usnewsper-business · 8 months
ExxonMobil Lawsuit: Shareholders Fight for Climate Action and Corporate Responsibility #carbonFootprint #cleanerenergysources #climatechange #corporateaccountability #emissionreductiontargets #environmentalsustainability #ESGissues. #ExxonMobillawsuit #globalwarming #governancepractices #lobbyingactivities #longtermsustainability #shareholderactivism #shareholderproposals #shorttermprofits
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calebljenkins · 6 years
Why Most CPA Firms Never Make it to the Second...
Why Most #CPAFirms Never Make it to the Second Generation: The short answer is that CPA firms stink at #successionplanning. Firms’ entire operations are geared to maximizing #shorttermprofits, focusing on today instead of tomorrow via @cpapracadvisor
Why Most CPA Firms Never Make it to the Second...
The short answer is that CPA firms stink at succession planning. Firms' entire operations are geared to maximizing short-term profits, focusing on today at the expense of tomorrow. Evidence of this is the following: A 60 year-old sole practitioner...Read More
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