miraiq · 7 months
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Soooooo I did a slight update to the rules/muse list google doc.
I have added a shipbias list for each muse. I am also slowly gonna work on a thread wishlist per muse as well. But it is taking a hot minute so------ just in case anyone was curious~
I also made it a tad more organized in terms of pathing/page order and the side tab/jump capability to find things easier.
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tenebriism · 8 months
ShipBias ;; Connor?
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Connor x Hank ( eyeing @hyaciiintho because this is, largely, HIS fault. )
Connor x Markus.
Connor x Kara.
Connor x Chloe.
Connor x Gavin ( I'm very picky with this one, but it has IMMENSE potential if written with the right person. )
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sinnhelmingr · 3 years
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dbd ship bias go! // anonymous
Meg/Raven. This is one that me and my buddy Ferret are teasing, with Lea as the bird of prey and Meg as the rabbit caught in an eternal chase. But it’s more than that, it’s not as dire as it sounds. Lea will have to strike eventually, but until then she’s the one circling above, her shadow leading Meg away from what must be avoided, just as Meg listens to her and watches overhead, wondering if that old bird ever gets tired. Meg is the first one to really trust Raven’s intentions, and in turn Lea shows a bit more loyalty to Meg outside of trials -- and even in Trials, she has been known to show mercy that is uncharacteristic even for her rebellious ways. There’s a lot of potential here that I am very excited to explore, so these two get my top spot.
Huntress/Raven. Listen it is supertext that Raven is an androgynous femme who wants the big buff Siberian butch to tear her in half with her bare hands. Lea sees those aesthetics and is smitten from the word go. Now we have yet another raven/rabbit motif, but this time, it’s the raven that is at risk. Both have known the cold, the loneliness, and brought down far greater adversaries. There’s a thread of recognition between them that helps to balance their at odds aesthetics and eras. Delve beyond Raven’s stupid sub brain, and there is gold in those hills, at least as I imagine it. I live and die for the idea of Anna just scooping Lea up and making off with her tiny wife, and the two irritating their peers by being sugary sweet and gay af.
Charlotte/Raven. Two disfigured women from a historical period of faith being used to subjugate others, who were used by Fog cultists and ultimately lost so much of themselves in different ways. The two could really connect, I think, if they had a chance to work past their individual problems, and if Charlotte could open up to her, something might happen there. Unfortunately. I muse Victor, and in my brain he just goes bite maim kill whenever the two have a more physical moment as friends, such as hand-holding. That little man is going to go ballistic if Lea further monopolizes his sister’s valuable time. Still, I think the bite marks would be worth it for the two to have even a brief moment of happiness in their otherwise bleak lives.
Ash/Raven. This. This one came out of a shitpost. A joke with friends. Ash will flirt with any woman he sees at least once, just to get it out of his system, and respect their response in terms of if they’re reciprocating, humoring him, or clearly disinterested. Then there’s Raven, who cannot understand his strange little language and is baffled by his gestures. Ash calls her Sugar and tries to sweet talk her into turning him loose in Trials. He also jokes to his fellow Survivors that older chicks dig him and he has experience with time travel romances. Ash cannot get a read on whether Raven is into this, confused by this, or killing him because of it. Lea, likewise, cannot get a read on anything Ash is doing, and yet admits he has some charm and that it might be working on her regardless of the language barrier.
Plague/Raven. She’s a tall, sexy, half-rotted adherent to an ancient religion who sees the Trials as part of her duties. Raven is a tall, classically beautiful, half-monstrous adherent to an ancient religion who is made to see the Trials as part of her duties. It’s like poetry. It flows. Lea probably does want Adiris to step on her in much the same way that she wants Anna to snap her in half. There’s something about women who could absolutely wreck Lea’s shit that she just finds innately sexy. That said, IDK how they’d work around that language barrier or if I can even see Adiris being willing to play ball, but I hold the mere concept close to my heart and think about it pretty often when the subject of shipping Raven comes up.
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lightlorn · 4 years
ship bias for nev, shizuka, and mercy!
i have the worst takes. ll accepting.
artovere: fuck my ass, mal really got to me with this one. i always thought there was an interesting dynamic to explore in giving the princess and the knight a shipping dynamic, but mal looked me in my stupid little face and said ‘we’re going to take over your entire brain now,’ AND BOY DID IT WORK. the dynamic of the healing and all-loving and all-loved princess with this revered and honored knight who is slowly losing his grip on his self, his sanity, his goals, nev looking at artorias losing these battles and knowing she cannot heal him, it really adds a deeper layer to thinks. throw in that they started out hopeful and young and both end up the villain of their own story, corrupted by their own aims. damn. damn i love this ship. thank u @abysstaken for my life.
flannevere: the one truly canon nev ship. perhaps my only canon nev ship. in item descriptions, nev left anor londo with this guy, becoming his wife and having at least a daughter with him. what kind of man must he have been to seduce the princess from her tower and legacy in canon? well, i figure he must have been a swell guy, especially on this page’s lore. between the poles of artorias’ fatal fall from grace and oceiros’ partnership rather than love, flann was the sweet spot and her hope. if she had stayed with him, her life might have been a happy one, but alas. duty comes first to my girl.
oceirovere: mmmm ok here’s where we get in shaky territory. i don’t really ship it, and i don’t think it was a romantic relationship. it was a business partnership, where nev could rule while oceiros dedicated himself to his studies so long as he served the divine family. in their final days together, it was an absolute shitshow. mal puts it as ‘oceiros the cucked king.’ but. the dynamic is so narratively rich building off of this, and the fact they had one another’s backs and shared interests up to the point nev fled. it’s a relationship, though not romantic and only once sexual, that i am very interested in working through and fleshing out.
finavere: gwynevere is bisexual and fina was her long term on and off. love and light, what better f/f dynamic is there among the divine? though they were not always together, and gwynevere practiced polyamory behind closed doors, keeping artorias as her secretive main partner... they had a deep affection and respect for one another. where most simply saw a deep and positive friendship, the pair were devoted to one another behind closed doors, in every way that matters in a relationship. cry about it, lautrec.
ciaranevere: listen. they both miss artorias. they both loved him in their own ways. i hc that ciaran mentored artorias and gwynevere’s daughter. why can’t lydia have two mommies since her daddy ran off and got his ass lost to the darkness?
shimaj: oh we hit it out the park w this one. the identity issues, the trauma and the need to defend, the bad person and the one so convinced of their own badness... it’s a delight, lucky. you blessed me with this. there’s a lot of layers to them both under their bombastic, unconventional lifestyles that they’re still trying so hard to shield from the other’s notice. the fact they might actually get one another on some level, the way no one else understands. it doesn’t even have to be romantic -- they’re still ride or die, still repaying loyalty with loyalty. especially once they are at points where they don’t owe it to one another, when majima is no longer their patron and they no longer have an obligation to protect him as an honorable man. i think you once joked that one day when they’re both old as hell and retired, they’re just going to get married because they have nothing else to do, and i think that’s a good summation of the dynamic. slowly working through things together, and getting closer to one another almost against their will.
gensaiyama: shizuka’s gay for kaoru. that’s it, that’s the post. i feel like if there was ever a wlw answer to the buddy cop dynamic, this would be it: law abiding hard ass lady cop who eats yakuza for breakfast juxtaposed off of the convention defying chaos loving defense attorney who has been openly accused of being yakuza otaku in the past. both are in the same game, but on opposing teams. and yet, shizuka has loads of respect for kaoru and what she knows of her department, and thinks a woman like that deserves the finer things. they’re both dfab in a man’s world, after all, chasing the shadows cast by the underworld. if kaoru ever ends up in kamuro again, shizuka’s gonna go out of their way to ensure at least one dinner with this indomitable woman.
yukizuka: shizuka’s gay for yuki. but then, who isn’t gay for yuki? they’re both legendary in the cabaret game, though shizuka operated under a different identity entirely. really they just want yuki to step on them and prove why she deserves to be the alpha host(ess) in the relationship. this is a nightmare that any majima who acted as shizuka’s patron in the host days is having. shizuka showing up in their old host garb is a nightmare that yuki is having, because the ponytail and vintage cut suit is bringing back flashbacks to the grand. and yet, shizuka’s hope springs eternal that osaka’s queen notice them and give into their endless charms.
shizuka/anyone who will treat them right tbh. someone who can convince them the opinions of others and the scorn they faced in the past for their identity and beliefs do not define them. that their heart is in the right place and they’re fighting against an institution they find unjust, and that this is a show of strength and care for others. someone who makes them slow down without making them stop entirely, someone who supports both their career and their own needs outside of ambition. one day someone’s going to love this mess right and i will cry.
that’s it. i never got on the genji/mercy express, fareeha and mercy fandom intimidated the hell out of me, i kind of called 76 was gay that and the age difference coupled with their dynamic squicked me out, and i don’t know a lot about the new characters.
but the concept of two characters who lost their family to war and made some bad decisions in the years after? the idea of a take no shit woman on the side of the angels staggering the big bad don’t fuck with me type that has never been challenged in his life? i’m really digging it, guys. beauty and the beast. hope vs survival. the healer with the sick. there's so much dichotomy that i want to take a solid bite out of. no, i want to devour it.
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allisallies · 4 years
Ship bias for Sylvain???
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//ship bias for sylvain and katya
hilda hilda hilda
seteth constance
hubert’s tiddies
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nyappytown · 4 years
I’ve come for Yashahime discussion rooted in lore and not shipbias!
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yume-x-hanabi · 5 years
Saving the Whole Chimeriad
So it’s no secret that I will never be over the Chimeriad’s deaths, and since we conveniently never saw their dead bodies, I can keep one or all of them alive in my headcanons without too much trouble. Aah the joy of denial.
For a long time I was mostly focusing on how to get Wingul, at least, to survive the first game *cough*shipbias*cough*, partly because while I’m still not totally convinced Agria and Presa’s deaths were necessary and I hate the way it was handled, I couldn’t really say the same about Jiao. He got a badass anime cutscene after all. But honestly it feels weird to spare some but not all of them, so I’ve decided to come up with a scenario where they all live without disrupting the first game’s canon (X2 is totally free to rewrite tho :p):
Jiao’s severely injured but was rescued by Rashugal troops he kinda saved when he faced off Exodus alone and brought to Talim Hospital. No one knows about it until the ending of the game. He’ll need months of recovery to be able to walk again, and he probably won’t be able to fight again like before, but he’s alive at least. Leia’ll often come to visit and encourage him during rehabilitation because she knows how it feels.
Wingul was spat out of the Temporal Crossroads with the rest of the party (thanks Milla) and he’s unconscious and barely breathing but when they realize he’s still alive somehow all healers in the party team up to keep him from dying. He’s then brought to Talim Hospital, which is how Gaius learns about Jiao (who’s still unconscious at this point) and can’t believe his luck that at least two of them made it against all odds. He’s gonna need to have his booster extracted before it blows up or something, and for that they manage to track down some of the booster researchers who originally operated on him. Thanks to them and Talim’s best mana lobe specialists, they manage to save him, but he’ll be in a coma for a while.
Meanwhile, Agria and Presa are starring in their own version of Out of the Wild. They managed to grab to each other while falling, and then decided “we’re the Chimeriad dammit, we’re not gonna let some fall get us” and combined artes to slow their fall. They landed more or less without hurt, but now they’re stuck in the middle of nowhere in the Hallowmont’s weird terrain. They’re wounded (thankfully nothing serious), exhausted, almost out of mana, and with no idea where they are. But if there’s something those two are good at, it’s surviving against terrible odds. And they’re not alone this time. So they slowly make their way down to Nia Khera.
Their adventure is not helped by the schism’s dispelling suddenly temporarily throwing spirit climes out of whack and plunging Auj Oule into one of the worst Lasylph it’s ever seen. When they finally make it back to civilization and attempt to return to Khan Baliq via Xian Du, they learn that the way is closed due to heavy blizzard raging over the Mon Highlands. And no, wyverns are not flying over there, thank you very much. However, they learn from the wyvern guy (Yurgen) that His Highness has been spending a lot of time in Il Fan lately to organize the union of the two countries and prepare for negotiations with Elympios.
So they take a ship to Il Fan, where it’s thankfully not snowing as much. The first thing they do when they reach Il Fan is check if Prinn still lives there because they need to rest and don’t have any money left for an inn. Prinn cries a lot when she sees Agria (and Bobo happily nests on her head), and the next day she takes them to the hospital first thing in the morning because “there’s something you absolutely have to see.”
There they meet Gaius, who was visiting Jiao and Wingul, and he can’t believe his eyes and forgets about protocol and just hugs them tightly because wow, the whole Chimeriad made it, this is the best Sylphmas present ever. Agria thinks she’s gonna faint.
They find out about Jiao and Wingul. Jiao’s awake by now but Wingul is still unconscious (the surgery went well though--and Jude assisted to take notes for his thesis). He’ll wake up in Undis (just in time for his birthday) and will be an absolute pain to the nurses and doctors (because you know he’ll want to work when he’s supposed to rest) and will start doubting his usefulness again, but maybe this time they can talk some sense into him.
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lightlorn · 4 years
Ship Bias for the KH crew!
i have the worst takes. ll accepting.
answered here :D
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lightlorn · 4 years
ship bias: all the muses with names that start with a B 3c
i am a flawed human being. ll accepting.
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Braska/Wife. Don’t give me this shit FF. A man of the cloth turns his back on all he was taught for a woman whose beliefs are fundamentally at odds with his own, and all you give me is ‘they were in love and then she died?’ Unacceptable. What was she like? How did she catch Braska’s eye? Was she as dedicated to change as he? Was it truly as simple as two people in love, or was it two people who also sought to make a statement in the face of any disapproval? Ffs what was even her name? I want all the details but all I have is HC and the whims of any partners I might have.
Braska/Jecht. It’s downright religious. Braska out here holding out his hand to a fellow outcast and taking him out of his chains into a beautiful and strange new world through which they might both find salvation. Braska gives Jecht so many chances, treats him very tenderly in what we see of their interactions, and I think there’s a lot of room to interpret something deeper existing there. At the end, Braska chose Jecht to follow him into the abyss, and you can’t discount that. In a better world, I think something special could have happened between them.
Braska/Auron. This one might be basic but I will sail it into Hell itself. Auron’s devotion to Braska, and Braska choosing to take Auron away from what had been a scandal, speaks a lot to where things could go between them. They were so close, close enough that Braska left the most precious part of his life in Auron’s hands for when he was gone. I know it was not authorial intent, but damn if there isn’t a lot implied when I look upon it with my gaydar on. It’s on the same frequency as Braska/Jecht for me in that I think in any world but Spira there would be a lot more to their relationship.
Braska/Jecht/Auron. Oh I love this song. Take the last two answers and combine it with Braska trying to keep aggressive sexual tension from turning into aggressive fist fighting.
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lightlorn · 4 years
Ship bias for your KH Muses! :D
i am a flawed human being. ll accepting.
Terraqua. This ship is part of the reason I kept crying so hard in KH3, now catch me admitting that on the internet. I love the way they are there for each other in spite of their stark differences, and that they have a lot of unexplored, threadable area in both their coming of age and post-KH3 timelines. Plus any ship I can draw a parallel between my fandom otp and another ship is a good ship.
Xemqua. Nomura was setting something up here and he dropped the ball and I will not take that lying down. You’re telling me they don’t even so much as look at each other during the DLC? Dishonorable, Nomura, truly despicable. There’s so much to work with there, what with the armor and the way you can read a lot of Xemnas’ closest allies in the Org being answers to Terra’s inner circle. If Nomura won’t give me their story, then I’ll write it with a partner.
Aqua/Larxene. There’s basically no other adult women in this series and I am a simple dyke seeking the wlw. I think it would make a fantastic opposites attract cliche with the added bonus of someone that won’t take Larxene’s attitude lying down while simultaneously being able to match her step for step. The Taming of the Nymph, coming soon to an AU near you.
Xehaqus. This is my end all, be all OTP for the fandom. I have spent almost 100 dollars overall at cons commissioning art of these idiots. They are my phone background and lockscreen. I have an entire fic in my head of their apprentice days and frankly if Dark Road does not live up to the relationship development I have hyped up in my head I will go canon divergent. These fuckers are beautiful and heartbreaking and awful and wonderful and I love them. Bring me all the Xehaqus.
That’s it. I’m so disappointing. I have like one or two OC for him ships and I mean whatever happens in RP happens if relationships develop but oh my God. Xehaqus consumes me.
Real talk my Invi is a lesbian and my take on the Foretellers is that she sees them all as her siblings underneath all of her posturing that it’s nothing personal, so I don’t even know what the fandom ships for her are. I’m not even sure who is available to ship with her. Throw whatever of age lady muses you have at her, mutuals, and let’s see where this goes.
Isalea. Akusai is also good, but there’s something about their life together after the war ends when they are trying to rebuild and find everything they lost that speaks to my soul. I would never say that if I see an Axel/Lea it’s ‘on sight’ shipping because that’s shitty, but I will say I am that Saix/Isa that is always down to discuss your take on their dynamic and see what we can cobble together.
Xemsai. This will never be a healthy ship, I think, based on the fact my Saix is as likely to use his alleged loyalty and affection to try and get some form of control over his Superior, but there’s a lot that could be fleshed out here. Whatever heart he grows will always belong to his oldest friend, but he will do whatever it takes to see his ambitions fulfilled. He’s trying to use the creature that has used him for over a decade. God. The potential.
Xigsai. By the same card as above, I think if Saix clued into Xigbar being more than simply a bombastic menace, he could try and pull the same using sex and false loyalty to obfuscate his true means on Xigbar. The difference being that Xigbar is, at heart, far more deadly and aware than Xemnas is when it comes to the bigger picture. It’d be Saix putting himself in the mouth of the beast willingly, and not expecting how deeply those teeth can cut when they snap shut on him.
Full disclaimer: I am 25 years old and fleshing out the romantic drama of a teenage boy is not something that super interests me. That said, I do like the concept of Roxas and his brand new heart forming all kinds of bonds, and him eventually starting to register feelings beyond the platonic for certain people. So as far as character development goes, i can see him taking interest in the following:
Hayner. There’s something so coming of age adolescent aggression as a front for latent or closeted affection about them in the simulation, and in the real world they have endless potential. I think Roxas could definitely feel safe enough around Hayner to have something more develop feelings wise. Also Hayner has muscles and that makes Roxas 404 error sometimes regardless of shipping, just as a general Roxas thing.
Xion. It’s a cliche, to be sure, but depending on the Xion and their development, I can see Roxas starting to feel more at home in her presence after they’ve had time to heal and become their own people. This isn’t an on sight shipping thing, and in fact I am super selective about this even while shipping it, but there’s groundwork for a good dynamic and a sort of reunion between them as whole people who come to appreciate each other as more than their initial, shallow idea of friends.
Namine. Was not super hip on this as a kid, especially when I was less discriminating in my Xion tastes, but as an adult I can appreciate their bond. They have a lot of the same trauma in terms of being dehumanized and used by two separate factions in setting, and the two take a lot of risks for one another within the data Twilight Town. I think there’s something to be said for them both to have irrevocable individuality and come together and develop as more than friends over the years.
Riku. Is it trashy? Yes. Is Roxas still tied to Sora somehow? Yes. Would it be hilarious to see Roxas turn a would-be rivalry into accidental flirtation because he’s confused about his feelings? Yes. Riku just standing there suffering while Roxas demands they engage in a passionate battle of lips -- WITS. I don’t even know how serious I am in shipping this, but Riku being Roxas’ emotional training wheels amuses me.
Aaaaand you can’t really have biases for an OC because at that point anything with plot potential, chemistry, and aligning sexualities goes so instead I am just going to shout out Kokoro’s established ships + the muns for being so good to my little mary sue.
Xemkoro/Foxhole. I don’t know how me dipping my toe in the water of shipping with Lucky by saying ‘hey my OC and your Xem could have a cool dynamic’ became like... my entire shipping brand, but here we are. Their entire dynamic breaks me, the way Xemnas is clinging to a past that he wants so badly to have been a part of while Kokoro can’t afford to look back anymore, working too hard to meet future goals is... Everything. Especially in the fact she regards him as a person without hesitation or knowing how much that will come to mean to him. There’s so many layers to them, and they truly work to earn their happy ending, and that is everything to me. Here’s to successful risks and their payoff.
Aquoro.  Everything my gay little heart ever wanted: the dichotomy of childhood romantic friendship giving way to adolescent rivalry and a shell of what your relationship used to be that appears so often between girls. That they also represent the Responsible Daughter and Rebel Daughter in Kokoro’s secondary verse, furthering the gulf between them as Aqua continues to follow the Master’s teachings where Kokoro embraces her own ideas about what Eraqus preached is... Chef’s Kiss... And through it all, it’s still Aqua that Kokoro wants to find the most, the one for whom her heart breaks the hardest when she sees what became of her. I owe Lucky my life for giving me this phenomenal wlw content.
Koterra. Kleffy does spoil me. The difference between what Terra dreamed of as a boy and what their reality became, where she is instead his knight and protector while he calls the shots as part of reclaiming his identity is perfect. The way they grow from teenage misunderstandings and dick moves into adults that have a touch more kindness for one another is also good, because it’s all about the character development. Their bond is strong and their support for one another immeasurable. I am heterosexual for one (1) ship. All because Kleffy came up with it on the spot and then put in the effort to make it work, God bless em.
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allisallies · 4 years
Ship Bias Vicious!
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//surprisingly, it hasn’t changed much from last time i did it, but i guess it’s because we had only one new chapter since then efghgtfds.
eizen??? eizen, i can feel it
having a pirate costume of his own too??? wth why didn’t he have one come on
not having to suffer the fate of the ‘favorite character of allison’ please, thanks
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allisallies · 4 years
‘Ship Bias’ for Sylvain and Shiro
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//for sylvain it’s easy, everyone- but seriously, everyone he has a support with tbh, but then also those he doesn’t bc i can.
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//for shiro it’s easy too, EVERYONE.
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allisallies · 4 years
Ship Bias Stahn!
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//note that this guy is very shippable bc dumbasses are that easy to ship i guess-
rutee (he has a thing for short and black haired people stepping on him??)
mary (yes, but mostly bc mary’s my fave so i ship her with literally everyone that could make her happy! but their interactions are very cute i’m here for that)
????? happiness
maybe you know stahn and not destiny 2
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lightlorn · 4 years
Ship Bias for the Yakuza muses
i have the worst takes. ll accepting.
kyodai. i didn’t expect this ship to hit me as hard as it did, but you know those gifs of aerith hitting a dude with a chair over the head a la the wwe? that’s nishikiryu suddenly coming after my whole life. danny does not and refuses to help with this newfound love for this ship, bc he is an enabler and i care him. i always got The Vibe playing kiwami that something was up between my boy and his kyodai, that it wasn’t yumi he coveted in that relationship. and now after all this time i have just accepted that tragic childhood friends turned sworn brothers turned enemies owns my ass. oh well.
my hc reina is a lesbian (tho if i ever have a partner that doesn’t align to this that wants to explore the relationship, hmu) and idk that nishiki has chemistry with anyone else. i’m boring. i only have nishikiryu.
majitani: for all the violence inherent in their interactions, nishitani really is the only one in the omi side of the underworld to respect majima. others use him, manipulate him, and want to kill him. nishitani plays by majima’s rules to keep him from getting in trouble with his superiors, respects his abilities as a fighter to the point of demanding a rematch, and openly invites majima to give up on those who use him to ally up with nishitani himself -- no strings attached. he gives majima actual help during his plotline, and lest we forget.... dies sending the man off to safety. under the shows of aggression, nishitani is one of the few that really seems to be on majima and makoto’s side. and i think that’s worth a lot. the way he treats majima when the guy has nothing says a lot about what the dynamic could have been, but alas. y0 maji is allowed no breaks.
that’s it. i’m also boring and predictable and only have one ship. i know fandom goes berserk for sagawa and nishitani as a dynamic but i personally hate sagawa and my nishitani is of the same mind based on what i have cobbled together from dialogue.
answered here.
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