#shou's way of speaking is so elegant that i find it so enjoyable to translate XD
kanasmusings · 6 years
[Translation] ROCK DOWN Unit CD Vol. 1 Drama Track 1
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Here’s the translation for ROCK DOWN’s first drama track~! A cute detail about this track is that they included Ayumu’s birthday tweets in the track! 
Credits to ryuukia for sharing with me her CD!  ※ Again, as per her request, please don’t ask her for the files ^^
Track 1: [新しい日常] “A New Daily Routine”
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission.
Under the cut, enjoy~
Track 1: [新しい日常] “A New Daily Routine”
(footsteps and then a window opening)
SHOU: Oh~ This is such a wonderful cherry blossom [tree].
SHOU: Such a magnificent view.
SHOU: This might be a good beginning to our recent move-in.
SHOU: (chuckles) It’s spring, huh~ And also-- (Shou stretches) we have wonderful weather today~
SHOU: A cherry blossom in full bloom under the clear skies…
SHOU: What a wonderful day to start a new way of life~
SHOU: This is where it will begin… My—no, ROCK DOWN’s new days.
  (Haruto moving boxes around)
HARUTO: (sighs) At least, I’ve finished putting things in the bathroom and living room for now.
HARUTO: All that’s left is putting away these small decorations inside these boxes for later.
(Haruto arranges the boxes)
HARUTO: Alright, that’s done. Maybe I should put labels on them, too.
HARUTO: Hm? My pen’s not here. I’m sure it was in one of the small boxes but…
HARUTO: (Haruto continues to look) Now that you mention it, that box is not here… Where did it go?
HARUTO: Is it over here…? (Haruto rummages around) No? What about—(he continues to search) over here…?
(doorbell rings)
SHOU: (over the intercom) Haruto, are you there?
HARUTO: Hm? Shou?
(Haruto walks towards the door and opens it)
SHOU: Hello, good afternoon, Haruto. Are you doing well?
HARUTO: I’m doing great. I was just unpacking my luggage.
SHOU: Oh, what a coincidence~ I was doing the same, too.
HARUTO: I would figure. Since the truck this morning was carrying both our items.
SHOU: (chuckles) Well, I guess that’s true. About that, I was looking over the boxes and saw one of yours that got mixed in with mine.
SHOU: It’s this box. I saw the clean handwriting on it and I figured that it might be yours. Am I correct?
HARUTO: Ah, yes, that’s mine. So it got mixed in with yours, didn’t it? Thank you for bringing it. I was just in the middle of looking for it.
SHOU: My timing was good, wasn’t it~? Here you go. (Shou hands Haruto the box)
HARUTO: Thank you.
HARUTO: What about you? Are you progressing well [with the unpacking]?
SHOU: Yes, thanks to you~ I’ll be finished after I arrange some of the music scores in my room.
HARUTO: Heh~ How unexpected.
HARUTO: For some reason, you don’t give off the image of someone who’d unpack on his own.
SHOU: That’s because I’m elegant, is all. I don’t look like the type who’ll do manual labor?
HARUTO: Yes, do you get told that often?
SHOU: Unfortunately, yes.
SHOU: It seems like that image of me is pretty common.
SHOU: But in all honesty, as a performing musician, I’ve had the experience of performing from places to places including overseas so, I’m quite used to travelling.
SHOU: Plus, if I don’t have stamina then I won’t be able to do tours now, would I~?
HARUTO: Now that you mention it, that’s true. Ever since I met you, you’ve started to ask me to send you pictures of places whenever you go overseas.
SHOU: Yes, exactly~ You made it able for me to re-live Japan’s sceneries [when I was overseas]. (chuckles) How nostalgic, huh~?
HARUTO: Oh, that’s right. I think there’s some coffee and tea inside this box you brought.
HARUTO: How about drinking a cup as a breather since you’ve already started talking about nostalgic memories?
HARUTO: I mean, if you’re okay with instant coffee.
SHOU: (chuckles) It’s fine. You know it well, don’t you, Haruto? That my taste is positively common despite how I look~
SHOU: I quite like common things like instant noodles or anpan and milk from convenience stores.
HARUTO: In short, you’re someone who’s appearance doesn’t match his tastes, huh?
SHOU: Thank you for the compliment~ Then, I’ll gratefully accept yo— (loud crashing sounds interrupt Shou)
HARUTO: D-did you hear that just now…?
SHOU: That was quite an orchestra of sounds, wasn’t it?
SHOU: I thought that the dorms would be completely sound-proof.
HARUTO: Maybe they left the door open? It totally didn’t sound okay but… [do you think] it’s fine…?
SHOU: Oh, that’s right. Ruka and Gaku were supposed to be moving in today, too.
SHOU: That means the sound just now might have come from either one of their rooms, don’t you think?
SHOU: Haruto, have you met—
HARUTO: If they’re here then it would be our first meeting. We were supposed to all meet at the agency meeting tomorrow.
HARUTO: Well, it’s not gonna be funny if it was an accident so I’ll go check.
HARUTO: I’ll help them if needed after greeting them.
SHOU: Then, I’ll go with you. The tea party will have to wait~
  RUKA: Ow, ow-- That hurt…
GAKU: Hey, hey, hey. I thought I heard a loud crash but… Are you okay, Ruu?
RUKA: Do I look okay to you? This! In this disastrous scene!?
RUKA: Ah…! (whines) My special collection…!
GAKU: You mean, your can collection?
GAKU: Now that this toppling incident has happened, don’t you think you should throw the others?
RUKA: Hey, now! Gakkun, isn’t that rude?! What the heck are you saying in front of my collection-chan?!
GAKU: “Collection-chan,” you say… (chuckles) Ah, sorry ‘bout that.
GAKU: When did you gather this many? You were collecting beer cans with unusual designs, right?
RUKA: Yep~! Isn’t it awesome? Lately, even convenience stores have started stocking on different brands~ Now, I have so many!
RUKA: I have limited edition ones, too, y’know~?
RUKA: See? (he shows Gaku some cans) Like this, or this! The spring Cherry blossom version!
RUKA: Isn’t it pretty~?
RUKA: (sighs with satisfaction) I remember the taste of drinking this while watching the cherry blossoms~
GAKU: Instead of focusing on the flowers, you were more focused on the beer, huh?
GAKU: Anyway, Ruu, how about reminiscing after cleaning up? Your inflammable garbage is scattered around in the hallway, too, you know?
(Haruto and Shou arrive)
HARUTO: Is everything alright? Some trash have scattered around the hallway a--
RUKA: AH! It’s not garbage or trash! That’s my important collection-chan!
HARUTO: Collection…chan…?
SHOU:  I see. So, they’re valuable things, aren’t they?
RUKA: Eh…? Oh…!
GAKU: My, my.
SHOU: Good afternoon, Gaku, Ruka. We saw each other at the agency the other day, didn’t we?
SHOU: We heard a loud sound so we came to check. Is everything okay?
RUKA: (standing up) Shou-kun! You were moving in today, too~?
RUKA: Uwah~! You look so elegant as always~! It’s like roses are blooming behind you~!1
GAKU: I feel like I understand… yet at the same time, I don’t…
GAKU: Yo, Shou. Sorry for the sudden noises.
RUKA: It wasn’t planned, you know…?! The balancing was at fault! My collection-chan suddenly came down while I was arranging it, ‘kay?!
RUKA: I wish it had a barrier-free design.
HARUTO: Did you fall? Are you okay? Any injuries?
RUKA: Eh? Ah… Y-yeah, I’m fine! I managed to dodge at the last moment.
RUKA: My specialty on stage is balancing and keeping my ground, you see~?
GAKU: Liar. What are you trying to show off for? You were completely on your butt until a while ago.
RUKA: How about you keep quiet, Gakkun?
GAKU: Sure, sure.
GAKU: (to Haruto) Um, this is our first time meeting, right?
HARUTO: Yes, I’m one of ROCK DOWN’s members. I’m Kujikawa Haruto, 21 years old.
HARUTO: It’s nice to meet you.
GAKU: Yeah, nice to meet you.
GAKU: I’m Ooguro Gaku, 22 years old. Feel free to call me Ooguro, or Gaku, or Gakkun.
RUKA: Hi, hi~ Nice to meet you, too! I’m Nadumi Ruka.
RUKA: I’m Gakkun’s childhood friend so I’m 22 years old, too~! Nice to meet ya~
HARUTO: Yes, it is very nice to meet you. (Haruto bows)
GAKU/RUKA: (internally) He bowed a complete 90°…!
GAKU: E-er… Haruto-kun is—
HARUTO: Please, you can call me by name [without an honorific].
RUKA: Then, Haru-kun~
HARUTO: Oh, it’s a nickname. (in his usual stoic tone of voice) That makes me very happy.
RUKA: (to Gaku) H-he’s strangely honest, huh…?
RUKA: U-um… Are you a very formal person…?
HARUTO: I don’t think so. I think I’m pretty casual.
GAKU/RUKA: (internally) What part…?
GAKU: (clears throat) U-um… Well, at least we can understand that you’re a very “my pace” kind of guy.
RUKA: Y-yeah…~ You’re a “my pace warrior” An easy-going samurai, Kujikawa Haruto!
HARUTO: Samurai…? Samurai, was it?
SHOU: (chuckles) Samurai, huh? I feel like it’s quite accurate with your serious and unwavering personality.
SHOU: He might not look it but, he’s quite the talkative type. He’ll talk a lot once he gets used to you~
SHOU: I wish you’d get along well with him.
HARUTO: Yes, I think of myself as quite the friendly type.
GAKU: His looks and lines totally don’t match~
RUKA: (laughs) I like you, you’re interesting~! Haru-kun, you’ve got great character~!
RUKA: I like you~! Once again, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Haru-kun~
HARUTO: Yes, the pleasure’s all mine. So, about this garbage—
RUKA: I told you, it’s my collection-chan!
GAKU: No, no~ Looking at it, you can’t really argue, Ruu.
GAKU: Look at this one. (Gaku picks up a can) It’s so worn out that it’s obviously just trash.
RUKA: AAAHHH!! That was one of my favorites…! It’s the Black Cat one…! For real…?!
SHOU: By the way, I was trying not to ask but… This is a collection?
HARUTO: This is a beer can, isn’t it?
RUKA: Yeah~ If they have an unusual design, I collect them~!
RUKA: Though, I made a rule that it would only be cans that I bought and drank out of! Overtime, I gathered this much but—Now, they’re…!
RUKA: (cries)
HARUTO: My condolences.
GAKU: It feels depressing hearing Haruto say that.
  AYUMU: (sighs) So peaceful…
AYUMU: (he munches on something)
AYUMU: What a blissful time.
REIJI: Oh~ Isn’t that Ayumu? What a coincidence~ What are you doing all alone here?
AYUMU: Ugh…!
REIJI: You… I went out of my way to call out to you so what do you mean by “ugh”, huh?!
AYUMU: My bad. This is a totally unwanted chance meeting.
REIJI: You’re as frank as ever, you bastard.
AYUMU: Thank you for your praise.
AYUMU: And what about you, Amaha Reiji-san? Aren’t you a busy person?
AYUMU: Please don’t bother yourself with a bastard like me. Feel free to leave if you want to.
AYUMU: If we do meet again somewhere, please ignore me.
REIJI: You… Well, never mind. Today’s a special day.
(Reiji hands Ayumu something)
REIJI: Here, have this.
AYUMU: Th-this is…! The legendary daifuku that’s being sold at BStar! Only ten are sold each day…!
REIJI: You want it, right~? You love Japanese sweets, don’t you~?
AYUMU: Grr…! Did you come all the way here just to brag?!
REIJI: Just how bad of an image do I have in that head of yours?
REIJI: Here, I’ll give it to you.
REIJI: Birthday present. Congratulations, Ayumu-kun~
AYUMU: Ah… Amaha, you…  
AYUMU: I thought you were just a flashy, overconfident, and overbearing guy but…
AYUMU: I re-evaluated my thoughts of you by 1mm. By the way, the current level of my feelings is -2km before it reaches [Normal].
REIJI: Isn’t that still too far away even for normal?!
AYUMU: Well… if you’re going to offer then… I’ll accept it…
AYUMU: That is because today is my birthday! I have the right to accept birthday presents.
AYUMU: Plus, it’s not good to let food go to waste. That’s right, isn’t it?
REIJI: Yeah, yeah, you’re absolutely correct. I get it.
REIJI: Well, just accept it after you’re done citing your reasons [on why you should accept it]. But if you don’t need it then I’ll—
AYUMU: I’ll take it! I’ll gladly accept it!
AYUMU: Thank you very much!
REIJI: (chuckles) Ayumu, you… You really love Japanese sweets, huh~
 AYUMU: (sighs) Eating taiyaki and daifuku under the cherry blossom trees is definitely something special.
REIJI: (chuckles) I was surprised when you brought out another taiyaki after finishing one. And then you went ahead and ate the daifuku, too.
REIJI: You sure can eat a lot of sweet stuff, huh?
AYUMU: I can’t help it. I had filming since this morning and I only managed to get a break a little while ago.
REIJI: Well, thanks for your hard work.
REIJI: Anyway, don’t just start saying “ugh” as a reflex when meeting with someone.
REIJI: I told you that during a T.V. recording, too, didn’t I?
AYUMU: It was unconscious. Now that you mention it… You’re right.
AYUMU: Sorry, I guess it was an involuntary reflex or a natural phenomenon something.
REIJI: (chuckles) Involuntary reflex and natural phenomenon, huh…
REIJI: Guess I’ll have to get used to it. Soon enough, I’ll be seeing you every day even if I don’t want to.
AYUMU: What… did you just say…?
REIJI: What…?
REIJI: The part where I said, “I’ll be seeing you every day even if I don’t want to…?”
AYUMU: Hah?!
REIJI: Eh… wai— Don’t tell me… You didn’t… hear anything about it… or…?
AYUMU: What are you… talking about…?
REIJI: The VAZZROCK Project… You’re participating in that, right…?
AYUMU: Hm? Oh, that. I remember arranging it so with my manager.
AYUMU: It’s different from other projects I’ve been in so it’s going to be a step-up for my career—
REIJI: RIGHT! I see…! A-ah, you sure think ahead, huh.
REIJI: I don’t really think there’s a problem with that but…
AYUMU: What is it that you really want to say?
REIJI: The 12 members of the project will be divided into two units with 6 members each and… You know that much, right?
REIJI: One is VAZZY and their leader is Takaaki. Then, the unit that you’re part of is ROCK DOWN, lead by the world-famous violinist, Shou.
AYUMU: Of course, I know that. But, that info’s not officially announced yet…
AYUMU: You sure do know a lot about it, huh?
REIJI: Of course I would. I’m a member, too, after all.
AYUMU: I see. Then that would explain how you know— Hm?
REIJI: (scoffs) That’s how it is~
AYUMU: (gasps) Y-you…! You’re a member…?
REIJI: Yep, that’s right.
AYUMU: Don’t tell me… Your unit is…
REIJI: The same as yours, ROCK DOWN.
REIJI: I’ll be in your care, Ayumu-kun~
AYUMU: A-ah…
  ※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission.
 ※ If you like this, please consider buying me a coffee here. It’ll really help me out a lot. (o^▽^o) Thank you!!
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