shoshincafe · 6 years
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At our next gathering, we'll gush about our literary crushes....who have you been swooning over lately?  February 10th, noon SLT - hope to see you then...bring a friend!
Recommendations from Book Lovers Coffee Hour, January 13th, 2019:
Cowboy Bebop - manga/anime, recommended by Fleming. He also recommends Deathnote and Stein's Gate. Zoe added 'Nana' to the list.
In case you missed it from the announcement, the theme of our discussion was formative books that have shaped our RL or SL selves. The theme was inspired by the 3 Books podcast: https://www.3books.co/. It features a series of interviews where guests share their 3 most formative books.
AleAsimov recommends Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger - she mentioned that Holden Caulfield spoke to her...she totally got him and could relate to him. Zoe also read Catcher in the Rye when she was a teen and agrees!
Annie's formative choice was a children's book that wasn't even a book initially, but a radio broadcast...C.S. Lewis' Narnia series. Fleming added Lewis' 'Perelandria Trilogy'. We chatted a bit about Lewis' friendship with Tolkien and the other Inklings (thanks for reminding us about the group, Annie!) and Zoe was reminded of a book that's on her TBR list, 'The Fellowship: The Literary Lives of the Inklings— J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Owen Barfield, Charles Williams' by by Philip Zaleski and Carol Zaleski.
The Worm Ouroboros by Eddison - amazing early fantasy written in 1922, with language straight from the King James Bible - recommended by Fleming. Tolkien knew it.
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking. Highly recommended by Zoe - it was her chosen formative book.
Fleming's avi was named after a poet called 'Fleming Helphenstine' by Edward Arlington Robinson.
And one last book...though it isn't a formative book - just something Zoe started reading this morning...The Abortion: An Historical Romance 1966 by Richard Brautigan. It's about an odd little library that accepts books from anyone who wishes to donate their unpublished manuscript - but they must bring it to the library themselves. The donor rings a silver bell, the book is catalogued by the date and time the donor arrived, then the donor is permitted to place the book on whichever shelf suits his or her fancy. So all these random people drop by with their books...a lot of kids with books about their dog or cat....and old lady who wrote about growing tulips by candlelight....etc.  It's a very charming tale.
Book Lovers Coffee Hour is about widening our reading horizons.  We meet on the 2nd Sunday of every month at noon SLT and share what we've been reading.  If you haven't read anything because life's been busy, no worries.  Just come and listen :)
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shoshincafe · 9 years
An SL friend mentioned that they might stage a short opera later this year called 'La Serva Padrona' by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi.
Use your favorite music subscription service or follow this link to listen to 'La Serva Padrona':  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsUeywPFEgQ
Write, draw, doodle...or just let your mind wander as you listen.
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shoshincafe · 9 years
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Journal Prompt 2016.2
This prompt was inspired by a Ted Talk by Pico Iyer.  You can listen to, or read the transcript of, his talk here: http://tinyurl.com/p4qbee3. Let your thoughts on “home” roll around in your mind a bit, then let it inspire whatever you choose to write or draw.
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shoshincafe · 9 years
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Journal Club, Prompt 2016.1
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shoshincafe · 9 years
Journal Club: Prompt 4
You're probably familiar with the story of the Paris Apartment that sat untouched for 70 years.  If you aren't, here's a link to an article w/photos: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2323297/Inside-Paris-apartment-untouched-70-years-Treasure-trove-finally-revealed-owner-locked-fled-outbreak-WWII.html
Think about your own grandparent or great-grandparent or great-great grandparent - someone who would've been about your age in the late 1930s, early 40s. Imagine what their home was like and write or draw what you see.
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shoshincafe · 9 years
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First meeting of the Short Reads Club.  Titsy, Fumon and I chat while Kaipo and Bona listen in.  
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