#shoutout to the boyfriend for both picking my outfit and taking these pictures I love you puppy
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happy Trans Day of Visibility y’all
I hope yours is as beautiful as mine 💖
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
Ft. Tendou, Kenma, Daishou, & Aran
Part 1 | Part 2 🩸 Part 3 🩸 Part 4 🩸 Part 5 🩸
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Ojiro Aran -
A Pretty AF Princess👑👸
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this hubby-material, absolutely perfect creation of a man has a royal kink. It’s not up for debate! 
argue with your mother if you disagree
Not in some crazy cocky sense where he thinks he’s royalty or something...
It’s moreso that he literally sees you as his princess already..... and treats you like it—even though you two have only been on a handful of dates!!! 
Where you wore cute and casual outfits only. 
Sooooo when you’re dressed as how this boy actually sees you....mannnnnnnnn
Aran Ojiro is all: 😦😦‘s and 🥺🥺🥺🥺’s
and a whole lotta 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩’s
Be prepared for him to shower you with compliments and attention, god damn 
At the Olympic Team’s sober bar hop yall go to, Aran’s telling you how beautiful you look and how much a crown on your head suits you every half an hour 
It puts butterflies in your stomach every time.
He’s dressed as a Prince to match you (which you had to beg him to wear because he doesn’t like the attention) and the entire night your new boo thing was treating you so sweetly 
Kissing your hand, holding you bridal style through door frames, bowing to you 🥺🥺🥺🥺 the whole nine yards
The twins, Bokuto, and even Sakusa kept making fun of him for being so simpy
But the man didn’t care lmao! he kept speaking over the boys when they chirped him, yelling at them that they are FORBIDDEN TO SPEAK TO YOUR MAJESTY WITHOUT ROYAL PERMISSION 💀
You couldn’t stop blushing, even though you were shy... you secretly felt like you were on cloud nine by the way he was being with you, honestly 
You thought the dates couldn’t get better but here we are.
“Ojiro..........” You blushed as you watch the guy you’re seeing and falling in love with Oop— press his plump and soft lips to you hand again.
“Hm?” He asks, opening them and looking up at you through his long lashes. He never removed your hand from his lips. You swooned even harder as your heart pounded, looking away. You tried again. 
“Umm.... you’re just being so kind treating me like this all night even though your friends are making fun of you, and you say it’s because I am your Princess but.... you do know that YOU’RE the one that gives off a Royal vibes, right?! Your entire aura and the way you carry yourself—even when I first met you—screams King. Plus everyone says it. That’s why people keep saying how much your costume fits you. You’re Like........” You gave yourself a beat to think. “—-you’re like the kind and gentle Prince who takes over his father’s throne and changes all the mean laws that were there.... then takes the peasant girl for his wife because he only cares about true love. That would totally be you. You’re like, amazing, Ojiro.” 
You were still looking away from your crush when you finished, immediately wanting to sink in a hole caused by utter embarrassment. 
What am I, a damn Disney narrator?🙄, you thought pathetically. 
Aran studied your features when you said all of this, his eyes softening. As soon as you were done speaking, he romantically pressed his lips against your hand again and then brought your hand down between you two, holding it. 
Next, he gently turned your chin with his free hand so that you were facing him, and so that you could see the sincerity in his eyes. 
You whimpered from the intensity you saw there. 
“Y/N,” Ojiro began in his gentle-king voice. 
“I could really go on with a monologue right now about how you carry yourself the same way you just described for me—like a Princess who overtakes her father’s throne and denounces any preexisting closed minded laws, then decides to give the humble baker—that’s me, a shot at a life of euphoria with you...... but I’ll save that for another time....” he paused, and you swore that you would never forgive yourself if the tears you were feeling decided to fall and ruin this moment. 
“No! It’s you, Ojiro. I’m not even close. You’re so perfect and—“ A handsome smirk graced Aran’s handsome face, making your butterflies explode. Somehow looking at that smirk you just knew that he could tell you were holding back tears with everything in you, so, being the modern Prince he is, Aran came to your tear-saving rescue. He lightened the voice, effectively lightening the mood; but his eyes remained just as intense. He chuckled cutely before explaining the reason behind the intensity. 
“Okay well uhh, hey, if you insist on calling me a Prince.... Then... as my first order of duty 👑, I’d like to ask you, my fair maiden, if would consider being so kind as to call this Prince: your new boyfriend? I mean—damn—sorry, did they even use that term back then?!” 
Your heart bursted, practically springing out of your chest:
Not Prince Eric, not Prince Charming and not even Flynn fucking Rider had anything on how amazing this Prince was! 
Your emotions bubbled over, letting out giggles that sounded just like a real Disney Princess’. 
“Yes, Aran!” You exclaimed, lunging forward to hug him. Aran laughed brilliantly, thanking you. 
You just basked yourself in this ending: Not knowing that your “yes” was the beginning..... of your fairytale. 
A/N: shoutout to my upcoming King Aran AU omg I am smitten 🥺🥺🥺
Kenma Kozume -
Gamer Girl 🕹🔌
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When it comes to Halloween costumes.......
You and your boyfriend Kenma are both lazy. 
So when Kuroo called and screamed at both of you because you promised to go to his work’s party tonight, (especially Kenma who would look really good to his superiors) you both reluctantly agreed .... again😑😑😑
While Kenma simply showered, dried his hair and put on your cat ear head band and called it a day, 
You realized that you had to scramble for a presentable costume. Shit. 
You scoured Kenma’s condo since you have been staying here and won’t have time to go home. 
Freaking out because you found shit all, your bf told you that you really don’t have to wear a stupid costume because this party is stupid and Kuroo himself is stupid. 
Speaking of the devil: kenmas phone starting ringing with the Kuroo ringtone, meaning he was calling. 
Kenma tried to ignore it, so you went into his game room to retrieve his phone for him. 
While you looked for his phone near his gaming set up, your eyes fell on your boyfriend’s Professional Gamer headphones. 
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You placed his headphones on, fixed your glasses and decided you’d go as a cute gamer girl! 
Kozume followed you in after a while when he didn’t hear you on the phone, stopping dead in his tracks when he saw you. 
“Th-those are my headphones.” Your youtuber says flatly, trying not think about how mind blowingly attractive you look with them on. 🤯🤯🤯
You just pointed at his costume.
“And that’s my kitty headband. What’s your point?” You retorted, winking at him behind your glasses. “I have a costume now: I’m a gamer girl. Do you like it?” 
Cat boy could only nod, his eyes growing dark. He pictured you gaming and it made him suuuuuper turned on. 
You noticed and like the little shit you are, you closed the distance between the two of you and wrapped your arms around his neck. You puckered your lips asking for a kiss. 
Kenma’s cheeks flared up, unable to stop himself from looking down your tight black & white tank top at your boobs. 
In true Kenma style, he ignored your ask for a kiss. 
“Kuroo is probably ou-out-outside, Y-Y/N. We should go.” Obviously flustered, your boyfriend quickly collected his phone from his desk and made a beeline out of his game room. 
You laughed, calling out to him from your place in the room. “I saw your boner, Kenma!”
“Shut up.” You heard your monotone boyfriend call back. You could picture his blush.
You smiled. 
Daishō Suguru -
Poison Ivy 🧑‍🦰🌿🥀
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Your boyfriend is a self proclaimed snake . 🐍 he even recently got one tatted on one side of his chest and it looks AH-MA-ZING
But anyways... like I said: 
Your boyfriend is a self proclaimed snake . 
.....And Snakes like leaves 🍃
Therefore, you dressed as a leaf.
After you got all ready, 
You Facetime’d him because he was away at a tournament and you wanted to show him your costume 
When Daishō answered while grocery shopping, he was not prepared. He dropped his phone, picked it up, stared at you in awe, then he quickly hung up on you. 
He didn’t want to sport a boner in the fucking meat aisle so he practically raced to the cash and called you back when he got in his car. Lol
no but fr Daishou went gaga when he saw you dressed as the sexy Poison Ivy
Not only is he a DC > Marvel Enthusiast, but Daishō loooved Poison Ivy because he and the super hero/villain had similar personalities 
Poison Ivy approached DC Universe situations the same way Daishō approached rival volleyball games: with a manipulative sense, a temptress grin, and ultimately being someone no one you can tell whether they are a hero or a villain. 
With all of that to consider, your man wasn’t even thinking about that because he was too busy thinking you look like sex-on-legs 
He stared at your body madddd hard
“Fuck me. I wish I was Clark Kent right now so I had x-ray vision.” He groaned as he covered his free hand over his face, opening his fingers to peek at you. “What are you wearing under those leaves? Anything?!” Your snake-like boyfriend tried to sound stern, but you knew better. 
Licking your red lips, you lean toward your laptop so that your boyfriend could see a close up of those red lips.
You saw him instinctively lean closer to the camera and take a deep breath.
“Your Best Friends/Name isn’t picking me up for another hour, Dai. But you and I both know that really means two hours. Anyway, I’ll slip on underwear when she gets here but I was....... sort of hoping you could show Poison Ivy that snake of yours......before then. She hasn’t met him yet🥺.”
In his rush to get back to his hotel for some hot ass web cam sex, Sugaru forgot the groceries in the car.  Oh well ;) 
the extra grocery trip he’d have to take later that night was well worth it. 
Tendō Satori -
Skeleton Chick w Dope Clown Makeup
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you cringed and put your hands out in front of you to protect yourself, just in time before your boyfriend Tendou tackled you on the bed you two share 
You expected this, and that’s why you had strategically placed yourself in front of the bed when you finally told your boyfriend you were done your makeup 
3 hours ago, you had a long talk with your red head as he sat down with his legs folded like a kindergarten student: 
“Ten. I love you, but you are NOT ALLOWED back in the room until I’m done my makeup. You’re too loud, and you’re making me shake. I need precision. I promise I’ll call you in when I’m done and have my costume on.” 
Just like a kindergartener student, your boyfriend gave you puppy dog eyes. 
“Ztttt! No buts!” You shut your eyes so that you weren’t looking at his puppy dog eyes that get you every time. “Ten, you can come in as soon as it’s done.” 
You heard him sigh, so you sealed the deal.
“Don’t forget that You’ll be the first to see it, my special boy.” 
“Alright!!!!” Tendou jumped up.
“Please, bring me to the room and shut the door behind you.” Since your eyes were still closed, your boyfriend hummed and linked his arm through yours, doing exactly as you asked. He lead you to your vanity and helped you sit down. 
“I’ll be waiting! Cant wait to see it! I’m going to bake a Halloween cake to waste time!” 
You felt a familiar kiss to the top of your head, then you heard your bedroom door shut. 
God you loved that Chocolatier. 
3 hours later, you were questioning why you loved that Chocolatier🙄, because he was crushing you under his weight after tackling you
Your boyfriend quickly rolled off of you and began his chatter. 
This was both of your favourite holidays so Satori has been gushing the entire week 
“OHO, you look awesome, Y/N-chan! When I was young, no one would take Halloween as seriously as I did so they’d say hurtful things behind my back and it made me very sad.....!!! Last year Ushi actually dressed up as the peanut butter to my jelly which was cool, but he didn’t know the words to the song for Karaoke......” His eyes lit up. “But now I have YOU! Someone who loves October 31st as much if not more than me! Oh, and you look beautiful AND scary! How did you do that??? Can you do my makeup like that, my love?! I want to match you! I also want to make love to you..... and—“
You reached over and covered Tendou’s mouth with your index finger. 
This cutie shushed himself, making himself cross eyed because he was now looking down at your finger on his own lips
You laughed. There is so much you could respond to, but thinking about a baby Ten being all excited for Halloween and his stupid bullies making him feel like shit for it tug at your heart strings, disallowing you to say anything else to your brilliant Chocolatier:
“Ten...........I love you. Happy Halloween.” 😌
This time, you hadn’t had enough time to put your arms out before you were tackled by an enamoured Tendou Satori again. 
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Who do you want to see react to your Sexy Hall🎃ween Costume next?
Part 3: 4/4 requested - closed 🚫
Part 4: 4/4 requested - closed 🚫
Part 5: (final part): 4/4 - closed 🚫
first come first serve - send me an ask!
Characters that are currently in queue: Iwa, Ukai, Daichi, Oikawa, Mattsun, Kuroo, Kyoutani, Akaashi, Tsukki & Noya.
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