shnowbilicat · 3 years
Why Overwatch 2 will be just fine
Before we begin I wanna say that all of this are my own perspectives and thoughts, so take it with a grain of salt ... but tbh yall should sit down and chill until the game drops, kay? Kay.
Soo, there was another OW2 livestream not so long ago and people started freaking out and boycotting the devs. Why? 5v5 and there will be only one tank now.
I'm hearing left and right how much of a problem this will be and I can't stop getting annoyed about the fact that people really are SO upset that there will be no 'off tank' in their games and how the devs 'refuse to balance their game' instead and how there will be smurfing and- you get the point.
Maybe it's just me, maybe I'm not into the 'meta' cuz my competitive rank is a 'metal' one, OR MAYBE I'm just this guy who says 'it just game, why u have to be mad??'.
I personally really look forward to OW2, mostly for the PvE part of the game as it sounds so massive and seeing how much they've done with the very first mission they've shown us and the fact that we can level up our heroes and equip unique abilities just makes me giggle and excited about the final release and future events and updates!
So many cutscenes, so many new animations and skins, so many new maps to play X33
And 5v5?? I'm looking forward to that too!
No, for real, one tank does not make or break anything for me, mostly for one single tiny reason alone.
A Tank is still a Tank.
I dunno if you ever played other games where there are Tank, DPS and Healing roles, like LoL, Dota, heck even Pokémon and Fire Emblem.
Tank roles have one single purpose; be the literal meat shield for their team.
I dunno about you, but I've never played a Tank in my life that wasn't completely about taking the attention from my squishies and jump in to protect them. And according to my ranking I'm a Tank main, sure my highest Rank is Platinium, but just because I don't grind my way up like any other madmen.
Tanks are SUPPOSED to be in the front lines taking the damage, making a way through the crowd, mess up the other team's formation. I also believe I'm not the end all be all for my squishies, I trust in them that they can protect themselves when I go in for a kill, which they can with their several abilities like a sleeping dart, climbing walls or building up a wall to hide behind.
Here we have Pro Tank players freaking out and complaining that 'they lack a tank' that there won't be any strategy involved cuz they are missing another meat shield that has their back etc. etc.
Again, I'm just a noob playing my Quickplay and Arcade games for lootboxes ... but god am I sick and tired of hearing these excuses from one trick pro players who have been stuck in their metas and comps.
SURE they are up there for a reason, but the fact of the matter is that I don't care if you do not want a 'dive comp' if I wanna play D.Va to get myself a 6 stack Ult kill, kay??
I don't care if we have a Zarya and Roady, they gonna wreck our enemy team and I'm gonna pump up their asses with as much healing as they want, kay???
The standarts OW pro players have been setting time and time again has muddied the waters of normal play. Because of them Symmetra and Bastion have been thrown into the corner of the back room and will never be seen in normal play because 'they ain't meta'.
Bro, I've been a Bastion main since Comp Season 3 and I've been wrecking my games left and right whenever I play him. I do not need your meta to succed, I don't need a Mercy pocket or a Rein shield because people like the pros set the standart that Bastion is ONLY useful when these criteria are met.
Not only that, BECAUSE of their standarts I forced myself into being able to switch to any roles with heroes that do just as much good as my Bastion. And that was actually a very good thing! Now I'm a solid Gold-Plat rank player that can play pretty much every hero in Mystery Heroes.
... and then I see our current pros. Who are scared shitless that their off tank players gonna play ... DPS?? Or Healing?? Like, weren't you guys moaning about one tricks? About people not being able to switch?
You ... you do know how OW started, right? OW was a game the devs SPECIFICALLY made to be open gameplay, they WANTED people to switch to heroes and experiment with new combos.
But lately we had buffs, nerfs, change in ques and all you can do is complain about it.
YOU put the standart 2-2-2 because people started to go tank-healers only, or Genji-healing only, or some shit because that was OP.
YOU were the ones forcing in a role que system because other people could not or refused to switch their roles.
YOU forced the devs to rework ALL HEROES to your standarts. Granted, here you got the devs to make Symmetra interesting to play, Bastion and Torb more viable and Brig to be more fair ... for you, because I cannot play Brig to safe my life, she's such a squishy and I die the second the round starts.
If you cannot handle what pro players dished out years ago, then please do me the favor and stay with your Rein-Zayra combo for the rest of eternity thxx
And we haven't talked about the OW2 hero reworks and new maps with more things to hide behind yet! Making each Tank more viable and more enjoyable to play. And guess what? THEY AIN'T DONE YET! I've seen alot of players moarn that the game will be SO unfair ... but we haven't seen anything yet. Espacially since they haven't told us any DPS or Healing ability changes either.
'But BUT 3 years of development!!!' so?? 3 years could mean anything. Not to mention that the EXACT SAME DEVS are working on OW2 are ALSO STILL working on OW 1 at the same time. And it's a pandemic. Sure they are a huge team, but they have a huge goal; aka THE STORY MODE WITH HUNDRETS OF HOURS OF PLAYTIME AND ANIMATED CUTSCENES.
They still have a long ass way to go, so chill out and give em some time. There are over 30 heroes they have to rework, remodel, give a part in the Story. Multiple new Maps to work, maybe even rework, test and make sure everything is as polished as possible for the general player base; which ain't the pros btw.
So, with pretty much mostly everything said, what's my final stand?
I would say to everybody worrying that the game won't be good; trust me, it'll be just fine.
If you don't enjoy the 5v5, there will still be Arcade and Story to keep ya company, like, I've been playing Quickplay and Arcade 99% of the time, you gonna be fine fam.
And if you're a pro player who JUST CANNOT handle 5v5 without their off tank puppy jumping after them then here's a tip:
Don't play Overwatch 2.
Nobody will force you to it, Overwatch will still exist with it's 6v6 2 tanks, 2 DPS, 2 healing boringness and it's frozen metas and comps and the same ass people in the Top 100 you play against each and every day with tiny buffs and nerfs every other day.
Meanwhile me and my squad will enjoy more shenanigans in OW2.
I'll gladly play momma Orisa and keep my friends save and sound, while also hooking every evil doer who dares come close to em ewe
Overwatch 2 is for us, the players who play the game like the devs intended; play the heroes you want, no matter if you lose or fail and have to pick yourself up again to grow and become stronger.
Overwatch 2 will be just fine.
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shnowbilicat · 5 years
Bruh I'm sorry but Overwatch 2 is fcking beautiful and I wanna play it now.
Story, Story missions, new designs, FCKING CUTSCENES
Plz just gimme my Bastion and OW2 and I'm gud to go owo
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shnowbilicat · 5 years
Blizzard plz fix ur game
While warming up with bots my Zenyatta decided he would throw and get stuck X’D
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shnowbilicat · 5 years
So, since last time I on Overwatch I complaint about being Plat and getting my ass beaten, lemme give you an update, now that I got through my Placementmatches in the new Role Queue Beta ewe
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The former are my matches and here u can see my Ranks; All plat, Tank is the highest, Support lowest and atm I'm nearly Diamond Tank. Tbh, I'm done. If I'm seriously a better DPS than Support then I quit Overwatch :'D tl;dr the only DPS I played in Comp was Bastion years ago
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shnowbilicat · 5 years
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shnowbilicat · 5 years
You’ve already heard about Assassin Zenyatta.
Now get ready for Assassin Moira.
Aka. when your Comp Team just can’t kill the OP Widowmaker and you as the Moira decide to sneak all the way up to her and kill her, so you can push the god damn payload. Tis was on Rialto, us on Attack.
Srsly I have no idea how I wasn’t killed in all of this; I survived to sneak around to a flank point on the right, got poisoned by her mine, shadow-ed myself around the house, INTO the house without someone noticing me really and goddamn threw my ball into her face until she dropped dead, only to get myself flung by to my teammates.
The roads I go to help my team progress is far from anything, really :’D
(To be honest, I ain’t the best player. But my god, either you kill the priority targets, or you have to relly on noob me to be a lucky bastard owo)
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shnowbilicat · 5 years
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When your days is shitty and Overwatch rewards you with two Legendary skins
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shnowbilicat · 6 years
Don’t tell me you ain’t hyped for this skin :’3
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shnowbilicat · 6 years
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shnowbilicat · 6 years
Oh please let them be available in Germany!!! QWQ
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shnowbilicat · 6 years
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Be back after two weeks.
Ash drops and is even live.
Gets two looz baxes filled with Ash stuff.
I’ll take it :’3
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shnowbilicat · 6 years
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shnowbilicat · 6 years
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And with that, all my beauties have their Golden Guns~ X3
... now to get 25 more :’D
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shnowbilicat · 6 years
When you get the Endorsement ‘Shot Caller’, while having no mic and not really calling out her ult
... i dun get it :3
Espacially when I play Zen and most people want me to call out my spastic Discord throws o3o
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shnowbilicat · 6 years
How to get outsniped by a noob ;D
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shnowbilicat · 6 years
“Okay, Vic, you can do this, you can be a good D.Va! Just shoot down those turrets, try NOT to get killed by An- SHT I FELL SHT I HIT Q SHT I SOMEHOW OPENED UP THE ENDORSMENT WIDGET HOWTHEFCKDOIGETTHISTHINGAWAYBEFOREIoh wait I’m alive :’D”
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