#shortcoming of theirs that they need to overcome. maybe it’s naive but I do think a here be dragons can prevent a whole lot of argument
milfglupshitto · 1 year
I think it’s inherently a little ridiculous to insist that certain topics are too uncomfortable for horror, which is famously the Genre That Makes You Uncomfortable. I also think there exists for each individual a list of concepts that make them uncomfortable in a thought-provoking and even disquietingly reflective way as well as a list of concepts that make them uncomfortable in a skin-crawling throat-itching sick-to-stomach i-can’t-handle-this way. so to this end I think it is a little bit more than a little ridiculous to insist on one universal list of acceptable and unacceptable categories of Personal Uncomfort. and this is why I will always be a staunch advocate for and (as best I can) diligent provider of content warnings
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