#shoa cw
dawnscales · 11 days
Today ,5th of May, 79 years ago, the concentration camp Mauthausen was liberated. To this day people often leave antisemitic graffiti there, behave inappropriately, or deny what even happened there.
It wasn't until I visited Mauthausen myself that the full on meaning of never again hit me.
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moriarteaparty · 11 years
Oh, The Book Thief! What's that about?
[ reads summary ]
[ backs away slowly ]
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dawnscales · 2 months
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healing my relationship with my ethnicity, roots, past, present & future.
gonna preface this that by "healing my relationship with my ethnicity" it is not due to trauma in the Jewish community but the severe antisemitism I received as a child. this is also me healing my relationship with the religious part of Judaism because I hid and denied this part for so long in an attempt to fit in.
my christian & Mormon teachers would call in my local Synagogue asking if I even visit because otherwise they would require of me to visit the christian religion lessons. they made comments, whenever I spoke Hebrew ( and I was only 8 at the time ) that I sounded like a terrorist. I was made to partake in Christian prayers etc and that ruined my relationship with religion in general.
Then the hate because I was born in Israel started. And because I was Jewish. I grew up on the poverty line, I did not get a phone until I was 16 and my classmates would make comments about how "of course your family is stingy, you are Jews" or tell me "don't behave so Jewish" when I did not want to share my lunch.
One time we did a little exercise where we wrote down what we think each student would be once they grew up. Under my name? "Gas chamber fodder". they'd also call our landline & wish my Israeli family death.
So now I am healing myself with books! Connecting with all that was taken from me - I am also in talk with a Community if I may join them. They are further away but they are queer friendly, I could only go every month but they live-stream during holidays and shabbat.
anyway I decided to buy books because as a librarian I sure know how healing they are. It will take time to read them all ( & also not all are seen here. Like I bought the Torah but I also downloaded things for my ebook ). I am certain I won't agree with everyone listed here but I want to read as much as possible. For those interested these are the books :
Pnina Navé Levinson ( born 1921, fled to today's Israel in 1933, her books are not available in Englisch ) :
Eva und ihre Schwestern ( Eva & her sisters - perspectives of a jewish feminist theology )
Was wurde aus Saras Töchtern ( What happened to Saras daughters? - Women in Judaism )
Esther erhebt ihre Stimme ( Esther raises her voice - a collection of prayers | most of these prayers center women & are from communities nearly erased during the Shoa )
Einführung ( Introduction into the theology of Rabbis )
Einblicke in das Judentum ( Insights into Judaism )
Tom Segev ( Israeli & Jewish historian )
Es war einmal ein Palästina ( One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs Under the British Mandate )
Jerusalem Ecke Berlin ( Jerusalem corner Berlin | Not official Englisch title, has yet to be translated I believe )
Henryk M. Broder ( German journalist & Author who often provokes people with his thought games )
Der Ewige Antisemit ( The eternal Antisemite | Book has not been released in English. My mother gave me this book saying she believes any Jew in the Diaspora should read it once. )
Sebastian Voigt ( German historian, I am not sure if his books have been translated either )
Judenhass ( a book about how most societies are built upon antisemitism. Think 'If capitalism was the enemy, Jews were capitalist. If communism was the enemy, the Jews were communist )
Richard C. Schneider ( German Journalist who has lived in Tel-Aviv for many years )
Die Sache mit Israel ( The thing with Israel )
Erwin Javor & Others
Israel - was geht mich das an? ( Israel - what does it got to do with me? | Essays from several people about Israel )
Joseph Croitoru ( German journalist )
Die Hamas - Herrschaft über Gaza. Krieg gegen Israel ( Hamas - Reign over Gaza. War against Israel )
Tania Martini & Others
Nach dem 7.Oktober ( After the 7th October | Essays by people, mostly Jews about the 7th October, the trauma etc )
Navid Kermani & Natan Sznaider
Israel - eine Korrespondenz ( Israel - a correspondence )
Saul Friedländer
Blick in den Abgrund ( Gaze into the Abyss | At the start of 2023 Shoa survivor Saul Friedländer starts to write a diary about his dislike for the current Government of Israel & the history of the land since he was massively involved in the early years of Israel. Unaware of what would happen in October of the same year the book is described as a must read )
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