paladiknighted · 7 years
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         “ not that i’m complaining exactly... ” leorio says tentatively to the person near him, “ but is it supposed to be THAT easy for someone to be hired as a doctor here in magnolia ?? or are they just that understaffed ?? because i won’t lie: that’s a little alarming. & weird. ” or maybe he is just very qualified ? who even knows at this point. 
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rcvenantleader-blog · 7 years
“I never thought I’d say this--but I’d rather be in Purgatory.” It seemed he’d traded one prison for another--although without any of his old cell mates. It seemed none of his old friends made it to Magnolia--shame. 
He was alone, outside of a bar, leaning against---he threw a glance over his shoulder---someone’s car, debating his next move. A rather large cheer came from inside the building-whether it came from some sports team scoring or someone knocking back their fifth shot he had no idea. Drunk people would cheer for anything given enough motivation. 
No, he was far more interested in the person leaving the bar. “Sounds like you’re missing the fun.”
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ofalltimc · 7 years
        {{ open // like for a starter/plotting
Honestly, Wash was so fucking grateful for having been hired on at the gym as a personal trainer. Literally so fucking grateful. Why? It meant near-continuous access, a useful and important thing for a guy whose...yeah, let’s not go into how...put simply, we saw a manifestation of the inside of Wash’s head one time and it wasn’t pretty. The point is, gym access meant he could do other things, when cats just wouldn’t cut it. And here he was. Being majestic and space-marine. In the gym.
The blows that he landed on the punching bag didn’t falter when footsteps neared. All he did was grunt out a, “-- You here to watch or join?”
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ncname · 7 years
        {{ open // like to be messaged for plotting/etc
Max was Australian. This much was abundantly clear every time he opened his mouth. But how Australian? Right now, on this Good Day™? Very.
He cooed as the wild snake wriggled around his hand and arm. “-- Aw, you’re not dangerous at all...not even poisonous, are you...?”
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nobiird-blog · 7 years
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     "I cannot understand. Men, women, and children of differing times, differing places— some have even lived among the stars. For weeks, I believed that I was DREAMING. I doubted the fantastic visions which arose before my eyes, which sought vainly for familiar sights and found none.” She blinks, casts her gaze somewhere far away on the horizon.      “It feels too bizarre a phenomenon to be without a drawback or a particular meaning. There must be a reason we have all been drawn here.”
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xregiis-blog · 7 years
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“i can’t believe no one here has wished me happy birthday yet.”  there’s a pout on his face, and he casts his gaze down to his phone screen, lit up with text notifications.  “only my family and old teammates have said anything to me about it.”
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unafreyd-a · 7 years
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"do you know where i’d be able to buy flower seeds?”  the princess has a watering can in one hand, and her simple dress has spots of dirt all over it.
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jvssriiley-blog · 7 years
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the last thing jessica remembered was walking through a mine at a quick pace with matt, being stalked by a weird creature that was out to get them all. things faded to black pretty quick for her, especially when she didn’t get away fast enough. now she was here. alive, well and very confused. “i... this isn’t blackwood.” she muttered to herself. the blonde looked around, trying to find the nearest person to where she was. when she was successful, she approached them. “um, excuse me? do you know where i am? and also, why am i not on the mountain anymore?”
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thereddestofrobins · 7 years
        {{ open // like to be messaged for plotting
Tim looked up, it suddenly dawning on him... “-- I’ve been legally an adult for twenty-four hours now and in those twenty-four hours all I’ve consumed is M&Ms and juice boxes.”
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shuffledstiles · 7 years
“If I had to rate on a scale of one to ten just how much I’m craving some Reese’s right now, I’d have to say it’s a solid twelve.”
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whenimgcne · 7 years
beth remembered it all so clearly. she remembered standing across from dawn. remembered knowing what was going to happen. remembered deciding that she would rather die saving noah. and then it was all over. it was all over. but now, here she was. breathing. alive. and there were no walkers anywhere. “where are they?” she hissed, “where are the walkers?”
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peacemckers-blog1 · 7 years
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Wynonna knocked back another shot of vodka, relishing the burn as it slid down her throat. She’s lost count of how many shots she did and perhaps that was a warning to stop (after all, this was how she found herself in this situation in the first place, a knocked up single mother-to-be – except she wouldn’t be because the kid deserved better than her and her lifestyle and she knew the right choice was to give her up but fuck, that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt) but she was sad and angry and she wanted to forget so she didn’t stop – she ordered another drink and absentmindedly swirled the liquid in the glass.
Someone came up next to her and Wynonna seized the chance at a possible distraction – not caring who it was or what they were doing, she called out, “Entertain a girl, will you? They say drinking alone is sad and pathetic.” She paused, a tipsy and bitter little laugh escaping her lips. “Not sure who ‘they’ are, though.”
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lechangelin · 7 years
Marie turned to the person she’d been speaking to, and smiled. “I ‘ave been ‘ere for a year to the day, and still I am finding things that surprise me. Can you explain what you’re talking about?”
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thexknightt · 7 years
Standing in the mirror with his razor to his chin, Bellamy’s eyes glance at himself with concentration. The tip of the blade touches his skin softly as he trims the edges of his beard. Without warning, Bellamy hears someone step inside. His neck swings around swiftly with his eyebrows dipping down in uncertainty. “ Who is there?” He asked cautiously. 
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shuffledrpg · 7 years
hi everyone.
so this has been a long time coming. but, after nearly two years, shuffled will be closing. we have had a very wonderful but wild journey, and i'm so thankful to have been able to experience this journey with you. all of you have meant the world to me. there have been a lot of ups and downs, but i will always cherish the wonderful memories i made through this rp.with shuffled, i've made so many lifelong friends that i would never have made otherwise. i have had an amazing time running this rp, & i hope all of you have had an amazing time being here. so much has happened over the past two years here, but some stories are better left closed.
this is not the end, though; it's only the beginning. admin kassim & i have collaborated once more & have been hard at work with a new rp, @cathecthq. it will be an appless, town rp that accepts multifandom canon & oc characters. we hope to see all of you there, & again: we wish all of you the very best. we'll miss every single one of you who have this experience absolutely wonderful. thank you to all of you. & again, we hope to see you there.
being your admin has been an honour & a blessing. i love all of you so, so much. thank you again, truly, for everything, & as always: happy roleplaying.
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ofalltimc · 7 years
        {{ open //
Eyes widening, Wash couldn’t help but feel a little daunted by the ride in front of him. It was a little ironic that he, a literal space marine, should be disconcerted by heights, but then again, maybe that made it make even more sense. The point was, “-- ...Uh...that’s high.”
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