#shut up cowcat
cowcat44artz · 3 months
I'm so sorry about your loss; losing a pet sucks.
Thank you, knew it was gonna hurt but damn, hit like truck. Everything feels so lonely, heavy and raw. Probably still processing things. He put up a good fight these past few months and had an “honorable” and hopefully pain-free send off.
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You made these past 15 years wonderful and wouldn’t change it for the world. Miss you dearly my big brave boy!🐈‍⬛
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cowcat44 · 1 year
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I don’t blame those girls for wanting to touch All Might’s chest. Those tiddies are humongous. Absolute honker bonkers. 
Laughed way more than I should've XD
Agreed and also quite jellies of these lucky ladies
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cowcat44artz · 7 months
Other than precious snake daddy, have you ever drawn any other Naruto Mpreg? Like Kakashi? Or Gai? I feel like being pregnant would calm Gai down a bit lol
Actually don't think so, but do wanna draw either a preggy (adult) Naruto or Sasuke at some point.
Wonder if anything would calm Gai down lol? That man has so much spirit.
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cowcat44artz · 3 months
Hi, I wanted to know when more photos of Orochimaru will be released?
Honestly not sure....
Dealing with the loss of a beloved pet so there's absolutely zero motivation for anything, let alone art at the moment....sorry.
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cowcat44artz · 2 months
I havent kept up with MHA in so long so I have no clue whats going on but I know whatever it is, Endevour def deserves it. What was funny was that I briefly mistook the hair of your watermark as him leaking through his top
Honestly MHA has/had so much going on, one can't even begin to explain it. Not to mention its conclusion coming up soon, very soon, like next week. But yes, Endeavor deserves anything he gets. Suffer you old fool!
FFFF oh no...now not gonna be able to unsee that XDD
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cowcat44 · 7 months
Is not ok…
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cowcat44artz · 4 months
Hiii! Were are the photos of Orochimaru pregnant? Or he fat?
Hi there. In certain images he's pregnant and in others he's chunky. Should be in my tags on each of the posts (at the bottom). "Stuffing/weight gain" for fat ones and "mpreg" for pregnancy ones. Also he's got the outie belly button when pregnant.
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cowcat44artz · 1 year
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Don't mention AI shit to me, its the fastest way to get blocked
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cowcat44artz · 1 year
I ❤ ur orochimaru
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Thank you very much :3
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cowcat44artz · 1 year
Ah, love the Orochimaru in labour series, that's what made me subscribe to your Twitter originally. But, if I remember correctly, it wasn't actually finished (i don't think you made a delivery piece, but if you did, my apologies, i didn't see that)
So my question is, do you ever plan on finishing it? I know you're currently doing other fandom stuff, so, just wondering
Thank you very much🙏 ❤️
Yeah….haven’t completed it yet, I left off with him starting to breech. Tbh have a bad habit of doodling a series, then getting distracted halfway thru and never finishing it. Wonder if its an ADHD thing😅? Either way, I do intend on finishing it.
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cowcat44 · 1 year
COWWWWW! LONG TIME NO SEE! Great to see you’re still an All Might fan. :D
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Hey you. Hope life is treating you well.
Always and forever! Excuse the super duper late reply on this
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cowcat44artz · 9 months
I recently noticed the MPreg Sanji art, who is the daddy? I have a feeling and a hope it’s a certain mosshead, but was it someone else you had in mind maybe?
The "commissionee" never specified who the father was 🫣😅 
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cowcat44artz · 10 months
Are you Into egg-preg stuff? Cause orochimaru + egg laying kink stuff is like a match made in heaven
Never actually dabbled in oviposition (is that the right term for it?) usually go for live birth, but don't mind it, so maybe i'll eventually test it out on orochimaru.
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cowcat44artz · 11 months
With Attack On Titan making a comeback, will you be creating any new art for the series? Your pregnant Eren is everything. Would you ever consider a pregnant/stuffed Levi?
Oh for sure, been slower than usual due to being sick and unmotivated. But excited to see the final chapter animated, which hopefully will bring some life back into my pen.
Actually drew a pregnant levi (some years ago) for a commission (which should still be up here), so might consider it.
Many thanks btw :3
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cowcat44artz · 1 year
Just one of those days where I just wanna delete all my art and social media accounts and dip
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cowcat44artz · 1 year
Hey Cow Cat can you pls make fat Tanjiro With Muichirou KNY season 3 pls?
This font is atrocious. The answer is no, unless you wanna commission me for it.
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