icestar-74 · 2 years
Shizaya Week 2022
Day 6 Heart Made of Glass, Please Don't Break it.
"Izaya?" Shizuo stepped into his home. "What are you doing up here?"
Izaya groaned into his arm.
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Shizuo stepped closer. He had seen Izaya like this on occasion. Usually when the flea had something on his mind he didn't want to talk about. Shizuo knew it wasn't healthy but what about anything involving them was?
"Hey C'mer Zaya. Let's get you to bed." Shizuo stepped closer and placed a hand on Izaya's shoulder.
"Ah! Oh Shizu-chaaaaaaan!" Izaya cooed at Shizuo. "What brings you up here?"
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Shizuo rubbed his head. "You obviously. How much have you had to drink?"
Izaya swung his arms out. "This much!"
Shizuo sighed. "Figured as much. Let's go to bed." Shizuo reached for Izaya again.
"No no no! I can walk on my own!" Izaya squinted his eyes at the floor. "Gimmie a sec. The floor is far away." He stuck out his tongue and jumped of the stool. "See?" He smiled at Shizuo and took a step forward, tripped over his own feet and into Shizuo's arms.
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Shizuo held him steady. "Yeah, I see." Shizuo kissed the top of his head. "You ok?" Izaya didn't reply but Shizuo could feel him shuddering. "Hey, come on. It's ok." Shizuo gently brought them both to the floor.
Izaya pulled away, still holding up his glass. "You know something. I'm just like this glass here. Exactly like it in fact."
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Shizuo crossed his legs. "How so?"
Izaya pulled the glass from his face. "I'm fragile...I'm so fucking fragile and cold inside. Sometimes I feel empty too."
Shizuo nodded. "You know I would never let anything break you right?"
Izaya smiled at him and reached a hand to hold his face. "You're what a fear the most. I love you so much and I wait for the day that you're sick of me. The day you say enough is enough and just leave."
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He pulled away and put a hand to his face. "Fuck." He tried to stop the tears from falling. "It's all so much sometimes. It's terrifying how easily you could destroy me with out even touching me."
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Shizuo shook his head. "There would never be anything easy about that. It's not even an option Izaya."
Izaya looked up at him. A little snot dribbled from his nose. "Really?"
Shizuo nodded. "I ain't going anywhere. I'll never hurt you like that and I will always make sure to do what I can to keep you warm." He wrapped his arms around Izaya. "I love you."
"I'm getting snot on your shirt." Izaya sniffles.
"Not the worst you've done." Shizuo huffed a laugh into his hair. "What brought this on?"
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Izaya pulled away again to look at him. "I did a survey that was going around about healthy relationships."
Shizuo looked at him for a long moment. "You know...for someone as smart as you, you can be a real idiot."
Izaya frowned. "Don't be mean. I'm fragile."
Shizuo pulled him back in. "Fragile my ass."
Yes, Shizuo knew this probably wasn't the healthiest way to get Izaya to talk, but it was their way. Izaya never got black out drunk and would remember this all tomorrow. He would say thank you by making breakfast and snuggle Shizuo on the couch as hard as he could and they would carry on loving each other just the same.
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icestar-74 · 2 years
Shizaya week 2022
Day 5 Scars
Shizuo and Izaya were enjoying a relaxing day outside. The sun was shinning, the breeze was refreshing and Shizuo's thoughts were moving.
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"Hey Izaya?" Shizuo whispered.
"Yes Shizu-chan? You know this is a rare occasion. One where I am silent and relaxed. This must be important if you are willing me to speak."
Shizuo ignored his annoying flea. "I just wondered...if they hurt?"
Izaya looked down at him confused. "If what hurts?"
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Shizuo rubbed up Izaya's torso. "The scars. All the scars I gave you."
Izaya smiled. "Ah those. They are nothing so don't worry about it."
"Ugh!" Shizuo growled. "How can you say that? I mean I've almost killed you. I've hurt you to the point you needed countless stitches and you say they are nothing. I'm a fucking monster Izaya!"
Shizuo moved to straddle him. "So much of your blood has been spilled by my hands. He moved his hand under Izaya shirt, felt the risen skin of scars. "So much..."
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Izaya grabbed his hands. "Shizuo, have you forgotten how I got you hit by a truck? How much of YOUR blood I spilled or how many scars my blades have gifted to you?"
Shizuo shook his head. "But you know I heal!"
Izaya threw his head back in a laugh. "I do now but what about when we first met? I still sliced your chest didn't I?" He rubbed the scar he referred to. "Stained your shirt crimson on the first day."
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"I just...don't want to hurt you like that ever again. Leave more scars or worse. I fucking love you Izaya." Shizuo's voice quivered.
Izaya looked at Shizuo, feeling his own heart squeeze in his chest. "Shizuo, if you... if you stop trying to kill me now I'm going to get pissed."
Shizuo blinked. "What?"
Izaya moved quick to embrace Shizuo. "I love you too. But these scars are the most precious things I own. Each a memory I will not forgot. Each is like a kiss burned forever into my flesh."
Shizuo choked on a small sob before hugging Izaya back. "Damn it. You are such a sap."
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Izaya smiled against Shizuo's chest. Feeling each scar burn with affection.
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icestar-74 · 2 years
Shizaya week 2022
Day 3 Road Trip
"Shizu-Chan, you can't be serious. This is all junk. Instant ramen? We are going on vacation, we can't eat this crap. I mean you even grabbed a frozen pizza." Izaya wined.
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Shizuo pushed the cart into him. "I got garlic bread so it's not all junk."
Izaya fought a laugh, not very well. "Wait, do you think garlic bread makes it fancy?"
Shizuo crossed his arms and frowned. "Well yeah, they serve it at all the fancy Italian places."
Izaya the burst into laughter. A few bystanders gave him funny looks but he didn't care.
"Shut up!" Shizuo growled. He then lunged for Izaya. "It's my roadtrip too and I'm gonna eat what I want!"
Izaya dodged him. "Well it's mine too and I was to see new sights and eat at new places. Where are you even going to cook the pizza? Did you think of that? Can't you just get a few snacks and call it a day?" Izaya bounced around Shizuo's advances but collided with a customer.
Shizuo grinned and grabbed him. "You're right." He bowed apologetically to the customer.
Izaya yelped in surprise and Shizuo shoved him in the cart. "What are you doing!?"
"Grabbing a snack." Shizuo grinned wide at him.
Izaya blinked and blushed heavy. "Idiot."
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"Yeah yeah, now let's go to the candy isle." Shizuo kicked off with his foot and jumped on the cart, sailing them down the isle.
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icestar-74 · 2 years
Shizaya Week 2022
Day 7 Promise
"Shizu-chan? Do you want to grow old with me?" Izaya asked.
They had been relaxing on the couch. Izaya had been rambling about his human loving nonsense while Shizuo mindlessly rubbed his calves.
"What?" Shizuo asked.
Izaya raised his head to look at him. There was a mix of concern in his gaze. "I asked if you wanted to grow old with me?"
Shizuo looked away and frowned. "I guess."
It was Izaya's turn to frown. "You guess? You mean you don't know?"
Shizuo rolled his eyes. "The fuck does it matter?!"
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Izaya's lip curled in a snarl. "I guess it doesn't. I guess you don't really love me and all of this is happening until you get bored and move on."
Shizuo shook his head. "What are you talking about?"
Izaya sat up and glared at him. "Why are you being an idiot!?"
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"You're serious?" Shizuo couldn't believe they were having this conversation. Their future was obvious. "Shit." He muttered while pushing Izaya away.
"Wh-?" Izaya started to question him but Shizuo cut him off with a snapped "SHUT UP."
He moved to one knee in front of Izaya. "Give me your damn hand." Izaya refused. Shizuo grabbed it anyway. "Look, it doesn't matter how we see our future because we're both in it together."
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Izaya blushed as he looked at their hands.
"I thought that was obvious. Apparently not. So, I'll tell you this once. It doesn't matter if it's this lifetime or the next. I will always find you, hunt you down to the ends of the earth. There will never be a universe or whatever with JUST Izaya. It will always be Shizuo AND Izaya. Forever and that's a damn promise."
Izaya starred at their hands for a long time before speaking. "Wow..."
Shizuo let go and put his hands on his hips. "Understand? Feel better?"
Izaya rubbed the back of his head. "Wow Shizu-chan. That was a lot of big words for a protozan. Tell me, do you think your an idiot in all universes?"
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"HAH?!" Shizuo shouted.
"What a pathetic sap you are. Who knew?" Izaya grinned at him.
"You fucker!" Shizuo growled and grabbed him.
They fought, they kissed and in the end they went outside to sit on their swing.
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Shizuo had an arm around his flea, grinning ear to ear. "God I can't wait to grow old with you and see how brittle your bones get."
"And I can't wait to see how much of your body has fallen apart from all the abuse you give it." Izaya smiled back.
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"Shizuo this is too small!" Izaya argued.
"Oh shut up. Your so small and you'll shrink soon anway!" Shizuo patter him on the head.
"What do you mean soon! I'm only twenty one!" Izaya shot back.
Shizuo rolled his eyes. "You'll be saying that till the day you die huh?"
Izaya smirked at him. "Of course. I'm forever twenty-one. I promise to always annoy you with that fact too."
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icestar-74 · 2 years
Sizaya Week 2022
Day 4 Confessing in Another Language
"Hey Shizu-chan." Izaya was sitting on the couch, looking more smug than usual.
Shizuo grit his teeth ready for the insult. "What?"
"ich liebe dich." Izaya spoke.
Shizuo narrowed his eyes. "The fuck does that mean?"
Izaya stretched his arms over the couch. "Oh you know, the usual."
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"What language even is that? Itchy leevy ditch?" Shizuo frowned. "That's not Russian or.... is it?"
Izaya grinned and got up. "Read a book or two."
Later that day Shizuo was in the kitchen eating. Izaya walked in and grabbed a drink.
"Oh hey Shizu-chan?" Izaya stopped.
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Shizuo was chewing. "Hah?"
"ich liebe dich!" Izaya called as he left the kitchen.
"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING!?" Shizuo shouted.
Before bed Shizuo decided to take a nice bath. Izaya came to do his before bed routine.
"Oh Shizu-Chan, that reminds me." Izaya spoke as he messed with his hair.
Shizuo had his eyes closed but blinked them open to look at Izaya. "Hmm?"
Izaya met his gaze in the mirror. "ich liebe dich."
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Shizuo just glared at him.
Izaya giggled and went to bed.
"That's it." Shizuo grumbled.
He finished his bath and got on Izaya's computer. "I know it's a fucking insult. That stupid grin on his face tells it all. Let's see. Itch leby ditch."
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After about twenty minutes of trying to figure out what Izaya was saying to him he found it. The frown fell off his face and was replaced with a blush. "Oh..."
Shizuo made his way to bed and wrapped around Izaya. "Hey Izaya." He whispered into Izaya's ear.
"Hm?" Izaya replied sleepily.
"I love you too." Shizuo kissed his cheek.
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Izaya rolled over and pulled him closer. "Couldn't even try to learn how to say it back huh?"
"Don't need to. I love you in every language anyway." Shizuo smiled and kissed his forhead.
"Such an idiot." He said and kissed Shizuo.
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icestar-74 · 2 years
Since the last day of Shizaya week is a free day I thought I'd share some HCs of mine. I was gonna write a quick fic but time is a funny thing.
-Many people already know this one I think but it's still my favorite. Izaya is a painter in secret. He loves art and loves to create it. Something fascinates him about the way humans can look at art and see so many different things or meanings. He just enjoys the idea that a simple paint brush and color can create an infinite amout of possibilities. He enjoys painting his favorite beast most of all.
-Shizuo loves to not be in control when they get intimate. I read a fic once about Shizuo being tied down and couldn't (he totes could be that defeated the point) break free. That idea never left my head. Shizuo enjoys being forced to not use his strength.
-Izaya doesn't show his affection too often but when he does he goes COMPLETELY overboard. During special holidays he won't just get Shizuo a treat, no, he'd buy out an entire bakery. He would rent out an whole amusement park for Shizuo if that's what the other wanted.
-They both love to watch horror movies. Izaya says he doesn't but he can't help but find the things humans do in those situations fascinating, if not dumb. Shizuo loves them because he gets to see "real" monsters and also see people doing dumb things. Of course they both highly enjoy the clinging onto each other part.
-They both love to travel and go places. Clearly because Izaya loves to people watch. But Shizuo just loves to watch him be happy. He thinks anytime Izaya smiles is a good time. He would never admit it though.
-Shizuo is 1000% a sap. My mind won't be changed. He read shitty romance stories because he never thought he'd have one of his own. Having Izaya, someone not afraid of him or afraid of getting hurt is something he cherishes more than words can say. He loves when Izaya is dumb and goes overboard with romantic gestures. He himself loves to make really stupid ones that make you gush. Like hiding Mistletoe everywhere until he can kiss Izaya or making stupid promises that only works for them.
-They love their fighting and name calling. It's theirs and theirs alone. If someone else talks shit about the other they will have a world of hurt coming.
-Izaya is constantly asking Shizuo why he stays with him. His fragile heart will never let him just accept that Shizuo is his forever. Shizuo had to keep telling him about how much he loves him. Shizuo doesn't mind doing so. Part of that whole sap thing.
Just my thoughts and rambles. Never really made an HC post. I'm sure I show more in my lil Shizaya house pics. I just adore them so much and don't care that their relationship is TOXIC af IRL because Shizaya makes me happy. My happiness is very important to me ;3
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