sedated-love · 4 years
ShinsoxDenki Smut
Sixth post of October!! 
This is self indulgent and I have zero regrets <3 
Hope you guys enjoy though! If you like it, please take the time to reblog <3 It helps a ton! Also if you have any suggestions for what I write in the future, please feel free to leave them in my ask box!
Shinso mumbled groggily when he felt the hand pushing shyly against his shoulder. He reluctantly opened one of his eyes to look up at the one who woke him up, ready to curse them out, when he recognized the small frame of his best friend. He grumbled softly but slowly sat up, running a hand through his hair as he squinted through the darkness to try and make out Denki’s features.
“Did you have a nightmare or something?”
His voice was deeper than normal from just waking up as he questioned the only man who he’d allow to wake him up and live. He noticed Denki shifting his weight nervously, like a kid who had just wet the bed and was scared to tell their parents in case they were going to get scolded for it.
“No…something’s wrong with me…”
“What do you mean?”
Shinso wasn’t really sure why Denki didn’t just turn on the light when he came in. He was sick of squinting through the dark with the only light source coming from the hall where Denki left the door open. He grumbled softly but pulled himself out of bed, walking over to turn on the light switch and close the door.
“I-It’s hard…”
The purple haired male stopped halfway to the light switch, turning to look back at his friend, even though his features weren’t distinguishable in the dark. He could hear the shakiness in Denki’s voice and something about it twisted Shinso’s gut in the wrong way. He was honestly a bit worried now since he’s never seen the other male this worked up before.
“What’s hard?”
He tried to keep himself calm for them both, not wanting to escalate the anxiety in the room, even though he was pretty sure that he was feeding off Denki’s energy right now. He went ahead and closed the gap to the door, closing it to give them more privacy before flipping on the lights. He wasn’t quite sure what Denki’s issue was, but he was sure it wasn’t something he wanted anyone just happening to walk by to hear about. The idiot really should have just closed the door when he came in.
“M-My dick…”
If Shinso could have stopped breathing all together right then and there, he would have. With the lights now on, he couldn’t help from dragging his eyes downward and sure enough- Denki was standing in his boxers which were strained against him. Shinso wasn’t sure if he wanted to thank god or punch him.
“Why don’t you just masturbate then, idiot?”
Shinsou found himself awkwardly looking away and scratching the back of his head to not stare at the shorter male but it was hard. His cheeks were flushed, presumably from embarrassment and his lips looked so puffed up and kissable… He cleared the back of his throat, trying to drag himself out of his thoughts before he ended up in the same boat as his friend.
“What’s that?
“…what’s what?”
“What’s masturbate?”
Shinso froze for what felt like an hour as he just started at Denki in shock. This kid was the same age as him, wasn’t he? How the fuck had he never masturbated before? He could just send him back to his dorm with a porn video and an urban dictionary definition, but he couldn’t help himself as he sat down on his bed, patting the spot in between his legs.
“Sit. I’ll teach you.”
Denki looked hesitant but he slowly crawled onto the bed before sitting in Shinso’s lap, with his back pressed against the larger male’s chest. Shinso didn’t waste any time to gently wrap an arm around Denki’s waist, using the other one to slowly slip off the blonde’s boxers as he rested his head on his shoulder.
“Just relax.”
He could feel how tense the blonde was against him and he waited for him to relax before he continued. He held him flush against his chest, feeling his heart pounding and he silently hoped that the smaller male couldn’t feel it as he wrapped his hand around the base of Denki’s hard cock.
He smiled when he heard his breath hitch, taking that as his cue to slowly start pumping him in his hand. “You can close your eyes if it would make you feel more comfortable...” He slowly started moving his hand faster, watching the way that Denki slowly fell apart in his lap.
Denki was shy, biting at his lip to muffle his noises and doing his best to stay completely still in Shinso’s lap, his face burning bright red in embarrassment as he wanted nothing more than to buck his hips into the grip shamelessly, not sure why he felt so good. “Denki…Relax.” It came out as a soft command as Shinso’s voice never rose above a whisper.
It didn’t have to with how his head was placed right beside Denki’s ear, speaking almost directly against it as the shorter male could feel his breath against him, causing him to shudder weakly against his body. “Let out your voice for me, baby…” He watched over his shoulder, his hand sliding skillfully over Denki’s cock as he messed with him, selfishly wanting him to completely fall apart in his arms.
Even though he knew he shouldn’t be taking advantage of this, he couldn’t help himself from moving his hand faster whenever Denki tried to hide his moans, wanting him to think about nothing but how Shinso could make him feel. He wanted Denki to come crawling back to him tomorrow night begging him to do it all over again.
He was so incredibly selfish. He wanted Denki to try to do it himself and it not feel as good as when he touches him. He wants to make him so addicted to his touches that no one else’s can even compare. “N-Ngh~!”
Denki finally broke underneath him, letting out loud needy mewls as he thrusted his hips up into Shinso’s hand, completely forgetting all of his shame from before. “That’s right, baby, let me take care of you” He kissed Denki’s neck as he jerked him off, making sure that his baby was filled to brim with all of the pleasure he had been missing out on all these years.
Denki started pushing at his hand weakly but that only cause Shinso to go faster, holding down Denki’s hips as he forced him to take the rough and fast pace that he set. “N-No~! G-Gon…na…pee~!” Denki panicked slightly as he felt the unfamiliar feeling wash over him, pleasure filling his veins as his loud moans filled the room.
“It’s okay. Let it out, baby.”
Denki weakly clawed at Shinso’s arm, whining loudly as he cummed, his back arching and his toes curling as Shinso pumped him through his orgasm. “N-Not pee…?” Denki looked at the white that now covered the front of his shirt in confusion as he went limp against the larger male’s chest.
A soft chuckle left Shinso as he gently pulled Denki’s boxers back on before pulling off his soiled shirt. “I’ll teach you what that is, next lesson, okay?” He kissed the top of his head, ignoring his own hard on as he pulled Denki under the covers with him. “Sleep, baby.” He didn’t even bother turning off the lights as he held Denki close to his chest, knowing that he wasn’t going to be able to go back to being friends again. He was his now.
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