#sho is also just a guy. but he perorms the character of 'just a guy' well
danieyells · 28 days
@mayoigotokurousagi also asked for Sho, so here are my favorite of Sho's voicelines! He's a lil more chill--most of the excitement for him is because Leo's causing him trouble, so maybe there won't be as many since it's just him? (Spoiler: i still put nearly all of them, or it feels that way. . . .)
Also sorry this one took way longer haha i had to do some irl stuff and i was pretty tired too lol. . .may not get to the next ones for a few days since i have to wake up early tomorrow and i work double shifts all weekend. But i'll try and find time for it.
No affinity required:
"Did you just see a creep in a black mask over there?
...Nah, never mind. I'm hallucinating."
Hey Sho? What the fuck does that mean??? What do you mean a creep in a black mask no no don't fuckin brush that off get back here motherfucker????
Affinity 1:
"Too early... What's Leo doing today?
Guess I'll text him."
Keeps in touch with his boyfriend lol
Affinity 2:
"Freakin' sasquatch... Would it kill him to approve an R&R permit every once in a while?"
Affinity 3:
"Class? What's the point? It's all written in the textbooks—all you gotta do is memorize it."
授業? あんなん出なくても全部教科書に書いてんだからよ。そのまま覚えりゃいいだけだろ?
Doesn't go to class because he's smart enough to memorize the contents of the textbook I guess! Plus he doesn't care about Real Missions so knowing how to do the hard stuff doesn't matter to him haha
Affinity 5(8pm-10pm, 12am-5am):
What time is it?
Seriously? Damn, overslept."
ふぁあ…… 今何時だ……? マジかよ、寝すぎたわ
Neither he nor Leo sleep at night lmao
Affinity 6:
"Huh, haven't ridden a skateboard since middle school but I guess I still have the muscle memory.
Watch this, I'm gonna do a trick."
中坊ぶりにスケボー乗ったけど、意外と体が覚えてんだな。 トリック決めてやるよ、見ててみ?
Affinity 7:
"Nice, got an order. More demand than I thought.
Getting Leo to make this app was a good call."
Leo has a line that references this one!
Affinity 8:
"What's Mido texting me for? come tot hr epuit...
Pfft. What the hell is this, some kinda secret code?"
あ? 御堂センパイからDチャ?『血か二個い』って…… ぷっ……なんだこれ、暗号かよ
Ksvdhdisn Alan is adorable. . .i love technologically incompetent characters. Poor bby can't even text. . . . .
Affinity 9:
"Shit, my whole body's killing me...
Sparring five sets of fifteen rounds, are you kidding me? Mido's insane..."
クソ、筋肉痛がやべぇ…… 御堂センパイ、スパー15ラウンド5セットとか正気じゃねぇよ……
Affinity 10:
"What am I gonna do tomorrow... Got nothing on, guess I could go to class...
That asshole's on the schedule. Pass."
明日どうすっかな……暇だし、たまには授業出とくか? ……あいつのコマあるわ。やめとこ
Lmao "i guess i could go to class--wait my brother's teaching one of them tomorrow? Fuck that then."
Affinity 12:
"This? It's a fishing rod. Sometimes I catch and filet the fish myself.
It's pretty easy, and it saves cash."
あ? これか? 釣り竿だよ。たまに自分で魚釣ってさばくわけ。
Fishing with Sho. . .sounds nice and chill. Also did the pc not recognize a fuckin fishing rod. . . .
Affinity 14:
"You think I look grumpy?
The stream for the finals started at 3 AM, what do you want me to do about that?
……あ? 機嫌が悪ぃって?
Staying up late to watch a basketball game, much like Leo he does not go to bed until the sun's up ordinarily lmao
Affinity 15:
"Hey... Pfft. What are you panicking for?
You need to be somewhere? Hop on—I'll give you a ride."
Affinity 16:
"You hungry, {PC}?
I made lunch, but Leo bailed on me, so I was just gonna eat it myself."
Sho: hey our boyfriend ditched me wanna have lunch with me
Affinity 17:
"Last year I would've been in a club around this time. Leo was always getting in fights though, so we got banned from almost every joint in Shibuya."
Menace boyfriend Leo lmao
Affinity 20:
"Seriously, it's way too early for this...
What? I'm going to class. You're the one who wouldn't shut up about it."
はぁ……マジねみぃ…… あ? 今から授業行くんだよ。あんたが行けってうるせぇからだろ
Ordinarily doesn't go to class(a lot of them don't tbh, and Luca says the classes are elective so the ghouls probably don't have to) but will go if you want him to I guess! Leo's gonna call him whipped but Leo already knows he's whipped because he's the one who's been whipping him--
Affinity 21:
"I've finally got the hang of running this food truck. I want to thank you for helping me out—think of something you want."
Affinity 22:
"Huh? No, I don't really need any help today...
You don't have to make excuses to hang out with me, you know. Just ask."
手伝い? 今日は特にねぇけど……
"senpai, why don't you just tell me honestly if you wanna be with me?" Is the Japanese here I think and. idk i love that. He's catching on and teasing you a little.
Affinity 23:
"What time you planning on heading home, {PC}?
Anytime's fine for me. You can stay over if you want."
センパイ、今日何時に帰る予定?俺は別に、何時でも…… なんなら、泊まってってもいいぜ?
Affinity 24:
"Can't sleep? Come over here—I'll warm you up.
Pfft... I was kidding, don't get mad."
なんだよ……寝れねぇのか?あっためてやるから、こっち来い。 ぷっ……冗談だって。怒んなよ
"Pretty warm out lately, huh? Bet it's already snorkeling season in Okinawa. I used to go pretty often."
もう大分あったかくなってきたな。沖縄じゃ、シュノーケリングできる時期だぜ? 昔はよく行ってたわ
He plays basketball, he skateboards, he fishes, he snorkels, this bitch loves sports lol
"If I can get an R&R permit granted, I want to go for a solo ride. Haven't been for ages, and riding through the cherry blossoms this time of year feels awesome."
"Damn, I'm melting here... I need a haircut.
Nah I don't need a barber, I just do it myself. 'Course I'm serious."
クソ暑ぃ……そろそろ髪切んねぇとな…… 美容院? めんどくせぇから自分で切ってっけど。マジだぜ?
"Sweating my ass off over here... It's been like a year since I last played basketball. Mido's core's gotta be made of steel...
Oh, is that water for me? Thanks."
暑ぃ! バスケしたの1年ぶりか?御堂センパイ、体幹強すぎだろ…… お、水くれんの? サンキュ
"Summer homework? Nah, haven't done it yet. Only takes a day, right?
Pfft... You want me to help you?"
夏の課題? まだやってねぇけど。あんなもん一日で終わるだろ? ぷっ……センパイ手伝ってやろうか
"Leo won't shut up about wanting to let off fireworks, but no way am I doing that shit with him again. I'm sure you can guess why."
"Yesterday when I was fishing in the river I saw this guy who looked like one of the Frostheim ghouls out there. Can't have been though, right?"
"Geez, don't pipe up outta the blue like that.
...What? You gotta a problem with me reading a book?"
ビビった。いきなり声かけんなよ。 ……なんだよ、その顔。俺が本読んでちゃ悪ぃのか? あ?
"Pfft... Hey, {PC}. Come over here.
Geez, what're you doing walking around with a leaf in your hair?"
ぷっ……【名★前】センパイ、ちょっとこっち来い。 ったく、なんで髪に葉っぱ付けてんだよ……
"Damn, I really wanna go snowboarding. I used to go every year before I ended up here...
Think they got a good slope in Frostheim?"
マジでスノボ行きてぇ……ここ来る前は、毎年必ず行ってたのによぉ。 フロストハイムで滑れねぇの?
"I'm freezing my ass off... I just saw Mido walk past in a T-shirt. Are his nerve endings dead?"
Apparently I'm Alan lmao i too experience less cold than other people
Sho's birthday:
"What, you're gonna celebrate my birthday? What do I want for a present? Hmm...
I'll take you.
Just kidding."
New Years:
"What'd I wish for at midnight? For this year to be peaceful...
Not that any gods are listening out for us."
新年の願い事ねぇ……今年こそ、平穏無事に過ごせますように…… って、神様叶える気ねぇだろな
Well when you've been chosen by demons. . .yeah, you're probably not on the good side of many gods.
Valentine's Day:
"Yeah, these are all the chocolates I got. No idea how I'm gonna get through them all...
So? You didn't get me anything?"
ああ、これ全部もらったチョコ。これ食いきんのきちぃんだよな…… で、センパイは俺にくれねぇの?
I'm surprised Leo's wasn't similar to this tbh. Like, Leo's an influencer, why didn't he mention getting a metric fuckton of valentine's day chocolate? I'm happy Sho's loved by the students tho haha.
White Day:
"Baking sweets and cooking are totally different. It's not really in my wheelhouse, but...
here. My firsts. Thanks for the chocolates."
菓子作りと料理は別もんだからよ、普段はやんねぇんだけど…… はい。俺の初焼き菓子、お返しにどうぞ
"You really need an explanation? Leo made me wear it! Shit, why am I always the girl..." ああ? 言わなくてもわかんだろ。玲音に着せられたんだっつの! クソ、なんで毎年女装なんだよ……
Your boyfriend best friend makes you crossdress for him on Halloween on a yearly basis. . .and you do it!!!
"Sorry for making you help me prep all these roast chicken orders...
Wanna do something Christmassy together once we're done?"
センパイ、チキンの注文さばくの手伝わせて悪ぃ…… 今日の分片付いたら、俺らもクリスマス楽しもうぜ
1+ day without logging in(?):
"What took you so long? Your food's cold.
Go wash up."
Alright, mom.
I STILL FEEL LIKE I CHOSE A BUNCH. . .Sho is pretty lowkey.
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