#shold that be the case then yes theyre also victims but that doesnt mean they werent part of it
takkamek · 7 months
I've been going back and forth about the whole "Vox, Ike and Elira were forced to make that statement". because while it wouldn't surprise me to hear that nijikuro did pressure them, choosing the fan favorites to make that statement..... the two outcomes would be; the three are able to manipulate and sway public opinion to their side which then obviously makes niji look good; or what happened, backlash against Vox, Ike and Elira, so they're now less inclined to leave because fewer fans are willing to support them if they leave.
Vox is the golden boy and there's always been clear favoritism towards him and luxiem, so him not realizing it/wanting to keep that power makes sense. he clearly has a big voice in the company, and many come to him for advice, it's not surprising that he felt threatened. Ike is a big fan favorite, and to my knowledge has always seen as the 'reasonable' and chill/kind liver. but he is a big part of the music side--i remember seeing his name in the credits of many covers/og songs. so "if ike, of all people, is saying this, it must be true!" -is what nijikuro wanted the fans to think. Elira is also a big fan favorite and is like ''assistant manager'' as she's stated (iirc) that she does management work, giving her a lot of power over others, so her seeing those documents doesn't surprise me, even though legally she shouldn't have.
from what i've seen, people now bringing up clips from old, some deleted, streams, The Clique is/was real and connecting the dots ain't that hard. of course i'd like to believe the best in them but with everything coming to light, i think i can only give the benefit of the doubt to the livers whose names haven't been brought out--though i will extend this to scarle and aster as those were clearly fake screenshots.
maybe the management was pressuring vox, ike and elira to make that statement. but they could've said no, they could've chosen to be stealth suspended/terminated--it wouldn't have been easy but they could've done that. elira has a work visa in japan, yes, so nijikuro could've lied and pressured her to think that she'd be in huge legal trouble if they fired her then, but that's not true; iirc after firing you're allowed to stay in the country for 2-3 months w/ work visa.
so even if they come out later and say they were pressured, threatened to make that statement and they apologize for it.... unless something new and horrible things come out as well from the way nijikuro bullies/harasses/abuses their livers, a simple apology isn't enough for me. someone almost died, their friend almost died yet they're standing with the company.
and the worst part is that this all could've been kept under wraps. doki didn't say that she faced bullying and harassment from livers, nijikuro did that themselves, and vox, ike and elira added to it by naming themselves and enna and millie. So all of this would've stayed behind the scenes had nijisanji wanted that--had they agreed to allow selen graduate on somewhat good terms
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