#shira wellwood
crimsoncrim · 2 years
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“take my hand and we'll face the end of time, 
let's take a stand against fate's design“
drawtober day 23- comfort!
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crimsoncrim · 2 years
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hey perceive my two new friends!
they r dating and love each other very much
more info under the cut!
shira is a meteor agent! they’re super outspoken, pretty brash, and Ang. they’re pretty confident and is the epitome of “they asked for no pickles” for soren. she uses she/they/he, preference for the first two but goes by he as well, although less often. he’s an intelligence/misinformation agent who mainly gathers intel and information and communicates with others to deliberately throw them off meteor’s track. hates being called cute unless it’s from one of their partners-- then they’ll get really flustered. (short = closer to hell)
soren is much shyer and more softspoken-- they work in surveillance and systems technology so is a bit of a dork. they feel a bit out of place in meteor sometimes so their partners reassure them that wherever they end up they’ll still be there for them. slightly closer with ace due to working with them.
they’re in a relationship with each other! their dynamic is basically just
shira normally- >:|
shira around soren- :)
and they’re in a poly relationship w/ ace and taka! because i’m cringe, but i’m free and i don’t have shame anymore (just kidding i totally do.) they’re meant to be the pink/goth pair meme but with the typical personalities inverted! 
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crimsoncrim · 2 years
*runs to ur front door and politely knocks on it* does your reborn ocs have a theme for their pkm teams/any reason for specific pokemon? i am v curious
pls feel free to knock the door in anytime <3
ok this is a fun one!! lemme go one at a time
Emery- (Delphox, Ninetales, Heliolisk, Volcarona, Lilligant, Espeon)
emi has a sun team! Fennekin is their starter, they love fire types and they just found it really cute (among some other reasons! it has a rlly affectionate personality yet little bit of a mischievous streak, and they just fell in love). they have some other members of their team that Don't Make It (spoilers) that aren't mentioned here as well-- this is just their final team. they prefer Fire-types but they're pretty largely sun-themed as a character and their team reflects that!
Rowan- (Gardevoir, Umbreon, Absol, Delphox, Meowstic-M, Thievul)
they're the opposite end of the spectrum as Emi-- largely moon-inspired. they specialize mainly in psychic and dark although they aren't a specialist for those types by any means, it just kind of happened to shake out that way for them. their starter was Also Fennekin (which comes in handy when they're hitchhiking with Emi when she picks a starter) and they have a really strong bond as they've been together for so long. Absol is probably her signature mon though, just as it's the one she uses most often/Mega Evolves.
Soleil- (Primarina, Mimikyu, Sylveon, Gengar, Togekiss, Rotom)
they're a ghost/fairy specialist! they actually originated when a friend and I picked dual monotypes for each other to do in a monorun and I decided to make an OC out of it. they're rather fond of ghosts as they love history, and ghost-type Pokemon tend to hang around those kinds of historical sites. they also found that ghosts were often pretty friendly to her and tended to be misunderstood, so she took a liking to them. fairies they just really like. it started when their Eevee evolved unintentionally into a Sylveon-- they just loved it at first sight.
Lyra- (Minior, Cosmog, Clefable, Beheeyem, Starmie, Musharna, Deoxys)
lyra actually originated just because I'm a really big sucker for space and galaxy themes and wanted to design an OC based on that! there's a lot of interesting space/alien/star-aligned Pokemon, so their team is based on that. they're also primarily a reserve psychic leader, so Minior and Clefable usually act as wild cards during battles. Deoxys and Cosmog xe don't get until postgame, and Cosmog eventually evolves into a Lunala (although it's just a Cosmog for a pretty long time because they don't fight with it and xe thinks it's Too Dang Cute).
Niko- (Rotom, Hoopa, Noivern, Zoroark, Polteageist, Toxtricity)
his team is largely based around theme of electricity and sound and his arcade theme rather than any one type! Noibat -> Noivern was a gift from Arc, and they often fix machinery in the nightclub together with their Rotom. Zoroark comes in handy when they have to disguise themself when going down to Seventh with Arc, and Toxtricity helps with the music in the club obviously. she has the same kinda mischievous personality as Hoopa, so that's totally something she'd pick up in postgame.
Shira- (Gardevoir, Sylveon, Ribombee, Alolan-Muk, Salazzle, Roserade)
shira's team has undergone a few changes since I usually update my OCs in either design or lore a decent amount, lmao-- they're largely a poison and fairy specialist now. eevee was their first Pokemon, and they barely knew anything about Pokemon at the time, so she didn't have any special stones or know about any specific evolution conditions for it, so it ended up evolving into Sylveon due to their high levels of friendship and it happened to know Baby-Doll Eyes (Shira is not immune to the puppy eyes). Gardevoir was a gift from Soren, who has Gallade-- while Roserade was a gift from Ace and Taka.
Soren- (Silvally, Porygon-Z, Gallade, Delphox, Rotom, Froslass)
their team is more based specifically on technology as it's their specialty, with a few exceptions-- Snorunt was their starter, but Type:Null is their signature mon. they ended up finding Null abandoned and hurt before they joined meteor and attempted to heal it back to health-- it just started following them around after that. Gallade is a counterpart specifically to Shira's Gardevoir, while Delphox was a gift from Ace. they're originally from Ametrine, so that's where they ended up finding Snorunt as their first Pokemon within the mountains :>
as for nicknames, I like it when characters nickname Pokemon, and it's in character for every one of my OCs-- just for different reasons-- so they do all nickname their team members as well. let me know if you're curious about those, I just didn't want to make the post too long :>
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crimsoncrim · 2 years
How did soren and shira meet? :0
long post so going to put this under the cut! <3
they meet through meteor, actually! they're together in their relationship for a few years now-- shira ended up joining first. their family lives in the Orre region in Phenac, and they were supportive of her, but they were never really all that close. she had a lot more that she wanted to do with their life rather than being stuck within the city, so they took the first train to Reborn in hopes of challenging the league. he didn't end up doing very well, and ended up getting pretty down on himself for quite a while after as a result. a few people ended up noticing that she was no longer turning up to the gyms every few days like they used to do to try and challenge them. they end up inviting shira into meteor as a way to find something else to do with their life and to help the city and its ancient history, and they end up finding a little family within it as well.
soren ends up joining to try and support their family-- their family lives in Ametrine, and they were initially friends with both Eve and Lumi before the accident and their disappearance-- they went searching for the two of them-- pulling them into meteor's business after they stumbled across some other members discussing the incident. their family is pretty poor, and they join partly to find out what happened to their friends but also just to provide money for their family-- Ametrine's weather is pretty harsh and they often struggled to make ends meet. they end up transitioning shortly after they join meteor, and it's a kind of almost euphoria? for them to realize their identity.
they meet shira in the intelligence department shortly after being assigned to systems management/surveillance, and they don't actually hit it off right away. shira's pretty brash, and ends up mouthing off to ZEL and ace as supervisors early on, and snapping back at some technicians under their wing such as soren. soren's naturally a pretty shy disposition, so this kinda makes them shrink back a little from him. it wasn't until they're assigned to work together that they get the chance to interact outside of a meteor setting-- they're assigned to a mission together where soren ended up saving shira from a sticky situation and while they've gotten the chance to be friendly with each other this really kicks off the gradual start to grow closer.
they've definitely been more of a slowburn relationship as their personalities are relatively different, but they balance each other out really well. shira encourages soren to be more confident in themself and their decisions and skills, and to be more outgoing and authoritative, while soren helps shira stay calmer, especially during crises, and make more rational decisions rather than charging into situations. they help shira slow down a bit and appreciate what's around them, while she helps them come out of their shell a bit and grow more confident that yes, they are valid and the things that they have to say and contribute are valued.
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