#shiny makuhita number 3
pikachumaniac10 · 1 year
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OK, so I may need to stop HA hunting cause at this rate... I won't have any shiny luck left for Safari week, lol!
The 6th shiny of brilliant diamond and the 4th shiny of the English bd is A THRID MAKUHITA!!!
Yes, you read that right on the first screenshot above the video. This shiny patch was on the 5th chain of this radar HA hunt!
I was going through a dry spell on shinies, but not now, it seems lol. I just need to make sure it stays until Safari Week begins.
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meganuzlockediary · 2 years
Emerald! Gym 2!
February 14th! Haps Valentines!
Ok, Roxanne went great but the rest of my team beyond my now evolved marshtomp is weak. So I head to route 204 to train. This is great for Whismurs EVs which i want HP, Speed and Atk and pretty good for Tallow for attack and speed. I get them both to level 15 before moving but half way through training Whismur it finally happens!
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A shiny Wingull! I swear every shiny I have ever found in pokemon games is either a shiny wingull or zubat! Now I am playing shiny clause meaning if I catch this I can use it and it not count towards the total! I was not intending on using wingull but its an opportnity I don't wanna pass up so on the team he goes. I catch him and name him Lime.
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Up next I deal with rusturf tunnel to save Peeko and then head south to battle May! Not a tough battle, I use marshtomp to take on taillow with 2 tackles to defeat it then switch into taillow as treecko comes out to OHKO it with wing attack.
With that I sail to Dewford. Now normally I expected to go straight to granite cave but apparently I will need flash which means going to Brawly next. Now tbh I kinda get overconfident here and race in with a poisoned taillow. I dont bump inot any trainers before brawly annoyingly meaning my team is a little underlevelled for the fight.
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Tallow goes in first for a wing attack against machop! Which just misses the KO! Brawly uses a super potion and gets a good chunk of my health down with karate chop meaning 2 rounds of poison. I am afraid tallow wont be able to manage this! So after Machop is removed and meditite comes out I switch to marshtomp... Mistake number 2 it knows focus punch and I didnt check! Marshtomp takes tonnes of damage! But just survives so I chip away at it! Again afraid that I cannot do too much to the makuhita that comes out I use a mudslap and avoid the KO switch into my level 9 wingull (should have levelled him) for a supersonic and then switch back to taillow to finish fortunately surviving despite the poison damage taking me to 3 health! I feel like a right idiot with this one I so nearly lost both Taillow and Marshtomp if I had just trained them to the level cap I would have been fine! But an early kick in the teeth is probably a good thing for me!
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Next up is Wattson who also shouldnt be too tough but now I feel a little more wary.
Badges won: 34
Pokemon used: 80 (Not including wingull)
Pokemon down: 17
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pikachumaniac10 · 1 year
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I just restarted my HA hunting when, as you can see, the first one I check WITHOUT SPARKLES IS SHINY!!!
So shiny number 5 of bd and the 3rd shiny of the English version is a repeat makuhita
They both ironically have the same gender and nature but different abilities, lol!!
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