#shout out to kenji though i like bullying him :]
arisatoarchive · 1 year
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cottoncandyjester · 3 years
Ngl actor Kenji has my heart now, I love him so so much, he is the sweetest, he is my boyfriend now
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Have more actor Kenji honestly I see everyone else kinda bully kenji playfully and he’s such a sweetheart that it’s so easy to do it
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“ you think you can defy me? Who do you think you are?” Kenji sneers out glaring at Hikaru as he stepped toward the male who shook under him. “I’m not scared of you” Hikaru sneers out and Kenji reached out gripping Hikaru by his hair
“Oh? But you’re shaking like a little bunny..? If only your darling can see you like this.. a slut for their daddy..” Kenji paused face starting to turn red and Hikaru snorted with laugh “y-your fucking f-face pffft” he hissed and kenji let go of Hikaru the two bursting out laughing
“Cut! Come on guys this is like the third take” the director hissed out and kenji shook his head laughing cheeks flushed “sorry give me a minute” he wheezed out and a thirty minute break was called
Hikaru nudged kenji with a sly grin “daddyyyy~” Hikaru purred out and kenji let out a choked snort of laughter. You walked up to the two and kenji brightened up at the sight of you “ y/n! I thought you weren’t filming today” he cheers out wrapping his arms around you
“I’m not just wanted to check on you where are you guys at?”
“We can’t get to the sex scene cause your boyfriend is getting flustered again” Hikaru teased and kenji felt his face get red “it’s embarrassing! Like I know I have to be all cool but like it feels so weird” he mumbled out with a nervous laugh.
“How did you manage to get this role you are such a sweetie!” You chimed out kissing his cheek making him blush more smiling at you. “If you are going to hang around we should grab lunch” he cheered out only for Zeke to sling his arm kenji’s shoulder
“I heard lunch..hey guys kenji is buying us all lunch!” Zeke called out and kenji tensed up “I never agreed to that!” He huffed out only to feel rocket nudge him “didn’t you eat that last slice of cake one of my fans sent me? This is fair” rocket cheered and kenji sighs
“Where do you all wanna eat?”
So you all went for Italian food and it was like one big family,it really warmed your heart. “Okay but like it’s unfair that Salem and y/n get a sex scene tomorrow?” Kenji huffs out making Salem laugh “why would hikaru’s father need to sleep with y/n, don’t be jealous da?” Salem questioned and kenji hugged you close nuzzling his face into your neck.
“I only get to kiss y/n at home or during breaks but you all get to kiss them all the time” he said softly making Zeke grin “aww does the baby wanna kiss come here ken” Zeke teased making kenji laughed at he pushed the male away
“Ahahaha okay okay! I give! I surrender!” The dark haired maid chimed out making Zeke stop. “You all better eat this was an expensive meal and we have to get back to set soon” kenji said firmly making theo roll his eyes a smile on his face
“Yes daddy”
“Arghh stop! No!” Kenji’s hissed out covering his red face “next person that says it is never getting food from me ever!” Kenji mumbled out in a flustered tone.
“Daddy~” you whispered in his ear making him jump and he shot you a playful glare “no more cooked meals for you” he said firmly and you gasped “Yuuta! Yuuji! Kenji said he won’t cook for me!” You hissed to the married couple who both avoided eye contact with you
“Did he?”
“I didn’t hear anything”
“You two are the worst both in show and in real life!” You shouted making kenji laugh more covering his mouth with his hand.
It wasn’t long til you all got kicked out for being too rowdy though but you all didn’t seem to mind. “Okay so during the beach arc we should all take a super fun vacation” you cheered out and Yuki gave an excited hum “Mhm and kenji should cook for us the entire time, I want grilled squid” he said making kenji shake his head down right offended
“Ask salem to cook for you or something!”
“No.” Salem said simply his Russian accent making it sound far more threatening than it should normally.
“Cook for us! Cook for us! Cook for us!” You chanted getting everyone to follow along and soon kenji groaned loudly “fine! Only cause I love you all but that’s the only reason!” He snapped out and Hikaru linked arms with him
“Awesome! Now let’s finish this scene..daddy”
“Ughhhhh it still sounds weird”
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
“Losty Aone” / “Losty Mountain Man🏔” Series:
Outtake Collection #6
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A/N: 1 word, 5 letters: D R A M A
Pls peep the vote at the end! I know there are not very many of you who read this so I want to make it enjoyable for y’all 🥰 it’s sooo important to me that I write what makes me happy
Hours After You Noticed Aone For The First Time And Had Lunch Together! 🤫🥩
With a very discreet bounce in his step, Aone Takanobu walked into the Date Tech boys volleyball team changeroom after exchanging numbers with you after school.
Upon entrance, the entire team jumped him, tackling him to the ground while shouting praise and acclamations of joy loudly!
Aone was actually grinning, shoving the boys off of him to pretend that he was annoyed.
But anyone could tell that this mountain man was on cloud 9!!!!
Futakuchi reached out his hand to help Aone up and the mountain man took it. They shared a look that only Aone knew meant his best friend was happy for him. Proud of him.
Actually, Kenji’s look was one of happiness and pride, yes, but it was also full of nerves for his friend’s potential heartbreak. But Aone was too overjoyed inside to pick up on that.
“So Y/N finally knows your name!” Koganegawa yelled as he jumped on Aone’s back.
Shrugging the big boned setter off, Aone blushed. He has never been happier in his entire life and it was kind of embarrassing that the whole team knew why that was.
“I’m very happy.” Aone nodded at his team who smiled brilliantly back at him. “But please, do not get your hopes up. I’m trying with everything in me not to get mine up, in case Y/N decides she doesn’t like me. She and I are just going to start talking for now. And for that I am grateful.” Stomach in knots, Aone bowed to his team in thanks for all the encouragement and praise.
“But Aone-senpai, Y/N asked you to lunch! We all watched you guys, she looked ecstatic talking to you and she even glared at these other girls in the hallway because they were checking you out!”
Aone’s heart dropped. “She did?”
Kenji smiled, patting him on the back. “Saw it with my own eyes too, big guy.”
Aone felt like he was so happy he could sing, but he knew how odd that would look coming from such a big and serious guy like himself.
“Oh. Well... that’s quite nice.”
What a turn of events! This morning, Aone was going through another day with a heavy heart because the love of his life would never like him back. Then, it only took him defending you against the class snitch for everything to change......
✏️ Earlier That Day ✏️
Aone was sitting in class like any other day, doing his work, listening to the teacher intermittently and your daily conversation with your friends. The teacher excused himself to run a club errand for 20 minutes, trusting the class to stay quiet and complete their homework. Like most typical high school classes, the volume raised as soon as the teacher stepped out. Aone glanced over at your talkative self for the 15th time that period and noticed how much you were glowing because your team had returned last night placing second at Regionals. You looked radiant, absolutely stunning with your brighter smile and louder angelic laugh.
In Mountain Man’s daydream, he imagined telling you that you looked beautiful today followed by a congratulations for placing second. You would rush over to him and kiss him in thanks then start ripping his clothes off so that you could—
“Y/N! I am sick and tired of you and the rest of the popular kids not listening to the teachers instructions! What part of ‘stay quiet’ is hard to understand in that pea brain of yours!?!??!”
To Aone’s left, sitting in his row, he looked for the yelling voice. It was who everyone (except Aone) called ‘the class snitch’ and school mascot: Tsume Lian.
Also known as Y/N’s arch nemesis.
Seating looks like:
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Y/N glared at him.
“Tsume, no one was talking to you.”
“I know that, dork!” He fumed. “BECAUSE WE ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE TALKING! I’m trying to do my homework as asked, and you and the popular crowd just ignore everything the teacher says and it’s disgusting! I’m tired of it! I want you expelled!”
Aone noticed Y/N’s startled expression at the prospect of being expelled, because he knew from overhearing your conversations that your parents were this close to sending you to Seijoh to get your grades up and live on campus there. According to your gossip last week, if you failed another class or got another complaint from a teacher then your parents would under no circumstances allow you to cheer again.
Aone clenched his fists tightly around his pencil because he couldn’t stand the idea of seeing Motomu or Kindaichi drooling over you at his enemy school.
One of Y/N’s friends who Aone knew as Kusa, spoke up in defence of Y/N. “Oh shut it, Tsume. Us chatting isn’t bothering anyone else.”
“I don’t care! You cheerleaders think you can do anything you want and that’s that!! YOU WILL face repercussions if I can help it!”
Kusa feigned fear. She turned her entire body toward him in her seat, meaning business. A bitch had time today.
The entire class gave this drama all of their undivided attention when they witnessed that move, ready for the show like:
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“Oh yeah?! And why are you just snapping about this now, huh? Why not before?” Kusa snapped. You put a hand on your friends arm, silently trying to tell her he isn’t worth her energy.
“Because I realized just how selfish, inconsiderate, and deplorable you good-looking, popular women are! You don’t deserve to be bowed down to like I thought! You should be treated like everybody else!”
“What are you talking about?” Y/N interjected. “No one treats us like that. Even if they did, we don’t ask them to nor do we ask to be popular and we especially don’t ask for special treatment, Lian. Why are you so mad??? Get your life.”
Aone smirked to himself. In all his years of crushing on you he has never seen you look so fierce and he too put his pencil down to enjoy what was a different and fiery side of his crush. It made him want to fuck the shit out of you, you looked so sexy. Aone found he liked every side of you.
“I did have a life. I was a mascot and—“
“—And you were spending too much time looking up our SKIRTS instead of hyping up a CROWD, making the first years uncomfortable and borderline stalking Y/N so badly she asked that we terminate you! You are lucky she kept that to herself for so long! 🤬 And THAT’S why you’re mad!”
The class collectively gasped. Some whipped their phones out to snapchat the gossip. Aone widened his eyes in silence, since he was in between, he was looking back and forth at the fight like a tennis match.
Hahahaha 🎾 
Live footage of the classes reaction when Kusa READ TSUME FOR FILTH:
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Tsume went red with anger, but anyone could tell that he was guilty guilty guilty !!!!
“When the teacher returns, I’m telling him and the principal the truth that you Y/N are a bully and you constantly disrupt the class! Who do you think they’re going to believe?! Their best student? Or their worst?! Say hi to AobaJohsai summer school for me!”
You frowned, scared out of your mind because Lian was right. The teacher’s believed everything he had to say and ever since you exposed him for sending you creepy messages and inappropriate pictures from a fake account that you knew was his, the class snitch has had it out for you. Even if the cheerleaders had your back, your parents would just think they are trying to protect you and never believe it! Tsume Lian was smart and dead set on planning your demise. It was unfair. You wanted to cry. Kusa whispered something to you in encouragement but you could feel the back of your eyes warming due to impending tears.
Meanwhile, with Mountain Man - Today was a day of firsts in his ‘Crushing on Y/N’ book. It was the first time he’s ever seen you glowing because of the Regional results, it was the first time he’s ever seen you so sassy, and now............. Aone notes that today is also the first time he’s ever seen you on the verge of tears before.
Unlike your glowing and your sassiness, Aone decided that he hated the last first more than anything in the world.
It consumed his emotions, how badly he didn’t want to see you cry.
“You really are slimy, Tsume. Wait until Katana hears this.” Kusa spat, rubbing her hand up and down Y/N’s back to soothe you as you willed your tears not to fall.
Seeing you so sad, Aone’s heart clenched.
He knew what it was like to be hurting but he never ever wanted that for you—not ever.
“Hey Y/N-chan, why don’t you show me that video your mom got of our reaction to us placing second yesterday?? I’d love to see it.” Kusa has accurately distracted you because she texted Katana what was happening and Katana knew just what to do until she got there.
You smiled, thinking about the overwhelming happiness from yesterday when your team placed second. You whipped out your phone and showed Kusa, smiling and giggling in a matter of seconds as it played.
Aone was glad you seemed good.
He turned to look at Tsume, who seemed to be raging inside. Shooting daggers at the two cheerleaders because they weren’t crumbling under his threats. They were laughing, in fact. Ignoring him as if he didn’t matter. Aone could tell Tsume was a ticking time bomb with how mad he was. His anger toward you looked severely unhealthy.
You let out a rather amusing laugh with Kusa as you two pointed to your screen and Aone’s heart skipped a beat because he loved that laugh so much. God, he is so fucking whipped.
When you laughed like that though, it sent perverted-snitch Tsume over the edge, bubbling over in anger like a piping hot kettle.
Aone watched him with studious eyes as Tsume took a deep breath to say something else that Aone was sure would stop your harmonious laughter that he adored......
“Y/N—“ Tsume started, but without warning, THE AONE TAKANOBU, DATE TECH MIDDLE BLOCKER, OUR MOUNTAIN MAN, interrupted him! Stopping all speech in the class with his simple, deep-voiced command:
“Leave her be. She’s having fun.”
The class:
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The class went silent because they’d never really heard Aone’s voice before. :S
Still riled up, the class snitch took one look beside him (he was too distracted before) as to locate the voice. Once his eyes set on the verrrry muscular and verrrry mountainous man sitting between him and Y/N, he decided it would be smart to not be riled up anymore. A drop of sweat leaving his hairline, Lian scanned Aone’s gigantic body with his eyes, seeing that the volleyball player just barely fit in his desk—he gulped.
Aone had a relaxed expression, meaning to say what he said nonchalantly, but one needs to remember that Aone’s relaxed expression looks like this:
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Needless to say, the ex-mascot almost pissed himself.
Is that Y/N’s b-b-boyfriend now? Tsume wondered to himself in panic as several more drops of sweat ran down his face.
“O-o-ok-o-o-oka-okay-y....” Tsume stuttered out as he turned back to his school work.
Five minutes later when the teacher came in, Tsume had nothing to say. He only had a sweat damped stack of homework to give him before he fled, not waiting for the bell of dismissal.
Did I frightened him? Aone thought.
He didn’t mean to. Sincerely. He was as gentle as giants come (except in bed if you rile him up enough or when someone is bothering you).
The class went back to normal and Aone continued working too.
But one person didn’t—no, couldn’t go back to normal:
You sat in your seat still slack jawed because someone you didn’t know came to your rescue and quite possibly single handedly stopped your expulsion. How have you not noticed him before?! He is gorgeous!
Tall, muscular, handsome. Shiny white hair, beautiful lips. And he came to your defence.
In your opinion , he was a FINEASS mountain man! 🏔🤤
Yes ma’am!!!!
Anyway, while everyone was talking, working and minding their own business—including Aone—you slid out of your desk and bounced over to his happily.
“Hi! Thanks so much for defending me a little while ago!”
Bitch, this was you: ☺️😊😄
lost ass
Aone raised his head to look at you, jumping back slightly because he never even heard you approach. He stared up at you with a heart that stopped beating, absolutely speechless.
WHAT IS HAPPENING? He thought. YOU WERE TALKING................TO HIM? You were NOTICING..............HIM?!
You reached over to touch the handsome giant’s arm in his sweater, smiling at him endearingly.
“I’m Y/N! It’s nice to meet you!”
yeah you lost af, bitch 😐
Aone wanted to say something, he did. But he was just too shocked that the girl he thinks about nonstop, the girl he wishes was his, the girl he just had a wet dream about last night, was talking to him and only him for the first time.
Takanobu always thought you two would first speak because of Futakuchi or the teacher but not because of him.
Aone couldn’t fathom the fact that HE made this happen! HE was the reason you were over here!
Aone: 🤯🤯🤯
It was ALL. TOO. MUCH.
He couldn’t speak.
You removed your hand from his arm, silently chastising yourself because you shouldn’t touch people without permission.
Not that Aone minded. That boy would want you to touch him anywhere, on anyday, at anytime that pleased you.
“Sorry.” You looked down shyly, then met his serious expression again, wanting to be sure he knew how grateful you were for his help.
“Um.... you probably don’t know this but you getting that pervert to leave me alone is quite possibly the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. And you did it for a stranger like me, no less.”
You tucked your hair behind you ear while holding his gaze. Aone could only nod because his throat was dry. You looked so incredibly perfect up-close and he wanted to make sure he remembered this. He just couldn’t speak.
Feeling a little awkward now because you just tried starting a conversation with this FINEASS classmate of yours to only get a nod in return, you laughed timidly.
“Okay, well I guess I’ll...” you turned on your heels so you could make your way back to your desk with your L. “....see you later.” You finished, telling him over your shoulder.
Much like when he defended you against Tsume, Aone didn’t know what came over him then: maybe it was all the memories of him feeling heartbroken that you’d never notice him or return his feelings—maybe it was the promise he made that he would do something toward pursuing you if you would just notice him first—or maybe is was because his best friend Kenji would have his HEAD if Aone told him he let you walk away right now without trying....... after TWO YEARS.........that compelled him to respond to your “see you later” bravely, FINALLY UTTERING WORDS TO YOU FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HIS ENTIRE LIFE:
^Asked Aone, just as you were walking away from him.
You stilled, feeling excitement in your body because he answered. You spun around and jumped back in front of his desk. You gave him a questioning look.
You responded, “When, what?”
Even though he was melting under your attention, Aone couldn’t give up now. He had to shoot his shot. This may be his only chance.
“When is later?” He elaborated.
Huh? You thought.
You blinked at the stunning classmate. What is he—OH, does he mean.....
“As in...when will I see you again?”
Aone nodded at you, holding his breath.
You massaged your chin, thinking 🤔.
You can admit you wanted to know more about this gorgeous man who came to your rescue. There was something about him that made you feel safe and warm. You couldn’t quite place it. You’ve never wanted to spend time with anyone outside of cheerleading more than this guy—so you owed it to yourself to explore that small feeling, right?
“Okay. Well, how about now? Lunch is after this period. Would you want to have it with me?!” You asked cheerily.
Though he didn’t show it, inside, fireworks went off in Aone’s mind, heart, and stomach...!
Actual footage:
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Aone nodded quickly. Way too quickly for someone who did not want to come across as the most eager beaver in the world.
But he was...... and you noticed. It made you smile.
“Okay. So when the bell rings you can walk me to my locker and I’ll put away my stuff, then we’ll go to yours....then we can go head to lunch together. Sound good?”
Aone nodded quickly again!
You gave him the big smile that made him become a simp for you in the first place and you took your seat again.
Takanobu was so excited he literally almost stood up to spin the hand clock that hung up beside the door himself so that time could go by faster. He couldn’t even move to text Kenji because he knew his hands would shake.
He just sat there, his mind whirling mad until the bell finally rang. You said bye to Kusa and watched as this blonde hottie stood up from his seat, towering over you.
God, he was so freaking HOT! You wanted to jump him.
At the same time students filed out of the class, Aone turned to you as he collected his things then slung his bag over his shoulder.
“May I carry your books for you, Y/N?” Mountain man asked sheepishly in his stern voice.
Your heart fluttered by how cute and sweet he was to ask!
“Umm, sure! Thank you so much!” You smiled and handed your heavy books over.
You two walked beside eachother and Aone held the door open for you. You didn’t know why he was being so nice but you couldn’t lie that you felt very charmed.
You looked up at the handsome giant with curious eyes after he called your name.
“My name is Aone Takanobu by the way. You introduced yourself before, but I did not answer. I’m sorry. Either way, I knew who you were already. It’s very nice to meet you.”
Your smiled widened as you bounced on your feet while walking. “Very nice to meet you too, Aone Takanobu. I’ve actually heard of you before.”
Aone’s eyes lit up like 👀
“Wait r-really?”
Omg precious bby 🥺🥺🥺
“Yes. At a cheerleading sleepover. All good things, don’t worry. It’s just funny because I said that night how hopefully I’ll meet you and now here we are!”
Aone chuckled as he held open another door for you. When he did and you two walked down another hall, he caught sight of two very conspicuous volleyball players (one looked eerily like Justin Bieber, the other looked big boned) hugging eachother and slumping down to the ground at the sight of you and Aone. Aone rolled his eyes, thinking that they were lucky you never noticed your surroundings.
“Here we are.” Aone repeated, shooting a secret thumbs up at his friends who were on the verge of crying.
Nearing the end of an enjoyable lunch for both of you where you spoke a lot and Aone listened with heart eyes: he pulled your chair out for you, he was responding, he was chuckling, and overall hanging onto your every word, never wanting your time together to end. You became rather smitten.
“The bell is gonna ring soon, Aone. I just want to thank you again for buying my lunch and spending this time with me! I know it was super random!”
Aone got lost in your eyes as you said his name, because he’s never taken a moment to analyze how nice it could sound if it was caressed by your voice. Also, he’s never heard his name said by someone so beautiful (when it wasn’t being said in a question). He was BATHING in joy.
Although Aone didn’t answer and he’s maintained his stoic expression the entire lunch, deep down you felt that this man had a thing for you. He was very intense so it was quite obvious. But since you enjoyed the lunch so much and you were starting to have a thing for him, too, you wanted to confirm:
“Also, Aone-san, I’m happy to know that you can say more than 4 words 😲! I asked my friend earlier and she said you basically never speak.” You exclaimed, fishing.
Aone smirked, feeling the need to defend himself on that front. “It is true that that is the consensus of the majority of people who come in contact with me. However, that is because there exists few people, that I feel inclined to speak to.”
Hook, line, and sinker. Your eyes twinkled at his words. He looked like a jock but sounded so eloquent! You loved it:
“Oh wow well you spoke a lot to me today so I guess I must be a little special then, huh.......?” You twirled your hair around your index finger as you asked, causing Aone to almost drool.
listen, you...kind of..... wanted mountain man.
And you were only flirting minimally okay.....minimally, so don’t judge
You just wanted to know if your suspicions were right that he had a little crush on you or if he saw you as a friend
Aone looked down at you, thinking of a way to respond to you asking if you were special to him.
“This is our first time speaking. So I am not entirely sure if you’re special yet...” He started.
You quirked your eyebrow attractively, anticipating how he would end that sentence.
“...But I hope that even after this lunch ends I can take you out again a few more times, Y/N-chan—somewhere nice and off-campus, perhaps—so that I can truly decipher whether you are or not.”
You quirked your eyebrow even higher, impressed by the smooth way he told you he wants to keep seeing you!
“I’d love to.” You accepted, making Aone smile.
He was absolutely stunning when he smiled, it was almost unfair.
The bell rang.
“Mind walking me back to my locker, Aone?”
Aone stood on internally shaky legs that he willed to be normal. “Of course.” He took both yours and his tray and dumped it out before escorting you out of the cafeteria.
✏️ Back in the Locker Room ✏️
“We are happy for you, Aone.” Kenji patted his large friend on the back.
“I had your voice in the back of my mind, Kenji-san. I owe this happiness to you and your support. I know you’re worried that I’ll get my heart broken and be crushed but I’m thankful for you supporting me anyway. You will forever be my brother.”
Taglist: @crushzone @galagcica
Outtake #7: CLICK HERE
Upcoming outtakes (NSFW):
Losty Aone answering Kenji’s call while you’re having sex. He told you to please wait but...um....no. Hang up, buddy 😈
When you tease poor Losty Aone during class and make him want to f*ck you hard
You telling Aone that you’re horny before his game knowing you’d be cheering next to him the whole time being suggestive
Sending Aone a nude for the first time
First Kiss (In which Aone gets his first urge)
Discovering Aone’s ear kissing kink
Upcoming Fluff outtakes:
Aone on your first birthday as a couple
The official confession
Aone Embarrassingly telling Y/N about the things he did when he was crushing on you :/ (cupcake, donation, wet dreams, hoping to be your tutor, etc!)
When Aone fills in at one of your cheer practices!
Aone having to save you from your annoying admirers
Send me an ask/message/comment below with the number(s) of the outtake you really want me to write and the ones with votes will be done
Say “Losty Aone Story nsfw number ___” or “Losty Aone Story fluff number ___”
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zach-the-fox · 4 years
Furiends Episode 4: Insensitive Interrogation
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“Ah!” Zach yelps as Brook presses some white cream against his burn. “Easy, Brook…”
“Sorry, but I told you it would sting,” the purple rabbit replies. “Now, just hold still.”
Zach tenses up, feeling her paw across his torso. “Ah! Oh, that hurts…”
“Oh sorry!” She ceases. “Um, let me come back to that.” She works her way lower.
Zach keeps still, feeling the rabbit’s paw rubbing him. Brook kneels to apply the medicine to more of the burn areas. Zach trembles a little as he feels her by his lower area. “Woo!” He looks down at her. “Uh, I don’t have any burns there…”
Brook giggles. “Whoops. Well, you’re never too sure.” She stands after she finishes. “Just let the cream do its thing, okay?” Zach rolls his eyes.
Hatboy, on the other hand, isn’t too happy as he’s sweeping the glass in the dustpan by the broken window. “This sucks… Why am I the one cleaning up this mess?!”
“Because,” Brook begins. “You were the one who batted the fireball out the window. Keep sweeping.” Brook sighs, then goes to sit in a chair at the counter. “Man… I’m still a disappointed. We could’ve had our very own demon.”
“I don’t mean to ask,” Zach utters. “But what would you do with a demon?”
Brook shrugs. “Don’t know. Mostly be its friend. Maybe even unleash it on my enemies. That would be nice. Wouldn’t you want a protector against your foes?” Zach points his eyes at the ceiling, reflecting on the times where everyone he encountered thought of him as an enemy. His thoughts are scrambled at the question, thinking if they really deserve being attacked for bullying the fox. “Well?” asks Brook, causing him to snap out of it.
“I… I…”
Knocking against the door catches her attention. “Hold on. Someone’s at the door. Better see who it is.” The rabbit ambles over and looks through her peephole. Standing in front waiting is the wolf with the red armband. Alongside him, is a sheep in a green vest, a monkey whose face is covered with a yellow mask, and a cat dressed in a red top and blue jeans as a flower sits against her ear. “Can I help you people?” she asks through the door.
“This is Team Rescuers,” shouts the wolf. Zach’s head turns to the door quickly. His ears stand as straight and tall as they could be. “Please open up!”
“Um, just a second…” The rabbit faces her friends. “It’s Team Rescuers…”
“Yeah, we heard,” Hatboy says. “What could they possibly want? I mean, why do are they here?”
“Probably for me,” Zach utters. His breathing increases. “They want to pick on me, I know it…”
“Calm down,” Brook orders him. “You’re acting like an escaped convict.”
“Open the door, now!” demands the sheep, screaming in a female voice. “Otherwise, we will kick it in!”
“Relax, Cindy,” spurts the cat, female in tone as well. “Be patient.”
“Better answer it, Brook,” says Hatboy.
Brook turns to the door and opens it, appearing in the crack. “Hello there. What brings you fine animals around here today?”
“Good day, Ma’am,” the monkey begins, speaking in a baritone voice. “We’re here to investigate some strange event.”
“Strange, you say?” the rabbit asks, forming her creepy smile. “I like strange. Tell me, how strange is this event you are looking into?”
“Well,” the monkey continues. “We’ve gotten reports that a large fireball had traveled across town and burned everything in its path. We’ve talked to eyewitnesses around and we’ve traced their reports to this location, where everyone’s saying this is where it came from. Have you seen anything unusual such as this?”
“Is that so? Well, I’ve not seen anything of that sort, but I did-”
“Hey wait!” The wolf notices Zach inside. “It’s the flawed fox! Why is he in your home?!”
Brook narrows one eye. “Um, what? Why does that concern you?”
“I bet he’s the one behind the whole “fireball” fiasco. Let us in immediately,” he orders. “We need to search this place.”
“Whoa, hold on… What makes you so sure about-”
“Move!” The wolf pushes her aside and enters. Upon walking in, he stops before the fox and red rabbit. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t the flawed fox of Heroto?”
“This is what you meant, Jay?” asks the monkey. “Guess he settled for worst.”
“I know, right, Kenji?” The wolf then turns to Cindy. “Hey Cindy, care to say “hi” to your old boyfriend?”
The sheep steps beside him. “If only he was. He’s more of Miffy’s type.”
“Sorry,” adds the cat. “I only date men who are strong-willed, not little boys.” Zach’s ears droop down as a frown forms.
Hatboy stands beside the fox. “Have you no decency for your citizens, especially those who are unfortunate?”
“What are you going to do, Rabbit?” Kenji asks. “You going to smack us with those large ears of yours?”
“Hey, now that’s uncalled for. What business do you have with us anyway?”
“Listen Chili Pepper,” Jay begins. “We’ve gotten reports a fireball came from this location, and I’d say it’s pretty clear it was from you guys.”
“Hold on…” Brook stands between the team and her two friends, crossing her arms. “What makes you think we were the ones who unleashed the fireball?”
“It seems obvious, Toots.” The wolf crosses his arms. “The whole place has been scorched. We can see the damage here.”
“We weren’t the ones who released a fireball on the town,” Zach claims. “That’s all a lie!”
“Explain the burn marks, then.”
“Simple explanation,” utters Brook. “We were making lunch when it accidentally spilled on the floor and caught fire.”
“Must’ve been a huge fire. Care to tell us why the flawed fox has a huge burn on his torso?” questions Miffy.
Zach tries to muster a good explanation “I… I was-”
“Helping us,” Brook interrupts, after quickly covering the fox’s mouth with her paw. “He was trying to help cook when fire got big. Zach tried to smother the flames, but they whipped him while he was putting it out.”
“So, where’s the fire department, then?” Cindy asks. “Wouldn’t they be here if a fire was raging out of control?”
“We managed to put it out before it spread,” Hatboy explains. “Got it all under control. So, we didn’t need the fire department.”
Kenji rubs his chin. “Likely story… Still doesn’t explain why there’d be a huge fireball spotted across town.”
“Um, we aren’t sure either,” Brook implies. “In fact, we’re just as confused as you.”
“Yeah,” Zach adds in. “Perhaps your rivals, Capital Corp, were the ones who started the whole “fireball” fiasco to lure you away.”
Jay crosses his arms. “I highly doubt Capital Corp would do something like that. Though, you aren’t wrong… They could be up to something! We should get going! Let’s go, Team!” As he exits, the three others follow him.
The sheep stops and turns to the rabbits. “Oh, you two better be watchful of the flawed fox. He’s known to cause trouble wherever he goes.” She then disappears.
Brook closes the door. “Toots?! The nerve of them!”
“Chili pepper?” spurts Hatboy. “What a bunch of jerks… Barging in here and putting the blame on Zach for something that clearly wasn’t his fault.”
“They blamed us, too! Come on, just because Zach’s made some mistakes doesn’t make him a bad person… And just because we’re friends with him doesn’t mean we’re enemies too.”
“And didn’t you hear what she said about “watching ourselves with the flawed fox”? I mean, really? How the hell did they ever become heroes?”
“What a couple of clucks.” Brook turns to the fox, noticing his ears remain drooped as he turns his head. “You okay, Zach?”
“Yeah…” the fox responds. “Fine…”
The purple rabbit places her paw on the fox’s shoulder. “Don’t even pay attention to them. They’re just looking to blame someone for their problems. You’re no flawed fox. Actually, I’m starting to think something’s going on.”
Hatboy narrows one eye. “What do you mean?”
“Didn’t you see the way they came in and just left? They weren’t even concerned about our safety. Real heroes don’t just walk in, look around and assume it was someone they didn’t like, and then leave. They must be up to something…”
“Probably planning on setting me up so all of Heroto can banish me,” Zach suggests. “I’m not surprised…”
“You won’t get banned,” Brook tells him. “We’re going to make sure nothing bad happens to you. You, me, Hatboy, Carly, and Emmy. In fact, we should call them up and let them know about the situation. We’ll need to keep a lookout for those Rescue-jerks. We should also clean this place up before other people come by and get suspicious.”
@carlycmarathecat​ @emmy-the-absolute-goof​ @bendy-bear-15​
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