#shoresy x y/n
jerseyshoresy · 2 months
Could I request something where the reader is on the women's hockey team and gets a skate to the face on accident, and Shoresy who stuck around to watch rides with her to the hospital for stitches?
Absolutely you can! And here it is :) it kinda got away from me a little bit toward the end and I added some more elements to the story but I hope you enjoy, thanks so much for sending in the request and also for your patience as I wrote it!!! <3
A Little Slice of Heaven
Angst, Fluff
Shoresy x f!reader
Warnings: cussing, blood, stitches
It was the second period of the Sudbury women’s hockey game and the audience’s hearts were pounding with the excitement of the events unfolding in front of them. This game had been particularly brutal, fists and insults hurling across the ice alongside the puck. You were up by 3 and the barn was teeming with energy from your supporters and opposing team alike. All of your teammates were fired up too, shredding ice underneath their skates in a frenzy to keep the momentum going.
“Let’s go, ladies! Keep sliding ‘em in!” you yelled, posting up in your spot in the face off. The puck dropped and you immediately took possession, skating as fast as you could. You felt sweat dripping down your face as you finally passed the puck, getting knocked into the glass by the other team.
“Don’t stop moving! Take ‘em down, L/n!” you heard a voice yell next to you. It was Shoresy, who had apparently been there to watch the game. Knowing he was a spectator brought a smile to your face. You had always found him to be particularly interesting—a fantastic hockey player with a big mouth and even bigger heart. His passion for the game was unrivaled and it made you proud that he felt your team was worthy enough to watch. It certainly didn’t hurt that he was easy on the eyes as well; you’d thought he was super cute since the first time you met him. Over time you became friends, but your crush on him never went away. The thought of him watching you win was enough to motivate you even more to do your best. You growled, pushing the woman from the other team off you and heading back into the action. You were in control of the puck again, ready to make your shot. You yanked back your stick and—
And you were… splayed out on the ice?
And your face was immensely more wet than you remembered?
All of a sudden, you registered the eye watering, stinging pain that was radiating across your skin. You shakily put a hand to your cheek, knowing exactly what happened.
You got a skate to the face.
Blood began to pour onto the ice beneath you as you flipped over from your back to your knees, keeping your head down. You heard whistles from the referees to stop gameplay as the audience began to clamor, desperately trying to see what was going on.
“Fuck,” you whispered, trying to calm your racing heart. You weren’t a stranger to injuries, but this was way more serious than anything you had dealt with in the past. You tried to lift your head but immediately felt woozy, most likely from the impact your head took when it slammed against the ice. Thankfully you could still see from both of your eyes so those weren’t harmed in the accident. Medics rushed onto the ice, applying pressure to your face with a large towel.
“We gotta get you off the ice. Can you stand?” one of them asked you.
“I…think so,” you said, steadying yourself on the helping hands lended to you by the medics. You were ushered off the ice, your teammates yelling words of encouragement as you left.
“I have to keep playing,” you demanded as you were told to sit on a bench while one of the medics made a call.
“There’s no way that’s happening,” the other medic told you, giving you a concerned look. “You need stitches. A lot of them. That was a nasty fall.”
“Can’t you do it? You’re certified in… all that stuff, right?” you insisted, biting back the pain that erupted every time you spoke.
“I am, but that cut is much too deep. We’re getting an ambulance here right away.”
“A fucking ambulance?” you moaned, your cheek burning in protest at your outburst. “That’s overkill for a little cut.”
“Shut the fuck up, L/n.”
Shoresy appeared in your peripheral vision, looking more distraught than you thought possible for the man.
“You’re really fuckin’ hurt after you took that tumble out there.”
You went to reply with a witty retort but the medic, now off the phone, came running in.
“Ambulance is here. Get your skates off and come with me.”
You began to internally freak out. No one likes going to the hospital and you certainly didn’t love the idea of having to sit through all those stitches by yourself, especially when you’re supposed to be bringing your team to victory.
Before the second medic could move to help you unlace your skates, Shoresy was on it in a flash, his nimble fingers working overtime to get them off your feet. Soon enough you were in your socks and being escorted by a certain Mr. Shore who had taken it upon himself to hold the towel to your face as he walked with you. Without any struggle, he helped lift you into the ambulance. You went to wave goodbye, but before the back of the doors shut, you heard him speak up.
“Can I go with her?”
The EMT glanced at you and shrugged. “If you’re fine with it.”
“Oh my god, yes please.”
In any other situation you would’ve been embarrassed at how fast you answered, but you had no time to waste right now. Besides, Shoresy was looking at you so worriedly, his big brown eyes gazing at you with such concern that it made your stomach flutter with butterflies, and there was no way you could leave that man behind.
He quickly hopped into the ambulance as well and soon enough you were being transported to the hospital.
“How’re you feeling?” Shoresy asked, speaking quieter than usual, his broad shoulder brushing against yours as he sat close to you.
“Truthfully? Pissed that I had to leave the game,” you confessed, making him laugh a bit.
“You’re such a fuckin’ beauty,” he said, smiling and shaking his head, the towel he was pressing against your cheek never relenting in perfect pressure, “but I meant more about the skin falling off your face.”
“Hurts like hell,” you mumbled. “What even happened back there?”
“You got slammed from the side and the other gal fell next to you, but her skate flew up and sliced into you. It was bad timing.”
You nodded. “Understatement of the year. Did I at least score?”
“Of course you did.”
“Good, that’s all I care about. We can’t lose.”
“You won’t. You’ve got a great team, even if you’re not there to push them.”
You nudged him in the arm playfully. “You’re too sweet to me, Shoresy, you’re giving me cavities.”
“I’ll always be there for ya, y/n.”
The ambulance finally came to a stop and you were ushered onto a rolling bed at the hospital, Shoresy of course helping you.
“They’ll get you taken care of in no time,” the EMT told you, standing behind the bed and getting ready to move it. “Your husband can be in the room with you when you get your stitches if you want, too.”
Shoresy’s eyes widened. “Oh, I’m not-”
“Sounds great. Thanks,” you replied, giving Shoresy a look. He didn’t question it further as your bed was pushed into the halls of the emergency department, finally coming to a stop in a room.
“A doctor will be here any second. Can’t wait to see you back on the ice!”
The EMT left, leaving you and Shoresy alone.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, it’s just that they usually only allow family and partners back here, not friends. I really didn’t want to be alone for this,” you admitted.
“It’s all good, Mrs. Shore, doesn’t bother me in the least bit,” he replied, wearing a mischievous smile.
“You’re the worst.”
“And to think I was gonna take ya to Cancun for our honeymoon.”
Inside your mind, you sighed wistfully. What you wouldn’t give to have that goofball of a man by your side for life.
“Alright, Ms. L/n,” the doctor said, pulling back the curtain and putting gloves on, “we’ll get you stitched up and out of here soon.”
You felt a major bout of stress come on when you saw the preparation begin for your sutures, your nerves getting the best of you. Your hands became clammy when you were leaned back and it was getting hard to breathe when the towel was taken off the side of your face. As the doctor loomed over you, needle in hand, you were ready to run far, far away from that place and risk bleeding to death rather than go through with the stitches. You were immediately grounded by a firm, warm hand grasping your own—Shoresy’s, naturally. He really wasn’t lying when he said he’d be there for you, no matter what. A gentle squeeze of your hand was enough to let you know that he was doing his best to comfort you and your heart was doing leaps in your chest at the gesture.
A half hour later and you were done, sent on your way to rest and recover. You didn’t want to miss the end of the hockey game, though, so Shoresy got you guys a ride share back to the rink.
“Wow, 24 stitches and a fake husband in one night! I’m the luckiest woman in Sudbury,” you joked, exiting the car by way of the door being held open for you by Shoresy.
“Thanks for supporting me through all that. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you,” you admitted.
Shoresy’s eyes sparkled as they caught the lights of the barn in his irises. “I’m glad you’re okay. I have to be good to my fake wife, you know.”
You wore a hopeful smile; if today taught you anything, it was that you were beyond ready to shoot your shot. “Maybe we could go with real girlfriend next?”
That definitely caught him off guard. He curiously examined your expression for any sign of joking, but it was evident you weren’t messing around.
“You’re serious?” he asked.
“Yeah. I am.”
Shoresy grinned. “I like the sound of that, real future Mrs. Shore.”
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wwefangirl69 · 6 months
Any ideas on what Shoresy's kinks in the bedroom would be? He's a walking contradiction for sure.... I see him as crying at a first kiss, and crying during sex. What else do you see?
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raezrrwrites · 2 years
Tumblr media
ʚ ✧ .I Want You. ✧ ʚ
Shoresy x reader
Hurt/Comfort oneshot
Sum: Shoresy opens up to Y/N after they come clean about their feelings for him one late night.
Gender neutral Y/n
(Loosely proofread- I’m sorry for any mistakes)
-1k+ words
Warning: light make out. emotion? Tears? Anything a serious talk entails :p
Pumped 5 goose for the 20th loss of the campaign
He was going to be here. You just knew it. The air in your simple, yet cozy Sudbury apartment went still with a signature rapping on the door, breaking through whatever mindless noise was on the T.V. A specific pattern of tap-tap-ta-ta-tap confirmed your sparse and fading wonders. You knew he was gonna turn up on your doorstep. You were a relaxer for him. Did you get anything long-term or comforting out of it besides his shockingly tender touches that quickly dissolved and faded into your skin after he was gone?
No, but you hoped one of these nights, something, anything, would change…
The willed knocks reverberated into your ears, setting off a sort of instinctual string of movement within you. Your breath hitched and quickened sporadically as you neared the door. You subconsciously pulled the sleeves of your sweater over your hands, fiddling with the hem, knowing who and what kind of bewitching spell you were about to fall under. He pulled at your heart and your mind-
No, don’t. You’ll just pity yourself. This is nothing serious.
A familiar and quirked voice slipped past the door and wrapped around your conflicting ideas of this man. He was arrogant and selfish, and yet you couldn’t get him out of your head.
“Y/N, are you ever going to open this door, or are you just going to let me freeze? Your building is so fuckin’ cold” His words drawled on with a brief chuckle and a quick sigh before ending. He was looking to the side when you opened the door, seemingly adjusting his posture in a fruitless attempt to break through the awkward atmosphere of his waiting.
Your eyes drifted to his. His breath seemed to fizzle out into a sigh “Fucking finally, I am so close to crying and on top of that the air in this fucking building has damn near turned me into a drum-stick.” He said while stepping into your building, swiftly shedding his coat and shoes by your door, leaving him in nothing but a hoodie, sweats, and a snap-back. You made a slow return to sit in your once warm spot on the couch, the plush material perfectly molded to your body.
The couch dipped beside you, evidence of Shoresys’ body next to yours. You had just let your eyes drift lifelessly to the screen mounted on the wall when an arm snaked around your shoulders; his body laying lax next to yours. “Shoresy can we not? Please?” You twisted towards him in time to watch his brows furrow, and his mouth go ajar, showing his missing tooth before he let out a simple, bland… “what?”
“Are you kidding me?” You retorted, “I probably see you more than anybody, other than the team. Besides Sanguinet, I am the one person you keep crawling back to when your life falls apart, or when you get frustrated, or when you're just bored, not to mention Laura Mohr,” Tears welled up in your eyes and a suffocating lump began to form in your throat. “You repeatedly hurt me and I still open up and let you in every time, but yet I get zero compassion from you, Shoresy.” Hot tears rolled down your face while your throat burned from choking out the last part of your statement.
While tilting your head up in an attempt to stop the relentless stream of tears pouring down your cheeks and neck, a warm body melded next to yours. Large, strong arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer. One of his hands crawled up your back and tugged your head down and into his chest; The bulldog decal on his gray sweatshirt rubbed against your arms as you pulled your body up against his, head resting against his broad shoulder just in the crook of his neck, arms migrating to hold his neck.
Swaying gently from side to side, his hand reached up to where your head rested on his shoulder and stroked the top of your cheekbone with his thumb; You felt his head pressing gently down and to the side against yours, you could feel his stubbled jaw resting on your forehead; while his tear-stained hand held the back of your neck, just beneath your jaw, pulling you close to him.
You suddenly noticed the growing wet spot growing on the back of your shoulder.
The faltering skip of his breath became all too obvious. The shaking in his chest was impossible to conceal while being pulled so close to him. You lifted your head off of his shoulder and released your arms from around his neck. Placing one hand on his bicep, and cupping his jaw in the other; pulling his face up. His puffy blue eyes and wet cheeks broke you. A sympathetic void grew within you and drowned you in its sorrow.
A slew of words came crashing into your mind at a dizzying pace.
He wasn't arrogant and selfish; he was uncertain and compassionate; he was tender and understanding; god, he was surprisingly soft and overwhelmingly intuitive. The man in front of you was amazingly sweet and loving. He had changed. Or maybe your idea of him had been wrong all along.
You needed him, an astonishing amount.
The everlasting couple of minutes the two of you shared, eyes interlocked, contact unfaltering, ended with a clairvoyant mutual connection. Your lips met his, as your arms reinstated their position around his neck; taking off his hat and tangling your fingers in his hair. You felt Shoresys’ hands inch around your waist and pull you into his lap, your knees pushing into the couch straddling side of his hips. The two of you stayed like that for what felt like an eternity before your enthralling kiss ended in a correlative heave for air.
“Y/N, I don’t want Laura Morh,” Your heart stumbled over a few beats at his words. Looking down and examining his face, searching for any trace of insincerity. “Y/N, I want you, I want all of you, forever, every day.” You let out a giggle. “Did you just quote the notebook?” He shrugged and cockily and glanced to the side before remitting eye contact. “Maybe, what are you gonna do about it?” His snide remarks were falteringly annoying. The only words you could construct in your hazy state was a half-hearted, “Shut up” before reconnecting your lips with his.
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Bucky Barnes
Forever- Oneshot
Druig- Eternals
My Home 
My Home Part 2
Meeting Wayne
5 Times Wayne Fell in Love with You
Happier- Wayne and y/n oneshot
Dating Shoresy Headcannons
Animated Justice League
Bruce Wayne x Oc
Aquatica-Chapter 1 Evie
Aquatica-Chapter 2 Secret Origins
Aquatica- Chapter 3 In the Blackest Night
Aquatica- Chapter 4 The Enemy Below
Aquatica- Chapter 5 Paradise Lost
Aquatica- Chapter 6 Evie’s Day Off
Aquatica- Chapter 7 The Brave and the Bold
Aquatica- Chapter 8 Fury
Aquatica- Chapter 9  Christmas Eve
Aquatica - Chapter 10 Injustice for All
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jerseyshoresy · 8 months
How About a Glass of Punch!
Shoresy and reader go on their first date—or do they?
Shoresy x gn!reader
Warnings: cussing, mentions of physical fighting and bruising/bleeding
You were pissed. You just had to get punched in the face today? Today of all days?
On the day of your first date with Shoresy?
That reminded you never to go to bars in the daytime. Normally you abided by that rule, but you were nervous and you were stressed and sitting around at home by yourself was doing nothing to calm your nerves so of course you would go hang out with your friend in downtown Sudbury for a few hours.
“You don’t think we’re making a mistake going on this date, right Miig?” you asked the girl sitting in the barstool next to you.
“Y/n! Not at all. You’ve liked Shoresy for a long time and he’s liked you for the same amount, if not longer. Besides, friends that date usually stay together longer. It’s science.”
You shot her a look. “That’s science? I must’ve slept through that part of class.” Miigwan rolled her eyes and playful pushed your shoulder.
“You’re freaking out for no reason. It’s Shoresy we’re talking about. He’s definitely not hot enough to be stressing you like this. Besides, he’s just a slut. It’s not like he’s gonna be husband material anyway.”
“Oh Miig, if only I was as wise as you,” you started sarcastically, “dating a coach is so much better than a player. Tell Sanguinet to call me, maybe we can go to Wasaga Beach.”
“Fuck you y/n,” she said, both of you laughing. Once you two finished up your drinks, you were ready to go back home and get ready for your date. Miigwan really helped you calm down and you were now actually excited to see Shoresy tonight. As you reached for the door handle to leave the bar, someone grabbed your arm.
“You’re brave for showing your face around here.”
You turned around. Bad idea. Before you could say anything, a fist collided with your face and you were down. As you scrambled to get up, you felt the same person grab the front of your shirt. Getting a good look at them, you had no idea who this dude was, but you knew he was super drunk and you had to get out of there before you got hit again. You brought your knee up into his groin area and struck the bottom of your palm into his nose. Thankfully he released your shirt and, cradling your face, you ran to your car as fast as you could, jamming the key into the ignition and peeling out of the parking lot. Your apartment was only 5 minutes away and once you got inside your door, locking it as fast as humanly possible, you finally allowed yourself to feel the pain caused by the blow. You got hit on your high right cheekbone next to your eye. You were so afraid to look in the mirror because you really didn’t want to deal with a bruise right now. Taking a deep breath, you prepared yourself for the worst. What you saw upset you greatly—you were sporting a very aggressive black eye and bruised cheek. It was a sickly purple and blue nightmare swirled around your face and you held in sob. You didn’t get into fights, that wasn’t your scene. You didn’t even know who that person was that attacked you! You were just glad Miigwan had left a minute prior and missed it because if she had gotten hit… you thought of the swift revenge that would come from Ziigwan and you shuddered. Turning your attention back to the problem at hand, you began to brainstorm how to cover the ugly, throbbing mark before your date. You tried to apply concealer but every dab on the bruise made you shed many tears. Softly crying at the events of the day, you decided you had to cancel the date.
“I’m so sorry Shoresy,” you whispered, hitting send on the text and throwing your phone down. You knew Shoresy was no stranger to fights and bad injuries, but you were nervous. Taking a step from friendship into dating territory was scary and it would be even scarier if you showed up looking like your face got hit by a bus. You wanted this day to be perfect and it was the biggest mess you had ever gotten yourself into. You put your pajamas on and grabbed an ice pack, settling in for the afternoon. When you looked at your phone again, you had 3 unread texts and 7 unanswered calls from Miigwan and 5 unread texts and 4 unanswered calls from Shoresy.
Miigwan: was that you I saw in the parking lot???
Miigwan: y/n answer me, did you stumble out the door of the bar??
Miigwan: if you’re not okay I’m coming over.
And then Shoresy:
Shoresy: totally fine y/n, we can always plan for another day :) hope you feel better soon!
(You told him you were sick)
Shoresy: okay I got a call from Miig and I’m not thinking you’re sick.
Shoresy: did you run out of the bar and then drive home??
Shoresy: y/n please answer
Shoresy: I’m coming over.
You were freaking out internally. You didn’t want anyone to see you like this. You frantically texted them back, assuring them you were okay and it was all one big misunderstanding, but it didn’t matter; the moment you hit send on your message, you heard a knock at the door.
“Y/n? It’s me. Shoresy. Your friend. Your, uh, date for tonight? Whatever, you know who it is. We’re worried about you.”
“Y/n, open this door or I’ll knock it off its hinges with Shoresy’s thick head.”
Of course Miigwan’s here too.
Even though you were scared to reveal to them what really happened, you were glad your friends showed up for you. You opened the door to find Miigwan and Shoresy quietly bickering, most likely over her earlier comment about his head. When they caught sight your injury, they immediately fell silent.
“Oh my god,” exclaimed Miigwan, while Shoresy went for the more explosive “What the actual fuck happened to your face?” You almost started crying again but you were determined to stay strong. Inviting them inside, you threw yourself down on the couch, Shoresy sitting next to you and Miig in the chair across from you.
“So, after you left, Miig, I went to leave too and some dude mistook me for someone else and now here we are.”
You had never seen Shoresy so angry in his life.
“Are you fucking serious? A random dude just starting swinging on ya? What’s he look like, I’ll take him down in no time and have him crying on your doorstep and begging for forgiveness like you’re the fuckin’ Godfather. Jesus Christ.”
“No, Shoresy, it’s okay. He was hella drunk and to be honest, I’m really shaken up still so could we please drop it for now? I made it home safe and that’s all I can ask for.”
“Okay. Well, as long as you’re good, I think Shoresy is gonna stay and I’ll head back home. I’m glad you’re alright but I can’t wait to see Shore put that guy’s head on a stick. Feel better and call if you need anything.” Miig gave you a hug and left.
“I’m sorry I canceled our date. I really wanted to go, I just… didn’t want anyone to see me like this.”
Shoresy, who just brought you a fresh ice pack from the freezer, sat close to you while holding the pack to your face. You didn’t know if you were shivering from the cold or the fact that an attractive man was that close to you.
“Are you serious? You wouldn’t show a shiner like this to the world? People would be missing out on seeing a true masterpiece. This sucker’s the real deal right here. Hockey players would kill for a badge of honor like this.”
You giggled a bit.
“Oh stop, you’re flattering me.”
“No, flattering you would be telling you I’ve never seen a more beautiful person than the one sitting in front of me right now, in their pajamas, allowing me to take care of them in their time of need.”
You felt your whole face flush.
“Okay, that’s very flattering. I’m not as good with words as you are but I noticed you’re not wearing your fake tooth and you look supremely handsome without it.”
Now it was Shoresy’s turn to blush.
“You really think so? I was in such a hurry to get over here when Miig told me what happened that I forgot to put it in.”
“Well I’m glad you didn’t. You look great as is.”
“We’re just a real pair, aren’t we? Busted faces, missing teeth. We’d be that power couple to watch out for if we hit the town right now.”
You laughed.
“Yeah, right. Hey, thanks again for your concern and coming over, I really appreciate you. Also, thanks for doing this.” You gestured to the ice pack he was still holding to your face.
“Anytime, y/n. I wish I was there to protect you. I would do anything for you, as long as you’d let me.” Shoresy let his finger give the slightest touch over an uncovered part of your injured cheekbone. His lips were dangerously close to yours, and you desperately wanted to lean in.
“Anything?” you practically whispered.
He nodded his head silently.
“Then kiss me,” you said, and without hesitation, Shoresy pulled you in with a gentle but steady grip. When your lips met, you felt a jolt of energy spread through you like a firecracker. You’ve never been kissed like that before, with such passion and fervor, yet appreciated restraint, and you hoped you’d never have to find someone else to compare him to. When you two eventually pulled apart, you both had giddy smiles.
“Wow. What a way to start a first date, huh?” you asked, trying to catch your breath.
“That’s just the preview for the rest of the evening,” replied Shoresy, wearing a cheeky look, and you couldn’t wait to see what he meant by that. On the couch, as you snuggled into his side, you were beyond grateful for such a loyal and caring friend-turned-boyfriend.
A few days after a successful first date, you hear a few knocks at your door. Answering it, you were shocked to see Shoresy, arms folded, standing next to a man on his knees, nose cracked and bleeding freely, holding a bouquet of flowers.
“Y/n, is-is it? I’m s-so extremely sorry for punching you the other day. I am a complete and total idiot. I promise to never get that drunk again and never throw punches. I’m sorry for having to sit on your doorstep like the trash I am. Please, have these flowers as a sign of my sorry.” He thrusted them toward you, trying hard to not meet your gaze. Shoresy then spoke up.
“Alright. You’re free to go. If I hear you’re making trouble again, you won’t be able to walk up these flights of stairs when I’m done with ya. Got it?”
The man whimpered and scurried away while Shoresy beamed at you.
“Told ya I’d get ‘em.”
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jerseyshoresy · 3 months
How're you now?
Can I request something for either shoresy or wayne where the reader goes home for Christmas? Since they came from either New Zealand or Australia and they miss the summer Christmasses. And one year they invite either shoresy and wayne to hang out with their family and go to the beach and stuff? Friends to lovers perhaps?
Thank you kindly!
Good and you? Hopefully not so bad! (lol)
What a fun request, thanks so much for sending this in! I had a great time thinking of a plot for this since it was a super creative ask☺️ I decided to do two shorter stories, one with Shoresy in New Zealand and one with Wayne in Australia!! Please enjoy <3
Summertime Santa Season with Your Sweetie
Shoresy x gn!reader, Wayne x gn!reader
Warnings: cussing
"So, what do you think? You wanna come with?"
You were giving your friend Shoresy a hopeful look. You had just invited him to spend Christmas with you and your family in the Southern Hemisphere.
"Really? You want me to be there?" he asked, a tone of excitement coating his words.
You laughed. "You're my best friend, Shore, of course I want you there. Besides, I think my family likes you better than me anyway."
"We're even because my family feels the same about you."
"It's settled then?" you asked, raising your eyebrows.
"Well, since your parents already bought my plane ticket months ago, I'd say I'm ready to go."
"What? Are you serious?"
Shoresy gave you a wide, missing tooth grin. "No, I'm just messing with you. The look of betrayal on your face was one for the books."
Your eyes narrowed. "I'm about to rescind my invite."
Considering you were now lounging on the beach with a certain loud mouth hockey player, you weren't actually serious about uninviting him. You sighed, taking in a breath, the smell of the ocean lingering in your nose. It had been a long time since you celebrated Christmas in your home country and while you loved living in Canada, nothing could beat the feeling of sun on your skin as it brought back all the fond memories of your childhood in New Zealand. Now that you were back, you were extremely happy. Having Shoresy there to celebrate with you and your family was a plus, too. You guys had been friends for many years and your relationship ran deeply, you two able to talk about everything with each other without fear or hesitation. While others found themselves exasperated by Shoresy, you never felt anything other than comfort and ease around the man. Even now, as his blocky figure stood over you, casting a shadow on your body, you couldn't find it within you to be annoyed.
"The picnic is all set up. You want something to eat?"
As if it heard him, your stomach growled. Shoresy reached out his hand to help you out of the sand and you gladly took it. Even though this was no sort of new gesture from your friend, you felt your heart do a flip at the contact of his skin on yours. Your eyes widened as you quickly pulled your hand away and made a beeline for your family, trying to calm your heart rate.
"Hey! Y/n! You feeling alright?" Shoresy caught up to you, sand getting kicked up from his fast moving feet. "You look like you saw a ghost or, like, the fuckin' Phantom of the Sydney Opera."
"Huh? That's in Australia, dumbass. But yeah, no, I'm fine, thanks. Just hungry, is all."
You didn't feel fine. Maybe you had heatstroke? You hadn't been in the sun that long... It didn't matter. You shook your head, eagerly grabbing a cup of water and relishing in the shade of the large umbrella overhead. Shoresy didn't look convinced but relaxed when he saw you sit down next to your family and begin to eat. He took the seat across from you, easily falling into conversation with a few of your cousins. However, he couldn't help but send a few glances your way every once in awhile, silently checking in on you. You were grateful for his attentiveness as you nodded, signaling you were good. As you took another bite of your meal, your mind was occupied with listening to all the other conversations happening around you, thankful for a distraction from the confusing feelings you experienced just a few minutes ago.
When lunch was finished, someone in your family suggested you guys play beach volleyball and you were ecstatic. You and Shoresy were on a team together and, to no one's surprise, you were completely in sync. Whenever the ball made it over the net, one of you would call it while the other set up the next shot for someone else to send it back over. Though you were good players, your family on the opposing team did really well, too. The game was heating up and the scores were tied by the end. With only one more point, you and Shoresy were ready to give it your all. The other team served as your cousin set up the first hit. Shoresy set the ball, hoping it was enough to have you spike it over the net. You kept your eyes trained on the ball and before it fell, you slammed your palm on it and sent it sailing over the net and into the sand. Your team won! You all erupted into cheers at your victory. All of a sudden, you felt your feet dangle in the air as Shoresy picked you up, swinging you around excitedly. You couldn't hold in your joyous laughter as you two shared your happiness at not losing, even though the result of the game had no impact on your lives whatsoever. When he finally put you back down on the sand, you two were still giggling and you noticed he still hadn't taken his hands off your waist. You felt yourself getting lost in his blue eyes as it seemed like the world around you dissolved, leaving you and Shoresy alone in your own universe. You were brought back to real life by a clap on your back from your sibling, giving you a hearty congratulations on your win. Shoresy immediately removed his grip on you, leaving you with a lingering feeling of emptiness now that he wasn't touching you.
After a few more days of fun in the sun and other Christmas festivities with your family, you and Shoresy decided to go for a walk by yourselves to get away from the hustle and bustle for a little bit. It was nearing dark and the stars started peeking from the sky. The way they twinkled reminded you of your Christmas tree in Canada and you smiled at the fact that this year, you had the best of both worlds.
“I’ve had a great week so far,” Shoresy said, breaking the silence. “I knew your family was awesome but this has been a hell of a good time.”
“Thank you for coming all this way with me. I appreciate it more than you know.”
You looked over at him, noticing he stopped under a Pōhutukawa tree. In that moment, in the comforting warmth of the night, under the bright red flowers, you swore that no one had ever looked so beautiful.
"I have something to tell you," you both uttered in unison.
"You first," you blurted out, making sure he was the first one to speak while you gathered your courage to confess that you were falling in love with your best friend.
"Okay. So. Okay." He took in a breath after nervously fiddling with his backwards hat. "Y/n, I've had a great time with you here in New Zealand and being your friend all these years has been such a wild ride that I'm thankful for every day. But lately, especially while I've been here, I've realized something. I would do anything to wake up by your side every morning and make you breakfast. I would jump out of a moving car for the chance to take out the trash for you. I'm falling in love with you and it's scaring the shit out of me so please, I need to know if you feel the same."
The only thing you did was let out a huge sigh of relief, momentarily confusing the man who just released an emotionally charged confession of his love.
"Kiss me, Shoresy."
He didn't hesitate, cupping his hands on your cheeks and capturing his lips in your own. As you stood under the glow of the stars while kissing your best friend, you couldn't believe how lucky you were this Christmas; Shoresy was the best gift you could've asked for.
"A Christmas outside of Canada? That's an odd fuckin' request."
You felt your lips pull into a frown. You had just told your friend Wayne that you were headed to see your family in Australia for Christmas and wanted him to come with. You knew he was traditional, but you didn't think he'd be so quick to shut you down.
"Never mind, it was a silly question anyway." You stood up to leave his house, but he caught your attention before you went anywhere.
"Hey now," Wayne said, "I never said I wouldn't go."
"Is that a yes, then?" you asked, excitement overcoming you.
"As long as Katy's okay with taking care of things while I'm gone, then I'll be seeing you in the Southern Hemisphere."
Katy was more than happy to watch over the farm, which is how you and Wayne were now watching a Christmas parade in Australia with the rest of your family.
"There's such thing as showing too much leg and a fella oughta be fuckin' aware of it," grumbled Wayne as he averted his gaze from a Santa in front of him, dressed in a tank top and short shorts that, admittedly, weren't leaving a lot to the imagination.
"Can you blame the guy? It is pretty hot out today. Maybe I can get you in an outfit like that," you teased, Wayne just looking at you with his arms crossed and eyes narrowed. You knew him long enough, though, to know he was having a great time experiencing a new way to celebrate. As you turned your attention back to the parade, you caught a glance of something you knew Wayne couldn't miss.
"Wayne," you said, your voice low, "you need to prepare yourself for this next float."
He raised his eyebrows at you, wondering what could signal this interest. You knew he spotted it when his mouth opened and let out a loud noise that was a healthy mix of "aww" and "oh"-- the float from the local animal shelter had arrived!
"Is Wayne alright?" your parents asked you, concern apparent on their faces.
"He just really loves dogs," you explained and they nodded in understanding. The dogs, ranging from puppies to seniors, were dressed in their holiday best and it looked like Wayne was a second away from crying (not surprising). What was surprising was the way Wayne unfolded his arms and scooted a little bit closer to you, his hand brushing against yours. In all your years of knowing him, he was never a fan of physical touch. Did he do that on accident? And why did a simple ghost of his fingers on yours feel like a strike of lightning between the two of you? You refocused your mind on the parade, not wanting to think about the possibility of having a crush on your dearest friend.
When it was finally Christmas day, your whole family busied themselves preparing for the large gathering that was happening later that afternoon. You and Wayne, along with a few of the younger members of the family, patiently waited to be told where to help.
"Y/n and Wayne, you're on dish duty."
"Sounds like a plan," you told your mom.
"Well, pitter patter, kangaroos scatter," Wayne remarked, rolling up his sleeves and working right away on washing the dishes in the sink from breakfast.
"No way you actually just said that," you groaned, jokingly hitting your palm to your forehead and turning away to shelve a dried dish. You didn't see it, but Wayne was looking at you with a twinkle in his eye and the slightest upturn of his lips. When you turned back around, he slyly averted his gaze so you couldn't see the lovesick expression he held. Thankfully for you, your uncle witnessed the whole thing as he walked past the kitchen.
"Are you two ever going to date?"
You furrowed your brows. "Me and who?"
"You and Wayne, of course!"
Wayne had been called outside to do some heavy lifting of coolers and furniture, leaving you and your uncle alone to finish up setting the table.
"We're just good friends. If he wanted to date me, I'm sure he would've asked me out by now. Besides, there's no way he likes me like that." You put down a knife a little too forcibly for comfort.
"He hides it well," your uncle continued, "but I saw the way he looked at you earlier when you were turned away. In the kitchen. He really likes you."
"I don't think you saw what you thought you did."
"I know that look. That look is from a man who's deeply in love."
"Yeah, right," you said, huffing as you placed down another napkin, "it'd be a real Christmas miracle if that were true."
"So you feel the same?" asked your uncle, a smile inching on his face.
You felt heat rise to your cheeks. "No! Well, maybe. I don't know."
"That answer says it all," he said. "Just tell him how you truly feel, deep down inside. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the outcome."
You went to say something else, but Wayne had made a return. Maybe your uncle was right. Maybe it was time to come to the realization that you were in love with Wayne.
Later that night, after the feasting was done and the gifts opened, it was time to go listen to some carolers. You, Wayne, and your entire family were holding little candles and waiting for the singing to start. All of a sudden, your attention was caught by a gorgeous jacaranda tree not too far from where you were standing. You excused yourself from the group, wanting to get a closer look. The vivid purple blooms were still vibrant in the looming darkness and seemed to glimmer under the flickering flame of your candle.
"It's so peaceful out here, isn't it," you practically whispered, noticing Wayne's quiet presence behind you. He didn't answer with words but acknowledged you with a grunt of agreement. You stood side by side in comfortable silence, admiring nature's beauty. The words of your uncle came forefront to your mind as your eyes wandered over Wayne's handsome face, one that was normally stoic, but was currently hosting an unreadable expression. You'd decided to confess your feelings but Wayne spoke up first.
"Y/n, I've had something I've wanted to tell you for a long time so I'm just going to say it. I think you're the most astounding person I've ever had the pleasure to meet and you've been a great friend over the years. But lately I've been feeling feelings for you that are unacceptable between friends. It seems I have, as romance novels would say, fallen in love with you."
"Wayne..." you breathed out, "are you serious?"
He nodded, blinking slowly at you. "As a heart attack."
"Good." You stepped in closer to him, your lips almost brushing against his as you spoke. "You beat me to it, but... I'm in love with you too."
You felt him push forward and connect your lips in a kiss as his hands found their way onto your waist, holding you securely against his body. You couldn't help but smile into the kiss as you realized your Christmas wish came true.
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jerseyshoresy · 3 months
Something where someone (your pick from shoresy or LK) ask to meet up by text but you say you have a man in your bed, they're confused af but turns out you rescued a cat?
STOOOOPPP IM OBSESSED WITH THIS LMAO!!! Thank you so much for sending this request in, it's so perfect and I had tons of fun writing it! I decided to do little blurbs with everyone I've written for in both the LK and Shoresy universe so I hope you enjoy <3
Fatal AttraC(A)Tion
Shoresy, Wayne, Daryl, Coach x gn!reader
Warnings: cussing, suggestive language
"I know I'm like, always confused, but I am extra confused right now."
Shoresy had just finished hockey practice when he texted you, asking if he could come to your place to hang out for the rest of the night. He certainly wasn't expecting your response of: "Please don't come over !! I have a man in my bed rn!!"
"Oh, that's no good, mah boy! You best get yourself o'er there and send the unlucky bastard scramblin' out tha door!"
"You're right, Hitch, you have a point. I'm not letting another man come between me and my partner and I mean that in both entendres."
"Settle down," said Goody, taking a sip of water.
Shoresy was quick to leave the barn and head to your place, nervous to see who he was going to find lying next to you. As he entered the bedroom door, he pushed up his sleeves, getting ready for a fist fight. To his surprise, there was no human man to be seen anywhere. Instead, he was greeted with you and an unfamiliar orange cat lying on his side of the bed.
"Look baby, Shoresy's home! My favorite two men in this whole world," you cooed, the cat purring as it cuddled up to you. Shoresy relaxed, happy you were just messing around with him, and looking forward to cuddling two very cute creatures all night.
You felt bad joking like this to Wayne, knowing he had been cheated on in the past, but you couldn’t help yourself as you sent the text message: “can’t meet rn. me and my other man are in bed.”
When Wayne received said text message, he sped over to your place in a flash, his stoic expression turning the slightest bit more sour than usual. After he slammed his truck door closed, he rolled up his sleeves, readying himself for a brawl. However, when he entered your bedroom, he just stood there very confused.
“Here’s the man I was talking about.” You held up a black cat with white paws. “I just rescued him! Isn’t he cute?”
Wayne stood in silence for a few moments before speaking. “Okay, y/n. Y/n, okay. That is a very cute cat.”
He took several big strides and abducted the cat from you, cuddling it close to his chest.
“You can have him back after I get an apology for making me worry.” He scratched the cat under its chin, making it purr. “And after I get an apology for not adopting two of these.”
“Does this mean what I think it means?”
Daryl was at MoDean’s trying to decipher the text you had just sent him. It was a picture of you lying in bed with a mass of blonde hair on your chest, captioned “don’t come over, my man and I are having alone time.”
“I knows y/n, we all do, and that doesn’t seem like their types of behaviors,” said Squirrely Dan.
Katy then spoke up, “But it is weird. I think you should go check it out. Let us know if you need backup.”
Daryl agreed and drove his van over to your house in a hurry, confused as ever. He walked into your bedroom, fully expecting to see you with another man, but what he actually saw couldn’t have been further from what he assumed.
“I got us a cat!” you exclaimed, holding up the cream colored cat. “Isn’t he just adorable?”
“You really threw me for a loop with that text,” Daryl said, frowning, but perking up when the cat ran over to his leg and started nuzzling him. “He is really cute though. This is the only other man I’d ever want in my bed.”
“Me too, Daryl, don’t worry,” you said, pulling him in for a kiss.
“I’m kinda busy rn, me and my man are lying in bed.”
“What the fuck are they talking about?!”
Coach was ready to crush his phone in anger. What did you mean, your man? HE was your man, your only man! He furiously typed back a response, telling you he’d be over at your place in no time, and he spent the whole trip muttering to himself about how he was going to kick that guy’s ass for laying next to his partner. He practically busted your door down, huffing and puffing as he stared you down. You were completely unbothered by Coach’s abrasive entrance, even laughing about it, as you lounged with a cat running in circles on your bed.
“Coach! Glad to see you made it to meet our newest roommate.”
“Don’t scare me like that, y/n, I was seriously pissed off!” He was pointing an accusatory finger at you until the cat pounced on it, clawing lightly at his skin. Coach immediately broke into a smile, cooing and giving the cat scratches on its ears. It looked like your two favorite men got along swimmingly!
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jerseyshoresy · 10 months
Them’s Fightin’ Words
Shoresy stands up for the reader.
Shoresy x gn!reader
Warnings: cussing, harassment, physical fighting
“What the fuck did you just say to them?”
“I said—“
You couldn’t believe this was happening to you. Just a few feet from where you were standing, you knew a brawl was going to begin. You didn’t imagine something like this going down when you and Shoresy decided to go out for some drinks. Settling in at the bar, you two were enjoying a relatively calm evening, laughing with a group of your boyfriend’s teammates and your friends. You relished the feeling of Shoresy’s arm resting over your shoulders as you nursed your drink. Being around him was always so comforting. You knew he had your back, as you did his. Loyalty was one of the many things you loved about Shoresy—that man would follow anyone he cared about to the ends of the earth, and even beyond that if possible.
You had just finished agreeing with something Laurence Leboeuf said when you felt someone come up next to you.
“Hey darlin’. What’s a fine person like you doing in a place like this? Better question—why don’t we take this somewhere more private and really get to know each other?”
Ew. This man was beyond sleazy. He had jet black hair that was slicked back with what you assumed was an entire bottle of gel or melted butter to achieve that look. You could tell by his roaming eyes he was up to no good and you weren’t in the mood for his antics.
“Look dude. I don’t know what you’re doing here without your glasses on but apparently you can’t see that I’m clearly here with someone. Aka the guy with his arm around me. I suggest you try your luck somewhere else.”
His arrogant smirk quickly left his face, replaced by furrowed brows and angry eyes.
“You’re seriously turning me down for that ugly idiot? No. No way. What I want, I get, and I want you. So you either choose to come with me or I’ll drag you out of here.”
At this point, Shoresy was tuned out of the conversation he was in with his friends and was now engrossed in what was going on next to him. He knew you could handle yourself so he didn’t shut this guy down immediately, but after he heard that last creepy and downright concerning remark, he knew he had to stop this guy fast.
“What the fuck did you just say to them?” asked Shoresy, getting out of his seat and standing between you and the creepy guy. God, he was the best protector.
“I said—“ the guy started, but Shoresy interrupted him.
“You got it all wrong,” the greaseball continued, “we were having a good time, me and them. Besides, it’s none of your business.”
“A good time?” asked Shoresy, incredulously. “Nah dude, you’re a sick freak with no respect for people. And it is my business when you’re being a fuckin’ weirdo to my partner. Get the hell out of here before I throw you out.”
Creepy guy laughed. “Throw me out? That would require muscle and by the looks of it, you don’t have any. It’s all fat.”
You knew that as your cue to get the hell out of the way because punches were about to fly. Creepy guy’s friends were roaring in laughter at his remark but before anyone saw it coming, Shoresey’s fist was in the guy’s face, drawing blood and knocking him to the ground. The punch caused a chain reaction and a mini brawl began. From where you were standing, you saw creepy guy’s friends were all over Goody and Dolo, but they knocked them out with only a few punches each. The fight was over as quick as it began and bar patrons quickly returned back to their drinks after the ordeal. Shoresy threw the greaseball’s unconscious body out the bar’s back door and into the dumpster area (where he belonged).
“Fuckin’ trash,” he muttered, closing the door behind him. However, when Shoresy found you watching him from the narrow hallway, his whole demeanor changed. Putting his hands on your shoulders, he looked you up and down for injuries from the earlier commotion.
“(Y/n), are you okay? That guy was a fucking bozo, I’m sorry you had to deal with that. And deal with me punching him. I just couldn’t help myself, hearing him say those things, I just couldn’t let him get away with it under my watch.” He stopped himself and took a deep breath.
“Look. I understand if me getting into fights is a deal breaker for you. My last girlfriend thought I was a loser for throwing punches and it’s hard for me to break out of that fighting mindset off the rink. It doesn’t help that I want to protect from everything bad in this world because… well, because I love you.”
You were shocked. This was the first time Shoresy had ever said he loved you and he was afraid you were going to leave him! Your heart felt so fragile—full because he loved you, but broken because he thought you’d break up with him.
“Shoresy,” you noticed he wasn’t meeting your eyes so you gently grasped his chin to tilt his face towards you. “Shoresy, I love you too, so much. You stood up for me, protected me, today, and I can only thank you for that. I would never leave you for something like that. No, assault is never good, but some idiots deserve to get their asses kicked. I’m just glad to be the one to have you on my side, no matter the circumstances.” He leaned in and kissed you passionately. You were caught off guard and almost lost your balance but his strong grip kept you steady.
“Don’t worry, I always got you,” he mumbled against your lips, making you both smile into the kiss.
Maybe next time you’ll just go out for paninis.
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jerseyshoresy · 10 months
You’re On Thin Ice, Buddy
Shoresy teaches you to ice skate!
Shoresy x gn reader
Warnings: cussing
“What the fuck do you mean, you’ve never been ice skating?” Shoresy was looking at you with such incredulity that you had to look away in embarrassment. He continued his tirade while skating back and forth in front of you as you watched from the bench.
“You’re Canadian, for fuck’s sake! Never been on the ice. Your parents should be arrested. That’s fucking shameful.”
You were expecting a strong response from your longtime friend (and crush), but this was just absurd.
“So what I’ve never been on the ice? It’s not that unheard of. You’re acting like I told you I have a secret third arm or never heard Celine Dion,” you argued to yourself, realizing Shoresy was gone. Sighing, you took in your surroundings. You always wanted to skate, especially in a rink like this, but you were too afraid. You had gotten teased in the past about your lack of experience skating, yet it never bothered you until Shoresy gave you shit for it today. You knew teasing was all in good fun for him but you just couldn’t shake the heartache from his accusatory tone. You got up to leave the rink and catch up with Shoresy later when all of a sudden he came skating over to you.
“Y/n! Look at what I found!” He held up a pair of battered skates. “Size (insert here), ready to go.”
You would’ve been beyond flattered that he somehow remembered your shoe size if you weren’t too busy focusing on not throwing up all over yourself from nervousness.
“Shoresy, I’m not sure this is a good idea. I’m really not that balanced and—“
“Y/n,” he replied, a hand grasping your shoulder, “you can do this. There’s no better feeling than being on the ice. I want you to experience that too.”
You felt yourself melting in his eager gaze. Before you knew it, you were all laced up and gingerly standing on the blades. Shoresy slowly coaxed you out from the bench and onto the actual rink where you began to slowly but surely make your way around the edge.
“See? You got it so far. You’re doing good.” His words of affirmation and hand on yours made your face warm up with a blush. You made a few more circles around the rink and you were finally starting to get the hang of it.
“Okay. I’m gonna try it by myself now,” you said, reluctantly letting go of Shoresy’s hand. You never realized how empty your own hand felt until you missed the touch of the man you came to love. Taking in a deep breath for encouragement, you pushed off with your skates. You savored the feeling of the slight breeze on your face as you skated around the rink. After a few slow laps you made your way back to Shoresy. You decided since your lessons had gone well so far, you could speed up a fair amount. Everything was going well until the last few seconds. One moment you were upright and laughing, and the next you were tumbling down, on your way to meet the ice with your face. You didn’t even have time to react before you felt a strong grip hoist you up as your knee smacked against the ice.
“Holy fuck, y/n, are you alright?” Shoresy anxiously eyed you up and down, taking in any injuries you might have acquired. You felt tears well in your eyes but you were determined to keep them at bay.
“I’m okay. Can we go sit down for a second, please? I think I really hurt my knee.”
Shoresy nodded and helped you skate over to the bench. As you sat down, he took note of your inability to do anything without little groans of pain. Wordlessly, he scooped you up and brought you to the locker room. After setting you down on the bench carefully, he unlaced your skates and brought you an ice pack. As he sat on the bench next to you, he picked up your leg and placed it on his lap.
“I’m gonna feel around your knee to see where it’s bruised. Let me know if it hurts too much, okay?”
You nodded, your heart pounding with anxiety due to your injury and the closeness of Shoresy. You felt your breath hitch as his fingers began sliding over your knee. All your worries were immediately put to rest—you couldn’t believe he was handling you with such care. Your heart was fluttering in your chest from his ghostly soft touches. You never wanted this moment to end, but you were pulled from your enchantment when he broke the comfortable silence.
“Good news is, nothing serious. Fuck’s sake though, y/n, you scared me, and I don’t say that often. I thought you were gonna take a tumble and hit your head. I don’t know what I would do if you got hurt.” You weren’t sure exactly what he meant by that so you decided to take a leap of faith.
“Shoresy,” you half whispered, “thank you for today. All of it. And I mean it.” You glanced at his lips, then slowly started to lean in. He quickly took the hint and met your lips with his own. You felt like there were fireworks going off in your stomach as he deepened the kiss, gripping your waist and the back of your neck. After what felt like the shortest yet longest moment of your life, you two finally pulled away for air, lips still slightly parted.
“Yeah, so…,” Shoresy said, a bit flustered, but you just smiled.
“Now that my knee’s all busted, I need someone to drive me home. And I may need someone who’s already proven themselves as a very capable man to nurse me back to health.” This time it was Shoresy’s turn to smile (that missing tooth make you fall even harder for him, it’s just so charming!).
“Do I get to wear a sexy nurse outfit?”
“You can wear whatever you want as long as I get a break from ice skating for at least a year.”
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jerseyshoresy · 7 months
Just a Little Off the Top!
Reader gets top surgery, Shoresy gets… points for trying to help reader recover
Shoresy x masculine enby/ftm reader (request from anon, I hope you like it! :) also, I’ve not had top surgery nor am I enby/transgender but I used my own experience with surgeries and did as much research as I could to do this story justice <3)
Warnings: cussing, mentions of medical drains and blood
You checked your phone for what seemed like the umpteenth time that day, but you needed an answer, quick. Your top surgery was tomorrow and though you originally had a ride to and from the hospital lined up, your best friend had a family emergency of their own to deal with.
“I’m so sorry to do this to you, y/n, but my mom is in the hospital down in the states by herself and I need to go see her as soon as I can. Is there any way I can line someone else up to get you there? I feel horrible!”
“No, no, it’s totally okay, I understand! She needs you right now, I can find another person, no problem!”
It was a problem. Everyone you knew was out of town or had important plans they couldn’t reschedule. You didn’t want to cancel surgery since you had this date lined up for months, but if you didn’t have a ride, you couldn’t get the procedure done. Sighing, you flung your phone across the room and onto the couch.
“Fuck,” you softly whispered, placing your hands on your head in frustration. All of a sudden, your phone began to ring. You looked at the caller ID and answered.
“Shoresy! How goes it?”
“Hey y/n! You wanna hit the barn tomorrow, play a little two on two with the guys?”
You paused. Yeah, you really wanted this surgery, but if you couldn’t get it done right now, you might as well take out your disappointment on the ice.
“It’s a definite maybe. I have surgery scheduled for tomorrow, but no one’s around to drive me to and from the hospital. I’ll cancel it and let you know if I’m up for a skate. How’s that sound?”
There was silence for one, two, three seconds—
“Y/n, what the fuck?”
You were taken aback while he continued. “Why didn’t you ask me? I’ll drive you.”
“O-oh,” you stuttered, “thank you Shoresy! That actually would be really great. I just figured you were so busy and I didn’t want to bother you.”
“Bother me? We’re friends, aren’t we? Friends help each other out. That’s, like, rule number one of friendship. What time should I be over?”
“6:30 am. Bright and early,” you answered with a big smile.
“Alright. See you then!” The call ended.
You couldn’t believe your luck. Of course Shoresy would pull through, he always did. He was your most dependable friend. He would be the best boyfriend too, but you doubted he saw you that way. You were just someone he liked to play hockey and get drinks with. Nothing more. You could live with that, even though it hurt, because Shoresy was just one of those guys that it was worth just knowing. He was such a bright light in everyone’s lives and you were grateful he liked to be around you too, even as just friends. As you prepped your bedroom for your recovery, putting in extra pillows and blankets to be as comfortable as possible, you noticed the extra pep in your step. You were ready for this surgery and you couldn’t wait to live as your most authentic self.
Beep, beep, beep.
You groaned. Your alarm flashed 6am, signaling it was time to get up and get ready for the big day. You took your shower, put on your sweats, and brushed your teeth. You were nervous and hungry, and neither of those things could be remedied so you sat on your couch until you heard a knock at your door. When you saw Shoresy, your heart fluttered and you weren’t sure if it was from your anxiety surrounding your procedure or the fact that he looks especially handsome in the early hours of the morning.
“You ready to go?” he asked, flashing you his signature missing tooth grin.
You nodded and made your way out to his car. The hospital was only 30 minutes down the road but the ride felt like it was taking forever. Shoresy, for once in his life, kept quiet so as not to bother you in the wee hours of the morning and because it looked like you were gonna puke. He could sense the tension in the car that the soft radio chatter wasn’t helping with so he decided to make light conversation.
“So, y/n, what surgery are you getting done?”
You gasped internally. You never told him! Of course all of your friends knew how you identified, and all, of course, were nothing but accepting, but you never mentioned getting top surgery. Why? You didn’t know. Maybe you were nervous? Of what? People get surgery all the time, this was nothing different.
“Well, actually, I’m getting top surgery,” you told him. Shoresy gave you a quick glance before his eyes went back to the road.
“Like, top surgery?” he asked, using one hand to gesture across his chest.
It was silent for a minute.
“Well, shit, y/n, you better heal up fast because me and the boys aren’t gonna take it easy on you on the ice! Just ‘cause you get surgery doesn’t mean we’re not gonna keep slamming into ya.”
You started smiling. “Oh fuck you, Shoresy!”
“Fer what?” he asked, laughing.
The rest of the car ride went well and you were able to relax a bit. Just being around Shoresy helped to calm you down, even when you were in your hospital gown, waiting to get wheeled into the operating room. When the nurse finally came in to wheel you away, your heart starting beating a bit faster and your breathing got a bit heavier. Shoresy must have noticed the changes in your demeanor because he immediately grabbed your hand.
“Y/n. You’ll be alright. I promise. I’ll be right here, waiting for ya.”
You nodded as Shoresy gazed into your eyes. He seemed like he wanted to say more but there was no time.
“Okay, away we go!” said the nurse, and the last thing that was on your mind before the anesthesia knocked you out was Shoresy’s reluctance to let go of your hand.
The lights were bright as you opened your eyes. At first, you were slightly confused as to where you were, but when Shoresy entered into view, you remembered your surgery—oh! Your surgery! That’s why your chest was aching so bad. Even with the compression bandage covering your chest, you were beyond elated with the results. Your chest was finally flat! You broke out into a big, loopy smile and Shoresy matched your energy, giving you one right back.
“Told ya you’d be fine,” he said with a wink. You registered his hand resting on your leg and it felt comforting. There was no one else you’d rather see by your side at this moment. After a few more minutes, you had to get your hospital gown off and get back into normal clothes. Shoresy was quick to volunteer to help you instead of the nurse. Thankfully you were dealing with the after anesthesia sleepiness and slight delirium or else you would’ve been a blushing mess as Shoresy dressed you. He was extremely careful, keeping you seated on the bed to put your zip up hoodie on. When it came time for your sweatpants, he gently put each of your legs into the holes and pulled up the pants to your thighs. Only then did he help you stand for the quickest of seconds to pull your pants up all the way and you were sat back down in an instant. When it came time to get transported to Shoresy’s car to go home, he and the other nurse helped you sit into the wheelchair. The nurses gave your paperwork with instructions for at home care to Shoresy who stored it in the bag with the rest of your belongings. The wheelchair ride to the car and the car ride home were filled with silence, mostly because you were falling asleep on and off the entire time. Stealing a glance or two at his open mouthed, slightly snoring passenger, Shoresy would smile to himself.
How did I get so lucky to know someone like them?
Getting you up to your apartment proved not as difficult as you both thought it would be. Shoresy was extremely strong yet inexplicably gentle, both of which proved perfect for this situation. He steadied you as you walked by keeping his right arm snaked around your waist as his left held a tight grip on your left arm. He felt you lean into him and almost snuggle into his beefy frame. Shoresy was surprised but certainly wasn’t mad at this affection. He’d always appreciated your company and your jokes, and your skills on the ice were amazing. Sometimes, though, he’d prefer to see the fingers you held onto the hockey stick with intertwined with his own and he found himself jealous of the beer glasses that were able to feel your lips before he ever could. He never knew if you felt the same but he just hoped that if you saw how good he could take care of you, maybe you could come to like him as more than a friend one day. Lost in his thoughts, he noticed you two were already at your door. He lead you into your bedroom and had you sit on the edge of your bed while he unloaded your things and organized your medicines. You didn’t need to take any yet but you noticed your wound drain was filling up.
“Hey Shore? I gotta empty this drain. Could you help me up please? I know it’s gross so if you could just help me into the bathroom—“
“No way am I letting you do that on your own. I got it.”
You cringed looking at the mix of blood and fluid that accumulated in the drain poking out of your bandages.
“Dude, it’s really nasty.”
Shoresy scoffed, grabbing the small measuring container to dump the contents of your body in.
“There’s nothing in there that’s grosser than a grown man’s adult tooth landing on your cheek while you’re constructing him a new face punch by punch.”
You couldn’t argue with that logic. Shoresy worked fast to limit your discomfort with the drain moving too much. He was kneeling in front of you as you sat on the edge of your bed and you took the time to study the man in front of you. His backwards cap he always wore sat perched on his head. His nimble fingers worked efficiently with the drain and you appreciated that his nails were actually, surprisingly clean. His long eyelashes were so pretty that you could just stare at them all day, as were his eyes that were currently studying you too.
“Whatcha thinking about?” he questioned you. You didn’t know how to answer.
I’m thinking I’ve never wanted to kiss a man more in my entire life than I do right now.
“I’m just thinking I’m grateful for knowing the most caring person to ever grace this Earth.”
As he stood, he let out a short laugh.
“Of course, y/n, I’m here for you no matter what. Always.”
He didn’t mean for the “always” to slip out, but maybe it was for the best. Maybe that one word could convey all the feelings, the unyielding yearning, he felt for you that he didn’t know if he’d ever be brave enough to say out loud. He quickly turned away, before you could see the blush he sported from his face to the tips of his ears, to record how much liquid was in the drain and dump it into the toilet. When he came back into your room, he noticed you had fallen asleep once more. Shoresy gingerly laid a few blankets over your body, hoping to make you as comfortable as possible. He took note of the time, realizing you needed to take some medicine in an hour. Weighing his options, he could either sit in your family room on your couch, where he could potentially miss your waking up if you needed anything, or he could softly sit next to you on your bed so he was there if you needed something. Naturally, he reasoned sitting next to you would be the best option, for your health and well being, of course (he couldn’t find it within himself to leave you alone right now) (you looked way too cute at that moment for someone who just got out of surgery). After he took up the spot next to you, what happened after that, he wasn’t sure. It’s like he wasn’t in control of his own body; there’s no way he’d have the confidence to do this otherwise. As he saw your chest slowly rise up and down in the state of sleep, he leaned over and gave you the softest kiss on your forehead. He didn’t want to risk waking you so his lips barely ghosted your skin, yet he still broke out in goosebumps over the affection. Normally he wasn’t so shy about people he liked, but this was different. You were different. He saw a future with you, one where you could hit the ice and then come home and have ice cream together. One where he could make you laugh and look forward to hearing that sound come from you every day. He wanted to do your laundry, your taxes, make you dinner, make you smile. He wanted to make you his.
“I love you,” he whispered, the sound barely making a dent in the quiet air. Luckily for him, you weren’t totally asleep just yet. You hoped your faking continued to be convincing as you ever so slightly moved your body in closer to his.
We’re definitely having a good conversation about this when I wake up.
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jerseyshoresy · 2 months
Hullo! Could I request something with a trans man reader (post top surgery, the others dont know hes trans) member of the Sudbury blueberry bulldogs where the readlways showers after the others but shoresy goes to walk in but stops, sees their scars and perhaps healed sh scars and goes to talk to Sanguinet about it asking how he can support you and open a conversation about it without scaring you off? Maybe asking you to practice with him later and you guys talking about it?
Hello! Thanks SO much for requesting this!! I’m sorry it took so long but I really wanted to do this story justice, it’s a very creative request and I like taking my time writing heavier stories like these! I hope this is what you’re looking for, and again, thank you for requesting!! I hope you’re doing well, sending you much love and light :) <3
The Captain You Could Count On
Angst, fluff
Shoresy x transgender male reader
Warnings: self harm scars mentioned (I put them on reader’s stomach for the sake of the story), cussing
“Another great practice, boys! Hit the showers and head home. See you on game day.”
Sanguinet gave all of the players pats on the back as they left the ice, showing them he appreciated all of their hard work. When it was your turn, you smiled warmly at your coach, your skates leaving the ice and catching on the flooring beneath you. You took off the bladed footwear and made your way into the locker room, eager to shed your sweaty uniform and take a much needed shower, but you always waited until the other members of the team had left before doing so. None of your teammates knew you were transgender and you figured they would be able to tell if they saw you shirtless—your top surgery scars were pretty prominent and very obvious if anyone recognized what they were looking at. You also had some other scars that would be on full display if you were to shower publicly and you just weren’t comfortable enough with the idea of that yet. So, instead of clamoring for a spot under the rushing water with 20 other guys, you settled on the bench in front of your locker and waited for everyone to go home before lathering up.
“What’s wrong, m’ lad? Afraid of gettin’ wet with tha other b’ys?” asked Hitch, clapping a hand on your shoulder.
“Settle down,” replied Goody, grabbing shampoo from his bag and walking to the showers.
“The only thing I’m afraid of is making all of you self conscious with how great my body looks,” you teased, making Hitch let out a loud laugh before leaving you alone. You sighed quietly, wishing you could be as carefree as they were about showering. You decided to scroll on your phone to waste time. It worked because before you knew it, there were no more loud voices or leftover bags in the locker room—everyone was gone. You were quick to take off your clothes and soak under the hot water, happy to wash the grime from your skin. Little did you know, someone had stayed behind longer than usual.
“Thanks Sanger,” Shoresy called out, leaving the office and heading to the locker room. Normally he’d already been showered and gone by this time after practice, but Sanguinet had called in him to discuss some new plays before he had a chance to clean off. Now, heading to the showers, he was taken aback by the sound of water running. Who else was here this late? He peeked in quietly, not wanting to scare whoever was rinsing off. It was you! Shoresy’s eyes opened wide in surprise. He’d never seen you without a shirt since you always opted to shower alone. However, he never put too much thought into it; he knew what it was like to be insecure about his body so he figured maybe you were suffering from the same thing. He turned to leave you be, deciding to wait for you to finish before hopping in there himself, but something caught his eye, causing him to take a second look. On your chest were two scars on the bottom of each pectoral—not fresh, but visible. Did you have surgery there for some reason? All of a sudden, a thought smacked into his brain. Were you… transgender? Of course, that didn’t bother Shoresy one bit. You were a hell of a hockey player and that was all that mattered to him. The thing that did bother the Bulldog’s captain, though, were the other little scars littering your stomach. They certainly weren’t surgical and looked to be self inflicted. He furrowed his brows. Were those fresh? He couldn’t tell. He felt his heart start to hammer in his chest. There was no way he would continue to let you struggle emotionally to the point where you’d rather harm yourself than talk to somebody about what you were going through. With one last concerned look your way, Shoresy left to consult with the man who always had answers.
“Sanguinet! I need your fuckin’ help!”
“Huh? With what?” replied the ever helpful coach.
“It’s y/n,” he said, trying to keep his voice steady. “I accidentally walked in on him in the showers and I saw something I shouldn’t have.”
“It’s the showers, my guy. That happens.”
“No! Not like that,” said Shoresy, shaking his head, “more like… fucked up. Like he’s either been through something bad or is going through it now and I don’t know what to do.”
Sanguinet leaned against his desk, patiently waiting for Shoresy to continue explaining.
“He has scars all over his stomach. I think he did it to himself.”
Shoresy saw the shock register in Sanguinet’s expression. “No way. That’s really shitty.”
“There’s something else, too.”
Sanguinet raised his eyebrows to show he was listening.
“He’s transgender. I saw the top surgery scars.”
Sanguinet nodded in understanding, his arms crossed in front of him. “Sounds like he’s been through a lot and the least we can do is be there for him if he needs us. What were you going to do?”
Shoresy looked sheepish. “That’s why I’m here asking you. I want to support him but I don’t know my next move.”
“Well,” said Sanger, taking in a breath, “the most logical thing to do is just talk to him. You’ll never know the truth if you don’t ask. You’ll also never know how to give him the support he wants if you don’t ask, either. So do what you’re good at doing—talk to him.”
“Okay, yeah. Okay,” he replied, “I can do that. Thank you.”
You were finally out of the shower and feeling good about the state of cleanliness you were in, relishing in the calming scent of your favorite soap. You had just finished getting dressed when you heard footsteps come up behind you. Walking into the locker room was Shoresy and you were grateful you had pulled your shirt on already.
“What are you doing here so late?” you asked him.
“Sanger wanted to go over some plays with me in the office so… yeah,” he said. He was giving off awkward energy, like he wanted to say something else, but was too hesitant for some reason.
“Cool. I’ll see you later,” you said, going to grab your things, but Shoresy stopped you.
“Wait! I was gonna ask if I could practice some of the new plays with you since you’re still here. I know you already showered but all you have to do is skate. I promise I won’t work ya too hard.”
You wanted to refuse him since you were extremely tired from earlier practice, but there was no way you could deny Shoresy’s puppy dog eyes.
“Alright. But just for a few minutes, alright? I’m hungry,” you told him as he beamed at you, the inky darkness of where his missing tooth should be reminding you of the sport you loved so much. You laced your skates as Shoresy grabbed a hockey stick and a few pucks. You guys practiced for quite some time, pucks and playful insults flying across the ice.
“Hey, I have to talk to you about something,” Shoresy said when you guys were cleaning up.
“Sure, man. Anything,” you said, taking note of the serious tone of voice he rarely used.
“Just know that you’re my teammate for life and nothing can change that. I love you, dude.”
Your eyes widened.
Did he figure me out?
“So, anyway, I stayed after practice late and when I went to take a shower, I saw you in there. I went to leave and give you privacy but before I turned around, I saw something that I wanted to ask you about.”
He did.
“My scars?” you guessed, and he nodded.
“I’m just worried about you. I saw the scars on your chest and stomach and I wanted to make sure you knew you could talk to us, any of us, about anything. Except for fucking Frankie, unless you speak French, that big, stupid fuck.”
“I appreciate you looking out for me, I really do,” you started, trying to keep your voice even keeled so he couldn’t tell how nervous you were. “I’m transgender, as you could probably tell from my chest scars, which were from my top surgery. I didn’t want to tell anyone because I was worried that it might change how people view me. People are so judgmental about that stuff and I didn’t want it to get in the way of me playing the game I love. I’m a hockey player first and everything else comes after that. I didn’t want my identity to overshadow my skills.”
“That makes sense to me. I’m sorry you had to hide that all this time,” Shoresy said, taking a seat in the abandoned barn as he maintained his attentive listening.
“Thank you. In regards to the scars on my stomach, I’m not gonna lie, I’ve found myself in some tough moments throughout life and I’ve struggled with learning to deal with things in a healthier way rather than taking out my frustrations on myself.”
“I get that,” interjected the man next to you. “It’s hard feeling like you have no control over some things in life. I found support for my struggles in my family. They pick me up when I’m down and they’re always there for me. I want you to know that me and the rest of the team, we’ll be those people for you. No matter what.”
You didn’t know what to say. Shoresy was being so kind to you that it made you want to smile and cry simultaneously.
“Thank you, Shore. Genuinely. I never realized how nice it was to get all this shit off my chest.”
He glanced down at your chest. “Literally?”
“Yeah, I guess so,” you laughed.
“But really, y/n,” Shoresy said, putting his hands on your shoulders, “if you find yourself in a spot where you feel like you’re losing control, text me, call me, bust down my fucking door. Just, please, don’t ever harm yourself again. You get beat up enough in our games.”
You let another laugh slip out of your mouth. “Okay. I will, I promise.” You scrunched your nose as you backed away from your teammate. “Now go take a shower. You stink.”
Shoresy grinned lazily. “We were having such a touching moment and you ruined it.”
“Goodbye, Shoresy,” you called out, lifting your gear bag onto your shoulder.
“Take care of yourself, okay? I’ll see you at the next game.”
You nodded. “You too.”
As he watched you leave, Shoresy couldn’t ignore the warm feeling permeating his body. You seemed to be excited about the idea of communicating openly with him and your other teammates; he was hoping you would take his words to heart and get in touch with him next time you needed to talk. He wanted to be the captain you could count on both on and off the ice.
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jerseyshoresy · 3 months
could you please do coming out as trans/ non binary to bf shoresy for pride month? Thanks a bunch!
Absolutely I can!! I decided to have the reader come out as transgender but you can definitely substitute in nonbinary if that fits better because no specifics are given! Thank you for your patience as I've worked hard to create this for you and I hope you like it :) HAPPY PRIDE!!!! <3
Pride, No Prejudice
Shoresy x transgender!reader (no pronouns used)
Warnings: cussing
You sat in your apartment, waiting for a text back from your boyfriend, Shoresy. You had sent him a message asking him to meet you at your place because you wanted to hang out and watch movies with him. You two had been dating for a bit now and he had been the most loving and kind partner a person could ask for. You had yet to exchange "I love you's" out loud, but you definitely tried your best to show him how much he meant to you on a daily basis. You were pulled from your daydreams about your perfect boyfriend when your phone pinged.
Hot Hockey Dude: be right over! want snacks?
You: you know me so well :p yes pls!
Hot Hockey Dude: see you in 20 :)
You put your phone down, unable to contain your giddy excitement. Shoresy was so good to you! You started to get your apartment ready for your evening guest. Even though it was June and the weather was warming up, the nights were still a bit chilly in Sudbury so you grabbed a few blankets and laid them on the couch. Plates and napkins for the food were arranged on the table and you made sure there were drinks in the fridge. By the time you were all prepped, you heard a knock at the door. You were greeted with the smiling face of your boyfriend holding up a few grocery bags.
"I hope this is enough," Shoresy joked, giving you a small peck on the lips as he entered through your doorway.
"I think that's enough food for a small army."
"I didn't know what you wanted so I got everything I know you like," he said sheepishly, making you break out into a grin.
You dumped the contents of the bags on your counter. "You're literally my dream man."
"You're so fuckin' sappy, you know that? It's like dating a tree, you're so sappy."
"Oh, you love it."
"That I do," Shoresy smirked, helping you open containers and moving it all into the family room. After everything was sorted, you both sat on the couch, cuddling each other. Shoresy had his arm slung over your shoulders as you snuggled into his chest. You always felt so safe around him, his cologne bringing you a deep sense of peace every time it graced your nose. Shoresy turned on the tv and clicked over to a streaming service, the remote looking minuscule in his large hands.
"What do you want to watch?"
"I'm not sure," you said, "let's look at the genres and decide from there."
He hummed in agreement and started scrolling through all of the options.
"They have a whole collection of shows and movies for Pride month?" he asked. "That's pretty neat. You know, I'm surprised I don't know anyone who celebrates it."
Your heart skipped a beat--he was wrong.
You did, because you were transgender.
You didn't know how the topic hadn't come up yet in all your months of dating, but you hadn't told Shoresy yet. You knew he was a kind hearted, understanding man, but the fact that you knew you should tell him right now, without any sort of preparation on your part, was a bit daunting. Nevertheless, you took in a deep breath to calm your nerves before speaking.
"Actually, Shoresy, you do know someone."
His eyes pulled away from the tv and looked at you curiously. "Really? Who?"
You gave him a small smile. "Me. I'm transgender."
It was quiet as Shoresy just kept his eyes trained on you, no words leaving his mouth for once in his life. You worked quickly to fill the silence, now becoming unsure due to his lack of saying, well, anything.
"I'm sorry I just threw this on you all of a sudden, I wasn't expecting to tell you today, I-"
"What? No, don't apologize, y/n, there's nothing to be sorry for. I was just surprised, that's all."
"You're not upset that I didn't tell you earlier?" Your voice was meek.
Shoresy put the remote down and grabbed ahold of both of your hands, his blue eyes shining with utmost sincerity.
"I could never be mad at you for something like that. I love you for who you are and that will never change. I'm glad you're comfortable sharing things with me about yourself and I can't believe I'm the lucky guy that gets to learn all about you."
Now it was your turn to be shocked. Shoresy loves you?!
"Wait, Shoresy, you... you love me?"
"Yeah, I have for awhile now. I've been in love with you basically since our first date, so..." He awkwardly scratched at the back of his neck, his backwards cap lifting up ever so slightly at the movement. You wasted no time capturing his lips with your own, sinking into a long, passionate kiss. His hands found their way to your waist, holding you firmly as you reached your hands to his face, his stubble tickling your skin. You two eventually reluctantly pulled apart, but neither of you let go of the other.
"I'm in love with you too, Shoresy."
His eyebrows lifted up. "Really?"
"Yes, really," you chuckled.
"Fuck yeah!" Shoresy yelled out, a triumphant fist raised in the air.
"Alright, alright, settle down," you teased, grabbing a snack from the table and getting back into the spot you previously occupied. As Shoresy went back to scrolling for something to watch, you noticed he held you a little bit tighter than normal and you couldn't help but think how grateful you were for a man like him. You were certain you were going to marry him one day.
Unless he chose a shitty movie to watch (kidding!).
Sort of.
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