#should i find some new ones? haven't really gotten a new dude in awhile
no-one-hears-me · 6 months
boutta ask my bro if he has any hot friends to send my way as a distraction
#except that might make things worse bc men annoy me easily lol#but last time i talked to one of his friends i had a great time#until the dude asked me to come over at 2am then stopped talking to me bc i said no#he was a sweetie tho. if you ignore everything else#well ACTUALLY he's a terrible person but never to me. he was always very sweet to me#aside from the 2am thing. but i told him no and he just said okay and that was it#he didn't get upset or pressure me or try to convince me or anything#so. not really upset about that#like upset that this sweet guy just saw me as an object when i thought he was better than that? yes#but i won't say he treated me poorly bc he really didn't#other men have done wayyy worse#should i find some new ones? haven't really gotten a new dude in awhile#unless you count the one I've had for like a month. maybe longer#but I've known him for a little while. we've just gotten closer and he's gotten interested more recently#but I'm not interested in him at all#kinda feel bad bc he's a good dude and he would be good for me. but i just can't#i think i need people with like. bad childhoods or mental problems or whatever or else i don't feel a genuine connection#but unfortunately those relationships tend to be super unhealthy bc those types of people struggle with forming relationships#I'm not dissing anyone bc I'm one of those people too. just speaking from personal experience#but people capable of healthy relationships aren't really capable of deeply understanding me and connecting with me#ugh. he was so perfect for me why did he have to ruin it#Sera
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deidaratheartboi · 3 years
Hidan Kakuzu Story PT1
Yeah been awhile sorrryyy and I'll try to write on Wattpad no promises school is coming up for me so ya know. Anyways enjoy! Edit: Also I don't know much about Naruto and stuff so bare with me lol. ------------------------------------------------- 3rd/1st POV? Hidan and Kakuzu's footsteps could be heard as they trudged through an empty alley of Yugakure. The weather was fairly humid as expected much to Hidan's dislike. So your probably asking why they are in the peaceful, quiet, beautiful village? Well Pain sent them there because one of their main informants were there kind of ironic since the village was known for it's pacifism. The informant was suppose to meet with them at some sort of diner an odd meeting place indeed, but no one would suspect it. The place was called "Leo's Diner" and it was more then just a salon it was also the hotspot for black market deals, gambling, and other illegal activities. Who would have thought such a great village would have a bad side? Of course in order to even get in on all of this you have to have a password; such a cliché. They had arrived at a magenta colored door and a shabby looking window with a sign in it that said "Opened". Kakuzu and Hidan walked in and looked around. Yup this was the place lots of shady character were already here. Kakuzu walked up to the bar and Hidan sat at a neary table. Kakuzu POV It looked shabby on the outside but, the inside was pretty nice. Marble floors, really expensive chairs, and a full liquor bar (Graystillplays moment). The smell of things being fried filled the air along with the sweet smell of cheesecake. I might just eat here but, today is not that day. I have a mission and I can't not lose sight of it. I motioned a waiter over towards him. He looked a bit old probably in his sixties he seems a bit rich too he had several rings on one finger. The man looked at me with an uninterested look on his face. "What can I get you?" "A large milkshake for two with a regular burger and fries on the side." The old man scoffed. "Any desserts? "Two regular cheesecake and one triple chocolate cake." The old man nodded and told me to wait until everyone was gone. I walked over to Kakuzu and told him the news and of course he didn't like it. "Your telling me we have to wait here until everyone is gone and we don't even get food?" I didn't feel like responding to him and just let him throw a tantrum, until people started staring then I sent him a withering glare. He had shut up but, continued to grumble and curse under hos breath. I just couldn't understand him sometimes we have a mission to complete and limited time to do it drawing attention to ourselves wasn't helping either. I sighed I just wanted to go to bed. Minutes turned into hours as I let myself fall into a deep sleep but, I was awoken by a smash. My eyes instantly opened and I was enclosed by chaos and of course Hidan was the center of it. Chair were thrown, drinks were spilled and people were tossing each other around like ragdolls Hidan being one of them. I don't know if I should do anything or not but, if I don't our chances of getting our hands on the informant were slim. Just my luck. Hidan POV Great Kakuzu has gone to sleep and almost everyone was gone except a few guys. Man this sucked I mean I could wake him up but, who needs him anyway. I was bored and tired so I did the only thing that would help me. I decided to mess with people I took a straw and some napkins and spit out spit balls. (That sentence-). I hit like four guys new record but, they didn't seem to see it that way. Next thing I knew I was being smashed onto the table and thrown around like rock. I looked over to where Kakuzu was and to my luck he was awake but, not too happy. Kakuzu just sat there he looked like he was thinking. But, about what?? Oh yeah sure let me just think right quick as my partner is being thrown around! Man I hate him. Eventually he got up and helped me long story short everyone was not here we were the only ones. Then we see the waiter dude stomp over to us. Kakuzu and him had gotten into a
yelling match something about "valued customers" and "ruined". Kakuzu then dragged me out of the diner. "Well at least everyone is gone?" I tried to lighten the mood a bit but, that just made him even more pissed. "What the hell did you do? Now how will we find the informant?" Typical Kakuzu blame it all on me. "We can just go back in and ask the owner right?" Kakuzu rubbed his temple and groaned. "That was Leo. He works their as a waiter sometimes." Wow who would have known? "Well how the heck does making us wait for hours make any sense just to meet someone?" Kakuzu just stared at me as if I was dumb. "The informant was in the back room and because people were their Leo had to wait to let us in or people would become suspicious. If you don't know our informant has access to lots of information and is pretty famous in the underworld people sit at the diner everyday just waiting for an appointment but, few get it. We were the few but, now you fucked that up beyond repair." Ohhhh hm maybe I shouldn't have threw those balls. Kakuzu POV I never felt so angry in my life but, that's what I get for taking my eye off Hidan so it's my fault. Then in front of me I see boss and his projection body. (Idk how to explain it Ik it's shinenha but, I can't explain how it works sum like that). "Have you found the informant yet?" Do I play it off? Tell him? Well either way he was gonna see through it might as well shoot for the truth. I told him what happened and Hidan beside me nervously laughed. The boss simply nodded and said "Well lucky for you the informant is at another site a saloon s called "Yui's Nails And Hair." And this time don't mess it up it is vital we get the info we need." "Wait so where is it?" Hidan says. "It's nearby let's just hope they haven't heard of your little incident. You can't miss it." The boss then hung up. I just wanted to sleep in today. Hidan was already off and I followed behind not in much of a mood and it only got worse once he started talking. This was going to be a long walk. Hidan POV Finally, a chance to prove to Kakuzu and the rest of the Akatsuki I am not a failure. I spot the neon sign a few feet away "Yui's Nails And Hair". Hah take that Kakuzu. I ran up to the door and waited for Kakuzu to catch up. When he did I knocked on the door and a very pretty lady answered she looked young around her twenties. "What can I do for you boys?" But, she wasn't looking at me at all she was staring at Kakuzu. Creep. Kakuzu stepped forward and pushed me aside. I would have been mad but, he as better with people then me surprisingly. "We're here to see The Phoenix". She smirked and nodded. "Right this way boys." She led us through the saloon filled with people. It seemed like everyone and their mom was their. Some gawked at us, some looked disgusted, some even sent flirtatious glances our way or maybe it was Kakuzu's. We went into a back room and she pulled one of the tables aside and pulling a lever revealing a staircase going downward. Coooooool. Kakuzu POV This place reeked of crime and so did this woman. Especially this woman everyone seemed to be afraid. I don't know if Hidan noticed but, everyone seemed to ignore her gaze. That also could just be me being paranoid. As we descended down the stairs it became more apparent we were far from anyone else. No one could here if we screamed or were in trouble but, I doubt they cared. She opened a door and it led us into a small but, nicely decorated room. "I'll go get him". She sashays into another room. Minutes later she emerged but, she looked way different. "I heard you wanted to see me?" I stood there a bit shocked and surprised not because she turned out to be who we were looking for but, I knew her. ------------------------------------------------ Ok
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