#ships: moramber.
arcadiafound · 4 years
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❛❛   @ghostfable​   asked   [  . . .  ]   “ maybe it’s for the best. ” - from rach to jonas
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After Rachel’s words, silence falls between them. A different kind of silence  ─  not the comfortable quietness that’d fall over them after a particularly funny joke or a hard night, this felt deep and dark and chasmic. Heavy enough to weigh down his chest, and part of him considers shaking his head and telling Rachel to forget it, forget all that he’s said, he wants to take it back and they can get their favorite take - out and eat it while watching television and then just fall asleep together like they always do. Just one more night of ignoring it all spinning around inside of him. One more night pretending this was still high school, pretending that this is still the relationship they showed to his dad and he looked at Jonas with pride beaming from that smile.
But... in a painful, heart - achingly kind of way, Rachel is right. It is for the best. He finally nods and shrugs a bit, picking the cigarette up from the ashtray equidistant between the two of them. The warm smoke filling his chest is his only source of comfort.  “We never know,”  he finally breaks the silence, lifting eyes to look at her across the dining table and leaning forward to extend the cigarette towards her,  “it never feels right when you’re doing it and part of me thinks I’m going to wake up tomorrow and really regret this. But maybe it’s just...”  Jonas looks at her, solemnly smoking across from him, and he can’t help but still feel that ache in his chest. A feeling that made his heart swell with love and adoration for this girl. Honestly  ─  was he making a mistake?  “I-I don’t know what I was trying to say.”  Jonas shakes his head, dismisses everything with a shake of his head.  “I think I’m feeling Thai food tonight,”  he clears his throat, taking out his phone to look at the menu in a foolish attempt to take his mind off of everything. The picture of him and Rachel set as his lockscreen taunts him silently.
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