bastardsunlight · 3 years
I'm here to participate in Kung Lao appreciation day:
I think your hat is the best weapon around, endlessly versatile and incredibly sleek and beautiful, and you wield it so wonderfully, every move is like a dance and just as stunning to watch ❤
You are incredible. You are art.
He has heard compliments like this before—maybe not in this life, but certainly in another and they resonate inside his mind and heart, ringing true, but somehow terrifying. Echoes of a beautiful, gilded captivity leap immediately to his thoughts and he banishes the half-remembered things with an effort of will.
“Kombat itself is beautiful,” he affirms, “and participating with your whole heart joins you to that beauty.” Chewing his lower lip, he considers what it means to be art… to be on display for the consumption of others.
Kung Lao swallows, but maintains his facade of calm grace in accepting the compliments. It is all innocence and sincere kindness.
So is his admiration—though perhaps not so innocent.
They are good to heap such praise upon him. He must focus on that and his own gratefulness.
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A little something I whipped up for @heamatic​ with her Shinnok in mind.
No timeline alignment stuff here, just pure gift work based on a thread we’ve got on my RP account @bastardsunlight. Ft. Shinnok being creepy because that’s kind of his thing. Shinlao, because we haven’t come up with a ship name and I am appalled at our laxity. 
Also like, I can’t believe I’m saying this but neither writer is in any way under some fucked up impression that this is a good, safe, or non-toxic ship. We use the term to describe people who are involved IN SOME WAY. That way is not necessarily healthy. 
This story features no NSFW instances.
The dimly lit corridors of the Bone Temple are familiar passageways to Kung Lao as he moves effortlessly toward the audience chamber where he will soon be needed. Shinnok does not often offer his time, but today, he evidently feels generous. It is therefore his favorite creature’s duty to attend as well. Lao has long since stopped thinking of himself as a monk or even a former one, though his spiritual power is still formidable. That life is behind him. Netherrealm is—if not his home—his territory.
Emerging from a massive double door at one side of the infernal hall, he surveys the emptiness of it, the cavernous opulence of the mad god’s particular tastes. Deeper, under vents in the floor—Shinnok appreciates the screams of his captives—is the dungeon proper, though the audience hall very much resembles it. The high pillars are of dark reds, shining obsidian, and shot through with veins of other colors difficult to distinguish in the Stygian light of the realm of dishonored dead. Everything is bone and sinew and suffering here, fire and brimstone and ugly deception.
“You have kept me waiting, little one,” purrs the Elder God of Chaos from his throne. It is, naturally, constructed of bones—not all humanoid. He leans to one side and regards Kung Lao with those inscrutable eyes characteristic of his kind. “Do you wish to bring punishment down on yourself?”
“No, master,” responds Kung Lao, approaching the dais and then ascending to within reach of the massive entity’s long arms. If Shinnok wishes to pull his guts out and toss him back down like a used doll, he may do so from anywhere; why inconvenience him?
“Yet you offer no explanation…” The Elder God’s finger came out and lifted Kung Lao’s chin before sliding down his neck, over the pretty young man’s Adam’s apple, and down to collar bone and chest. He has left this one alive, appreciating the responsive heat and goose flesh of living skin. It bruises so prettily.
“I offer no excuse, my lord.” Kung Lao meets his eyes with an impertinence he loves and hates and oh he has made the right choice in this one. He had known the moment they met upon the field of kombat that Kung Lao would, indeed, make an excellent addition to his collection.
“You are wise beyond your years, it seems, if a bit pert.” Shinnok retracts his hand and waves it about. “Well, get on with it. I’ve better things to do.”
Quan-Chi materializes presently, late as well, though his arrival receives no acknowledgement whatsoever. His dark lord spares not a glance, instead watching the retreating back of the foolish monk who exchanged his own freedom for the life of his friend. Sentiment is worthless in Netherrealm and soon, the arrogant boy will learn this, if the old soul sorcerer must show him the way with his own two hands. His fists clench with the thought, imagining themselves about Kung Lao’s throat, squeezing until something breaks. The pleasure that arises from the thought sends a shudder down his spine.
Meanwhile, Kung Lao, unaware of this contemplation—or if he is aware, he cares so little, he doesn’t bother sparing the man, if a thing like Quan-Chi can be called a man, a single glance—turns to descend the dais. An oversized bone arm which has sprouted from the stone and bone floor of the mad god’s receiving hall offers itself, open-palmed, to the fallen monk. Kung Lao accepts it gracefully, laying his hand in the much larger one, knowing he has not displeased his lord on this day. The dry, brittle-feeling digits wrap gently about the young man’s hand as he makes his graceful retreat to discharge his duties.
Quan-Chi scowls at Kung Lao’s back until Shinnok actually turns his attention on his favored sorcerer—really the only sorcerer who will competently serve him with true, deep loyalty. It really is pathetic to watch, but sometimes a whipped dog is better than no dog. Shinnok has not even had to whip this one. He’s done it of his own accord. 
A strange Netherrealm native (as native as anyone can be in a realm of dishonored souls and demonic constructs born of the mad god’s fits of rage), it had been he who had approached the Elder God of rot and chaos to serve him. If Lord Shinnok could be said to be grateful for anything, he might have chosen that moment when Quan-Chi’s power had drawn him to his lord and master’s prison and set about events which would eventually free and embody him. Of course they have greater plans, but for the time being, this will do. 
This will do very nicely indeed, he considers, regarding his little pet’s taut backside as Kung Lao makes his way through the hall, the bone arm now sliding along with him, digging a furrow in the ground which seems to knit itself together just a few feet behind the abomination which now has its hand on the curve of Kung Lao’s lower back. Every sensation the bone arm feels, he also feels and the warmth of living flesh is delightful; he wants to grasp it hard, make the boy squeal with pain, make him bleed a little. Just a little.
Perhaps later.
“You have some… news?” Quan-Chi has been scheming—he is always scheming—to manifest his dark, mad god in Earthrealm and he clearly believes he has hit upon something. Shinnok can see it in the sparkle of the man’s eyes. Oh how he loves me, contemplates the Elder God with absolutely no reciprocity of that feeling.
“I do, my lord,” responds the sorcerer, bowing to one knee and standing to deliver his findings. Shinnok listens patiently, mind elsewhere as it must always be. He is chaos incarnate. There is little order to be had in Netherrealm beyond his absolute rule. Not much can hold the attention of an Elder God, in general, but Shinnok in particular has always allowed his mind to wander where it will. Aside from grand machinations of upset and overthrow which delight him endlessly, there is almost nothing of such magnitude in all of existence—no single object or concept which can so fascinate him. What could possibly be of such import that he, a deity, might need to focus his energies on it for any length of time? The boy, some part of his thoughts remind him sweetly. You’re quite captivated with your new toy, aren’t you? Ah but toys come and go. He will tire of this one… eventually.
That boy is now crossing the threshold of the temple’s audience hall, the doors gliding open before him. The dry heat of Netherrealm has ceased to move him and he walks out into it, ushering in the first petitioner, wondering if his lord and master will listen to this one, or slay it on sight. Any creature, demon, or lost soul who is bold enough to approach the Bone Temple and beg favors of the lord of the Realm is desperate, addled, or too cocksure for their own good. An obliteration by the death god is permanent, it is nothingness, non-existence. Somehow, that void is more terrifying by far than the screaming, burning, howling dimness of Netherrealm.
The first demon in line—he is first by virtue of having killed his way up the queue; the corpses of those before him are littered in pieces here and there as a testament to this, all still twitching and flailing as the death he grants is only pain—is a truly imposing figure, easily ten feet in height, with massive, twisted horns like a ram and a maw full of jagged teeth. His eyes ablaze with contempt. This expression does not soften when it lays its burning gaze (with all four eyes) upon the pretty, behatted monk—Kung Lao may not think of himself as a monk, but they do—but rather hardens to something bordering on obscene. The thing licks slavering lips with an exaggerated motion, clearly aiming to upset the small, soft-looking mortal, who does not respond, only gestures to the hall.
“The master will see you now,” he says in a neutral tone that betrays nothing. “Please, follow me.”
As they enter, the beast’s three-toed feet hit the ground much harder with each step than might actually be necessary, as if to emphasize his weight. Shinnok leans back upon his throne and assumes a semi-attentive posture. There is no real reason for him to pretend he cares; even the pretense is worthless, but for now, it entertains him. Some of the denizens of his realm wait the Netherrealm equivalent of months, even years, if Shinnok is indisposed and simply does not care. Lately, he has been taking more audiences, but then he has only lately had a… secretary. Kung Lao moves swiftly ahead of the demon, braid swinging tantalizingly behind his shapely back. The boy is an hourglass, upon close inspection, broad of shoulder, narrow of waist, and thick of hip and rear-end. The demon is inspecting.
“This is far enough,” instructs Kung Lao. “What are you called?”
The demon splutters with indignation. How could they not know him, the greatest general of the northern armies of Khadul, the god-king of the demons, the true creatures of Netherrealm! He has severely overestimated his importance, a grave error in the Bone Temple. The silent hall rings with its silence. An audience chamber ought necessarily to have an audience, but Shinnok prefers the cavernous immensity. It reiterates just how small his petitioners truly are. He eyes the demon, but has yet to speak. A bone arm sprouts near Kung Lao and it makes a twirling motion with its forefinger.
“Lord Shinnok bids you speak,” says the shapely boy through plump lips that look like they ought to be bruised and bloodied and used, in the creature’s foul opinion.
“I will speak,” he snarls, reaching out toward Kung Lao with the intent to brush past, “but with the lord of this Realm, he in whose temple we stand, not you, little slut. There are things I would do with you, yes, but speaking… it is not one of them.” The demon’s laughter rings out boldly into the hall, bouncing off the skulls and femurs and ribs and myriad other bones which make the walls, floor, and ceiling. Quan-Chi flinches minutely, though more at the brazenness of it than the sound. Shinnok is a statue. The bone arm has dissipated, crumbling like ash and ruin, leaving Lao alone. His lord is watching.
“No,” says Kung Lao, the syllable sharp and clear as a pretty bell rung in a mausoleum—and equally as incongruous next to the obscene, guttural speech of the demon. “No,” he repeats, “you do not speak. You bark like a mangy cur begging for scraps. Heel.”
He rushes the demon with lightning speed as it swings for him. There is a brief moment when it seems he might make a try for the beast’s sizeable testes, which swing visibly behind the scant loincloth one might say he is “wearing”. The idea occurs to him and a strange flash of melancholic amusement jolts Kung Lao’s spine before he disappears beneath his hat in a flash of red light and lotus petals. The creature, having never encountered this particular mortal, looks baffled and squats to examine the hat. Quan-Chi’s mouth opens to warn the beast of its insolence in his master’s presence, but a sharp gesture from said master silences him. His face heats with rage. How dare the boy show off this way? He will be punished—perhaps disemboweled or flayed. How delicious that would be!
As the as yet unnamed demon reaches toward the object to pick it up, the flash occurs once more and the deadly piece of headwear flips upward, turning vertically, its far edge held by the owner, the only man in any realm able to master such a strange weapon. The creature barely has time to cry out as Kung Lao draws the hat up its entirety, bisecting the thing and spilling its steaming insides along the floor. Midair, Kung Lao flings the hat, hard, toward Shinnok. Once more, Quan-Chi blanches, but the mad god catches it easily and holds it, bottom facing downward, toward his knees where he sits. This, he thinks, is the most fun I have had in millennia.
Kung Lao’s form plummets toward the gory mess he has made and for a brief, shining moment, Quan-Chi thinks perhaps he will fall and snap his neck and that will be that, one last escape attempt with the final spark of the monk’s spirit left to him. Lord Shinnok has no need of a broken doll. Of course this is a flight of pure fancy. Shinnok will find a use for that beautiful body, even broken.
Alas, rather than crashing to his death—or maiming, at least—Kung Lao’s body dives into a circle of blood, red light, once more accompanied by a flash and flurry of lotus petals. It takes only half a moment for him to repeat the trick, falling out of the hat and into his lord and master’s waiting lap. Shinnok allows the hat to settle upon Kung Lao’s head and once more tilts his chin upward so that their eyes meet.
“Far too impertinent,” he scolds, shaking his head, running his thumb over his little doll’s full, perfect, soft lower lip. Kung Lao is flushed with the pleasure of his accomplishment and hasn’t a spot of blood on his person. “Who are you to decide who I do and do not address, hmm? Is this not my domain?”
“His master would pretend it is not. One cannot serve two lords and you rule this Realm.” This is not a question, nor is it simpering. Kung Lao speaks cold, hard facts. “I merely saved you the trouble of hearing a dog bark.”
So bold, Shinnok thinks. I must curb this. But he does not punish his little favorite. The unpredictability delights him. Quan-Chi senses this misplaced delight and recedes from the receiving hall unseen, glowering over his shoulder and now hellbent on perfecting his machinations to bring his master to Earthrealm.
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heamatic-aaa · 3 years
🎶 for Shinlao [:<|)
Send me 🎶 and I will make your muse a 3-5 songs ost. I’m in the mood for music things so gimmeeee!
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Don’t Fear The Reaper – Blue Oyster Cult
Oxygen – Moguai, Fiora
Delirious – Susanne Sunford
Stripped – Shiny Toy Guns
Desires – Meg Myers
psd: polarizerp
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varissena · 5 years
Vari’s Dying Words
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“Take care... of the pack. I love you... Ke-....ll...” (Tagged by: NO ONE! Or I’m stealing the tags from @dardillien-ward and @waroftwowolves Tagging: @kellthane @xyveth-heartbane / @shinlao-tigershadow @valishoneybee @dreadsails and anyone else! Sorry if I tagged ya and you did it already.)
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xyveth-heartbane · 6 years
Interview with the Captain
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► Name ➔   “Xyveth Romath Heartbane, tho’ me friends have taken t’calling me Xy.” ► Are you single ➔ “Nope. Been happily taken by Ilyaeri for quite a while.” ► Are you happy ➔  “Aye.” ► Are you angry? ➔  “Not presently, but lets see how this interview goes shall we?”
► Birth Place ➔ “I don’t know...” ► Hair Color ➔ “Black like t’night sky.” ► Eye Color ➔ “A faint green in one...and no color in t’other.” ► Birthday ➔ “August Fourth.” ► Mood ➔ “Depends on t’day and whats goin’ on.” ► Gender ➔  “I be a man.” ► Summer or winter ➔ “Summer, it’s easier t’sail than t’colder months.” ► Morning or afternoon ➔ “Mornin’. I like watchin’ t’sun rise when I can.” ► Are your parents still married ➔   “I wouldn’t know...never met me birth parents, but Romath’s wife died ‘fore he adopted me.”
► Are you in love? ➔ “I haven’t told her so yet....but yeah, I am.” ► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “Love at first sight ain’t possible. Fallin’ in love takes time.” ► Who ended your last relationship? ➔ “Me...” ► Have you ever broken someone’s heart? ➔  “Given me line o’work, probably.” ► Are you afraid of commitments? ➔ “I’d say mo’ cautious than afraid.” ► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “Aye, I have.” ► Have you ever had a secret admirer? ➔ “Not t’me knowledge.” ► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “Next question lad.”
disorganized / organized / in between.
patient / impatient /in between.
outspoken / reserved / in between.
empathetic / unemphatic / in between.
optimistic / pessimistic / in between.
hard-working / lazy / in between.
loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between.
► Love or lust ➔ “Love, lust is fine e’ery now and again, but love...that be one o’ t’most important things in this world.” ► Cats or Dogs ➔ “I’m a fan o’ both, just don’t got any at the moment.” ► Lemonade or iced tea? “Is whiskey an option?” ► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “I like a good mix o’ both.” ► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “Night in, makes t’time together mo’ special if ye ask me.” ► Day or night ➔ “Night. As much as I like seein’ t’ sun rise, the calmness o’ t’world at night is somethin’ that can’t be beat.”
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► Been caught sneaking out ?➔ “Once...” ► Fallen down/up the stairs? ➔ “I was drunk alright?” ► Stolen something?  “Are ye seriously askin’ that given me line o’ work?” ► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ The Captain remained silent. ► Wanted to disappear ➔ Xyveth’s eyes narrowed slightly. “Next question...”
► Smile or eyes? ➔  “Eyes. Smiles are nice, but ye can really get a feel fer a person based on t’look in their eyes.” ► Shorter or Taller? ➔ “I’m indifferent when it comes t’that.” ► Intelligence or Attraction? ➔  “Both. Ye can have all t’beauty in t’world, but it’s nice if ye got some smarts t’ye as well.” ► Hook-up or Relationship? ➔ “Relationship.”
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends? “There be some o’me friends I consider much closer than others.” ► Who is your best friend?  “Other than Ily? I’d have t’say Avery and Shinlao, known them fer a while.” ► Have you ever lost a good friend? “Next question lad.”
► Do you and your family get along? ➔ “I got along great wit’ Romath...but never knew me birth folks.” ► Do you see your family often?  “That ain’t yer business..”
ONE WHO KNOWS ALL ► Who knows everything about you?  “Myself. Ilyaeri got me t’open up quite a bit...but I...I’m still guarded in certain aspects...” The Captain sighed.
► Would you say you have a messed up life? “I’d say me life has turned me into t’man I am today.”
Tagged by: @varissena
Tagging: @lumealblackstrider @empyrealrose @the-warbound-seraph @kat-hawke @roses-and-arrows @shewolf-jacqueline and whoever else wants to do this and blame me
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shinlao-tigershadow · 6 years
Looking for Contacts
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general information—— —
FULL NAME: Shinlao Tigershadow
AGE: Approximately in his mid 20’s or so (( elf aging is just weird man ))
RACE: Sin’dorei
MARITAL STATUS: Crushing on someone
physical appearance—— —
HAIR: Long black, messy ponytail
EYES: Green
HEIGHT: 5’11
BUILD: Slim but muscular
personal information—— —
PROFESSION: Deckhand of the Siren’s Lament, Brawler,
HOBBIES: Sparing, cooking, relaxing
SKILL(S): General knowledge, knows how to punch and fight, can cook with almost anything
LANGUAGE(S):.Thalassian, Orcish, Some Common
BIRTHPLACE: Sunstrider Isle
FEARS: Being unable to protect those he cares for, losing his knowledge of fighting, death
relationships—— —
CHILDREN: None, and isn’t sure if he wants to have them
PARENTS: Unknown (He believes they are dead)
SIBLINGS: None that he knows of
ACQUAINTANCES/FRIENDS: @manofmanyforms, @xyveth-heartbane, @valistiri
traits—— —
•extroverted / introverted / in between.
•disorganized / organized / in between.
•close minded / open-minded / in between.
•calm / anxious / in between.
•disagreeable / agreeable / in between.
•cautious / reckless / in between.
•patient / impatient / in between.
•outspoken / reserved / in between.
•leader / follower / in between.
•empathetic / indifferent / in between.
•optimistic / pessimistic / in between.
•traditional / modern / in between.
•hard-working / lazy / in between.
•cultured / uncultured / in between.
•loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between.
•faithful / unfaithful / unknown / in between
•assertive / timid / in between
Additional Information
SMOKING:  never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Standing just under six feet, the Sin'dorei before you is clearly a fighter of some kind.  His hands are bandaged, due to them being his prefered weapon of choice in combat, as well as his arms and torso, so it's clear he doesn't let an injury or two keep him from a fight. His long black hair is tied back in a ponytail. His eyes hold a sense of ferocity within them.
Shinlao isn't one to really show emotion, unless he feels comfortable around you. He is tactical, but also impulsive depending on the day. When it comes to defending those he has come to call friends or allies, he would fight for them with his dying breath.
Shinlao keeps much of his history to himself, and isn't one to divulge said information easily.
FACECLAIM(S): Matthew Daddario
IN-GAME NAME: Shínlao (( Alt Code 0237 ))
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valistiri · 6 years
Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT. Send “&” for a LOVING text.
Wasn’t sent:
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(Get it? Not sent because it’s still in the typing box?! GET IT?! Okay, I’m done...)
Loving (though it’s pretty subtle, more of a cutesy thing):
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Thanks anon!@xyveth-heartbane@shinlao-tigershadow
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bastardsunlight · 3 years
Kung Lao, person who told you you were art earlier, I'm sorry to bring up past memories. I'm definitely not Shinnok and would move heaven and hell to keep him away from you. All I meant is that you are stunning in everything you do, and if anyone, pissy Elder Gods included, tries to harm you on your appreciation day I'd protect you, even though I know VERY well that you don't need the protection of a stranger, and I know equally as well that I wouldn't be capable of that level of protection. I'd still try my hardest.
Kung Lao is touched, to say the least. These memories he has are only half his, as his flesh has never felt the touch of the mad god… or at least, not that he can recall. What he does know is that the memories are only part fear—much of it is desire, the need to return, to be appreciated like that, as a work of art. He lifts a hand, shaking his head.
“There is no need to apologize,” he reassures them. “Though I… am curious where you might have concluded that I have ever been so acquainted with someone like Shinnok.”
Had he said anything aloud? Perhaps they are like the Takahashi clan, gifted with telepathy. He does not envy anyone with that particular “gift”.
"Perhaps if... you would like to become stronger, the white lotus always needs warriors and we will train you here, in the temple."
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xyveth-heartbane · 6 years
Relaxation and Realizations
(( Mentions: @the-heartseeker ))
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The Siren’s Lament sat still in the Swamp of Sorrows. Since his return from killing Verhen, and subsequent awakening aboard his vessel, Xyveth and Ilyaeri had been spending a great deal of time together, something that the Captain was truly grateful for. She had helped him recover from his injuries, assist him with some paperwork, and overall just enjoy his company. During this time, they had discussed their thoughts on the war, which both of them truly cared nothing for.
As he awoke from his slumber, a smile crept to his face as he glanced down to his sleeping treasure. Her head was resting upon his chest, and she was wearing one of his shirts, obviously stolen during her time aboard the ship. Xyveth couldn’t wipe away the grin, but he decided he had to get up, but had no desire to awaken Ily, at least not yet. He slowly shimmied out from beneath her, only to gracefully catch her head and place a pillow beneath it so she would continue to slumber. He leaned down and kissed her forehead, before making his leave from the bedroom, heading to the kitchen.
As he walked, Xyveth couldn’t help but think of his crew. It had been sometime since he had gotten a report from Avery, and he knew Shinlao and Valistiri were still en route to Zandalar. He had hoped they were all safe. Upon reaching the kitchen, he walked over and grabbed a small glass, poured himself a glass of whiskey, downed it in one gulp, and got to work on his intentions.
As the Captain cooked, his mind wandered even more, but this time, to much happier thoughts. Those of his darling treasure. The first day they met, the time they spent together at the fountain in Silvermoon, their first date aboard the Siren, and many many other memories. The Captain had gotten so distracted by his thoughts, the pan of food he was cooking on had burst into flames! His attention returned to the outside world rather quickly, muttering a curse beneath his breath, quickly extinguishing the flames. “Well, time t’start again…” he murmured to himself, quickly gathering up what he needed.
As he finished his cooking and placing it on the cart he kept in the kitchen, the Captain couldn’t help but realize he was nervous. Ilyaeri had done so much for him recently, and he wished to return the favor. She had stood by his side when many others he knew would’ve just up and abandoned him. His feelings for her had only grown, hell the Captain hadn’t felt this strongly for someone in quite sometime, and as much as he wished to tell Ilyaeri how he felt, the thought of doing so terrified him. He glanced down at the spread he had made for breakfast, and pushed the cart back to the bedroom.
As he entered the bedroom, he smiled upon seeing Ilyaeri still sound asleep. He pushed the cart beside the bed, and leaned down to kiss her forehead once more.
“Good mornin’ Ily.” He whispered, only for the woman’s eyes to slowly flutter open.
“Good morning my dear Captain.” She replied, stifling a yawn as she looked up at him with a smile. “What smells so goo…” she asked, only for her eyes to set upon the food that sat inside the room.
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“X-Xy...what is all this?” She asked, almost at a loss for words.
The Captain simply smiled at her, helping her into a sit, only to take a seat beside her and take one of her hands in his own. “Ily, ye have done so much t’help me out in recent times. Not just physically wit’ patching me up anytime I get hurt, but helping me open up wit’ my feelings. You’ve reminded me what it’s like t’truly care for another, and I wanted t’show ye how much I care for you. I know it’s just breakfast and all, but this is only the beginning.” He replied, bringing his gaze to meet her own.
Ilyaeri sat there silently for a moment, listening to the Captain speak. Once she was done, she pulled him close and happily pressed her lips against his own, her free arm wrapping around him.
Xyveth happily accepted the kiss, closing his eyes and giving her hand a gentle squeeze. After a few moments he’d break the kiss, resting his forehead against her own.
“Let’s eat luv’, and then I can show you t’rest o’ me surprises.” He whispered, only for Ily to smile up at him and nod her head.
“Sounds like a plan to me, my dear Captain.”
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xyveth-heartbane · 6 years
Blog Roll
Hey all, figured with the handful of toons I have on Tumblr, it was time for a list. Most of these characters are available for RP on request, as well as my handful of alts not on Tumblr, which I will gladly provide info for if anyone is interested. Due to length, roll will be beneath the cut. All of these characters are on WrA
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Xyveth Heartbane: Captain of the Siren’s Lament, Treasure Hunter, Drinker Race: Sin’dorei (though can disguise as a Ren’dorei) FC: Orlando Bloom Tumblr: @xyveth-heartbane IN GAME NAME: Xyveth (Horde) Xyvêth (Alliance alt code 0236 ) 
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Avery Griffin: Free Lance Druid, Shapeshifter, Deckhand of the Siren’s Lament. Race: Afflicted Gilnean FC: Joseph Gordon-Levitt Tumblr: @manofmanyforms IN GAME NAME: Àvery (alt code 0192 )
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Shinlao Tigershadow: Brawler, Deckhand of the Siren’s Lament, Disciple of Xuen, Slight chef, Adventurer Race: Sin’dorei. FC: Matthew Daddario Tumblr: @shinlao-tigershadow IN GAME NAME: Shínlao (alt code 0237 )
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Xephanos Flamereaver: Illidari, Selective Asshole, Adventurer. Race: Sin’dorei FC: N/A(would love help with finding him one ) Tumblr: @xephanos-flamereaver IN GAME NAME: Xephanos
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Anu’sirius Flamestrider: Free Lance Pyromancer, Second Born of the Flamestriders Race: Sin’dorei FC: Adam Brody Tumblr:@s-flamestrider IN GAME NAME: Anusirius
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xyveth-heartbane · 6 years
The seer went out to the little beach by her estate taking a long walk to think things over when suddenly she saw something shiny on the beach. Walking over to it quickly, she poked at it with her foot. That was probably the wrong thing to do as when she did that it triggered a trap. Her cries resounded across the beach as she fell , wondering how the heck she was going to get out of the sand pit and cursing at herself for she should have known better.
(( Roughly a week before Preparations ))
Xyveth would be sailing the Siren’s Lament out to Pandaria, to meet up with one of his crewmates, Shinlao Tigershadow, mainly to touch base due to the fact the two hadn’t seen one another in a few weeks and there was a job on the horizon he wished to discuss with the monk. As he dropped anchor off of the coast, he’d make his way to shore, only to hear screams coming from the beach. He slowly reached for the pistol that hung on his side, unsure if the screams were from someone truly innocent, or if it was just a ruse. Upon getting closer to the pit, he cast his gaze down within the trap, only to find a woman stuck at the bottom. The Captain couldn’t help but let a light chuckle escape him as he brought his gaze to the woman. “Well now lass, looks like ye got yer’self in a bit o’ a bind don’t ya?”
(( @lilthessa ))
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xyveth-heartbane · 6 years
💭 Favorite memory of the muse? For all of them that are on tumblr! :D
First off, thanks for the ask @empyrealhealer and @vitka-wra, and due to length, all answers will be beneath the cut. One thing that is common with all of them, is the people I’ve met through playing the different characters.
On the IC side of things, looking back at Xy’s start and seeing how far he has come. His storyline in every aspect has gone leaps and bounds beyond what I even imagined from the days I decided to make him. On the OOC side of things, his mage tower has got to be one of my favorite memories. I was trying for it for hours, convinced I wouldn’t get it, but after numerous pep talks, taking some time to relax and refocus, I finally got it the night before the pre-patch for BFA released, and let me tell you, I would never wanna do it again xD.
Exploring Avery’s backstory has always been a fond memory to me. While I haven’t been doing a whole lot with him recently, I remember how much time I spent sitting here thinking about the different aspects of his character, ensuring he was rather different from myself, but also not so different to where I wouldn’t be able to play him. He was also my first experience seriously tanking in raids, and ultimately I became a better player because of that. Also, Avery was the first character I brought to Tumblr, and while he didn’t stay my main Tumblr account, ultimately bringing him here encouraged me to bring more of my characters here.
This has been the hardest one to narrow down a memory for, mainly because Shin hasn’t been around super long, but for him specifically, I’d have to say how much I’ve come to enjoy playing him. Obviously when I make a character, I have full intentions on doing my best to pump out quality content and make them enjoyable to play, but for a rather long time, I struggled with that on Shin. However, once I finally found my comfort zone on him, he fell into the ring with Xyveth, Xeph, and Avery for being one of my favorites to play.
Xeph, gods I spent forever on him, and he is always a character that I have enjoyed playing. But my favorite memory of him, was that as making him as a character and really trying to narrow down specific aspects of his life, it required me to expand my knowledge of the lore of WoW. As for OOC, his mage tower was also a bit of a pain, but I finally got it, and a week after I got him to 120 I completed his mog I had wanted him in since I pieced it together back in Legion.
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shinlao-tigershadow · 6 years
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
If Shinlao was only allowed to take a single bag of items with him, he would pack very little. His hearthstone would be essential, just to ensure he could return home should the situation arrise. A spare change of clothes, in case his got ruined due to rain or combat. Bandages, primarily for his hands, they get very banged up, due to them being his preferred weapon in combat. The other thing he would ensure he took, was a memento or a photo of a young elf woman he has grown rather fond of, so when things were a bit rough on his mind, he could look at the photo and smile a bit.
Thanks for the ask! @leavenohoofprints
Subtle mention: @valistiri
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shinlao-tigershadow · 6 years
What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling? | How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)? | What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color? | What animal do they fear most? | What embarrasses them? | Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? | How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive? (Have a bunch of questions!
(( Holy Questions Batman! Thank you @zhrianaa for the questions in advance, all answers will be beneath the cut for length ))
What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Answer: For Shin, nostalgia normally ends up occuring when he sees folks sparring, or when he’s home in Pandaria. He spent a lot of time out that way, ended up living with some Pandaren for a bit, and thats how he became a monk. Depending on the memories, he does enjoy getting nostalgic every so often, but there are times that the memories aren’t always kind to him.
How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
Answer: Given that his early life consisted of fighting for other’s entertainment, Shin doesn’t have a lot of book smarts. He knows how to fight and socialize, and he’s learned some skills from others, but when it comes to confusion, if he feels it’s something he should learn more of, he will do what he can to improve his understanding of the subject, possibly even going to someone he knows has a better understanding of the subject in question.
What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
Answer: Shin believes he looks good in either red or black and grey clothing. For the most part, he actually does, though I suppose other people would have to be the judge of that.
What animal do they fear most?
Answer: Shinlao doesn’t fear much. Having lived in Pandaria for as long as he has, he learned to live in harmony with the wildlife there, so he doesn’t particularly fear any animal that he comes across.
What embarrasses them?
Answer: His feelings. He’s never been really one to let people get super close, outside of a select few. Normally Shinlao can keep his cool, but if he gets flustered, or has to speak of how he feels, he always fears rejection or that he will be laughed at.
Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?
Answer: The one thing that’s always been a constant for Shin is honesty. While he understands that the occasional white lie is necessary, especially in his line of work, when it comes to major things, he would rather honesty be used.
How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive?
Answer: Shin is always supportive of his friends, how he shows that support however, varies from friend to friend. For example, with Xyveth and Avery, given how long he has known them, he will gladly give them shit when they come to him with good news, but it’s all in good fun. With most others, it depends on how well he knows them, and to how much he trusts them.
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xyveth-heartbane · 6 years
How hot: One for Zhria and one for Vali. Answer as whichever you want :)
For Vali: Being answered by Shin ( @shinlao-tigershadow )
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
“Your really asking this Vali? I happily looked at you over the setting sun the day we met, and it was hard not to keep my eyes off ya when we were sailing through those rough waters on our way to Zandalar.”
For Zhria: Being answered by Xyveth
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
“Not to sure why folks are askin’ me t’rate how good lookin’ they are. Back ‘fore I was with Ily, sure I was a bit o’ a player, and I eyed quite a few lasses, but now, me eyes only care t’gaze upon her.”
(( Thanks for the ask! @zhrianaa ))   
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shinlao-tigershadow · 6 years
RPG Stats
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Shinlao LV.26 Ranger HP ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ MP ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜ ATK ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ DEF ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ LCK ⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ SPD ⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ STA ⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜
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Tagged by: @valistiri
Tagging: whoever wants to do this
(( Think this is just a tad bit off lol )) 
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