readtypewrite-blog · 5 years
So I said I was going to write every day and I almost forgot about today.
See, this is what happens when I get home from work and also want to have a life. Then I’m not at home to write. 
Lucky - see, I was in the shower ready for bed when I remembered I hadn’t yet written today. Lucky I had a semi-intoxicated revelation... that I hadn’t written yet.
Yesterday I tried to be a bit fancy with my handwritten journal entry. Wrote about a dream I had. It wasn’t as interesting once put down on pen and paper but it was thrilling in my head. 
In other news, I was interviewed by someone today and it was the most expedient way to learn that I was, in fact, a spectacularly ordinary and dull person. 
Thank ye for listening oh internet. I send these words out into the nether and somehow my soul is freed but a little.
What the actual fuck am I on about now. About time I drank some water and went to bed.
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