#shuuchi minamino
vintagehakusho · 8 months
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Yu Yu Hakusho Children's Book Series #1 || Page #10
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yyh4ever · 3 years
Togashi's 23 Final Illustrations
Source: Tankoubon, volume 19
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Enki & Koko
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Jin, the Wind Master
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Kazuma Kuwabara & Eikichi
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Youko Kurama & Shuuichi Minamino
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Young and old Genkai
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Shinobu Sensui (Dark Angel) & Itsuki (Gatekeeper)
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Toya, the Hexed Ice-Master
1K notes · View notes
Blind Date (Kurama Oneshot)
Summary: Your coworker Kuwabara convinces you to join him and some friends for drinks after work. Something was not quite right about the whole situation. Then you meet Shuuchi. Takes place post-canon.
Pairing: Kurama x Reader
Word Count: 4,476
Disclaimers/Warnings: Just fluff.
A/N: I really need to get back into Yu Yu Hakusho. It was my first and favorite anime. I haven’t written anything for this series since I was in middle school. Really hope I got certain details right. It’s been a while... I do remember Kurama’s lore differing between the English and Japanese versions. Went more for the Japanese. And holy crap there are so many spelling iterations for certain names. I chose the ones I remember. Also, I’ve never actually been to Japan but have been studying the language and culture to travel there one day. Translations for certain words are at the bottom just in case.
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To say your coworker tricked would not necessarily be fair. When Kuwabara invited you for drinks on a Friday night, he was acting suspiciously normal - the “keeping it cool” kind of normal. In the year you had known him, he was generally loud, borderline obnoxious while still having the biggest heart you’d ever known. The hulking redhead was an absolute softy. Despite being tired from overtime during the week, you couldn’t bring yourself to say, “No.” You did, however, interrogate him on the details.
“Where is this at?” you sighed defeatedly.
“The izakaya a block over. Right after work,” he grinned, the corners of his mouth not quite reaching his eyes.
That was a start. Good food and drink. But what was he up to?
“How many people?”
Kuwabara swallowed a large chunk of omuraisu. “Just a handful. I know you don’t like large crowds. If it makes you feel any better, Yukina will be there!”
Ah, yes. Little Yukina. You had met her multiple when she would stop by the office to bring him a bento lunch. She was a sweetheart.
“That’s a given,” you smirked. “You two are almost inseparable.”
“Yeah, well...” His face turned red as a strawberry. “I’m just glad she said, ‘Yes.’ Your idea of a low-key proposal was perfect.”
“Oh, stop! She would have accepted regardless,” you waved off his praise. “Now don’t distract me. Who else will be there?”
He held up a finger for each person he listed. “Urameshi, Keiko and Ku- Minamino.”
The stutter on the last name did not go unnoticed but you chose to let it slide. Minamino... You could at least tell Kuwabara gave you the person’s family name.
“Who is that?” You quirked an eyebrow while sipping your bottled tea.
“Heh? You’ve met Urameshi Yusuke before, but I don’t think you’ve met his wife Keiko...”
“No, I mean Minamino-san.”
Choking on his drink like you weren’t supposed to catch him deflecting the conversation, he set his bottle down. “Old friend of ours. Urameshi and I met ‘em when we were in middle school.”
Still not much to go off of. You leaned back in your seat with a grimace. They had all known each other for so long. It would be way too awkward for a newbie like you to just join in.
“Look.” Kuwabara rested his arms on the table. “It’ll be fun. I promise! It’s just a few drinks. And besides you need a break from all the studying.”
“The N1 won’t pass itself,” you scoffed playfully.
“You don’t even need that last JLPT level for your job. You can afford one night to enjoy yourself.”
You glanced up into his pleading eyes. Groaning dramatically, you relented. “Fine! I’ll go...”
Your redhead coworker fist pumped in victory.
“But!” He froze. “If I fail that exam, I’m blaming you.”
His laugh bounced off the walls of the lunch room, garnering the attention of some of the other employees. “Fair enough!”
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The end of the day came faster than you had expected. Kuwabara was already hovering around your cubicle as you closed the last of your files, obviously suspecting that you might try to sneak out on him. Begrudgingly, you trailed after him to the izakaya.
Your mood immediately brightened when Yukina spotted you and called out in the most adorable way possible. She was waiting patiently with Yusuke (as he preferred you to call him) and who you guessed was Keiko. The other person Kuwabara had mentioned was absent.
“Yukina-chan! Good to see you, again. It’s been a while,” you beamed at her.
She nodded apologetically. “Yes. I’ve been getting the public area of the dojo ready for cherry blossom viewing.”
“Ah! I forgot that was coming up...”
You had managed to miss the last of the cherry blossom season the year prior. Moving to Japan was a huge stepping stone in your life.
“You should join us there in a few weeks,” she invited, motioning to the group. “We will all be there.”
“Speaking of,” Kuwabara interjected. “You’ve already met Urameshi. This is Keiko.”
“Nice to meet you,” you bowed lightly.
Keiko responded in kind.
“So where is Minamino?” Kuwabara looked around.
“Mina- Oh!” Yusuke’s confusion seemed to clear with a sharp look from Keiko. “Yeah! Shouldn’t be too far behind.”
What was with the weird air around this person’s name?
It was then you noticed a head of crimson hair rounded the corner.
“There you are!” Kuwabara waved the new redhead over.
He waited to reach you all before speaking. “I had a last minute to report to finish. I hope you haven’t been waiting too long for me.”
“Nah!” Yusuke responded with a grin, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Just got here a couple minutes ago.”
You had to admit this Minamino guy was pleasing to the eye. His deep green eyes worked perfectly with that long hair. That, however, did not stop you from shooting a quick scowl at Kuwabara. He was trying to set you up. Again.
Your coworker grinned shamelessly at you. “So, this is Minamino Shuuichi.” He then proceeded to introduce you.
“It’s nice to meet you, Minamino-san,” you politely smiled into a bow.
He mirrored you in the pleasantries. “The pleasure is mine. And Shuuichi is fine.”
You then found yourselves ushered inside, Kuwabara not wanting to let you escape the outing. You were trapped in between Yukina and Keiko. The boys had done the same with Shuuichi who looked about as pleased as you. How many times had they forced him into the same situation.
A round of sake and karaage was served and the chatter continued. While everyone else joked about, you kept mostly to yourself, only throwing in quips at various intervals. Shuuichi was on the quiet side but was still fairly engaged. He seemed a bit... Overwhelmed might have been the right word for it. It was when he excused himself to go the restroom that things livened up in a sense.
Yusuke mentioned a time when they were in middle school and he had “rescued” Kuwabara and his kitten from a rival gang. His wording choice set Kuwabara off, stating he could have handled it himself. Of course that sparked a heated yet somehow still playful argument between the two. So not too different from the first time you had met them. By the time Shuuichi returned, Yusuke had slid into his seat to keep the fight going with Keiko snagging the one her husband previously occupied in an attempt to calm him down. Poor Yukina was trying her best to get Kuwabara to change the subject. With no other choice, Shuuichi took the empty spot next to you. A small part of you wondered just how much of this your coworker had actually planned.
Leaning towards Shuuichi slightly, you wondered out loud, “Is this normal for them?”
“Yes,” he chuckled. “What started it this time?”
“Something about a gang kidnapping a kitten... Aikichi I think was its name.”
“Ah! I remember that story. It usually does end like this.”
You took a sip of sake while venturing a glance at Shuuichi. He wasn’t glued to the verbal fight taking place like everyone else. He was watching you curiously but intently with those malachite eyes.
Before you could respond, Keiko and Yukina had given up and turned back to you.
“So Kuwabara mentioned you’re from out of the country,” Keiko started, now pointedly ignoring her husband. “Your Japanese is great! How long have you lived here?”
“I wouldn’t say that.” Embarrassment was clear in your voice. “I’ve still a lot to learn. It’s only been a little over a year since I moved.”
“Heh?! You’ve been here that long and Kuwabara hasn’t invited you to join us before?” She shot a glare towards him that he pretended not to see.
Either he was great at multitasking or the argument was truly planned, because he indignantly responded, “I have, too! There’s always some excuse like work or studying. Mostly studying.”
“Like I told you already, that exam won’t pass itself,” you quipped light-heartedly, a snarky smile adorning your face.
“Like I told you already,” he mocked, “you don’t even need the N1.”
“Woah! Like JLPT N1?” Yusuke chimed in.
“Y-yeah,” you looked away, resisting the urge to hide your face in your hands.
Shuuichi’s gaze on you was so potent you could practically feel it. “Seems you’ve been studying the language more than you’ve led us to believe.”
When you finally looked at him to give a snarky retort, his lips were curled in a playful smirk. Whatever words you had planned abandoned your tongue in that moment. This guy was definitely enjoying himself now.
“So Kazuma said you had taken the N2 exam shortly after moving here, right?” Yukina piped up.
“Yes...” you drawled. What was she getting at?
“Well, amidst all the chaos, did you ever get the chance to do any cherry blossom viewing?”
Was this her version of a segue? Was she giving you an out?
“Mmm... I did technically see them but I never did go to a park or anywhere else with a group like everyone else...”
“Oh!” Keiko clapped excitedly. “Now you definitely have to come to the dojo when the season is in full swing!”
With that she gave you her number so she could contact you about it later, prompting everyone to exchange numbers with you. Though hesitant at first, even Shuuichi followed suit.
The rest of the night was pleasant and without another incident between Yusuke and Kuwabara. Maybe you should have taken up the offers for drinks sooner. You were actually having fun. Shuuichi grew a bit more lively, throwing his two cents into the conversation more often. At one point, he rested a hand on the back of your chair, leaning a bit closer to you without it being uncomfortable. It could have just been the alcohol causing him to relax more, but part of you wanted to believe he was enjoying himself.
It felt like it ended too quickly. Now outside, your phone showed how late it had gotten. It was time for the band of misfits to go their separate ways. Yusuke and Keiko were the first to depart for the nearby station, but not before Keiko insisted you text her in the morning. Both Kuwabara and Yukina wished you well before going their own way, leaving you with Shuuichi.
“I guess that’s my cue to head home. See you around?” You took a step away towards your apartment building.
“Yes,” Shuuichi cleared his throat. “If it’s not too forward, may I walk you home?”
Your hands wrung together nervously. “Are you sure? My apartment is literally just around the corner.”
His smile was bright even under the veil of darkness. “I am, yes. I would feel better knowing for sure you made it back safely.”
Relenting, your lips tugged up into a shy smile. “I suppose I wouldn’t mind the company.”
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You didn’t see Shuuichi again until you all met up at the station a few weeks later, but you did hear from him quite a bit. He texted you frequently, most of the conversations short like he wasn’t quite comfortable with that communication method. There were, however, a few longer ones that let you get a tiny read on his personality. Calm energy, intelligent, a hint of mischief. Kuwabara had done a much better job at pairing you up this time.
It was early on a Sunday morning and thankfully the station was not as busy as it usually was on the weekdays. Shuuichi had made it there before everyone else, the morning light causing his hair to shimmer like rubies. You barely had a chance to greet him before Yusuke and Keiko arrived along with the ever prompt train. Once you had found your seats, Shuuichi settled next to you, allowing you to have the window.
“Have you ever been to the countryside?” Keiko asked, stealing your attention from the speeding landscape.
You shook your head. “Not yet. Work keeps me fairly busy.” You hadn’t even taken much vacation time aside from Golden Week last summer.
“A lot of firsts for you today,” Shuuichi smiled. “This will be quite the adventure.”
The way his face lit up was infectious.
The rest of your time was spent with the gang informing you on what to expect which honestly wasn’t much, but they did try to make it sound exciting. It was mostly just hanging out under the trees with some drinks and snacks - casual and relaxing. Yusuke livened it up, regaling stories about sparring with Kuwabara and always winning. Leaning in to murmur in your ear, Shuuichi clarified that it was almost always. Kuwabara had managed to get the jump on him a few times. Your snicker earned you both Yusuke’s glare before he continued with how he was just holding back so he didn’t hospitalize his friend.
It wasn’t until the train reached your destination that you noticed the mountainous landscape dotted with dense tree lines that were devoid of any cherry blossoms. Odd considering that is what you came here for. Shuuichi stood, holding out a hand to help you up which you gratefully took. This station was tiny compared to the prefecture you left behind, more like a platform than anything. The group led you down a long winding path before reaching a massive stairway with larger than life torii framing the entrance.
Calling out for a race, Yusuke bolted up the steps with an annoyed Keiko chasing after him.
“Forever a teenager,” Shuuichi laughed and shook his head.
You nudged his arm just as you started up the stairs. “At least he’s having fun.”
“Fair point.” He skipped a couple steps to trail up by your side.
Reaching the top, you finally saw what you had really missed out on last spring. The blossoms were absolute perfection, better than what you had seen online. They were white giving off an ethereal, pale pink glow as the sun shone through the thin petals. The wind had gently released some of the flowers from their branches, littering them on the ground.
“Are you alright?” Shuuichi called to you, his hand brushing your elbow.
Your mind snapped back to reality. You didn’t even realize you had stopped walking until then. “Y-yeah. I just... This is...”
Beautiful, wonderful, gorgeous, serene... None of the words would transfer out of your brain to your voice.
“Breathtaking?” he finished for you.
All you could do was nod, about to be lost in the haze of petals, again. Before you could, the movement of Kuwabara waving at you all caught your attention.
“Come on.” Shuuichi grazed your forearm as he left your elbow to take your hand. “We’re being left behind.”
His warm hand was a nice contrast to the cooler weather and you had no issue with holding it as he brought you with him to follow the others towards a more secluded spot to view the blossoms. Yukina sat on a blanket that was already laid out under one of the trees with food and drink, greeting you all as you picked a spot to rest.
You could see why this was a yearly tradition. Aside from one moment when Yusuke and Kuwabara tried to randomly spar after another argument, the day went by relatively peacefully. It was a shame when sundown was approaching. It was time to head home. Working together, you helped clean up and bring everything inside. The sun was just hitting the horizon by the time you made it back to the station platform. Thankfully, you didn’t need to wait long for the train. Exhaustion overwhelmed you shortly after you took your seat, falling asleep within twenty minutes.
A gentle squeeze to your hand brought you out of your slumber. The sky had darkened considerably. You found yourself leaning on Shuuichi’s shoulder. When did...
Bolting upright, you stammered, “I’m so so-”
“Don’t be,” he smiled and stood, holding out his hand like before. “Let’s get you back to your apartment.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Yusuke’s wide grin as you took Shuuichi’s offer. The redhead must have seen him and just shook his head as led you off the train.
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Shuuichi: Good morning
You: Morning! What’s up?
Shuuichi: Any chance you’re available tomorrow night? I was thinking the new kaitenzushi that opened.
You: The one a few blocks down from that izakaya?
Shuuichi: That’s the one!
You: Sounds like fun. Sure!
This was how a lot of your weeks were going. One of you would text the other about meeting up with Kuwabara finding out and grilling you with questions the following work day. He always wanted details to see if Shuuichi had made a move yet. Despite your ever growing crush (something you would never admit to your coworker), the most you two had done was hold hands when he would lead you somewhere. Even through the genuine joy you could see he felt, he was still holding back.
You were mulling all this over one evening while watering the plants on your poor excuse for a balcony. What would you label your relationship? Was there even one you could use? You were friends but felt there was something more. Or at least, that’s what a small part of you wanted to think, a part the Kuwabara shamelessly encouraged, insisting Shuuichi liked you more than he let on.
Setting down the small watering can, you headed inside and went to close the sliding door. Before you could get very far, a black blur shot through the opening, coming to a halt on the table you had recently pushed aside to lay out your futon. The blur turned out to be a spikey-haired man of a shorter stature. His piercing red eyes bored into your very soul. Dramatic? Yes. Is that what it felt like? Absolutely.
“So, you’re the one Kurama has grown fond of,” he sneered.
“Wha- Who’s Kurama?” Out of all the questions swirling in your mind, that was the only one you managed to voice.
You were frozen to the spot. If he could reach your balcony on the fifth floor and move as fast as he just did, you didn’t have much hope of escaping.
“Tch,” he scoffed. “He hasn’t even told you. If you’re as intelligent as he claims, you should be able to figure it out. You’ve spent much time together.”
The only person you could think of was... Oh... That first night at the Izakaya. Kuwabara’s stuttering. Yusuke’s confusion.
“Shuuichi...” Your voice was barely a murmur.
“Hn. Not bad. Didn’t take you as long as I thought.” The man hopped off your table and passed by you on his way out. “Hiei, by the way.”
And he was gone.
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Another dinner with Shuuichi was planned for a few nights later. You hadn’t texted him about your “introduction” with Hiei, feeling it was better to talk to him in person about it. The later part of your work day was overwhelmed with your anxiety, so much to the point where Kuwabara was stopping by your cubicle regularly to make sure you were okay. You weren’t.
If Shuuichi really was this Kurama, what did that mean? Unless comic book heroes were coming to life, Hiei obviously was not human. No human could move like that. So then, what was Shuuichi? Not that it really mattered. You were more curious than anything, feeling that you had an accurate read on his personality. Lying by omission was probably the closest he was to being flat out deceitful. Right? He hadn’t done anything to hurt you and it was doubtful that he would. But what would he do if you confronted him about all this?
Your thoughts continued to cloud your mind as you left the office and headed to the izakaya you originally met at. Shuuichi was waiting just outside the restaurant door which he held open for you when you reached him. The smile he greeted you with seemed burdened.
Making yourself comfortable at a small booth, Shuuichi sat across from you. This was usually the part where you would ask each other about their day but that didn’t seem like it was going to happen. The awkward silence permeated the air even when the server came to take your drink order.
“Is everything okay?” You fiddled with your hands in your lap, finally deciding the quiet was too much.
“I was about to ask you the same thing,” he spoke softly, watching you carefully like anything too sudden would cause you to bolt. “You seem distracted.”
“You could say that,” you sighed.
Two beers were brought to the table before you could say anything else.
You took a swig from your glass before beginning again. “So, I met someone earlier this week...”
“Oh?” He calmly took a sip of his drink.
Nodding, you continued, “Mhmm... His name was Hiei.”
Shuuichi’s movement faltered as he set his glass down.
“So you do know him,” you confirmed softly.
“I did not say anything,” he tried to defend.
“You didn’t need to.”
Looking up into his eyes, there were no traces of anger, just uncertainty. “What did he tell you?” he cleared his throat.
“He called you ‘Kurama’. Honestly, that was about it.”
Suddenly the bubbles swirling in his beer were the most interesting thing in front of him at that moment. “I see... I do go by that in a certain circle.”
“I’m assuming Kuwabara and Yusuke are part of that circle.”
He arched an eyebrow at you. “What makes you say that?”
You snickered half-heartedly. “Looking back at it, they almost blew it the day we met.”
“That does sound like them,” his lips turned up in a smirk.
“So what is with the name? Is it just a nickname or is there something else to it?” You leaned on the table curiously, your beer long forgotten.
“There is something but...” He sat back against the booth cushion. “I’m not sure if I should talk about it, especially here.”
You nodded. “Okay. But just to satiate my curiosity, does it have anything to do with what Hiei is?”
His eyes widened with confusion. “With what he is? Why wou-” He pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. “He showed up on your balcony.”
“Yup. He’s pretty quick for someone so tiny.”
“That he is,” he chuckled with an edge of surprise, probably not expecting you to take this so well.
Leaning in closer, you ask, “So I take it that, yes, he is not human?”
Shuuichi sat up straight, lacing his fingers together while bracing his elbows on the tabletop. He examined you for a few moments before striking up a bargain. “How about this: We have our drinks and enjoy our time here. Afterwards, we can head to the park and I answer your questions there.”
It wasn’t necessarily a bad plan. The park was a public area. There was more of a chance of someone else being around in case something happened.
You raised your glass to clink against his and he obliged.
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The summer air was warm with a light breeze to keep it comfortable. Shuuichi had led you to a park bench where you both rested. He angled himself to where he was partially facing you.
“Are you sure you want to know?” The seriousness of his eyes tampered with your temptation.
“In all honesty?” You met his gaze. “I’m not sure... But I’ve come this far. Might as well.”
He sighed, “Alright then... What would you say if I told you that youkai exist?”
“Well,” you contemplated while worrying your bottom lip. “I guess it’s surprising, to say the least, though not completely outlandish.”
His eyebrows shot up. “So you would believe me, then?”
“I already do, Shuuichi. Every culture seems to have their own version of youkai, demons, fairies and all that. And while it could just be that humans are collectively unimaginative, is it really so hard to believe that some of it might be real? After meeting Hiei... It kind of opened up a new door of possibilities.”
To say he was stunned would be yet another understatement. He flopped against the bench, letting his arms rest on top of the back. He had diverted his gaze away from you and looked off in the distance. Cicadas took their chance to fill the silence between you.
“He’s forcing my hand and he’s not even here,” Shuuichi murmured. “Yes, about Hiei.”
You propped an elbow on the back of the bench, leaning on your arm to fully face him. “And what about you?” you asked with soft curiosity.
When he looked back at you, you could have sworn his eyes were a golden amber for a split second. “Yes and no...”
Tilting your head quizzically, you urged him on. In short, he was a thieving kitsune known as Youko Kurama from another world called the Makai where most youkai resided. About to be killed, his soul left his body and found refuge in the human world, in a human baby still in the womb. He even gave you a smattering of information about his life as a human; His mother is an absolute saint, especially so when he met Yusuke.
“Does it bother you?”
“What? That you aren’t totally human?”
At some point, you two had moved closer together, shoulders grazing each other.
“Not really, no.”
His body stiffened noticeably. “Why? I’ve done horrible things in my life.”
“And?” You laid your hand on his and squeezed it gently. “What you were and are does not change who you are. If you are as terrible as you claim, you would not be feeling guilt and regret right now.”
“I could hurt you,” he spoke in a low voice.
“You could. But. I don’t think you would. There have been plenty of situations where you could have, yet you didn’t.
He flipped his hand over to cling to yours. “But-”
“No,” you stopped him. “You sound like you’re trying to convince yourself right now.”
His emerald eyes stared back at you with a sigh. “Are you sure? I have refused romantic relationships in the past because of the dangers.”
“Kurama...” The name he gave you the choice to use rolled off your tongue. “You deserve happiness and you should not have to hide yourself.”
That was the real truth of the matter. He didn’t want to deceive his significant other like he had his mother.
He pulled his hand away from yours and cupped your cheeks instead. “I would like that,” his breathed, warm breath fanning against your lips as he brought you closer.
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Izakaya- Japanese pub/tavern
Omuraisu- Omlette over bed of rice
Karaage- Japanese fried chicken (Bite-sized. Usually found in Izakaya)
Torii- Tall, red gateway generally at the entrance of or inside a Shinto shrine. Marks a sacred/spiritual area.
Kaitenzushi- Conveyor belt sushi restaurant
And for those who don’t know, JLPT is the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. N1 is the hardest level.
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kurama-is-love · 5 years
I’m so happy right now!! I thought we were a dying breed lol Any chance on getting an insight on what Youko/Kurama would do to attract the girl they like? Little talks, doing something to get her attention only on them, etc.?
I thought so aswell. Actually I really liked him back in 2004 when the Poltergeist movie got to germany (sadly we only got the movie, nothing else) and then 2013 was a big comeback of my love of him.Funny though because 2004 I prefered his Youko form but now I am all in love with the redhead more.
Well about your ask, I can split both personalities since Youko surely thought differently from our known Kurama. And when I write Youko, I always write him back in his thief days. Just to not confuse you.
Kurama / Shuuchi Minamino
to be completely honest, Kurama doesn’t have much work to have his crush having her full attention. He is quite a catch, from his looks and personality. And if his crush is not in love with him until now, they will be. They just don’t know it at first
Though, he has to act carefully not to put them into danger because of his many enemies waiting in the Makai. He will surely try to push away his feelings at first, because he doesn’t want the same thing happen again what happened during his Middle School when he met Hiei for the first time
he still tries to be close to them though, like if they attend the same class, he tries to sit next to them or have them as his project partner during class projects. He will find a way to be close to them if he really want
but I guess his most prominent signature to draw their attention are his flowers. A beautiful red rose as a greeting, gently putted in their hair with his charming smile all over melting their heart instantly. He just loves to gift them roses.
you can guess, that Kurama is quite serious about them, when he starts to gift them roses. Because the flower language is quite strong and he would never be so reckless to give false signals if he wouldn’t really mean it.
other than that, he is quite forward to ask them out, like.. at weekend or after school to stroll together to a park or even have a dinner somewhere. It doesn’t sound like an official date at first, but his intentions are quite clear when he shows up in the most formal outfit and being the perfect, humble gentleman
he also showers them with compliments, that they get a good hint what he feels. they always feel treasured and love, when Kurama treats them out. He will make sure about this. His sweet nothings he will occasionally whisper are just so cheesy and romantic, hell, he can wrap you around his fingers before you can blink.
Kurama has always that shiny bright aura of charism around him that will totally draw their attention to him when he enters a room. He likes the effect he has on them and will always carry a small and proud smile that he make them feel dizzy that easily without really trying
Youko Kurama
Youko is a bit different. If he wants someone’s attention, he sure as hell does something impressive to get all his eyes landed on him.
it’s much easier if they are on his group though, because then he can go for the most dangerous robbery he ever want. Remember the break in in the palace where Kuronue died? That mission was a piece-of-cake in comparion what he would do to get their attention
Imagine the biggest, most valuable gem in the whole Makai. Defended by the most powerful Yokai of S-Classes. Even Youko will put his life in danger to go for this gem, but he would do it if he has their attention and they realizing how amazing he was
though Youko didn’t needed such kind of stuff either, because he was very popular in the Makai too. Many females were after him, so probably his crush was no exception. He just had to take them when he wanted.
but if his crush was the big exception and didn’t showed interest like the other females, Youko took this as a challenge. He wouldn’t try to woo her in desperation though, but he would make it clear that he was interested in them
to get their attention he would even let them close to his thieves. Like, getting her close to his family and introduce them to everyone, most likely to show how much he values their company. And even to show his comrades that they have to take care of them when he is out on a mission. It’s a clear sign of trust and devotion, to let an outstander into his group of thieves. Feel special.
Youko didn’t needed any foul tricks anyway, because he was fearful, attractive and won’t hesitate to show them his desire for them. He just needed to show his god-like perfect body and they literally screamed internally to touch him.
But if he really was interested in someone, he just would not get their attention by doing something. He would totally grab them and throw them around his shoulder, stating a simple: “You’re mine now. Any complaints?” and that’s it. Though only if he was sure you feel the same way about him.
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