#shout to jo for the comment about my sleep schedule
baejax-the-great · 1 year
10 Facts about me
Thanks for the tag @midnightprelude =)
I currently have ~44 houseplants. My favorite changes by the week, but my christmas cactus, pink panther, and philo brasil are often up there. Oh and my tineke. And begonia. And birkin. Oh and my piper crocatum. Actually I love all of them except for my aloe and the jade plant that is intent on dying. If anyone in Chicago wants an aloe, it's yours.
In high school, I won second place with my bestie in a lip sync competition at the Valentine's Day dance (which was called Cupid Night Out, which was a riff on Stupid Night Out, the autumn dance, and needless to say it was less a formal and more a ridiculous costume party).
Bestie and I reprised the award-almost-winning performance at her wedding reception.
When I lived in China, my (awful) boss once called me drunk at 10pm to demand I take a taxi into town to the karaoke he was at and sing "Tian mi mi" for his Communist Party friends. I pretended my phone cut out and went to sleep.
That same boss did successfully bully me into pretending to be a member of the American Kung Fu team so that the local kung fu competition would count as "international." I had to wear athletic clothing and march in a parade similar to what you see in the opening ceremonies in the Olympics, complete with a young girl in a fancy dress holding up a sign proclaiming us the American Kung Fu team. We were on tv. No, I do not know how to do a single move of kung fu, and neither did anyone else on the "team."
Around five years ago, I stopped using an alarm clock to wake up and learned I naturally have "the sleep schedule of a medieval peasant," aka I tend to wake up with the dawn and rarely stay up past 10.
During my first trip to China (mainland) in 2008, while a friend was taking me to his favorite restaurant near his college, I fell into a manhole. The manhole had a cover, but it flipped up when I stepped on it. Only one foot fell in, and the cover hit me in the chest so hard it's possible I cracked a rib. I could not get out of bed the next day. Dinner was good, though, once my friend pulled me out. Honestly I was just thankful my sandal didn't fall off.
The first time I ate a deviled egg was in high school during the regional tennis matches. A local elderly woman would come every year with a picnic for our entire team. As far as I know, she never came to a single other event at our school (maybe the boys' regionals?). When we made it to state, she sent another picnic with us. I wish I remembered her name.
I got my driver's license the day before I was starting a job I had to drive to. There was a bug in the car, and the tester, after warning me she wasn't going to say anything to me other than directions, whacked me repeatedly with her clipboard when the bug landed on me, and then spent the rest of the test talking about how insane it was that there was a bug in the car. I passed.
I was taught badminton from my college's football coach and he told me I was his favorite student because I never stopped smiling. And that is because badminton is the funnest sport I've ever played.
tagging @queso-magnifico @ninepoints @juliafied @redmapleleavesonwhitesnow @vimlos
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We Pulled A Barry Allen, Bloody Hell.
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|| Hope's Point of View ||
I shoot up, gasping for breath and immedately looking at my surroundings.
We're in Mystic Falls. The big oak tree to be exact... I remember it from when Lizzie had the Oni in her and was slowly going insane. "Good times". I continue to look around, before realizing how dark it is. Is it night time? School was just happening. What the hell made us pass out? I stand up, embers floating around all three of us.
I walk towards Lizzie and Josie, and see if their awake. At my touch Lizzie startles awake, hand rushing up to her chest as she looks at me.
"Hope! You gave me a damn heart attack!" She is taking deep breaths, calming down, before looking around. "Wait, where are we?"
"We are in the park, in the middle of town Lizzie. Now, stop hitting me and help me wake your sister."
Lizzie reluctanly stood up, and walk over to her sisters sleeping body. We wake Josie up, who was by far less startled. As soon as Josie stands up, we hear a scream.
That was suddenly cut off.
"Fuck..." I whisper, before taking off towards the source of the scream, Lizzie and Josie running right after me.
We slowly approach the source, we found two-probably dead-bodies. One male and One female. One was on top of the hood of the car and the other was a bit further down the road. Both with two teeth marks in their necks.
The teeth marks of a vampire.
"Crap..." Josies says.
"When can I get these mudy clothes off?"
"Lizzie!" Me and Josie shout.
|| 2 hours later ||
We walked to the old mill, figuring that the old mill would be a safe enough place to sleep for a while. I take watch first so I watch as the two sleep. I hear movement in the distance, so with one last look back at the girls, I walk towards the movement to see what it was.
I see a man with raven hair and a blue ring on his finger.
"Who the hell are you?" The raven haired man asks.
"The better question is who the hell are you and what the hell are you doing out here."
"Oh, you know. Just walking around. Looking for a bite to eat. Maybe a place to stay for the night. Where are you staying"
"Tell me your name and then we can talk, Raven Boy."
"If you must know, my name is Damon. Damon Salvatore."
"Like the founding family?"
"Yep. Exactly like them. Your turn girly. Whats your name?"
"What a cliche name. I mean Hope?"
"Quiet, Raven Damon."
"Hey! I give the nicknames!"
"Would you rather me call you "vampire"?"
That makes him stop dead in his tracks. He isn't doing anything but looking straight at me. All the humor drained from his face.
"What... in the hell... did you just say to me?"
"I said that you were a vampire. I mean come on, in all black, walking around at night. The night we- I found two dead bodys with two holes, bite marks, in the necks, drained of blood."
"Who are you? No wait. What, the hell are you?"
He takes a few steps towards me, glaring. I bring my hand up and start to give him an anuerysm. He grips his head in pain.
"Witch Bitch... good to know."
"Now, are you so sure you want to eat me?" Hold up... He said his name was Damon. Damon Salvatore. Meaning the very human, married, with children, Damon. Salvatore.
"What day is it?"
"Sebtember 10th. 2009. Why, don't you know your dates Hopey?"
Think Hope, think. You've read his brother's journels. You should know what's happening now. This was just a little bit before Dad came to town. I've read these journels a million times...
Katherine Pierce.
Damon Salvatore is in love with her. He think she's in the tomb. He's going to try and get her out... I can use that to my advantage.
"Not the point. So are you going to kill me , or would you rather have my help to get the love of your life Katherine out?"
"How the fucking hell do you know about that?"
"Did you forget that I'm a witch, or are you just an idiot?"
"Alright fine. I'll make you a deal. I won't kill you, and you help me find Kathrine. Deal?"
"Only if you don't kill my friends either."
"You have friends. Shocker."
"A least I have more then you. Deal or no deal?"
"Deal Hopey. Are your friends by chance witches, or warlocks I don't descrimiate, too?"
"We need all the help we can get." Oh, so he doesn't believe I could do it myself. Rude.
"Yeah. Their witches."
"Great. Now, where are we sleeping?"
After I look into the back of my head because of how hard I rolled my eyes, I gathered the strength to reply. "Follow me. It's not the best, but it's the best we could do on the sort notice we had."
"What did you just magically apper in town?"
"Something like that."
"Ok. Cryptic girl. Anything else?"
" We are all underage girls. Lay a hand on anyone of us we will kill you ."
"I won't unless they want me to."
"No, you won't at all, because then I will kill you." I warn, giving him a sweet smile.
We just continue to walk in silence. When we get to the mill, I raise my hand and put a finger over my lips. He just rolls his eyes.
What is it about him that makes me want to kick him in the face? Or drop him off a building? Or just kill him?
We quietly walk inside, finding Josie sitting there by her sister, who was still sleeping soundly.
"Hey Jo... This is Damon Salvatore..." I whisper to her.
"What? How did you find him? Why did you bring him here? Why-" To quickly cut her off, I put a hand over her mouth.
"So. You both know who I am now, who are your friends Hopey?"
"Friends." was all I said.
I walk over to wake Lizzie up. Again, she didn't want to wake up. Again, she started attacking me with her eyes closed.
"Lizzie. Up. Please."
She grumbles, slowly sitting up and rubbing her eyes to wake up. When she see Damon her eyes widened.
"Quiet" I whisper to her. "I'll explain later."
"What are you two whispering about? You know it isn't polite."
"Shut up."
"Well then, I can see you don't have a house, unless you try and convince me this run down mill is a home. And your minors, I remember you telling me that for a fact Hopey, so shouldn't your asses be in school?"
"Yeah, but we don't have transcripts or anything so we can't go. And we don't have any damn money for a house or apartment." Lizzie states, just staring at Damon in confusion.
"Well ladies, that the beautie of compulsion. I can have you in school and get you a house by the morning. As long, of course, you follow up on your part of the deal."
"Wow. Thanks." I say, rolling my eyes for the fifth time today.
|| The Next Day ||
I slowly open my eyes, feeling comfy and warm in a bed. I really should thank Damon.
But will I?
Nope! But, compulsion is now my new favorite thing. And this bed is so damn soft, I could never leave.
Unfortuantely, I already hear Lizzie and Josie up downstairs so, slowly I get up. I get dress in a new outfit Damon had kindly gotten us as well.
Damon had also kindley gotten us backpack and school supplies, I can already see some humanity left in Damon even he suppositly turn it off. I guess Stefan's journels were right.
I slowly walk downstairs, seeing the girls just eating fruit at the counter. I grab an apple and look at them.
"Well, we should get to school, shouldn't we?" I suggest, eating a few more bites.
"Ladies first." Lizzie says, standing up and walking out the door. I hear Jo laugh as I shake my head, before we follow her outside.
As soon as we got to the school, we saw the Elena Gilbert and The Bonnie Bennett standing in front of the office. I snuck a peack inside and saw The Stefan Salvatore. Then I herad Elena and Bonnie start to talk with my werewolf hearing, me and the girls just standing by a locker..
"Hold up. Who's this?" Bonnie asks.
"All I see is back." Elena responds.
"It's a hot back."
They stand there watching for a minute, then Bonnie decides to speak up.
"I'm sensing Seattle, and he plays the guitar."
Elena scoffs. "You're really going to run this whole psychic thing into the ground, huh?"
"Pretty much"
"What are they saying?!" Lizzie says, snapping me out of my consentration to listen to them.
"Shut up, I'm trying to listen."
Thats when I spot Jeremey Gilbert heading into the boys bathroom after a kid had told him, "Jermey, good batch man."
"I'll be right back" Elena says and follow Jeremy into the bathroom.
After Elena left Bonnie mumbled "Please be hot." at Stefan.
"What did your mom see in these people?" I ask sarcastrically.
"What happened?!" Lizzie demands.
"Okay, yes, I want to know too--" Josie agrees.
"Well, first Elena and Bonnie made comments about Stefan and how he was hot. Then, Elena went after her brother because someone told him he made good drugs and such."
"Okay, yeah, I agree with you." Lizzie says, Josie laughing beside her.
"Quiet, both of you. We have to get our schedules." Josies says, getting us to focus again.
"Yeah, sorry."
We walk into the office, talking to the lady at the desk to get our schedules. We all only have one class together each. History with the infamous Mr. Tanner. Again, I remember him from Stefan's journels. Yay. This will be so fun. We go about our days until it is finally time for lunch. Then we all sit down at the table together and start to talk about a game plan and what the hell happened.
"So where are we. I mean our mom's like 17 and our dad hasen't even moved to town yet." Josie spoke first, writing things down in a notebook.
"Last night, I asked Damon what date it was, because he is a vampire and we know for a fact that isn't the case because he took the cure to be with Elena, and now have kids. So , you know, I thought about how shitty our lives are and it clicked, so I asked him what the date was. He replied that it was 2009. That means time travel. And we're probably the Barry Allens of this story. But, also, let's not Nora ourselves out of existance."
"And that wasn't even the craziest thing to happen last night."
"What happened Lizze?" Josie asked worry evident in her voice. I look over at Lizzie too, watching her face which only shows horror.
"I got mud on my awesome outfit! I would never do that!"
"What the hell Lizzie! We're in fucking 2009 and all you can think about is the fact that your outfit had mud on it?" I stare at her, debating hurting her, as I grit my teeth. I mean we fucking time traveled and she only cares about her damn outfit! What the hell kinda person is that?
"Yeah, well maybe some of us don't usually have as big of damn problems as you!"
"Alright! Enough! Stop fighting please, and just head to class."
|| A little while later || Mr. Tanner's class ||
We were all heading for the same classroom. I still was determined not to talk to Lizzie so when we bump into each other trying to get through the door, we just glare at each other. Josie walks ahead of us and opens the door, walking in first.
"Ahh, more little devils for this period. And you three are?"
"I'm Josie, and my sister's are Hope and Lizzie." Josie speaks up.
"Would you happen to have a last name, girls?"
"Marshall." I quickly say, cutting off Lizzie who tried to speak before me.
"Marshall. Alright Marshalls, sit down in empty seats."
We all head to three diffrent seats. But knowing my luck, I got put closer to Lizzie then I would like at this time.
"Marshall?" Lizzie whispers over to me, eye still showing anger.
"Yeah, that way, when our familys move to town we won't be asked about our names."
"Isn't it still your mom's name?"
"Yeah, but it's more likely to be a coincidence then if we were Mikaelson's or Saltzman's. It's a more common last name."
After that Stefan Salvatore walks into the class room. He, surprisly didn't get as many questions from Mr. Tanner as we did.  He just walked to his seat without any questions. Lucky.
Then Mr. Tanner started to drone on about the civil war. I would enjoy learning about this, but with everything going on, I'm not so intrested. That and I already learned everything there is to know about this. Thats why it helps to have a 1,000 year old family.
"Once our home state of Virgina joined the Confederacy in 1861, it created a tremendous amout of tension within the state People in Virginia's northwest region had diffrent ideals than those for the traditional deep south. Then Virginia divided in 1863--" Time to ignore him and think about my problems instead.
Ha, maybe this won't be as different from the Salvatore school as I thought.
I start to look around the room, trying to find out more. Stefan's journels only had his point of view. This way, I can learn more about... everything. I looked over at the famous Elena Gilbert, who was looking at the other famous Stefan Salavtore. He also looked at her. What a damn 'Love at first sight' story this is.
Thats when Bonnie takes out her phone, and starts to type something into it. Not too long after, Elena's phone goes off. So Bonnie was texting her. How fun. How the hell would you even work one of those phones. I'm guessing that they started to gosip about Stefan Salvatore. I swear, it's like this is a damn TV show version of Twilight. At least for the 'love at first sight' aspect. Vampires, thank god, don't sparkle.
After a lot more of civil war talk, and the bell rings. At that we all get up and head to the next class. And then the rest of the day goes by like any normal school day. Or what would be a normal school day if I didn't have to sit through classes with people that we were taught at school about and was owned and taught us about all of this. Isn't awkward at all.
When the final bell rings, I run out of the room to find Lizzie and Josie who are by their lockers. I grab them and start walking away. Lucky for me, I don't have to stop at my locker so I just start dragging them home. I ignore the fact that Lizzie is complaining the whole way, as I was planning her death in my head instead of paying attention.
When we get there I sit them down on the couch.
"Alright. We need a game plan. We are Fre-emies to Damon. We help him, he helps us. We are going to high school, with your mom and her friends, and that's about it. Now that we recaped, we need to talk about what we have to do."
"How about, we look into ways to time travel, that might actually work and are real, while also looking for monsters that might have the ability to time travel. Maybe find Malivore and see if it is spiting out any monsters now?" Josie suggests.
"That sounds great. We can search the library during our free periods." I say.
"Sounds great. Now I'm going to go anywhere else. Like literally anywhere else." Lizzie says before walking out.
"Lizzie we need more of a plan--"
"And I need a break. Bye-bye!" Lizzie tells me, walking up the stairs of the house and disapearing from view.
I roll my eyes and take a deep breath. "So, Jo, what do you want to do?"
"How about we go to the grill? Get the milkshake you always like. What was it?"
"Peanut-Butter Blast with whip cream on the bottom."
"Yeah! Thats it. Lets go. Lizzie can have some time to herself, and we could get delicious milkshakes."
|| At Mystic Grill ||
Me and Josie were sitting down at a table, just chatting about random things as we wait to order.
Our waitress, as luck would have it, would be Vicki Donovan.
"What would you guys like to drink?"
"We will have two Peant-Butter Blasts with whip cream on the bottom." Josie says.
"Coming right up."
"Was that who I think it was?" Josie whispers over, while watching Vicki who just brought drinks over to Matt, her brother, Donovan and Tyler Woofwood, sorry Lockwood.
"Yeah. The Vicki Donovan. Doesn't she die in a few days?"
"Yeah. Damon kill's her I'm  pretty sure."
"No, it was Stefan to save Elena's life. I remember reading about it in his journal. Stake through the heart. I feel bad for her... Although, Damon does kill her to turn her."
Still watching Vicki we see Jeremy walk over and start talking to her. Not long after that conversation finishes, Caroline and Bonnie walk in. I point them out to Josie, and start listening into their conversation. It helped that they were talking so loud. I mean they are acting ike their on a TV show.
"His name is Stefan Salvatore. He lives with his uncle at the old Salvatore Boarding house. He hasn't lived here since he was a kid. Military family, so they moved around a lot.  He's a Gemini, and his favorite color is blue."
"You got all that in one day?" Bonnie replies.
"Oh, please, I got that between third and fourth period. We're planning a June Wedding." Hah, they did have a June wedding. To bad, he also died the same day.
At that Caroline walks off, Bonnie following a few minutes later.
Then after that there was just gossip, so we stopped eavesdropping.
"June wedding huh." I say to Josie, laughing a little.
"Shhhhhhh. We don't wanna talk about that."
"But she just predicted what would happen in the future. It's kinda funny."
"No because Stefan dies the same day!"
"You don't think I know that? That wasn't what was funny. Don't worry."
After that we sat there talking and drinking our shakes. Vicki came back a little later and we got some fries. That when I heard Matt Donovan say something that peaked my intrest so I pointed over to them and I started listening in again, using my werewolf hearing.
"How's Elena doing?" Matt asks. Poor love sick teenage boy.
"Her mom and dad died. How do you think?" Bonnie points out to Matt.
"She's putting on a good face but it's only been four months."
"Has she said anything about me?" Poor, poor forever human, Matt Donovan.
"Oh, no. So not getting in the middle. You can pick up the phone and call her."
"I feel weird calling her. She broke up with me."
"Give it more time, Matt."
"What's happening?" Jo asks me.
"Matt Donovan is love sick over Elena and Bonnie isn't getting in the middle of it."
And again, with perfect timing, Elena and Stefan walk into the Grill. I swear they were on a TV show.
Everyone turns around and looks at them when they walk into the Grill.
"More time, huh?" Poor Matt. He never stood a chance with the girl when Stefan moved to town, especially when Stefan's brother followed.
After that Matt stands up and walks away from Bonnie and toward the couple of the hour, Stefan and Elena.
"Hey, I'm Matt, nice to meet you."
"Hi. Stefan." He says while they shake hands.
That wasn't awkward at all. The two of them (Elena and Stefan) walk over to where Caroline and Bonnie were.
"So, you were born in Mystic Falls?" Caroline asks.
"Mm-hmm. And moved when I was still young." If by young you mean before you were over a hundred, then yeah. I'd agree.
"Parents?" Bonnie asked.
"My parents passed away." Didn't he kill his dad? And his mother is alive in a prison world? I mean he thought she was dead, but still. Passed away doesn't even begin to explain it.
"I'm sorry." Elena says. "Any siblings?"
"None that I talk to." I forgot how bad of brothers they were at this point. "I live with my uncle."
"So, Stefan, if you're new you don't know about the party tomorrow." Wow. I can't ever see Headmistress Caroline as a partier.
"It's a back to school thing at The Falls." Bonnie adds.
"Are you going?" Stefan asks Elena. Wow. This really was a 'love at first sight' thing. To much for my liking. What is this, a TV show?
"Of course she is." Bonnie replies for Elena. What a good friend.
Lizzie than walks into the grill and comes to sit at our table.
"There is nothing to do in this town. I miss The Salvatore school."
"Don't we all." Josie responds.
"So, I heard that there was a party. It's a back to school thing-"
At that I cut Lizzie off.
"We know."
"Ok, well great. We're all going. Because it's the only thing to do in this town. And no Hope, your coming too."
I just sigh and 'lay' down in my seat. This was going to be a long night. Scratch that. A long time before we get home.
|| The Next Day, At School, In History||
"The battle of willow creek took place right qat te end of the war in our very own Mystic falls. How many casualties resulted in this battle? Ms. Bennett?"
"Um... A lot? I'm not sure. Like a whole lot.
"Cute becomes dumb in an instant, Ms. Bennett.  Mr. Donovan. Would you like to take this opportunity to overcome your rmbrddrd jock stereotype?"
"It's ok, Mr. Tanner, I'm cool with it."
"Hmm. Elena? Surely you can enlighten us about one of the town's most significantly historical events?"
"I'm sorry, I-- I don't know."
"I was willing to be lenient last year for obvious reason, Elena, but the personal excuses ended with summer break." I inhale quickly, trying not to light something on fire.
"Four months isn't enough time for someone to grieve. Get your head out of your ass, and let someone who lost not one, but two people on the same day, deal with it." I glare at him. Four months is definetly not enough time to get better after one lose, let alone two. I should know, I lost three within... a month? Two?
After I went on my little rant I heard a few cheers while Mr. Tanner glares right back at me. Then Stefan speaks up.
"There were 346 casualties, unless you're counting local civilians."
"That's correct. Mister...?"
"Salavtore. Any relation to the original settlers here in Mystic Falls?"
"Well, very good. Except, of course, there were no civilian casualties in this battle."
"Actually, there were 27, sir. Confederate soldiers, they fired on the church,believing it to be housing weapons. They were wrong. It was a night of great loss. The founder's archives are, uh, stored in civil hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts. Mr. Tanner."
Before he even finishes the whole class is pretty much chuckling about him showing up the teacher.
All Mr. Tanner could say to that was an "Hmm."
Good for you Stefan.
|| Later at the party ||
All three of us arive at the party, Lizzie the most excited. Everyone was already there, because we arrived a little late, so we just grabed a beer and started our separate ways. I start walking toward a tree stump on the ground by the entrence. We see Stefan start to walk up to the party. He's looking around for someone, probably Elena.
Before he walks away though he notices me.
"Hey, your the girl who stood up for Elena right?"
"Wouldn't exactly call it standing up for her, as I was sitting down, but yeah... My name's Hope."
"Stefan. I just wanted to say that I thought what you did was really cool. You know standin-- sitting for Elena." He smiles, before sitting down next to me.
"Well, I mean she only lost her parents four months ago. He was speaking like it was ten years ago. I know I wasn't over my parents deaths four months later."
"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know. My parents died a while ago too."
"I'm sorry for your loss then."
"You too..." We sit there in a comfortable silence for a little while, Stefan looking around the party. Not too long later, he spots Elena, or probably listens for her, and finds her with Bonnie.
"Go on Lover-Boy. Go get your dream girl."
"I wasn't- I-"
"Go! You don't want to miss her."
With that he looks over at me, smiles, before standing up and walking over to her. Josie comes and sits next to me.
"Was that you talking to him?"
I noded, smiling at her.
"Cool. I only meet him a few times and I don't remember most of them, so you meet a walking Legend. Awesome."
We both look up and see Stefan and Caroline talking.
"You wanna do more eavesdropping?" I suggest.
"No, no, no. We shouldn't." Jo says, but I smirk at her, standing up and walking towards the two, hearing on.
"Hey! You made it!"
"I did."
"Well let's get you a drink."
"Well, I'm--"
"Oh, come on."
After they walk off, I look around and spot Lizzie. I look over at Jo and motion towards her sister, before slowly walking over to her.
"Hey, you ok?"
"Yep." She says before walking off.
"What's up with her?" I mouth to Josie, Josie just shrugging.
|| Josie's POV ||
I walk over toward Lizzie who is sitting down on the ground, her head inbetween her knees. Even over the loud music from the party, you could hear sniffles.
"Hey Liz. You ok?"
"Yup. Just fine."
"Wanna tell me what's wrong?"
"Lizzieeeeeeeeeeeee..." I say walking over to sit down next to her, criss cross apple sauce.
"No Jo. Not now."
"Lizzieeeeeeeeeeeee..." I say again.
"Jo, you can't help me."
"Sometime's talking about it helps."
"No Jo."
"Lizzie, you know you can tell me anything right? I will know how you feel. I've felt it before too."
"Do you know how I feel Jo? What this feeling is like? I feel like I'm going to go screw things up. I saw mom a lot today, and I wanted to go talk with her, but I was so scared that I would do something wrong, and mess up any chances I have to talk to her. And that's the best thing of all the downsides. I could have made it so we were never born!" She says tears streaming down her face.
"I could have made it so you were never born." She whispers.
"Oh, Lizzie..." I hug her from here she sits on the ground. "It's ok. You won't screw things up."
"You don't know that."
"I do. I trust you. And I know you have so much more potential to do good, and that you could go up and talk to mom and become her favorite person, even without her knowing that your her daughter. And that she won't love anyone more when she does."
"Thanks Jo." She sniffles, hugging me tighter.
|| Meanwhile || Hope's POV ||
I was walking around the party, beer in hand, when I hears Caroline, Matt, and Bonnie talking, while they look up on the bridge where Elena and Stefan are. Caroline spots me and runs over to me, grabing my hand to stop me from moving.
"Hey your one of the new girls right?"
"Yeah. That would be me."
"You're Hope, right? I'm Caroline. You seem to be all alone, which is no way to spend a party. Want to hang out with me and my friends?"
"I- um- I wouldn't-" Before I could even finish the sentence, she grabs my arm and brings me over to her friends, and I decide not to complain or anything. Easiest way to easedrop, be around the people. I feel like a spy.
"Hey Matt! Bonnie! This is Hope. She's one of the new girls!" Caroline introduces me, as I just smile at the two.
"Oh! Cool! Your in our History class right?" Bonnie asks.
"Yeah, she is because she gave Tanner that sass comment about Elena. That was awesome by the way. Not a lot of people would stand up for someone like that." Matt says before I could respond to Bonnie.
"Thanks. I just never like when teachers think that they are more important than what  is going on in the kids life. They could be having a really hard time, and not able to do most of the stuff they ask. And four months isn't enough time to grieve."
"Wow. You must be, like, a really good person." Caroline says.
"That is definitely debatable..." I laugh to myself, looking down at my beer.
After that we have just a bunch of chit-chat and small talk until after long Matt walks off, the Caroline. And... I can see she walked over to Stefan.
"That's not going to go well." I mumble
"Definitely not." Bonnie adds.
After a while, Caroline walked back over and immedately started to complain about the interaction with Stefan, saying how guys never go for her, but she gets cut off when Jeremy and Elena come running up from the woods, with Vicki in Jermey's hands. With a bite mark on her kneck.
The bite mark of a vampire.
Stefan quickly rushes a way, before the police show up.
And, eventually, the police show up with an ambulence for Vicki. Matt get's in the back with her, not wanting to leave his sister's side. I look around for Lizzie and Josie and I find them still sitting where Lizzie walked off to before. I look at them and they look at me, all three sharing the knowing look.
I'm heading with Caroline and Bonnie to the grill to get some coffee and wait for news on Vicki, trying to see if us being here changes anything.
Me, Bonnie, and Caroline get to the grill and I use the 'new' phone Damon got me and attempted to text the twins, with a little help from Bonnie who thankfully didn't ask as to why I didn't know how to use the phone.
|| A little while later || At the Grill ||
Me, Bonnie, and Caroline all are still at the grill in silence, sipping on our drinks every now and then, when I see Lizzie and Josie walk in. They grab a table by us and I just stare at the and try to comunicate without words, when Bonnie speaks up, and snaps me out of my consentration.
"Are you sober yet?"
"Keep drinking. I gotta get you home. I gotta get Hope home. I gotta get me home."
"Why didn't he go for me? You know, how come the guys that I want never want me?"
"I'm not touching that." Bonnie says, Caroline looking at me.
"Oh, nope not talking about that." I quickly say, Caroline looking frustrated.
"I'm inappropriate. I always say the wrong thing. And Elena always says the right thing. She doesn't even try! An he just picks her.  And she's always the one that everyone picks, for everything. And I try so hard, and i'm never the one ."
"It's not a competition, Caroline." Bonnie and I say at the same time, both trying to help Caroline.
"Yeah, it is."
At that we all just go back to sitting in silence. A little while later Bonnie had to go, and I gollowed soon after meeting Josie outside.
"Hey Jo. Where's Lizzie?"
"She'll be out in a minute."
|| Lizzie's POV ||
I look over where Mom was sitting. I see her send a small-- Nevermind. A big smile towards Damon Salvatore. Before they could even start talking, I sat down at Mom's table.
"Caroline, just because you don't get all the guys, doesn't mean your a failure. It just means not everything is working out for you. And if a guy turns you down, then he's the one with a problem. Not you. Your one of the best people there is out there. And if they can't see that, screw them. Most guy's are douches anyway." I say before I walk off towards Jo and Hope.
That felt really good. I got to talk to her... A teenage mom. I got to help her, or at least attempt to help her as she has many times before for me a Jo. Let's just hope that, you know, me and Josie are still born...
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jamielea81 · 5 years
Just a Simple Lie
Chapter 3
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Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Description: Having worked on small independent films for the better part of a decade, your friend tells you about an opening for a script supervisor with a large studio. Wanting to advance your career, you apply and get an interview. The only downside, they prefer to hire crew who are married. It’s just a simple lie, right?
Warnings: Cursing and Drinking
Word Count: About 3,000
A/N: This story is simply for fun. I know nothing about the personal lives of the two actors in this series and mean no harm. I am also totally guessing regarding the studio talk. Comments, reblogs, and likes are always welcome. Tag list is open, please send me an ask.
Internal thoughts are in italics.
Read chapter 2 here
Another week on set had passed as quickly as the last. There weren’t any late night meetings with either leading man, which was fine by you. Sure, you had worked with both actors throughout the week, but mostly on set, or a quick drop by in your office.
Since set life was pretty busy, your social life was suffering quite a bit. You hadn’t seen Joanna since the weekend before you started with the studio and she was pretty pissed.
“I work for fucking Sony, Y/N, and I make time for your ass,” she said flatly in the phone.
“Well, you like my ass. I mean, it’s pretty nice if I do say so myself.”
“You’re lucky you’re funny,” she added.
“Anyway…I’m picking you up in an hour.”
“Jooo,” you whined. “Sleeping in my bed sounds better. I just want to be lazy and watch a movie.”
“Too bad. I haven’t seen my best friend in weeks and we need to catch up. Besides, I have news for you.”
“Alright, you’ve piqued my interest. See you soon loser.”
Crawling out of bed and shimming out of your sweats, you dragged yourself into the bathroom to take a shower. Joanna’s idea of getting together usually involved alcohol, so you at least needed to look presentable.
Slipping on a cotton white dress with navy stripes and a pair of short brown boots, you called it good. The dress was comfortable and cute without much effort. You kept your makeup light, not only because you were feeling lazy, even after a long shower, but also because you were short on time. Running a quick hand through your hair a couple of times, your phone was buzzing with text messages.
Jo: I’m here!!!!
You let out a chuckle at her enthusiasm and tossed your phone in your bag.
 Joanna parked her SUV on the side of a street that was lined with boutique shops. It definitely wasn’t your normal area to drink or even shop, but who were you to argue? With work being as busy as it was and not to mention being the new girl, you had been pretty distant as of late.
“I just want to pop into this shop really quick, then we’ll grab some tea afterwards,” Joanna said.
The two of you enter a cozy shop that you didn’t catch the name of as it was etched in the glass with curly letters. Your tired mind couldn’t decipher quite what it said. Inside is cozy whites, pinks, blues, and yellows. Your mind finally catches up when you see a row of baby strollers.
We’re in a baby store?
Joanna floats around the shop, squeezing stuffed animals, burp clothes, and blankets. Pretty much everything with texture. You follow behind her like a puppy, wondering why she needs to pick up something here. She eventually stops her searching at a table full of onesies. She picks up two, one in each hand. They are both white in color, but one has a giraffe on it while the other has a bunny.
“Okay. What gives?” you ask.
Still holding the onesies in both hands, she looks at you with wide eyes. “What?” she asks playfully.
Her eyes give her away and you can tell she’s messing with you. Raising your eyes brows in return, you cross your arms and pop a hip out.
“I probably shouldn’t say anything because it’s really early, but you’re my best friend and I need to tell someone.” She pauses for a moment and again your tired mind is just not following. “I’m pregnant!” she squeals. She drops the onesies on the table and shakes her hands in the air.
You stare at her contemplating what she just said. Pregnant. The word sounds funny in your mouth.
“Oh my god. You’re pregnant? You’re pregnant!”
She chuckles at your enthusiasm as you start to jump up and down. You pull her into a hug and then pull back slightly, not wanting to hurt her.
“You can’t break me,” she said.
“Shush,” you say, and pull her back in your arms. “Guess I’ll need to find new friends to drink with.”
Joanna smacks you on the butt. “Someone needs to drink with Ian.”
 Filming was on schedule which was surprising. Generally, a film of this size would be behind, especially early in the shooting schedule. Granted, this was the largest project you had been a part of. Credit was due to the awesome director. He was amazing at communication with everyone including you. He often asked for your notes between scenes and sought out both Monica’s and your opinions. Both Chris and Keanu were amazing, often getting the scene with one to two takes. There were only seven more shooting days before a week and a half break, then off to the cold of Vancouver.
 Your cellphone buzzed with a text, but that was nothing new between Monica, David, and the writing staff calling or texting all the time. Pushing away your laptop, you picked up the phone from your desk and leaned back in your chair.
Unknown number: Chocolate chip or peanut butter
“What?” you mumbled to yourself.
Y/N: Who is this?
Before you can even set your phone down, it buzzes again.
Unknow number: Just answer the question
“Who the fuck is this?” Apparently talking to yourself was your new thing.
Y/N: I need context here mysterious one.
Y/N: Ice cream, cookies, protein bars?
Unknown number: Cookies, obviously. This is serious.
You sighed and decided to play along with the dealer of sweet treats.
Y/N: Chocolate chip of course. But if frosted sugar cookies come into play, that wins.
Your phone rang not a second later with the unknown number.
“Hello?” you said.
“Sugar cookies?! Y/N, come on. No. Just no.”
“Who is this?”
“Chris,” he said.
“Seriously?” he questions. “Evans.”
“Oh fuck. Sorry. I’m sorry Chris.”
“You should be. Sugar cookies,” he scoffed. “Come on!”
You let out a giggle. “I like what I like.”
“So, chocolate chip?” he questions.
“Yeah. What are you up to anyway?”
I’m stealing a box from Craft Services,” he says it like it’s something he always does. Like it’s just normal to call you up and ask what you like.
“Okay,” you sigh. “Next question.”
“How’d you get my number?”
“I asked Monica. Figured you wouldn’t mind.”
This was something you had to get used to apparently. Chris Evans has your number and you now have his too. Not that you would call him.
You hummed in response.
“See you soon,” he said before disconnecting the call.
Chris is coming to your office. No big deal, he’s been here before, on your first day and one other time. This is fine. You can be normal.
You straightened up your small office. There wasn’t much to clean. Mr. Fern was thriving, although you’d have to find a babysitter for him when you were in Canada. You had no pictures or artwork on your walls, but you did have a framed photo of your friend group sitting on your desk, along with a jar of pens in various colors and styles. There were three sizes of notepads, one in a beautiful rose tone with thick aged looking paper. The other two were lined like the type you would use in school. You were a minimalist at work, what could you say?
Twenty minutes later there’s a knock at your door.
“It’s open,” you shout, just loud enough for the person to hear.
You knew Chris would be coming by, so you had time to mentally prepare, but he still makes you a little nervous. The man is attractive and he’s so personable. You’re nervous with Keanu too, but he’s so much more serious. When the two of you do chat, which isn’t a lot, it’s about national issues, who’s your favorite poet, have you tried this or that brand of green label coffee? Okay, that last one is pretty low key, but still.
 “I bring peace and good tidings, but most importantly cookies.” Huge grin on his face.
In his hand, wrapped in a napkin, are three chocolate chip cookies. His hand is outstretched for you to take the cookies, but you don’t. Eyes looking from his hand to his face and back again.
“This isn’t a box of cookies. I expected a box of cookies.” You shake your head for added effect. “And not even a frosted sugar cookie insight.”
“Sugar cookie,” he says with such disgust. “Y/N. I brought you chocolate. You should be thanking me!”
The smart ass in you, despite the newness with him, can’t help but come out.
“You can leave them there,” you say pointing to a free space on your desk. Eyes fixed on your laptop, not bothering him a glance.
He huffs out a laugh and plops himself down on the extra stationary chair next to your desk. He sets the cookies down, but picks one back up and takes a large bite out of it.
You swivel in your chair to face him and roll your eyes. “Aren’t those mine?”
“You complained.” He shrugs his shoulders taking a second bite.
Rolling your eyes, you turn back to your laptop.
“This is new,” he said.
Sparing him a glance, he’s picked up your framed five by seven group shot. It’s from last New Year’s Eve. Jemma had just moved into a new apartment, free of her roommate from hell as she liked to call her. You all brought booze and she invited a few guys she knew and some ladies from her work. It was a good time and you ended up crashing in her bathroom. It wasn’t the best night’s sleep you’ve had.
“Yeah, those are my best friends.” A smile appears on your face.
He smiles and nods his head, eyes scanning over the faces. “Who’s who?” He angles the photo so that you both can see.
“Well, this here, with her lips attached to my cheek, is my very best friend Joanna.” You let out a giggle and he grins. “Next to her is her husband Ian. The gorgeous blonde is Jemma. And that’s Travis.” You rush through the last one, remembering you told Chris your fiancé’s name was Travis. Maybe he forgot. Hopefully.
“Travis? As in your fiancé Travis?”
“Mhm.” Tight smile on your face.
Moving the picture closer to his face, he hums. “Good looking guy.”
“Yeah, he is,” you reply.
“Looks kind of young though.”
Really? He is, but why bring that up?
“Are you calling me old?” you scoff, fake agitation in your voice.
“What?! Of course not. You make a lovely couple. Really,” he pleads. A sincere smile on his face.
You quirk your mouth to the side and sputter out a laugh. “I’m just fucking with you.”
Quickly covering your mouth with your hand. Can you say fuck to him? It’s so unprofessional.
“Me and my mouth. Sorry,” you say, cringing slightly.
He erupts in a deep belly laugh, head thrown back, eyes closed.
“Oh, my fucking god. You can say fuck all you want around me,” he says through bouts of laughter.
You let out a breath and relax.
“That was hilarious,” he sighs, wiping tears from his eyes.
“Yeah. Real funny,” you reply. “But yes, Travis is a little bit younger than me.”
He holds up his hands defensively. “I promise I’m not calling you a cougar; he just seems young.”
Truthfully, Travis did seem younger than he was. He was the serious film student, but on weekends, he was the eternal frat boy. Even now, seven years later he’s pushing thirty, but you wouldn’t know it.
The next few days brought other unrequested sweet treats to your office. Chris no longer asked what you would like, instead he’d show up with something he thought you’d like, or rather what he liked. One day it was a cheese danish, then caramel corn, and finally a monster bar, which turned out to be a Rice Krispies Treat with extra marshmallows and M&Ms. You started to skip lunch knowing you’d be eating something very unhealthy. The two of you would keep the conversation light, generally about music or movies. You wondered if he was this friendly with other members of the crew.  
 Washing your hair six times had done nothing. Jemma had promised the new color product she picked up was just temporary, but clearly that had not been true. You had been Jemma’s guinea pig since the day you met her on set of one of the first movies you had worked on. She was a hair stylist and anytime she received a new product, she was trying it out on you. This time it was a semi-permanent purple hair dye. She had assured you it was more semi than permanent, but after washing it too many times, it had only slightly faded. Your only saving grace is the dye was only on the underside of your hair rather than your whole head as Jemma had wanted to do.
Walking into work was a little nerve wracking for you. In the industry, there is a plethora of personalities and styles, so purple hair isn’t out of the ordinary, but it was quite the change for you. You wore your hair the same way every day. You dressed modestly and comfortably. Sneakers were the norm. You saved skinny jeans and cute dresses for your days off. Stepping out in purple hair was saying something.
A few wolf whistles from David and a couple of guys who worked in set design, you made it to your office relatively unscathed.
Today’s scene would have you working side by side with Monica. Most days you were both on set, but usually not for long. The two of you had met in her office most of the day yesterday going over today’s big love scene between Chris’ character William and Maggie’s character Sophia. Chris was a professional and the few scenes that you had watched Maggie in were great. The two of you had no doubt they finish strong, no pun intended. Except you were wrong.
“Cut!” Hugh, the director called.
It was the fourth take and everyone was starting to realize it just wasn’t working. There were no problems with the lines and the actors were both following the stage directions, but something just wasn’t right. The chemistry was just off.
“Y/N.” Hugh called, motioning you over to him. “You know this script better than anyone. What’s missing?”
You let out a long sigh. “It’s the two of them together. Don’t get me wrong, they work well together, but I’m not getting romantic tones from the two of them right now.”
Chris was watching you. His brow furrowed; arms crossed. Maggie was getting her hair touched up. Passionate hair took a lot of work.
“Will you go talk to him please?” he asked.
You nodded, clutching your script, you walked to him. Maggie was now occupied with makeup and Monica was currently speaking to her.
Chris uncrossed his arms and quirked one side of his mouth up. “It’s not working is it?”
“M’fraid not,” you replied.
He nudged his head to the left and took a few steps away from the rest of the crew. “What do you suggest?”
“Well, frankly, you just don’t look like you love her. You barely look like you like her.”
He shrugged his shoulders and gestured with his hand for you to continue.
You licked your lips and moved in closer to him. Lifting up your script, you tapped on a section of the scene. “When it says William looks into Sophia’s eyes passionately, you need to look at her like she’s the one you’ve been waiting for your whole life. Like if you didn’t have her right now, in this moment, you wouldn’t be able to breathe. And when it says he grabs her, don’t grab her by her shoulders.” You looked up from the page to see Chris watching you. “What?” you questioned.
He shook his head and smiled. “Don’t grab her by her shoulders?”
You could feel heat in your cheeks. You looked back down at the script because you had to look away. Him and those fucking eyes. Are these lashes even real?
“Yeah, that comes off more as angry passion, but that’s not what their love story is about. How about you try it with one hand cupping her cheek and one hand on the back of her head? But like, um. But maybe cup her cheek first and brush your thumb against it as well. And with your other hand, slowly slide it to her neck before the kiss.”
He nods his head again, his eyes downcast, thinking it over. “Like this?” he asks.
Suddenly, his hand is on your cheek and he’s staring in your eyes, thumb lightly brushing below your eye. His other hand softly touches the crook of your neck and he ever so softly brushes it to the back of your neck as he starts to lean in. Goosebumps erupt down your arms and you thank the gods you’re wearing a sweatshirt at this very moment so he can’t see it.
“Is this good?” The deep timbers of his voice making you swoon.
You nod slowly, not wanting him to remove his hands at that moment. “Um,” you lick your lips again. “Uh, ye-yeah. That’s exactly what I mean.”
He removes his hand and gives you a gentle closed lipped smile. “I think I got it.” He starts to turn around but then stops and turns back to you again. He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. “This is cute by the way.”
You give him a smirk and shake your head. “Go!” Crossing your arm, he salutes you with one hand.
Maybe you wouldn’t kill Jemma after all.
Tag list: @tanelle83 @pinknerdpanda @allaboutthebooz @estillion14 @panicfob @patzammit @heartislubbingdubbing @collinsstanharbour @twittytelly @thefandomzoneisdangerous @linki-locks11 @mywinterwolf @ab-baybay @rda1989 @chrisevansforever-blog @southerngracela @chrisevansfanfic @zsuzstyina @peach-acid @grtchnrs @hista-girl @trynnabemultifandom @symonlyjen5 @mrsshiddleston @tfandtws @xxloki81xx @heyyouwiththeassbutt @denisemarieangelina @evanlys19 @cheeseburgersstuff @linki-locks11
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Dance With Me? (Brian May X Reader)
WC: 3121
Warnings: Some swearing, its Very Australian, y’all it is so fucking cute
Summary: Y/N returns home to Brisbane for Christmas with her boyfriend Brian who is very shocked at how different Christmas is in Australia.
Tagged: @antoouu @ceruleanrainblues (If y’all wanna be tagged in any of my future works lemme know and I’ll do it)
A/N: I’m actually really proud of this one so I hope you guys like it! (Also all temperatures mentioned are in Celsius not Fahrenheit fyi)
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December 17th, 1978
 “Yes mum, I know. I am coming home for Christmas, don’t worry.” Y/N said, glancing at the clock on her bedroom wall. It was 10 at night and she had stayed up late so she could call her mother in Brisbane.
 “Well that’s good to hear. Are you bringing that rock star boyfriend of yours?” Y/N groaned at her mother’s question, her eyes going to the bathroom where Brian was currently taking a shower.
 “I don’t know. Maybe, but it depends on his schedule. You know how busy he is, mum.” Y/N said, twisting the cord of the phone in her hand. Her mum let out a sigh before taking the conversation away from boyfriend-related matters.
 “Mum I love you but its past 10 and I really need to sleep. I’ll talk to you soon, ok? Bye.” Y/N said, hanging up the phone and leaning back against the pillows. Y/N noticed that the shower had stopped, and soon enough Brian was emerging from the bathroom in nothing but his boxers.
 “Who was that on the phone?” Brian said, pulling the covers back and getting into bed next to Y/N, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Y/N snuggled into Brian, feeling calmer now that he was in bed with her.
 “Just mum. She wants to know if you’re coming home with me for Christmas. I said you might, but you’ve got such a busy schedule and my home is on the other side of the bloody world.” Y/N rambled, waving her hands about as she spoke, and Brian gave her a smile before kissing her cheek.
 “Tell your mum I’m coming home for Christmas.” Brian said, and Y/N stopped, her eyes widening in confusion.
 “I mean that’s great Bri, but what about recording and press releases and all that music industry stuff?” She said, and Brian chuckled, shrugging his shoulders.
 “I’ll find a way to get out of it. It’s Christmas after all, and I would want nothing more than to spend it with you and your family half way across the world.” Brian said, and Y/N felt herself smile, leaning up and gently kissing his lips.
 “I love you so much, Brian May. You mean the world to me.” Y/N said genuinely, looking up at Brian with love in her eyes. He smiled back at her, pulling her against him so her head was resting on his chest.
 “The same goes for you, love. I think the Earth would stop spinning if you weren’t in my life, Y/N Y/L/N.” Brian said and even though his words were sweet and sentimental Y/N let out a laugh.
 “Bri, that’s not possible. You’ve practically got a PhD in astrophysics, surely you know what makes the Earth turn and it isn’t me.” Y/N said, poking his chest lightly and Brian groaned, rolling his eyes.
 “God I was trying to be romantic and you went and fact-checked me. Seriously, woman.” Brian said, running a hand through his curly hair. Y/N just laughed, reaching over to switch off the lamp on their bedside table.
 “I love you Brian.” Y/N said, pecking his cheek as they slowly drifted off to sleep, tangled together under the covers.
December 22nd 1978
“Jesus Christ!” Brian exclaimed, wiping the sweat from his forehead as they stepped out of Brisbane International Airport, towing their luggage as they walked.
“Told you it was hot.” Y/N said smugly, adjusting her top as they waited for her sister to arrive with the car. Brian was wearing a long-sleeved white shirt that had become stained with sweat and long black pants. Paired with his thick dark hair, he was a hot mess in the December sun.
“Yeah but I though you meant England hot, not this hellfire.” Brian said, and Y/N laughed, rolling her eyes.
“It’s only 35 degrees, Brian. I’ve had to deal with summers where it gets to over 40 degrees.” Y/N said, and Brian groaned in disgust at the thought of weather that hot.
Suddenly they heard someone blaring their car horn loudly and Y/N looked up to see her sister Lucy sitting in the driver’s seat with a wicked smile on her face. Y/N grabbed Brian’s hand and dragged him up to the car, telling him to open to boot and put their luggage in.
“Luce! How are you baby sister?” Y/N said, once Brian had sat down next to her in the back seats of the car and Lucy had started driving.
“I’m good. I finished my nursing degree last year and I got a job at the Mater private hospital in town earlier in the year. How about you? Would you care to introduce me to the handsome man you’re sitting next to?” Lucy said, and Y/N scowled, sticking her tongue out at her sister.
“Oi, I’ve been back in the country for ten minutes and you’re already trying to nick my boyfriend. Lucy, this is Brian. Brian, Lucy.” Y/N said, and Brian gave Y/N’s sister a wave from the back seat.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Lucy. Y/N talks about you a lot.” Brian said, and Lucy chuckled, nodding with a smile on her face.
“All good things, I assume, Brian.” Lucy said cheekily, and Brian laughed, taking Y/N’s hand in his as he nodded. 
“Good. It’s nice to meet you, Brian. All Y/N ever talks about when we’re on the phone is Brian this and Brian that. So, tell me, what do you do for a living?” Lucy asked, and Brian smiled, shooting Y/N an amused look before answering.
“I do work in astrophysics, mainly. A bit dull but I love it.” Brian said, and Lucy nodded, turning off the highway onto one of the smaller streets.
“Y/N has always had a thing for smart men. Particularly ones with glasses, but I see you’ve broken that streak.” Lucy commented, and Y/N scoffed, leaning forward to smack her sister on the arm.
“Piss off, Luce. Can you just turn on the radio because I am quickly becoming reminded of why I left this place.” Y/N said causing her sister to roll her eyes before turning on the radio.
The song playing was incredibly familiar, and Brian straightened up as soon as he heard it. “Oh this is a good song.” Lucy said, turning up the volume on the radio, Bohemian Rhapsody playing louder through the car.
“Luce, do you know who sings this song?” Y/N asked cautiously, and Lucy shot her a look as they pulled up into the street Y/N grew up on.
“Of course. I’d be a total dumbass if I didn’t recognise a Queen song when I heard it.” Lucy said, stopping the car after parking in their parents’ driveway. Y/N and Brian laughed with each other as they took out their bags and pushed them up to the front porch.
“Guess who I’ve got with me!” Lucy announced as she swung the door open, causing her parents and other relatives to rush into the hallway. 
“Y/N! You made it!” Jo shouted, pulling her daughter into a tight hug. Y/N chuckled and hugged her mum back fiercely, glad to see her again given that it had been a year since her last visit. They walked into the dining room
“Oh it’s good to see you mum, however I have someone I’d like to introduce you to. Mum, dad, this is Brian.” Y/N said, stepping aside as Brian gave a small wave to her parents.
“We’re so glad you could join us. I know you’re always busy, so it means a lot.” Jo said, and Brian smiled as she hugged him tightly.
“Busy with what? Monitoring planets and doing boring sums?” Lucy said, cutting up a mango in the kitchen. Y/N’s parents looked at each other strangely as Brian let out a chuckle.
“Lucy, sweetie, Brian is in a band.” Jo said, and Lucy pulled a face, popping a piece of mango into her mouth.
“What do you mean? He told me he was an astrophysicist.” Lucy said, sitting on the kitchen counter. 
“I am, yes, but my main job is playing guitar in a band.” Brian said, and Lucy’s eyes widened as Y/N fought back a laugh.
“What band then, space man?” Lucy said, and Y/N frowned, walking over to the kitchen and stealing part of her sister’s mango.
“Only I get to call him space man, Luce.” Y/N muttered, and Brian laughed at their dynamic.
“I’m Queen’s guitarist, actually.” Brian said, and Lucy’s jaw dropped, her eyes the size of saucers.
“What? No fucking way!” Lucy said, causing her parents to let out a noise of protest at her swearing.
Brian and Y/N laughed, nodding in confirmation of Brian’s statement. “Yeah, I took a break from working on our new album to visit you guys for Christmas.” Brian said, slinging an arm around Y/N’s shoulders as they sat down at the dinner table.
“Y/N you are a terrible sister. I can’t believe you let me listen to a Queen song not knowing that the bloody guitarist was in the car with me. Tiffany is not going to believe me, I have to call her. Be right back.”
December 23rd 1978
“So how do you guys celebrate Christmas in Australia?” Brian asked over breakfast, a glass of orange juice clutched in his hands.
“Usually it’s loud and chaotic. People are swimming and there’s always water on the deck somehow. There’s a lot of fruit and seafood and champagne is drunk by all.” Jo said, and Brian chuckled, interested to see how this very different Christmas would go down.
“We do have some similar traditions, though. If you want, tonight we could go and check out some Christmas lights. Mum and dad used to put them up competitively when we were kids, but they’ve stopped which is disappointing.” Y/N said, sipping from the mug of hot tea she had.
“That sounds like fun, actually. I do love Christmas lights.” Brian said, and Y/N smiled, pecking her boyfriend’s cheek before stealing the bacon from his plate.
“Y/N!” Jo scolded, and Y/N gave her mum a kind smile, eating a piece of bacon before speaking.
“Mum, Brian is a vegetarian who is too polite to tell you that he doesn’t want bacon. Luckily, his girlfriend adores the stuff.” Y/N said, winking at Brian who had a dumb smile on his face.
“Ok, now that that’s all sorted out you two can go off and have fun somewhere. Your father and I can clean up.” Jo said, kissing Y/N’s cheek as she began cleaning up the table.
“You heard mum. Let’s have some fun.”
“Brian Harold May, don’t you dare!” Y/N screamed as Brian picked her up, holding her in his arms. They were by the Y/L/N family pool and Brian was holding Y/N over the water.
“I thought you said you loved swimming.” Brian said nonchalantly, a smirk on his face as he rocked on his heels, causing Y/N to let out a shout.
“Not when my dickhead boyfriend is threatening to throw me in the pool.” Y/N said, and Brian sighed, pausing for a moment before dropping Y/N into the water, laughing at her face as she fell.
Brian was in tears laughing once Y/N had resurfaced, her hair plastered to her face. She could tell that Brian was distracted so she leaned up, grabbing Brian by the ankles and dragging him into the pool.
Brian was gasping for air and Y/N was laughing hard, treading water next to her boyfriend. “What goes around comes around, May.” Y/N said, splashing Brian in the face.
“You are awful, you know that?” He said, splashing her back. Luckily Y/N avoided most of the water, but her eyes widened once she saw Brian’s hair.
“Oh my god Bri, your hair! You look like a wet dog!” Y/N said, cackling at her boyfriend’s now flat hair. He frowned, playing with his hair slightly.
“So what if I do? Is that a bad thing?” Brian said, swimming closer to Y/N. Y/N rolled her eyes, noticing that Brian was standing up while she still had to tread water.
“Just think you look funny. Not bad, but funny.” She said, wrapping her legs around Brian’s waist. His hands instinctively went to her hips, holding her up even under the water.
“I’ll take that.” Brian said, pressing his lips to Y/N’s. There was a hint of chlorine in the kiss, but it didn’t bother then as Y/N ran her fingers through Brian’s wet hair.
“I love you, poodle boy.” Y/N said, smiling brightly at Brian once the kiss was over.
“And I love you, you weird Australian.”
“It’s Christmas light time!” Y/N announced loudly, squeezing Brian’s hand as they left the house.
“It certainly is.” Brian said, smiling at the excitement his girlfriend had for Christmas lights.
“Sorry if I’m a lot, it’s just that I’ve always loved Christmas and whenever I see the lights they make me happy. Plus they remind me of my childhood which is a nice bonus.” Y/N said, and Brian nodded, kissing her forehead as they began walking along the streets.
“It’s all good, Y/N. I think you look adorable when you’re excited. I mean you look adorable all the time but still.” Brian said, adjusting his shorts with his free hand. 
The couple walked along the streets for an hour or two, checking out varying displays while Brian complained about the mosquitoes. “God they’re awful! How do you deal with them?” Brian asked once the sun had fully set and Y/N chuckled, shrugging her shoulders.
“Cover yourself in insect repellent. That’s my only advice.” Y/N replied, linking her arm with Brian’s as they entered another street. By 9 they returned home and decided to call it a night.
“Thanks for today. It’s been wonderful.” Brian said, playing with Y/N’s hair as they laid in bed together, the soft glow of Christmas lights from outside casting a red and green shadow on their faces.
“There’s no one else I’d rather spend Christmas with, Bri.” Y/N said, unknowingly echoing Brian’s words from the night he agreed to come home with her for Christmas.
December 24th 1978
“Ok we’re off to church, we’ll see you two later tonight.” Jo said, kissing Y/N’s cheeks before leaving the house with her husband and youngest daughter.
Once the door was closed and the house all but empty, Y/N smiled at Brian. “I’ll put the kettle on and make us some tea. You get comfy on the couch, mister.” Y/N said, resting a hand on Brian’s chest before kissing him softly.
“Yes ma’am.” Brian muttered, watching as Y/N sauntered into the kitchen, popping the kettle on the stove and leaning against the kitchen counter while she waited for it to boil.
Brian decided to ignore Y/N’s instructions and crept over to the record player in the living room, finding a copy of the Jackson 5’s Christmas album and placing it on the player. As soon as the music started Y/N smiled, recognising it instantly.
“I thought I told you to get comfy on the couch, May.” Y/N called from the kitchen, making tea for her and Brian. A smile settled on Brian’s face as he entered the kitchen, wrapping his arms around Y/N’s waist.
“I was in the mood for some music. Besides, you look so beautiful tonight.” Brian said, pressing a kiss to Y/N’s shoulder. Y/N felt herself blush, picking up a mug and turning around so she could hand it to Brian.
“And you look very handsome. Maybe it’s the sunburn but you’re just glowing, love.” Y/N said, and Brian pulled a face, taking a sip from his mug.
“Don’t bully me. I’m English, we never see the Sun at home.” Brian replied, and Y/N shook her head, setting down her tea and grabbing Brian’s wrist, leading him into the living room with her.
“Dance with me?” Y/N suggested, wrapping her arms around Brian’s neck as he nodded, his hands sitting on Y/N’s waist. The two swayed in time with the music and Y/N hummed along to the Jackson 5’s rendition of ‘Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas’.
Suddenly an image of the small velvet box in the drawer beside their bed came into Brian’s head, and he took in a shaky breath at the thought of it. He had been wanting to ask Y/N to marry him for a while, but earlier in the day he asked Y/N’s dad for permission and he granted Brian with it in spades.
“Stay right there. I’ll be back in a sec, I promise.” Brian said, pecking Y/N’s lips before rushing to their shared room. He quickly found the box and slipped it in his pocket, adjusting it so it wasn’t too obvious before returning to the living room.
“Took you long enough.” Y/N said, and Brian huffed, rolling his eyes before taking in a deep breath.
“Y/N, spending the last three years of my life with you have been a dream come true. You are a strong, beautiful, caring woman who takes shit from nobody, including me.” Brian said, chuckling as Y/N nodded at his statement.
“I love you so much and I don’t know where I’d be without you.” Brian said, dropping onto one knee. Y/N gasped, her hands flying to her mouth in shock as she looked at Brian.
“You’re the love of my life, even if you decide to make fun of me sometimes. Which is why I decided now would be the perfect time to ask you, Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, if you’ll marry me.” Brian said, opening the box and revealing a beautiful diamond ring that was small enough to sit comfortably on Y/N’s hand, but big enough to get people to ask about it.
“Yes, you stupid man, of course I’ll marry you.” Y/N said, crouching down and holding Brian’s face in her hands, pressing a passionate kiss to his lips. Unfortunately, Brian lost his balance slightly under Y/N’s body and slipped slightly, toppling backwards with Y/N on top of him.
They burst out laughing, unable to believe that this beautifully romantic moment had been ruined by Brian’s awful balance. “Where’s my ring, May?” Y/N asked once the laughter had subsided, and Brian smiled at her, taking the ring and sliding it onto her ring finger.
“Y/N May. That has a lovely ring to it.” Brian mused, and Y/N chuckled, pecking both his cheeks. 
“I’ve got a nice ring to me as well.” Y/N said, waggling her left hand in front of Brian’s face, showing off her new engagement ring. Brian let out a loud laugh, pressing kisses all over her face. 
“I love you so very much, Y/N. You’re the best Christmas present I could ever ask for.”
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sorenmarie87 · 6 years
Truth or Dare
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Summary:  It’s the week before Spring Break and your roommate’s cousin will be staying with you.  How is the game of truth or dare the two of you started going to go?  
Square Filled: Piercings (Kink) | College AU (Fluff)
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Ash x Reader, Dean x Jo.  Meg, Castiel (mentioned) 
Word Count:  3,199
Warning(s): Drinking (Everyone is of age here).  Sexual comments.  Not vanilla Truth or Dare.  Reading excerpts of cheesy romance novels (not written by me, I swear.)  Piercings.  Promises of sexual nature once the reader heals.  
A/N:  This was written for @spnfluffbingo2019 and @spnkinkbingo.  Shout out to @fictionalabyss as usual for looking this over and @coffee-obsessed-writer for giving me the prompt and helping me come up with the fic idea when I had writer’s block.  The two of you are the best.  
I do not own any of the pictures I used in my aesthetic. I also hate to say this but if you’re reading this fic - please be over 18.  
SPN Kink Bingo | SPN Fluff Bingo 2019
Who schedules a test the week before Spring Break?  At least your professor told you it was an open book test, and that you could take it home.  
You were scouring your book for the answer to this question you were stuck on and you were getting a headache.  If Jo were here, she would’ve told you to relax.  Your back popped as you leaned back in your chair to stretch.  ‘I need to take a break.’  Your stomach growled as you picked up your phone and unlocked it.  There were a few missed texts from a girl in your class asking about the same questions you were stuck on, but it was nothing compared to the string of texts from Jo.  
Jo was lucky.  She was heading to M.I.T. with her boyfriend to pick up her cousin who would be staying with the two of you over Spring Break.  At least, Ash would sleeping in the same dorm room as you.  Jo made plans to stay with Dean and winked when she told you.  She knew about your crush on him, but you’d never act upon it.  
Ash would never go for someone like you.  You were smart sure, but Ash deserved someone who could keep up with him.  
“Knock, knock.”  You looked over your shoulder and saw Jo standing in the doorway with a grin on her face.  “Did you finish that test while we were gone?”
“There’s a couple questions that I got stuck on but it’s not due until Friday, so I’m done for the night.”
“Good.  We have snacks and drinks here.”  She rustled the bag and you smiled.  
“Hey babe, are you going to move?”  You chuckled as Jo stepped into the room and made a beeline for her bed.  “Where do I put this?”  
“Y/N has a mini fridge beside her desk...so whatever doesn’t fit in there we can shove in the cooler until it’s time to drink.”  
“Ash, stop standing in the doorway and get in here.”  You felt your face heat up as Jo wiggled her eyebrows at you.  You rolled your eyes and flipped her off.  
“I hope you have room for my PBR.”
“I still don’t understand how you can drink that stuff.”
“It’s an acquired taste.  Sorta like me..”  You chuckled to yourself as Ash took a seat in the arm chair that was positioned between the beds.  
“Ain’t that the truth.”  
“Y/N.  Come on girl, wake up.”  You felt someone shaking your legs and when you rolled over and opened your eyes, you were staring directly at Ash.  “There’s those pretty eyes.”
“How long was I out?”
“Well Jo and Dean went out to get pizza, so about half an hour at least.  You mind sharin’ your bed with me, I need to stretch my legs out.”
You yawned and moved over on your bed so that he could climb up.  You watched as he made himself comfy and you smiled.  Jo would have a field day if she saw this.  “How’re classes going for you?”
“Fine.  Although you can’t tell Jo this, I almost got kicked out.”
“What?  Why?”
He watched your face carefully with a grin.  “I promise, it was just for fighting, nothing else.”  He nudged your side with his elbow.  “You worryin’ about me?”
“Well ain’t this cute.”  Jo said from the doorway as she held two boxes of pizza.  “Dean has more, don’t worry.”  Jo set the pizzas down on her desk and pulled her phone from her back pocket.  She took a picture of the two of you and then quickly turned around so you couldn’t see what she was doing.  She posted it on her Instagram with the caption ‘They look so cute together.’
Dean walked in with yet another bag, only this time it was plates and napkins.  You hopped down off your bed and Jo handed you one of the pizzas.  “You wanna watch a movie while we eat?”  
“You guys take forever to pick out a movie…”  You rolled your eyes at Dean who threw a wadded up napkin at you.  “We could always play a game.”
“Does it have to be a board game?”  You handed Ash the pizza box and a PBR.  He threw a wink your way and Jo clapped her hands together.  “What about truth or dare?”
“Aren’t we a little too old to be playin’ that?”
“I’m with Ash here... “  Jo nudged him as if to say ‘please just go along with this’.
“I’m in.”  You quietly said and then took a huge bite of the piece of pizza that was in your hand.  
“I love you so much Y/N.  I guess since these two won’t be playing it’ll just be truth or truth for now.  so Y/N, what’s the sexiest lingerie set you own?”
You choked on the what you were you were eating and you felt Ash pat your back gently.  You coughed as you glared at your dorm mate and best friend.  
“It’s a tie between the emerald green set I got the other day and the dark blue satin chemise… You know the one with the matching g-string?”
“Oh yeah, you looked hot in that.  Shame no one else was there to see it.”  
“Hey Jo, when did you masturbate for the first time?”
“I did it by accident when I was younger but to completion?  Ash cover your ears, probably 14 or 15.  So -”  Jo stopped talking when she felt Dean whisper into her ear.  She giggled and then took a swig of beer.  “Dean, I dare you to chug an entire beer.”  
“Too easy.”  It was under thirty seconds but Dean sat his empty beer bottle between his legs with a cocky grin.  “If I’m playing, you’re playing too Ash, so truth or dare?”
“I dare you to sit with your hand on Y/N’s thigh for the next few rounds.”
“Oh my god Dean, yes!”  Jo repeatedly hit him on the shoulder in excitement.  
You felt your face get hot as Ash looked at you for consent.  You nodded and he placed his left hand on right thigh.  You missed the high five that Dean and Jo gave each other.  “It’s my turn right?  Jo, truth or dare?”  
“Truth.  I’m playing it safe for now.”
“Have you been to a strip club?”  
“Funny enough, I’ve been to a strip club with everyone in this room.  Different times, of course.”
“You went with Y/N to a strip club?”  
“She was bummed that she failed a math test.  I needed to get her out of her head before she started spiraling.”
“Yeah, she bought me my first lap dance.”
“Nice.  Male or female?”
“Female.”  You winked at Dean and he gave you a thumbs up.  “She had red hair and legs for days.  I’m pretty sure she gave me her number.”
“Did you ever call her?”
“Dean, a lady doesn’t not kiss and tell but yes, I did.”
“You, uh, still keep in touch with her?”  Ash quietly asked.  
“We’re both busy, so it’s usually just a flirty text here and there.  I like her but there’s someone I want to be one day be in a relationship with.  I mean - if he feels the same way.”
“He’d have to be crazier than a bobcat not to like you.”
“Thanks Ash.”  You squeezed his hand and looked back over at Jo.  “It’s your turn Jo..”
“Dean, truth or dare?”
“Oh, we’re still playing?”
“No one plays just one round of truth or dare.  You need something else to drink?”  Dean nodded and Jo kissed him on the cheek before hopping down off of her bed and pulling out one for Dean and one for herself.  “Ash, you need another?”
“Yes’m.  What about Y/N?”  She tossed a water bottle and a pack of drink mix on the bed.  “Not drinking?”
“Maybe later…”  You mixed up your drink as Jo leaned over your legs and handed Ash his beer.  
“Now Dean.”  you watched as she twisted the cap off the top of his beer and handed it to him. “Truth or dare?”
“Boo, you’re no fun.  Okay, um... What’s one thing you would do if you woke up tomorrow as the opposite sex?”
“I would put on the skimpiest outfit possible and go to a bar just to see how many free drinks I could get.  I would also masturbate.”
“I know it’s not my turn but Dean, I dare you to put on a pair of Jo’s panties and stay in them for the rest of the night.”
“Um.”  Dean’s face flushed as he leaned over and whispered into Jo’s ear that he already wearing a pair.  “Wait, wait a damn minute.  If Y/N can go out of turn, Ash, truth or dare?”
“Dare.”  You heard him crush the can he had in his hand as he looked over at  Dean.  
“Y/N, give Ash your laptop.  I dare you to buy a special toy for Y/N of your choosing.”  You sighed as you got on your hands and knees and crawled towards your desk.  You heard Dean and Jo hoot and holler when you bent over the bed rail.  Ash meant to look away, but once your upper body went over that rail, he couldn’t stop staring.  The things he wanted to do to you.  He shook his head and tried his hardest to will away popping a boner.  You were making it hard though.
“Hey Y/N, truth or dare?”  You felt your face flush as you crawled back over to your spot and handed Ash your laptop after you let it boot up and typed in your password.
“Where’s your sense of adventure,Y/N?”  Jo whispered something into Dean’s ear with a smirk.  “You need to behave Harvelle or else.”
“Just ask the damn question already.”
“Fine - do you like getting spanked like you’re a bad girl?”
“What the fuck Dean?”  You looked over your shoulder at Ash who was focusing intently on what he was doing.  
“Maybe I’m asking for your future boyfriend…”  Dean smirked at you and you threw one of your pillows at him.  It didn’t reach him and all Dean did was laugh.  
“Sometimes yes.”
“What are we talking about?”  Ash chimed in as he closed your laptop and sat it at the edge of your bed.  
“How apparently Y/N likes to be spanked.”
“She does have a nice ass, so it makes sense.”
“Well, I just learned that my cousin is an ass man.”
“Nothin’ wrong with it.”  He shrugged and you laughed nervously.  Thanks Jo, thanks for making this awkward.
“Anyways, Joanna, truth or dare?”
“I hate you so much.  Dare, you skank.”
“You love me and you know it.  Now, I dare you to read a colorful excerpt from a romance novel.”
“Can I borrow the one you were reading the other night?”
“Sure. I guess.  Here.”  This time you successfully tossed your phone over to Jo with a smile.  “It should be pulled up already.”
Jo cleared her throat and started reading.  “My sewing could wait, I thought - could go to hell for all I cared.  Suddenly all I wanted to was watch Gronk do his thing-thang in the zone place there.  My vagina demanded it.”
“You gotta stop reading that trash.”
“There are some gems out there though.”  You huffed and then smiled as Jo threw your phone back at you.
“Okay, my turn right?  Ash, truth or dare?”
"Who do you most want to sleep with, out of everyone here?”  
“Jo’s my cousin, so that rules her out.  Dean’s my amigo but I’m not into him that way.”
“I think you forgot someone.”
“I’m a certified genius but yet I’m too chicken shit to tell the girl who’s sitting right beside me that I dig her and would like to one day sleep with her.”
“Are you saying…”
“That I’m as crazy as a bobcat for you? Of course..”
“It’s about time!”  You felt Ash put his arm around your shoulder and your face was on fire.  
“Sorry Ash, but Y/N - truth or dare?”
“Ohh someone’s getting ballsy now that you know your crush likes you back, all right.  I dare you to get something pierced.”  Jo grins at you as you look at Dean in disbelief.
“I hate you.”
“No you don’t. -”
“Ash, what do you think Y/N should get pierced?”
“Shouldn’t that be her choice?”
“It should but she picked dare.  So what do you think?”
“Nipple piercings could be fun.  You know what could be even better?  A tongue piercing.’’
“Tongue piercing it is.”  Dean grinned as you tried to hide yourself in Ash’s arms.
“Monster’s Ink.”  Dean stared up at the sign as you and Jo made your way inside.  “Really?  I hope they didn’t name this after that Pixar movie.”
“I can only imagine how you know that little tidbit.”
“Bite me, mullet man.”  Ash rolled his eyes with a grin.  The two of them followed in shortly after.  
“I’ll be with you in just a minute.”  
The four of you waited in the empty waiting room as rock music came from a speaker in the corner.  The same woman was now standing behind the cash register, handing the customer in front of you a small bag with instructions on how to take care of their newest tattoo or piercing and their receipt from their credit card.  
Sighing, she smiled and met your embarrassed gaze.  “Okay, how can I help you?”
“This one here.”  Dean nudged your shoulder and you glared at him.  “wants to get her tongue pierced.”  
Meg smiled as she looked at you.  “You don’t look like the adventurous type, but I’m guessing he means you want a midline tongue piercing?”
“Is that where -”
“It goes right in the middle of your tongue and that’s about 1.9 cm from the tip of your tongue.”  You watched as she pulled a consent form from a folder that was under the register.  “I need you to fill this out and pick out what bar you want while I go set up the room.  Your friends will have to wait out here though.  Those rooms are sort of tiny.  I’ve been telling Castiel that we need to find a bigger place, but he likes it here.”
It surprised you but getting your tongue pierced didn’t really hurt that much.  
Sure you teared up a little but as soon as Meg told you everything was okay, you got up from the chair you were sitting in and made your way back to the waiting area where Dean and Jo were quietly talking, and Ash was flipping through a magazine.  He perked up when he saw you walking towards him.  “Well, how’d everything go?”
“She took it like a champ.”  Meg smiled as she appeared behind the register.  “Okay, here’s what I’m going to do - our piercings usually run between 40 and 80 dollars, but since you’re my last customer of the night, I’m giving you a discount.  How does 35 sound?”
“Fantastic.”  You pulled your wallet out from your front pocket as Meg started going over some care tips.  
“Just remember, nothing too spicy and soft foods for a bit, otherwise it’s gonna hurt.”  Dean claps Ash on his back with a shit eating grin on his face.
“You hear that, Ash?  Guess you’re good buddy.”  
“Dean, stop putting ideas in his head, or else he isn’t going to be soft for long.”  Jo laughs as Ash discreetly tries to adjust himself.  You managed  to pull two twenties out of your wallet with a faint blush on your face and hand it to Meg who just smiles at your antics.  
“You’re an athhole Dean.”
“I’m sorry, what did you say?  I can’t understand you.”
“Bite me.”
“I’m already spoken for but I’m sure Ash would love to take my place.”
“I hate you so much.”
“No, you love me.”  
“Just chalk it up to jealousy, Y/N.”  Ash nudged your shoulder and the four of you made your way outside.  “Dean’s just jealous that he doesn’t get to experience the best part of his girl havin’ a piercing.”
Your face was still red but it was Jo that caught what he just said.  “Did you just call Y/N your girl?”  Her face practically lit up with excitement as she pulled her phone out.  “This deserves a picture, come on guys!”
Dean had his arm wrapped around Jo’s shoulder and the two of them were grinning as Ash flipped the hair from his mullet over his shoulder.  You giggled at his antics while you felt his other hand on your lower back.  
“This okay?”
“Ish fine.”
‘Our brave Y/N got her tongue pierced on a dare but tonight’s the night my best friend and cousin finally admitted that they have feelings for each other.’
After the picture was taken, Dean called a cab for himself and Jo.  She made you promise that you’d text whenever you got back to the dorm with Ash.  You agreed and when the cab pulled up, she hugged you with a wink and told you she’d be back sometime in the next few days.  You waved as the cab pulled away.  It was in that moment, you realized you were alone with Ash.  
“Now that those two are gone,  you let Dr. Badass take care of you, okay?”
“We need to get you some soft food for the week.  You gonna be okay to go into a store?”  You nodded as a lispy yes came out.  “All right, since Dean and Jo already left, we'll go food shoppin’, get some ice cream, and go back to your dorm and cuddle with no pants on.”
Your face flushed but you were happy.  “Shounds wike a plan.”
“Maybe, if you’re lucky, I can show you some of my piercings.”  You held out your hand with a shy smile as Ash kissed the top of your head and then your cheek.  He laced his fingers with yours as the two of you walked down the street to a small 24 hour convenience store.  You were just grateful that Dean and Jo weren’t here to tease you.  
The next morning however when you checked Instagram, you saw all the pictures Jo had posted from the night before.  “I’m gonna kill her.”
“Nah, don’t worry about it.”  You flipped over so that you were looking at him and raised your eyebrow.  “I need some pictures so I can brag to my friends that I have the prettiest girlfriend, if you agree to it I mean.”
“You're not fucking with me right now are you?”
“We'd have to be naked for that.”
“If I say yes, will you stop talking?”
“Never.  I will be happier than a camel on Hump Day though.”
“Then yes.”
“Well then. I do believe I owe you something.”  You brushed a hand over one of his nipples and gasped.  “That's just one of many darlin’, you just need to keep searchin’.”
Forever Tags - @lovetusk @coffee-obsessed-writer @justballoonfishthings @mirajanefairytailmage @kazosa@wings-of-a-raven @docharleythegeekqueen@clockworkmorningglory @lefthologramdeer @ellen-reincarnated1967 @holyfuckloueh @idreamofplaid@buckyscrystalqueen @ilovetaquitosmmmm @n3rdybird @super-fan-of-all-things @disneymarina @sandlee44 @babykalika2001
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