#shoko matsunari
It's not "More cooler", it's "cooler" or "More cool". Didn't you pay attention in school?
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"Now you see what I deal with 24/7?"
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"Jeez! I just suck at grammar, okay?!"
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despairs-heaven · 1 year
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"So you met Togi then!?"
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"Thank god big sis is alright..."
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"Aaaaaanyways, intros! The name's Vladimir! Vladimir Markey!"
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"And I'm Shoko Matsunari! Nice to meet you!"
... We share a same last name... It should just be a coincidence right..?
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"It's nice to meet you too, but yes she should be relatively safe. She's got a shrine maiden with her, in a place like this that's like a bonus protection it seems."
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Suddenly there was jostling at one of the doors on the stage side. It flung open and out came Nico... They looked very tired though, who knows how long they've been in there.
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"Gah! Nico?!" The sound of the door hitting the wall startled Ace naturally.
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..."Much more cooler"?
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"He thinks that, because his brother only does horse races, and he does dangerous stuff like escaping out of a crumbling building, he j much more cooler."
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Oh! That certainly sounds interesting, but also very dangerous.
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"Heehee! Thank you! Unlike my totally uncool bro, I am much more cooler!"
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"I'm more surprised he is still alive at this point..."
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"Big sis had quite the scare tonight... I'm glad Ms. Alexis is fine now."
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"Me too, to be honest."
*The two people turned to you.*
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"Hey hey everyone! I'm Vlad!"
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"And I'm Shoko! Us two are going to be taking over big sis Togo's place while she rests!"
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"Yeah! So ask us questions!"
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