#shinmon beniarmu
mrskurono · 3 years
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title: [2:38] || IBenimaru Shinmon x fem!Reader a/n: idk man don’t ask me word count: 1.4k tags: fem!Reader, established relationship (reader x Beni), hints of angst, discussion of pregnancy, switches between Konro’s pov to readers pov character(s): Benimaru Shinmon (Fire Force), Konro Sagamiya (Fire Force) synopsis: You wanna tell Waka you’re pregnant. So instead you tell Konro.
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“Have you seen Waka?” Konro stopped a fellow soldier in passes as he traipsed down the halls.
“No. Actually I was going to ask and see if you’ve seen the captain at all sir.” 
Unshaken to hear yet another fire soldier hadn’t seen the captain. Konro sighed and shook his head, “No I haven’t. He’s probably on another bender.” He snorted rolling his eyes looking back down the quiet hall, “He’ll come crawling back in the morning when he’s hungry.”
All but silent since Company Eight took it’s leave. The Seven’s captain had been just as quiet. A creeping feeling making it’s up Konro’s neck as he had but one last place he hadn’t yet checked for the man. 
Swallowed up in quie thoughts that flickered on and off. You all but jumped out of your skin when there was a rap against the sliding door of your room. Opaque fabric of the door paired with the back lit light of the hallway. It was no secret who was standing outside at this time of evening.
“Konro you can come in.” You laugh as the figure stood there.
Door sliding with ease as he let himself in. Konro was all but a half smile as he laughed, “I’ve learned better then to walk into here of all places when I can’t find you or Waka.”
“What?” You tilt your head not catching on for a second, “Waka isn’t in here why would-” That’s when his little comment settles in and your brows pinch in the middle, “Konro!”
“Heh sorry sorry sorry.” He innocently put his hands up. Though he felt how it was his problem when it was normally you two getting caught. Konro took a step back on what you said though and frowned, “Waka isn’t here?”
You shake your head, “No. I haven’t seen him all evening. I thought he was with you.”
“So he’s out wandering,” Konro sighed, “Fine guess I won’t worry about it until tomorrow evening.”
The lieutenant was about to make his way back out again when the sudden urge to ask him a question popped from your mouth, “Konro hey wait-”
“Yea?” He stopped and looked back at you, “What’s up?”
Reaching up to palm the back of your neck. This wasn’t exactly how you intended to do things. But as each time the scenario played out in your head happened. It felt like maybe an outside source would be better. And none better trusted than Konro of all people.
“Waka he’s- You’ve known him a lot longer than I have.” You can feel the urge to puke creeping up again. Nothing about Konro made you nervous but the more you thought on this the more your stomach twisted, “Would you say you love him?”
A bit taken back. Konro’s confused look doesn’t do much but stick around on his face as he crosses his arms with a moment of thought, “After all these years of knowing Beni. Good and bad of course. Yeah, I can say that I love him. Just as much as I love you, Hinata and Hikage. Why do you ask?” 
Staring down at the blanket and book in your lap. The words seem to find themselves easier in front of Konro than they did when you were sitting alone, “And if you love someone. Should it be hard to talk to them?”
“Well I mean Waka is always hard to talk to,” Konro laughs, “But that’s only because he doesn’t look like he’s paying attention.”
The joke does nothing to settle your nerves. And it’s pretty obvious to Konro. His smile fades and he looks down at you. Asking softly if he can sit with you. Which of course you oblige and move the things off your lap as you straighten up when he seats himself on the floor next to you.
“Do you wanna tell me? Or wait for Waka?” Konro asks simply.
Telling Beni was the entire crux of your anxieties at the moment. While Konro was at least here and in front of you. Beni was god only knows where and still giving you more of a twisted stomach than the person sitting right in front of you. Leaving little doubt in your mind that at least this decision was easy.
“...I don’t know how to tell him I’m-” The word couldn’t even leave your mouth. 
When Konro didn’t say a word you had to look up at him. More than a little astonished to see him beaming with a smile.
“Really?” An almost jitteriness to his voice.
You nod slowly.
“That’s terrific!” Konro clasped his hands over yours with a beaming smile, “Waka will be so happy. The twins are going to be ecstatic.”
Though his words carried a certainty to them. Konro knew Beni longer than anyone and if he could predict his reaction then maybe you shouldn’t be worrying as much. What he had to say should feel like a reassurance. But as you squeezed Konro’s hands you couldn’t help the same sinking feeling.
“...are you sure though?” You look down at your hands in Konro’s, “I mean- I know he loves Hinata and Hikage. But they weren’t babies when they came to live here. We’ve never dealt with babies- I’ve never dealt with babies- Waka he-”
“Waka loves kids.” Konro interrupted you. Drawing your attention back up to him, “He doesn’t get up every morning to do the girls hairs because it’s a chore. He does it because he loves them. This one will be no different.”
The expression on your face doesn’t seem to crack. Konro holds off for a second before dropping his gaze to your hands in his, “...are you ok?”
It was the first time since finding out that the thought of yourself came into your mind. Not once had you stopped to think about the impact on you or if you were scared or not. Beni and telling him was all that had filled your mind. And for the worse as nothing but negative thoughts had scared off anything else you were thinking of. 
“Heh,” You laugh, taking one of  your hands away and wiping at your face, “I could really use a hug I guess.”
There’s no even arguing that. Konro wraps his arms around you and squeezes you tight as he rests his chin a top your head. Without hesitation you bury your face in his kimono as your sling your arms around him. Just thankful to have someone else know this now. Even if that person wasn’t Beni.
“...don’t worry about Waka.” Konro’s voice rumbles softly in his chest, “If there’s two things I know about him all this time, is that he’s a stubborn brat. And that he loves you.” He leans back from the hug to look down at you with a soft smile, “And you have all the help in the world. The twins and I, as well as all of Asakusa, will love them just as much as I know you and Beni will.”
Konro runs his hands down your arms and gives them a light squeeze just as you take a long needed deep breath, “Thank you.” This isn’t telling Beni. But Konro was right. The two of you wouldn’t have been trying if this wasn’t the outcome you were both hoping for. For the first time since this morning a smile makes its way onto you lips as you look across to Konro, “I mean it. Neither of us would be here if it weren’t for you. Waka and I owe you so much Konro.”
Not being able to help from laughing, Konro gives your hand a light squeeze, “Don’t thank me. Waka did this all on his own.” He couldn’t help but wink playfully, “Fingers crossed for a boy. I don’t think Hinata and Hikage need another mini version of themselves.”
The idea of three demons makes you choke laugh right out the gate as Konro brushes his fingertips through your hair and you take a deep breath, “No, fingers crossed I don’t just have a mini Beni.”
“I dunno.” Konro smiles as he brushes fingertips against your temple with a giddy filling him even if Beni was out for right now, “I think another one might be exactly what Beni needs.”
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