#shswp ep9
From that moment in EP 9:
Ito leaves the room first, holding the scroll at his abdomen with both hands. Hayami bows slightly and subtly waves her fingers, spinning a silvery thread that whip-connects to Togarashi, Detect Good and Evil- it comes back inconsequential and Hayami narrows her eyes. She turns to leave and closes the door behind herself. Outside, on the way back to the professor village, she asks Ito if he’s sure he should handle the scroll alone while we still don’t know much about it. He looks down at the scroll in his hands and tightens his fists around it.
“I’m glad it can’t endanger the students anymore- we don’t know just how dangerous this scroll is yet, but the safest place to keep it is in the artifact storage cellar with me. We can alert Yamata-san about it first thing in the morning.”
Hayami reluctantly, silently agrees, and Ito enters his cabin. He hesitates for a moment just inside the door, and his hands start to sweat onto the scroll, still tightly clenched in his fists. He concentrates at the cellar door and pries a hand free from the scroll long enough to place his right hand on the door and recite the password enchantment. But painful visions cloud his mind-
he looks down at the scroll and focuses instead on his feet on the floor- blood streaks his boots as a stoic, spindly woman in rectangular glasses and black meiyoshida sorcerer robes steps between him and an oncoming attacker, planting a straight sword into the cloaked cultist’s ribcage and tearing it back out with ruthless efficiency. Ito ducks under another cultist’s swinging axe and fires a bolt of white hot energy through the enemy’s chest, he sees through the hole to the other side of the cult’s ceremony chamber where a man in a long victorian coat conjures a white, shimmering ghoul before him that leaps onto a cultist, clawing at its guts. Two more enemies run to get between Ito’s team and their objective- a little girl chained to the floor by a steel belt with bags of holding tied over each of her hands and bandages covering her eyes. Tito dives and rolls between them, driving his warhammer through one cultist’s knees and then uppercutting the other’s head freakishly upright with the next swift swing.
A cultist in priestly vestments points an open hand in the girl’s direction and his eyes glow green. The girl bolts upright and massive batwings sprout from her back- she raises one hand from the bag to reveal a black fist of tentacles- they fire off in all directions- Ito sidesteps adeptly, the sorceress with the glasses throws a spectral shield in front of herself, and the man in victorian garb jumps from floor to wall to ceiling- all narrowly avoiding the tentacles. The sorceress cries out for Tito to move- but his back is turned and the tentacles lash around one of his legs, pulling him to the ground and then turning the leg to ash- there’s a metallic whip and clang as the man in victorian garb uses Last Rites to lasso titos hand to pull him to safety, but another tentacle grips Tito’s other leg and pulls him back- knocking the man off-balance and yanking Last Rites out of his hand, a cultist plunges a dagger through his back- then another, then a dogpile. The sorceress rushes towards Tito and the child, slashing through tentacles only for new ones to take their place. Ito’s body ignites as he aims a fireball at the cult leader charming the girl. Just then, a black tentacle flies like a spear into the sorceress’s heart- most of her body turns to ash in an instant as she falls to her knees and lets out a scream that forces Ito to turn around, just long enough for the cult leader to escape through a dimension door. The smell of scorched flesh and freshly spilled blood overwhelms Ito now that the fight seems to be over and the room is silent but for the crackling of burning cultist bodies and the soft sobs of a scared little girl. He screams and releases the fireball into the living room, blasting a burning crater into the side of the house.
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Thinking my about how badly Togarashi felt for almost slashing through the barrier spell in one attack and then Mel turned around and does the same thing to him 😆
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Mel being a hype magical girl, but also needing to be the most emo thing in the room:
ALSO I found a leaked developmental description for this sequence that I wanted to share:
"She unleashes the otherworldy energy within herself, causing her skin to unwind into rotting sinuous bands revealing a multitude of crimson-red eyes under her skin. Large, nonfunctioning bat-like wings sprout from her back with the appearance of horribly thin and bruised tendrils"
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Stream of Consciousness after Ep 9
YO what they have actually the worst and most lame dude MARK MINNOW pulling up?? >o< 
jk maybe he’s cool idk
IDK that was a lot to unpack for a Mel fan.
When she had to say goodbye to Dad?! that shit was so sad
and her home got fireballed by her traumatized father WHO I GUESS SHE MAY HAVE TRAMUTIZED IN THE FIRTST PLACE??
and like... that's rough buddy
ALSO she’s like actually a death angel?? her form change was into a Shinigami???? feckn’ what?
Also that moment where Hikari was still crushing on monster mel was SO PRECIOUS im dying i love it so much they are perfect SO CUTE
Box jellies say “hai :3″
Mitsuaki. my boi. STILL not doin’ okay
He was the first one knocked out yet again lol
oh no
that was not a great exchange
my lad is angsty and angry at her
and she is just like “i’m getting sued watch ur ass”
Loved that Kori and Noburo aside where THEY got to make fun of how awkward Togarashi and Mel where. Like my dudes you are just as awkward, you ain’t hard just because you are both edgy lol
Codex Temporal... bruh SO MUCH LORE just dropped!
its like mega old evil and about to dictate the direction of this whole show AND THEY DONT EVEN KNOW IF THEY CAN BE TRUELY Destroyed??? 
ALSO this shit has some kind of time travel powers and that is so crazy that ITO was tempted by its magic?? ALSO that flashback was so visceral that bro woke up throwing an actual fireball. I am worried about him.
That speech Ito gave to Mel about how they can be so strong and make positive change in the present world even when he cannot seems like important foreshadowing idk how
Chiyo-chan continues to be the best and cutest thing to exist. not news, but IMPORTANT
She is such a good friend to Mel, like their sisterlike relationship is so powerful
But like her waking up to even her “fuck you” shorts. it was all so peak Chiyo cuteness
Her and Hikari’s “Final Boss stuff” was also so inspireing low-key. Like Mel was muttering “be the final boss” when it was training time AND IT WAS SO
lost money betting on mitsuaki not getting knocked out first. Iconic.
Hikari lore need to drop next episode because ive got questions
That black sand was SO RAD
Togarashi. Sweet prince.
Togarashi feeling ashamed and getting ready to leave was heartbreaking
THEN that vision from his god :0
Was the burning tome a vision from his god that he is on the right path? the quest to destroy the Codex Temporal is holy for him at this point i guess
omg him and Mel making up was sop important to me AND THE HUGGS :’)))
with the pepper seed too?? that is a really cute intersectionality of their friendship and what they find meaning in, where Mel is caring for these pepper plants now and maybe Toga will cook using things she grow. I cannot wait to see how her garden will grow in the spring
Overall a great episode with plenty of heavy and badass stuff and lots of healing cutesy stuff. 10/10
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mitsuaki's arc in this fight
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