked the tall boy. he nodded, a neutral expression playing on his face, “come on, lets go so we can get this over with,” you joked, grabbing the keys to your dorm and locking it. the field was not too far from your dorm building so the walk was relatively quick. 
Annie had already saved both of you seats so by the time you both got there, she was already sitting down, sipping on a water. you waved at her, “oh, they’re on the field already?” you rolled your eyes annoyedly. she nodded, pointing out Reiner who was on the field, talking to what you assumed was his third girlfriend of the week. 
the whistle blew, catching both of you off guard. the seats Annie had picked were the closest to the field. you and Bert clapped in support as the team had gathered themselves on the field and gave each other a pep talk before getting into position to play. 
you were screaming in support for everyone on the team except for Reiner. Bert had caught Reiner watching you a few times and grabbed your hand, not letting it go for even a second. you found it odd that Bert’s grasp on your hand had not loosen up but you payed no mind to it. 
the fourth quarter had came quicker as the game was neck and neck. you had seen Reiner getting nervous by just his facial expression alone and you couldn’t help but laugh. you knew he needed someone to comfort him but considering he no longer had a girlfriend, no one was there to do that. 
the other team had caught the ball in an interception and booked it to the other end of the field, getting everyone upset because of Reiner’s screwup. you and Bertholdt looked at each other before looking to Annie and laughing. all of your laughs had caught the blond’s attention and instead of getting angry, his heart fell to getting upset. 
you locked eyes with Reiner, shrugging and looking back to Bertholdt to make sure he saw the kiss you gave him. when you pulled away, you turned back to Reiner as the opposing team were screaming in excitement and gave him a tiny wave. 
“better luck next time.” 
you mouthed to him as Reiner’s heart fell even deeper to his stomach. because of his childish decision, not only had he lost the girl he loved but he lost his best friend and one of his other friends and there was nothing he could do about it. 
all of you had the last laughed which he ultimately deserved. 
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robinofinashiro · 4 years
don’t let me go - part eight
“so call out my name. call out my name when you i kiss you so gently, want you to stay, i want you stay even though you don’t want me.”
series note: surprise shawtyyyy. this is more of a backstory on how they got together/met so a huge chunk of this part is a flashback !! also, this is the last full part and the final post for this series will just be an epilogue :) / if any of you want me to create another series, whether it be AoT or another anime, drop characters or anime’s into the inbox and I’ll see if i can conjure anything up. 
request status: CLOSED
you stared at the blond in front of you who was laughing at whatever your friend Bertholdt was saying. you had no clue of who his friend was but nevertheless, you had to talk to Bert about some project you were working on with him. 
“hey Bert, do you think we can talk about our project for a second? I’m just confused on what the professor is asking for one of my sections.” Bert nodded as his friend stared at you, kind of mesmerized, “oh, that’s easy! if you want to let me do that section since it does kind of correlate with my part, I have no problem,” Bert replied. 
you gave him the biggest sigh of relief, “thank you so much, I literally had no idea what he was talking about and got so confused,” you said, trying not to focus on the look Bert’s friend had on his face. 
“yeah, I don’t know why he did that either,” Bert gave Reiner a look before rolling his eyes internally, “oh, ( your name ), this is my friend Reiner. he’s been a friend of mind since we were kids,” he finally introduced. 
you waved at Reiner, making him get kind of flustered, “nice to meet you Reiner!” you exclaimed, trying to get him to say something instead of just staring at you. “oh, hey, what’s up?” he murmured, getting red in the face. you couldn’t help but smile at his flustered expression.
picking up your backpack off the floor, you handed Bert the paper that contained his section, “well, I should get going. I have a few things to do for class tomorrow and I wouldn’t want to intrude any longer,” you told the two before slinging your backpack over your shoulder and getting ready to leave. 
Reiner’s head immediately rang with alarms that told him not to let you leave. he had no idea why his mind was screaming at him to do that but nonetheless, he complied with his intrusive thoughts and looked at you with sudden determination.
“do you want to go to a party with us later?” Reiner practically screamed at you. you were taken back by the offer and him yelling. Bert on the other hand sighed at what Reiner said, “there’s this party on campus later tonight and you should come!” he continued.
you looked at the ground for a moment, contemplating his offer. you knew you had a bunch of things to do later for a bunch of different classes but a part of you wanted to skip all of that and just take the night off.
“um, sure?” you said, almost questionably. “Bert has my number if you want to text me the details,” you gave them one more smile before heading towards the exit. 
Bert waited until you were no longer in earshot before smacking him in the arm. Reiner grabbed his arm and clutched it, trying to suppress aching arm. 
“is there a reason why you invited her all of a sudden?” Bertholdt asked, “that’s my project partner for the semester and if you some how fuck it up for me tonight, I’m going to drag you by the hair you have and kick your ass.” 
Reiner laughed at his friends lecture before waving him off. “I don’t think I’ll fuck this one up,” was all he said before kicking Bert in the back of the leg to make him fall on the floor. 
the night came father than you wanted it too. you weren’t too hot on attending the party but you had promised Bert through a text that you’d at least show up for a bit before leaving. you had a bit of a inkling feeling that it was more Reiner than Bert who wanted you to attend the party. 
you went dressed in a pair of ripped jeans and one of your favorite tops. you didn’t want to over do the makeup nor did you want to wear something that wasn’t in your comfortability range so you went to the next best thing and wore one of your favorite yet casual outfits. 
the party wasn’t too far from your apartment. upon reaching the doorstep, you were met with a short blonde girl and who you assumed was her girlfriend standing next to her.
“do you know anyone here?” she asked as her girlfriend gave you a scowl. you played with the ends of your hair nervously, “yeah, I’m friends with Reiner and Bertholdt?” you tried to say without sounding scared. the blonde girl screamed for both boys before looking at you again, “one second.” 
it took a few minutes but soon enough, Reiner appeared at the door, a smile hitting his face almost immediately, “hey, you came!” he screamed over the music, “yeah, Bert kind of texted me a bunch of times making sure I actually came,” you replied, walking into the house. 
the music was blaring, there were drunk freshman already starting to pass out on the couch, and a part of you felt the nervousness wash away when you saw that it was dark enough to not see what everyone was going. “hey, do you want a drink or anything?” Reiner asked. 
you walked with him to the bar to see a few selections on the table, “can I have a Mai Tai?” you asked the girl who was making the drinks. she nodded and started to make the drinks, “that’s Pieck! she was a transfer student last year,” Reiner explained. 
the girl waved at you again as she handed you again, “is this the poor girl you dragged to the party?” she asked him. Reiner glared at her, making you laugh, “I’m Pieck, I think I’ve seen you around campus a few times,” she said, “nice meeting you!” 
before the conversation could continue, someone else had gotten her attention. you looked to Reiner, trying to see if Bert was anywhere in sight, “he’s probably upstairs playing video games with a few of our friends,” he informed, rolling his eyes at Bertholdt. 
you and Reiner made your way to the basement where a few people were playing different drinking games. the basement was still loud but it wasn’t as hectic as it was on the main floor. you recognized a few faces from different classes but none of which you personally. 
"have you known Bertholdt before this class or did you guys just become friends because of the project?” he asked, leaning up against the wall with his shoulder. “oh, we weren’t friends prior this our class but we just got paired together because out majors are kind of similar,” you explained. 
the night continued with the two of you talking and refilling your cups with different drinks. you noticed that Reiner was strictly a beer kind of guy which kind of grossed you out considering you could smell how cheap the beer smelled. 
nevertheless, you felt the alcohol hitting your system and your nerves getting a bit more loose. you were still cognitive in what you were doing but that happy feeling that usually came with being drunk was starting to creep up. 
within the few hours that you were with Reiner, you started getting closer and closer with him and eventually, you were damn near cuddled up in his arms. you knew that if you had been 100% sober, there was no way you would be this confident but another part of you was glad that your semi drunk self was breaking out of your shell. 
Reiner was staring down at you, a smirk playing on his face as you laughed at the nth joke he told you. your face was closer to his than he realized and couldn’t help but smirk even harder when you started playing with your hair cutely. 
“hey, I think your friends are calling you,” you whispered, grabbing his hand softly. Reiner shrugged, “you should go see what they want. I promise I’ll be here when you return and after I use the bathroom,” you urged. 
Reiner rolled his eyes jokingly before letting your hand go and seeing what his friends wanted. you quickly ran to the bathroom, trying to hurry yourself up so you wouldn’t keep Reiner waiting for you. 
you fixed your makeup, trying to freshen up the powder that was caking your face up and popped in a gum so the alcohol that was coming from your Mai Tai wasn’t reeking in your breath. you knew you weren’t trying to get anything from Reiner tonight but you weren’t exactly opposed to a semi heated make out session from him either. 
once you finished doing everything and spit out the gum, you unlocked the bathroom door and walked out, fixing your hair when you felt someone grab you from behind. you instantly yelped as you tried to figure out who it was that pinned you against the wall. 
“did I scare you?” you heard Reiner’s silky voice say. you chuckled smacking his chest playfully, “yeah, you kind of did,” you replied, your hand staying on his chest. 
he smiled before finally closing the gap between the two of you and gave you that kiss you were waiting for all night. your arms instantly wrapped around his neck as he brought you in closer. Reiner for a split second opened his eyes to see Bert glaring at him. 
you hummed softly at feeling him smirk into the kiss but unbeknownst to you, he actually smirking at Bertholdt. Reiner ran his hand through your hair softly before pulling away, “I’d like to take you out on a date before we get any further than this,” he told you, still holding your hand, “I’d like that,” you replied before bringing him back in for another kiss. 
you stared out the window, trying not to think of Porco. the ride was silent for the most part but every now and again, you would look to Reiner and give him a reassuring smile. you knew whatever Porco was at your apartment for was probably to continue his rage from earlier in the morning. 
your apartment building came in full sight as you saw Marcel and Porco waiting on the outside of his car. you grabbed Reiner’s hand and squeezed it softly, “whatever happens, just know that I hold no feelings for Porco. you’ve always been the one for me and don’t let him get into your head,” you whispered, giving him a kiss. 
Reiner nodded as he parked the car and got out. you trailed behind him with Annie and Bert getting out of their car and walking behind you. you stood behind Reiner and next to Annie as Bert stood next to his best friend. 
“what?” he asked Porco. he stared at you for a moment before looking too Reiner, “you really think that I’d just let her go so easily?” Porco replied. Reiner laughed, shaking his head, “you did Friday night,” he responded, trying to contain his laugh. 
Porco growled as the two of them spat insults at each other. between you, Marcel, Annie, and Bert, all of you rolled your eyes annoyingly. it was like watching two kids fight over a toy. 
“enough!” you screamed, looking at Porco, “what I said this morning still stands, Galliard,” you finally told him, “I’m sick of you two fighting and if I’m being quite honest, this entire argument was so useless. Porco, you were never more than a friend to me. you were my best friend and you knew I loved Reiner so I really don’t understand why’d you make this entire situation fester into what it has became,” you exclaimed. 
everyone was taken back as you continued. 
“yeah I was mad at Reiner for doing what he did but the two of you just fighting this way is ridiculous. we got nothing but yells, tears, and even a poor innocent boy getting punched for all this. I’m tired of it, Galliard. I’m tired of hearing all of you yelling constantly. Reiner and I love each other. a lot actually and if you can’t seem to accept it...than I’m sorry but you lost me as a friend.” 
Porco sighed, knowing what you were saying was true. 
he lost. he lost you and in the back of his mind, he knew he would. Porco could tell you loved Reiner. he had absolutely no idea why but he was able to tell that Reiner and you were in love. maybe he did all this to get you to realize that maybe you did hold feelings for him but in the end, you didn’t and now he was hurting you more than he intended. 
Porco lost and he knew he had to let you go before he lost you as a friend.  
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