#shoes are definitely the actual hardest part of this compilation
tabbi-mysteries · 9 months
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Which is the truth regarding Ran's shoes?????? Did it really change between the ep preview and the actual next ep??? Why??????????
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supposed2bfunny · 5 years
A Proposition
Quick ficlet for 2D’s birthday below the cut!!!
Pure, unadulterated 2doc fluff ahead.
"Come on, Murdoc, you agreed to this."
“I was drunk when I agreed to it; that doesn’t count.”
“You’re always drunk, you arse. It’s your default setting, ergo, it does count. Now get out of the bloody car.”
Murdoc rapped his long nails against the steering wheel for a moment, weighing the pros and cons of continuing to argue with the singer. Finally, he relented, yanking the keys from the ignition and hefting himself out of their rented convertible. “Did you really just say ‘ergo?’ Using big words now, huh? Is forty-one the year that you become wiser?”
Stuart slung his backpack over one shoulder, his free hand coming to rest at the small of Murdoc’s back as he guided him down the walkway towards the nearest bench where they could sit down and change their shoes. “Piss off, you old goth, and take a seat.”
“I can’t believe I’m about to do this. You’re lucky you’re still so pretty.”
“Believe me, it’s easier than it looks. Once you get the hang of it, it’s totally natural. Like riding a bike!”
“Not sure I ever learned how to do that, actually.”
“Went straight from crawling to hotwiring Astras?”
“Sommat like that,” he conceded, smiling even as he pulled off his Cuban heels.
“Oh, erm…might need a little help,” Stuart paused to give the bassist an imploring look. “Last time I was here Noods helped me out,” he pointed at his feet and Murdoc smiled, sliding down from the park bench to kneel before the singer and tie the laces on his roller skates for him. “Thank you.”
There was softness to the way he said it. Something about the way Murdoc was so willing to kneel before him, to double and then triple-knot his skates so that the laces wouldn’t come undone. Every time he tied the singer’s shoes, he was thorough, making sure his lover wouldn’t trip over the laces later on. Something about the way he’d tied his shoes for him a million times before, it stirred something in the younger man. Especially today, on their trip to Venice Beach for Stuart’s birthday weekend. Exploring the giant redwoods of Humbolt was the following day, and Murdoc had booked a few surprises as well: high-end spas and classy dinners, no doubt.
For today, roller skating through the boardwalk as he’d done without his boyfriend a year ago, recreating the memory, this time together, was what he was most excited for.
“Just putting it out there: I’ll blow you right here in front of whatever tourist wants to look if it means we can skip the part where I have to get into a pair of these.”
“Tempting, Murdoc,” he deadpanned as his second shoe was tied. “But no. Put yours on now. Look, I even got complimentary colors!”
The bassist rolled his eyes and pulled on the skates—white like Stuart’s own, but with blue and red wheels, unlike the singer’s green and red ones. Once he’d tied his own skates and placed his boots in their backpack, he looked at the singer expectantly.
“Now what?”
“Let’s go for a skate around the beach!”
“You get up first,” he challenged.
“Fine,” Stuart gripped the side of the bench cautiously and rose, legs wobbly. “Getting up is the hardest part. But once you find your balance…” he pushed off, rolling forward a few feet, long arms waving for balance. He heard Murdoc shift in the bench behind him, presumably ready to throw himself forward if the singer started to fall. Though, since he was wearing skates too, the results would probably be hilarious. A little momentum was all he needed, and as soon as muscle memory began to take over—he had done this before, he could do this—it became easier. He twirled—pretty gracefully if he did say so himself—to face Murdoc.
Apparently he had in fact been pretty graceful, because he recognized that look of awe on the bassist’s face. “C’mon then, old man. Keep up.”
Murdoc pulled the backpack on securely, then followed the singer’s example, holding the side of the bench and rising on shaking legs. “Shit,” he whispered, grip so tight his knuckles paled.
“Hey, c’mere,” Stuart offered, rolling up and offering his hand.
“Mate, if I grab your hand and then trip, we’re both falling over. I don’t want to bruise the birthday boy.”
“Oh? Since when?” he winked, and for just a moment, the anxiety in Murdoc’s eyes dulled as he matched the singer’s suggestive smirk. “Just trust me,” he insisted. “You just need a little support; you won’t fall.”
Reluctantly, the bassist obeyed, clasping hands with his boyfriend. Stuart pushed off, pulling Murdoc along with him at a snail’s pace, opting not to tease him for how sweaty his palms were already. Murdoc was grossly overdressed for the heat of Venice Beach, sporting a pair of black skinny jeans and a threadbare tee-shirt that he only favored so much because the singer had once commented on how much he liked the dark purple color. Stuart had decided to forgo the short shorts, but still wore a pair of khaki shorts so his legs could breathe, a Pink Floyd tee and a colorful printed vest pulling together his eclectic look. It didn’t matter that they looked utterly ridiculous in their respective outfits, creeping down the sidewalk with frequent arm-waving for balance.
Their skates matched and they looked cute, and this was a nice date.
They were dating now, Stuart reminded himself. Publicly. The details didn’t matter as much as the fact itself: they were together and they were out. And Murdoc had agreed to this and it was wonderful.
As they moved along, he noticed the stares they received, a few people even calling out. He would wave occasionally, but part of the pleasure of California was that most people kept to themselves and respected celebrities, and as long as they looked busy, he knew they wouldn’t be bothered.
“Now you’re getting it,” he encouraged with a grin as Murdoc began to move a bit more confidently on his own and they were able to quicken their pace. “Keep this up and I’ll get you a nice ice cream to celebrate.”
Murdoc rolled his eyes. “If you’re going to patronize me, pick something I’ll actually eat,” he responded, but even as he complained he pushed off a little harder, coming to skate alongside the singer, linking their arms together. “I’ll give you this much: nice view. I always did like palm trees.”
“Ever since Jamaica,” Stuart agreed, remembering the trip, so many years ago. The first sparks of romance that had eventually kindled their lifelong commitment to one another.
“Ever since I fell out of that bloody tall one by the tiki hut,” he chuckled. “We have bad luck with trees, the two of us.”
“Well we’re very clumsy, you see.”
“Yep, two clumsy old oafs. Good thing we’re on wheels right now, eh?”
“Hey smartass, if you’re confident enough to insult me, you can race me. Let’s see who can get to the pier first! And wait till you see all the buff blokes at the outdoor gym; you’re going to love it!” Stuart took off, leaving Murdoc in his dust.
It wasn’t really much of a race. Although Murdoc managed not to fall, he hadn’t mastered the art of skating quickly, and between lack of muscle strength and lack of mobility in the constricting pants (and perhaps also becoming overheated due to said pants) Murdoc could only stagger along behind him, wheezing by the time they reached the corner of the boardwalk, a lifetime of smoking making him sound horrendous.
Stuart pulled out his phone as his boyfriend finally approached him, leaning towards him for a selfie.
“Are you daft? I’m all sweaty! Give me a tic.”
“Muds you’re always gross, just let me get a picture,” he whined. “Please?”
The bassist frowned. “I look like shit,” he muttered, wiping sweat from his brow with the back of his hand, chest still heaving. “How’s this? Turn around and take a look at the water. I’ll get a nice candid shot of you enjoying the vista.”
“It’s not candid if you tell me to pose for it.”
“Well, one day when they’re compiling a definitive Gorillaz biography, they won’t have to know that now, will they? Go on then, sunshine, let me get a nice shot of that profile.”
Having photos taken of himself wasn’t really the point: he wanted pictures of him and Murdoc together. Nonetheless, the water was beautiful and the salty breeze felt intoxicating, so he agreed, turning to lean over the railing along the boardwalk as Murdoc fiddled with his phone, snapping a few pictures. For a few minutes there was only the call of gulls and the sound of boomboxes playing like so many syncopated melodies.
“I’m so glad I could be here with you,” Stuart admitted. “Back when we filmed ‘Humility,’ this was a nice distraction, but all I could think about was you. Being with you, seeing the sights with you. I promised myself we’d do it all together sometime.”
“And here we are.”
“I can’t believe you agreed to it.”
Murdoc sighed, fiddled with his phone a bit. “You don’t know the half of what I’d agree to if it would make you happy, dents.”
“Well, for my birthday, this was all I wanted. So thanks, Murdoc.”
“Simply lovely,” the bassist said, rolling over to stand close beside the singer, hand on the railing for balance.
“Wanna show me how they came out?” Stuart asked, as Murdoc was pressing closer and closer into his personal space, phone in hand, presumably to show him the pictures that he had taken.
He didn’t get an answer. Because in the next moment, Murdoc was leaning up to kiss him gently, and everything: the sound of the waves, the heat of the sun, the smell of cotton candy, everything faded out of focus.
Stuart closed his eyes and pressed a little closer, hands coming to rest against Murdoc’s chest as the bassist turned his head, angled their mouths against each other more fully, kissed him like he was trying to teach him a long-lost language.
This was the first time they were engaging in any sort of PDA alone together. The only other times they’d dared share quick kisses, Russel, Noodle, and Ace had been near to distract any paparazzi and onlookers who gave them a hard time. He didn’t feel concerned now though. It was a relief, to be able to kiss Murdoc so openly, to feel in the body language of his lover how comfortable he was at the moment. To trust just how real this all was, and how secure Murdoc was with him. With them.
He didn’t mind the sweat glistening on the shorter man’s neck, or the faint stains under his arms. Didn’t mind at all how the sun blasted them from above. Because all the mattered was this feeling of being so wanted. So completed.
After a few minutes, Murdoc pulled back, pressing one last, soft kiss to the corner of the singer’s mouth and looking at his phone. “Okay I just took like, thirty shots. One of ‘em must’ve come out good.”
“You were taking pictures the whole time?” the singer snapped. “Murdoc!”
“What? Figured you’d like a new lockscreen for your phone. I know I would,” he replied, smirking. “So if anyone starts getting too close, I can check my phone and remind them who I belong with.”
“I hate when you say shit that’s depraved but also makes me feel lovestruck all over again.”
“I know, bluebird, I know,” he answered, hooking an arm around the singer’s waist. “Now then, I believe you mentioned an outdoor gym and some buff blokes that we could ogle together? And then I’m going to need something to drink, be it a pint or a Poland Spring, and you know I don’t say that often. Then maybe we can retire these skates, because they’re starting to give me blisters on my ankles.”
“Okay, slow down, old man, one thing at a time,” he said, but he was leaning into Murdoc’s touch, not the least bit unnerved by the glances they were getting from other beachgoers. Let them stare: he had everything he needed right beside him.
“One thing at a time? We still have a full day ahead of us, Stu! The dinner reservation is for seven, so we’ll need to be back at the hotel at say, six…hm. Five, actually, given our track record for hotel rooms and fucking each other silly. Plus I have to make sure I wrapped your gift…”
“Just propose to me at dinner and that’ll be my present,” he teased. Murdoc’s arm tightened around his waist.
“Propose to you at the beach where you recorded a video without me? Not going to happen, luv. It’d have to be somewhere that we both have history.”
“So proposing’s not off the table then?”
Murdoc skated out in front of him for a moment, slowly turning around so he was facing the singer. He took both of Stuart’s hands in his own.
“Stuart Harold Pot,” he spoke, “would you make me that happiest bloke in the world…” his expression flickered from wide-eyed to shit-eating in a second flat, “and find somewhere shady for us to skate before I fucking melt to death in this heat?”
Stuart snorted. “You’re very funny today, aren’t you?” Nonetheless, he leaned in for a kiss when the bassist tugged him down, even if he wasn’t sure Murdoc deserved it.
“’S my duty to make you smile on your birthday,” Murdoc answered between pecks. “Keeps you young, they say.”
“Smiling does?” Another kiss, then another.
“Yep. Mm…no wait, one more kiss…”
“Gonna be forever young, then. Mm.”
“Stop being cheesy. People’re staring…”
“Let them stare,” Stuart breathed against his lips, kissing his jaw, his mouth, his chin. Murdoc’s breaths came, short and soft against his face as he relaxed into the familiar touches. “Also, there’s shops up ahead with air conditioning inside…you can buy me something nice while you cool down. Last one there has to drive the hotel!”
And just like that he broke away, skating at top speed and leaving Murdoc shouting expletives behind him. They still had plenty of exploring to do, memories to make. Murdoc was right: they still had the whole day ahead of them. If he was lucky, a whole lifetime.
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putabourqueinit · 6 years
My guy is Charles Dylan Walsh, better known as Dylan Walsh, but to me he will always be my D. We started our love affair in Los Angeles, where we met at a gym called Equinox.  When we met he shared a secret with me-- he had been staring at me for 8 years and never said hello.  8 years???  Before he actually said “hello” to me there was a lead up and it was pretty sexy I must say.  I obviously knew he was the guy from Nip/Tuck although I did not watch Nip/Tuck.  I would see him and thought it was coincidence when I was upstairs he was upstairs and when I was downstairs he was downstairs (remember I didn’t know he was staring at me for 8 years!!)  It became intriguing when I would see him--we would have eye contact and no smile.  I smile at everyone, but for some reason I gave him nothing.  The eye contact was intense and sometimes would last for 3 seconds or so.  That is 2 seconds too long if you think about it.  It became a game between us and I think I actually gave him a half a smirk at one point.  The build up was mounting and we both knew eventually something had to give and it finally did.  One day I walked up the stairs and turned towards the treadmills.  He was running on one right in the path of where I had to walk.  This time when our eyes met we both started laughing out loud.  In that moment I felt like I had known this man my entire life.  Ultimately we started our relationship over months with eye contact.  He grabbed my arm as I walked by and it startled me for a second, but honestly the energy that ran through my body was something I will never forget.  He found me downstairs later by the water fountain and he said “hello.”
He was in a complicated situation- married 2x before and 3 kids and I wanted no part of it.  I was 36 and very single.  I was in a fantasy stage that I would meet a guy who had never been married and definitely did not have kids.  Also, he was an actor and after living in La La Land for 13 years I dated my fair share of actors and actor ‘wanna be’s.’  So we became gym buddies.  We would see each other at the gym and we would talk, laugh and innocently flirt.  I gave him my number- ya know cause that’s what “friends” do.  I was witty and had a wicked sense of humor with him.  We had this banter that was ridiculously fun.  It was almost like I was daring him not to fall for me.  He was smitten I could tell and I was totally me, because I knew there would never be an “us.”  He told me he would be leaving for work for a month and wanted to have coffee before he left.  I said no to coffee and opted for drinks instead.  His charm and blue eyes were definitely having an affect on me.  
I told him to scoop me up at my place.  I left the door slightly ajar and told him to come in while I was finishing getting ready.  I wanted him to see my things.  I wanted him to hear the music I listen to and to look at the pictures I had around.  I wanted for him to get a sense of who I was before getting to know me better.  When I came out we laughed at the familiar awkwardness we had.  We drove in his fancy BMW to a neighborhood bar, which would inevitably hold a special place in our heart as it was called The Hudson (we ended up naming our son Hudson.)  We sat at the bar and I ordered my favorite drink a Kir Royale and he ordered a Johnnie Walker Black with a splash of soda.  We spent a few hours getting to know each other.  He would tell me about his life, kids etc and I would tell him about mine.  I had told him I would be having foot surgery soon to remove a nerve and I even took off my red high heel shoe to show him where it was.  He would later tell me revealing my foot to him so effortlessly was incredibly intimate and even remembers my red painted toe nails.  To this day I still have no idea why I did that.  We both had somewhere to go after, but we kept stalling by getting another glass of wine.  We ended up sharing the last one neither of us wanting this time to end.   We walked out of the restaurant into the rain- he went his way to his car and I went my way to my ride waiting.  We purposefully didn’t kiss.  We were no longer just friends and we knew it.  He would later that night write me an email saying “No more banter L.  It just got real.”  I knew what he meant and I felt the same even though I had no idea how real it would really get.  
He was leaving the next day for work and wanted to come to my place and say good-bye to me.  He brought a bottle of Chateauneuf du Pape his favorite wine.  He sat across from me and I remember him leaning back in the chair with his hands behind his head like a movie star.  He was so handsome and I took him all in- his face, that chiseled jaw, his hands and fingers, the gray t-shirt he was wearing with a little bit of a sweat mark at his armpits.  He went to the restroom and when he came back he sat down at the table and I scooted my chair next to him and I boldly gave him a kiss.  Our first kiss.  It was everything we wanted it to be.  We both knew in that moment we were in trouble- we were falling.  We continued to keep in touch through email and text while he was gone.  We would send each other poems and we each got a copy of the same book and read it together thousands of miles apart.  We would send each other songs and compiled a D&L playlist.  We would write out fantasies of adventures we would have in our minds eye in New Orleans, Chicago and New York.  The time went by and we fell deeper.  His work was over and he would return to reality.  I still have the bottle of Chateauneuf du Pape with “our first kiss” written on the label. 
Reality was harder than we thought.  He was pulled in a lot of different directions.  I was going through some things personally and contemplating moving out of Los Angeles. There were too many challenges for us to be together for real, so we were very quiet about it. We didn’t go to restaurants or socialize.  It was just the two of us with too many mountains to move in the real world, so we stayed inside together and healed each other.  We snuggled up and were intimate.  We would go for long rides to the ocean and hike the Santa Monica mountains.  We would have picnics and lay in the grass with no care in the world.  We would not say “I love you” until we could no longer not say it.  It was true and we both knew it.  From then it went fast.   It was a whimsical blur of how to’s and why nots.  We were swept up in “us” and the magic that came with it.  We would obsessively talk about what it would mean for us being real and for me to exist in his world. The mountains were moved, because at that point obstacles seemed attainable and we knew as a couple we could overcome anything.  
Overcoming Anything
We would soon realize what over-coming anything would mean.  We were faced with some incredibly tough challenges which would test our relationship.  We would get pregnant way sooner with Amélie Belle than we would have planned. We would take an acting job across the states so far from his 3 kids.  We would get pregnant for Hudson Scott with a six month old.  We would move 7 different addresses in 8 years.  We would have many disappointments and many victories.  We would meet the best of friends from all of our travels. We ultimately would live out our fantasies in New Orleans, Chicago and our favorite city New York.   Our road to being D&L was nothing short of pure will and endless love for each other.  
One of the hardest decisions we have had to make as a couple was leaving New York City.  If ever there was a family that got New York and all it has to give, it was us.  We explored every nook and cranny we could in 4 years and there is still so much we haven’t seen or done. The city is like another member of our family.  It is important to us and holds so many cherished memories.  But the time came and we had to move on.  We chose to move to my hometown Lafayette, Louisiana.  D didn’t have a steady gig and he needed a place where he knew we would be safe while he traveled from job to job. I wanted my kids to get to know where I came from up close.  We found a community in Lafayette that worked for us.  A neighborhood where you could walk to restaurants, the gym, the pool, school, playgrounds, tennis and most importantly my mom’s house.  We are now in a beautiful home on a tree lined street in Lafayette, Louisiana and never in our wildest dreams did we think we would be here 3 years.  D has traveled to many places for work from here- Vancouver, Santa Fe, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Toronto, Los Angeles, NY and Prague. The kids and I become the 3 musketeers and await for him to come home. When he is home he is present and he is a really good man.  He has encouraged me to find my purpose.  We are quite the team.  Team D&L.   We will hold tight to each other through all of life's tireless struggles and wondrous adventures.  We have grown so much as individuals and as a couple.  We are forever starting a new chapter filling up the book of “US” and I know another one is quickly approaching.  We anxiously await to find out what it will be. 
I recently started a podcast-you can find it on most platforms ‘PutaBourqueinit.’  I had the pleasure of interviewing D and we both share our life together.  It is a true glimpse of where we started from and how far we have come and you get to hear his side of how we became “US.” If you care to know more check it out. 
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This month we’re showcasing an author in the fandom who has written popular works such as melt me down. Lori is on ao3 and tumblr as @maialec (ao3), and we’d like to thank her once again for taking part in the OML author showcase! 
1. When did you start writing fics? Tell us a little of your journey as a fic writer.
I’ve always been passionate about writing ever since middle school, but I would only write original works or assignments for class. I guess my inclination to writing fics began once I actually started reading fics and I kind of learned the “tricks of the trade”. The first fic I’ve ever written was a coda for the season 2 finale of In The Flesh that you can still read on my AO3 page and I wrote it simply because there was a situation that hadn’t been addressed on the show and it really bugged me. So, I took matters into my own hands, something that a lot of fan fiction authors do. It’s basically the most common motivation for it.
After that, I took a really long hiatus from writing fics because I didn’t find a source material I loved enough to feel inspired by it. Until Shadowhunters. That is when I went back to it and I was reminded of why I love writing so much.
2. What fic of yours are you most proud of and why?
The answer to that would obviously be my most recent fic and my first ever multi-chapter, “melt me down”, that I worked on for almost two months. It wasn’t just the amount of work I put into it, but the fact that I actually stuck to it and finished it that makes me so proud of it, since I usually only write one-shots because they require less commitment. The idea for it came when I’d spent an entire week reading fake dating AUs with unhealthy tropes that simply did not fit Alec and Magnus (mainly miscommunication which lead to unnecessary angst), and I took it upon myself to make it as realistic as possible. Also really gay.
3. Who is your favorite character to write and why? Which character do you find the most challenging to write?
I haven’t written from the POV of enough characters to really think about it, but, if I have to look back on what I’ve written so far, I have a pattern of mainly writing from Alec Lightwood’s POV, since I identify a lot with him and I find it easier to keep him in character. As for the most challenging, I would say, the other side of the same coin, Magnus Bane, because, even though there’s parts of his character I see myself in as well, his experiences are so complex and I know so little of what it’s like to be in his shoes, that I have to put a lot more effort into making sure that my understanding of him and the way I represent him in my fics is as accurate as possible and doesn’t fall into harmful stereotypes that stem from laziness and ignorance.
4. What is the hardest part about being a fic author? The easiest?
The hardest part as a writer in general is definitely finding the motivation to keep writing. Even when I have a good idea of what I want to write, inspiration only strikes in the most inopportune of times. For fan fiction, it’s doing the characters justice. Even when you write them in an AU, where their goals and motivations may not be at all similar to the ones in the canon material, I think you have to stay true to their personality, and their essence. For me, there is only one thing that is easy about writing and that is having an epiphany about what I want to write next. Everything after that − bringing it to life, correcting it, doubting everything and still posting it in the end, waiting for feedback and getting discouraged when I don’t receive it − is extremely difficult.
5. What inspires you? Where do you find your muse?
As it is with any type of art, I don’t think you can force inspiration or look for it. In my case at least, inspiration comes to me at the most random moments from the most random sources. What is important to me is that I latch to it and put it on paper as soon as possible, before the magic is gone.
6. Do you write original content as well as fic?
Yes, absolutely. I find it’s important to step away from a universe that has already, more or less, been created for you and try your hand at writing something that is completely detached from it or its characters. Luckily, the creative writing class I’m taking at college gives me an outlet to do just that.
7. Do you have a favorite fic from another author?
Do I? There are so many it would take me an entire day to list them all. However, there is one particular fic that has marked me for life, better than a lot of published novels I’ve read, and that is “Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me” by @Mellow_Yellow on AO3. Surprisingly enough, it’s a Ian x Mickey Shameless AU that, as much as I’ve grown to despise what that show has become, I would gladly reread any time, because it is a literal work of art.
8. What’s something you’re looking forward to in the upcoming season of Shadowhunters?
Magnus’ intriguing storyline that we’ve been teased with a lot, more development for his character individually as well as regarding his relationship with Alec, more Downworlder politics hopefully, Maia being a season regular because I love her to death and whatever new VFX they have in store because they tend to step up their game every single time.
9. Can you give us a sneak peek to what you’re writing next? Or at least any hints to what’s to come?
I’m not working on any fan fiction at the moment and, since we’re on hiatus, it’s pretty hard for me to be inspired by anything, not to mention college is taking up most of my time and energy. I am working on something for my creative writing class though. It’s a very Poe-esque short story inspired by a really obnoxious bird that keeps knocking on my window every single day without fail. I took this real life event and put a dark and supernatural spin on it, something that I’ve noticed I tend to do with any original content that I write.
10. Do you have advice for anyone who might be interested in writing fan fiction?
Just write. Don’t be afraid that it’s not good, most of us start with really crappy works, but, as is the case with everything else, practice makes perfect. Another thing would be to actually read a lot of fan fiction, especially if you’re scared about characterisation, but remember that fanon is not canon, and fan fiction tends to distort our perception of certain characters and turn them into something they are not. And once you get used to it you start to believe that is who they are, when the reality is different. Most importantly, just have fun with it, because no one is paying you or making you do it for a grade. You’re writing because you want to and because you want to share it with other people who are just as passionate about it. And try not to get discouraged if you don’t get a lot of feedback right away. I assure you there are a lot of people out there who appreciate your work more than you think. Oh, and also don’t be problematic.
11. Do you have a writing playlist/do you listen to any music while writing? Why or why not?
I actually cannot write (or read) unless there is complete silence around me. However, when that is not the case and I still need to write, I like to drown out the background noise with classical music. I find it can be either soothing or extremely stimulating. I just look for 5 hour classical music compilations on YouTube and get to work.
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believexfanzine · 4 years
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Jade Fandiño of WALK ME HOME (San Pablo City, Laguna Philippines) 
June 2010/ Believe Fanzine Issue #1
Hey Jade! What’s up? To start, give us a short background on when and how the band started.
Hmm after Mellow Del Prado and Reagan In Action broke up (both are previous side projects before) around 2005, we decided to continue making music together but under a new and fresh concept. At first Walk Me Home is a power trio only with me handling the bass, Jhay on drums and Jeroze doing the vocals and guitars. But later on we realized of looking another guitar player to add up some crunchy-ness to our music. And that would be none other than Orville from local hardcore quintet Aurora. Our initial idea during the early years was to make music out of our favorite musical influences like Jimmy Eat World, Hum, Texas Is The Reason, The Jealous Sound, etc. and luckily we end up making our own songs too. 2 years later we released our 6 songs demo ep “embers” which receives lots of positive feedback from the local San Pablo music scene. Then, our drummer Jhay went to Italy for better career opportunities, that’s the time our band went to hiatus not until we finally convinced Sepoy from Aurora too (who played sessions with Reagan In Action also) to fill in to Jhay’s shoes. The change of drummer is indeniably a much better sounding and made the band a much tighter unit. Then only last year 2009, we again recorded four new songs which end up in “probably not your thing” 4 song demo ep which again received favorable feedbacks from the local scene… So basically that’s how we started out as a band…
Why was the band named Walk Me Home?
We played our first show with Typecast under a different name Roller Queen (a Jimmy Eat World song) but after making lots of thinking we decided to change it to Walk Me Home taken from a song of Jeroze’s previous band Regan In Action (“until december”). And apparently, is also a Mandy Moore song title haha.
Who wrote the lyrics? Who influences you guys the most?
As I’ve said earlier, our musical influences for WMH are basically early albums of Jimmy Eat World, Texas Is The Reason, Hey Mercedes, etc. That’s basically what inspires us to continue the band. Jeroze is our chief singer/songwriter and tell tales about break ups, sleeping habits and probably almost all about nothing. Actually most Jeroze’s songs in our first ep “embers” obviously came from his experiences from a bad break up with his girlfriend. Ask him about this now and I’m sure that he will deny it haha.
You recently put out your second EP “Probably Not Your Thing” and at the same time you had a reunion show with Village Idiots. How does it feel?
The recent cdep was also recorded in Monopond Studio under Ron Francisco’s (That Epic Reggae Set) recording and mixing expertise. He was known for helping indie albums of bands like Bad Omen, Teenage Hero, Hilera, etc. So we figured out, we are in safe hands knowing his resume. The four new songs of WMH was financially produced by our former drummer Jhay and it also features our new drummer Sepoy from our fellow 7 Lakes scene-mate Aurora. The “probably..” ep is the most memorable so far for the band because we have a song in it with a music video (“poor anthony”) which receives an airplay in MYX.
Well, about Village Idiots reunion show in the last Lakefest, well it’s no big deal for us. It just happen that our drummer was in town as well as Ebong and my band (Legarda and WMH) was also in the bill, so playing 4 songs again together was quick decision making for us. The hardest part only for that reunion is how to convince Topet, our bassist to play music again haha.
Any bands you guys love playing shows with? Or touring with? hehe..
Well obviously, we love shows like the recent Chillidogs ep launch in our hometown San Pablo City. It really feels good to play a show with all bands in the lineup are San Pablo-based. It’s like old times. I really love the reunion set of Fall Face First and Aurora, both bands were obviously and terribly missed by the local kids including me. Also I’m proud for our local street hc outfit Chillidogs who recently released their “new breed” 4 song cdep as well as Standout’s platinum 3 song cdep “for my brothers” haha. Also watch out for Towards The Ends’ new cdep and I think they will also appear in the upcoming Take Four hardcore compilation. Well, those bands were basically our fave bands to play shows with. And of course Legarda for obvious reasons haha.
What are you guys up to right now?
For WMH? Hmm we’re preparing and getting our mind set for Sepoy’s temporary leave for the band because he will also migrate in another country just like our first drummer Jhay who is in Italy right now tsk tsk tsk. So we’re taking advantage right now to play every shows we can to maximize Sepoy’s remaining days with the band.
I really like your music video “Poor Anthony”, How did you guys prepared for that? Is that song planned to have a video?
The said video was originally conceptualized by our good old friend Dyop Reyes who also did a music video for our old band Mellow Del Prado. And the guy who also played a big part in it was Dyop’s partner in video making Don Vergarra who is responsible for the post-production and editing of the video. We shot it in San Pablo during typhoon Ondoy haha. It’s basically a low budget and 100% D.I.Y. but end up much like made by professionals. Good thing we managed to asked major music channel MYX to get it on air to reward Dyop and Don’s thankless job in making the video for us.
What makes Mr. Jade Fandiño so punk rock?
Haha! Next question please… but one thing’s for sure, being punk or hardcore is definitely not a music based thing only. It’s beyond that. It’s the community and camaraderie in a scene and also the ethics of D.I.Y. under the radar of mainstream culture.
Your zine has been around for a decade now, can you give us a short story about how it started and how was it now?
Coffeemug is an indie music/personal oriented magazine which supports local/foreign bands and labels too. It is also my own vehicle in expressing my views, opinions, whines, rants in almost everything. It serves as my outlet and my chance to criticize and patronize local/foreign bands haha. I’m on my 9th issue this year and hopefully next year I could celebrate our 10 years with a show to launch the zine.
Trivia: the first issue was launched last 2001 the same time and year Mindrape (Ronald’s pre-The Beauty Of Doubt band) launced their debut album.
What can we expect from Walk Me Home in the near future?
Hopefully find a new drummer and record new set of songs. We’re planning to re-release our previous cdeps together with the new set songs in one pressed cd. We’re keeping our fingers crossed. Also we will be appearing in the homegrown section of PULP’s July issue. We’re pretty psyched about it.
Any tour, releases or merch? Feel free to plug anything.
Simply log in to www.myspace.com/walkmehomerocks for more news and gig sked. Hope we could update our myspace or facebook account more often. Tours? God how I wish we could afford to tour. But one show we are all excited about is the third annual Lakefest in San Pablo City.
Well that’s it. Thanks for the interview. Ask me anything, any message for the readers.
Thanks Rann for considering to feature me, WMH, my zine Coffemug  and a little bit of Village Idiots in your debut issue haha! Don’t stop believing! Good luck with your zine!
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nybride · 7 years
Not Interested In A Wedding Dress? Try a Little Black Tux
At New York Bride & Groom, we take great pride in our ability to offer something exquisite for every woman who walks through our doors. Since we know that dresses are not everyone’s choice, we carry the stunning Little Black Tux collection that offers our high fashion brides a gown-free style option.
Gorgeous cuts and sleek lines take this option to the next level. Perfect for brides, bridesmaids and wedding party members who are not comfortable in a traditional dress, these tuxedos have been meticulously detailed to enhance a woman’s curves and we promise you won’t be disappointed. Here’s what the label behind the line has to say:
We’re Redefining The Little Black Dress
Introducing a line of tuxedos designed & manufactured specifically for women. Experience the highest quality product on the market for those who are looking for that unique alternative to the standard little black dress. Perfect for any occasion: wedding, b-day, prom, black tie, or GNO! Read more at Little Black Tux
Eye-catching Details
New York Bride is Charlotte’s premier bridal salon. Our experienced bridal consultants are friendly and professional. They know how to measure you to perfection and can help arrange any alterations so that you can debut your tuxedo with sensational style. Comfort has been a huge consideration with the fabric selection for this line. Enjoy excellent designs in black or white. We know you will feel radiant in your fashionable tuxedo. The folks at Wedding Party App are in complete agreement:
Inspiration For Your Wedding Tux & Suit
Some women dream of their perfect wedding dress, and some women dream of their perfect wedding tuxedo. Tuxes just seem to be a perfect blend of elegance and cool nonchalance — except there’s so much room to explore and experiment! I personally would love to see more ladies wearing tuxes on their special day! Regardless of whether you’re aiming for a more masculine or androgynous look, definitely take a peek at what we’ve compiled for you because these ladies know exactly how to rock menswear:
I think the best part about wearing a tuxedo is that there seriously are no rules attached. You can choose to spruce it up however you want, and it’s most likely going to look AWESOME. Plus, you get to run around and do really gnarly jumping shots without having to worry about tripping over your skirt. Additional info at Wedding Party App
  New York Bride Is Different From Other Wedding Salons
We don’t require appointments to shop at New York Bride & Groom and cameras are always welcome. You will actually enjoy shopping in our relaxed and friendly setting. We are happy to answer any questions or curiosities you might have about wearing a tuxedo to your big day. Check out some fun ways to pull your tux wedding look together from A Practical Wedding:
The Updated Classic: The slightly pointed shoulders and exaggerated shape on this tuxedo jacket keep it modern and interesting while still being really flattering. To channel Janelle Monee here, wear the tuxedo shirt buttoned all the way up, with a cool bowtie, killer shoes, and a great updo. The pants will put you a bit over budget, but they’re too good not to include.
The hardest part of finding the right women’s tuxedo is making sure your outfit doesn’t veer into cater waiter territory. And while that definitely can be helped by a well-tailored suit, it’s mostly about attitude (well, and styling). Janelle Monae has, by far, the best tuxedo game of any celebrity out there. Read more at A Practical Wedding
  The post Not Interested In A Wedding Dress? Try a Little Black Tux appeared first on New York Bride & Groom.
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