crystaltrinket · 3 years
Written in the Stars - SasuHina Winter Week 2021
Hi dudes! Here's a little something for SH Winter Week, based on the prompts from @shweekly. This will be a short series, hopefully. I haven't finished writing out everything yet. I hope you enjoy :) Please see the author's note at the end for any additional notes.
Written in the Stars | SasuHina | Summary: Modern AU - Sasuke never got the chance to tell Hinata his feelings towards her before he left to study abroad. Now he's back. AKA: Sasuke is too busy being butthurt from being abroad and everyone acts as his wingman to help finish what he started before he left... if he can stop being butthurt.
Part 1: Winter Constellations
Hinata huffed, slowly climbing the ladder leading up to the rooftop of the onsen-ji her family owned. On days when she needed to feel peace, she often laid on the rooftop tiles and looked for the night’s constellations.
Today was one of those days.
Hinata shivered and brought her jacket closer around her. It was forecasted to snow soon, and the onsen-ji would be busy in the next coming days. Winter was always their peak season. Exhaling a long sigh, Hinata settled herself on the clay tiles and laid down with her long hair fanned out under her, staring at the clear night sky.
Silently, she began mapping the night sky’s constellations.
‘There’s Orion’s Belt and if that’s there, then Orion is right…there!’ Hinata smiled to herself, proud, even though she’s mapped the constellations hundreds of times before. Ignoring her buzzing phone, her eyes searched for Rigel, the brightest star in the constellation.
‘What was the trick to finding Rigel?’ she thought as she squinted her eyes at the night sky. Hinata tightly closed her eyes and blinked a couple times to refocus her vision. ‘Orion’s Belt goes up like that…’ Hinata’s eyes followed the slight curve of the stars and her mind drifted to a memory she kept to herself.
It was the eve of her birthday that year.
Traditionally, she celebrated her birthday the day before with friends since her family celebrated her birthday by staying in the temple all day. Rubbing her gloved hands together, Hinata followed a boy with dark hair to the ladder steps leading to the temple’s rooftop. They had left their group of friends in one of the rooms, fast asleep and warm, having karaoked themselves out during their festivities.
‘Sasuke-kun? What are we doing up here?’ she asked as she followed him up the ladder.
He looked down at her between the ladder steps. ‘You’ll see.’
Hinata softly chuckled. ‘O-okay, Sasuke-kun.’
Sasuke grunted as he hefted himself over the last step and offered his hand to help pull Hinata up as she got closer to the top of the ladder. He pulled her in close, sharing his warmth. ‘Keep your eyes closed,’ he whispered in her ear.
Hinata felt her heart skip a beat - in anticipation, nervousness, having Sasuke so close; she doesn’t know. Obediently she closed her eyes and allowed Sasuke to lead.
He kept his arm wrapped around her, as he held her hand with his free hand. His voice was gentle as he guided her away objects she could trip on.
‘You really need Neji to come back from college and clean up the roof,’ he muttered. Hinata smiled, hearing the smirk in his voice.
‘Or you could come, and I’ll help you clean up,’ she answered. Sasuke didn’t respond back but she felt him pull her closer to him, squeezing her hand.
He brought them to a stop and Hinata felt the warmth of his arm leave her shoulder as his hold on her hand.
‘Okay, open your eyes.’
Hinata opened her eyes and softly gasped at the sight in front of her. Sasuke had cleaned up a small portion of the roof, and what greeted her was a thick blanket laying on the tiles, a quaint picnic basket was placed upon the rooftop ledge. String lights were strewn up providing a soft glow to the scenery.
‘Sasuke-kun,’ Hinata breathed out.
Sasuke gave her a small smile. ‘Come on, hopefully your cinnamon rolls will still be warm.’
Hinata smiled at the memory. Remembering that night well, after enjoying the cinnamon rolls, Sasuke taught her how to identify the constellations. She could still remember his voice guiding her through the process. ‘Now remember to find Rigel, you just need to find his belt and then follow the line to his foot. And…there it is.’
Hinata’s eyes traced Orion’s Belt once again and, true to his word, when she followed the imaginary line to where Orion’s foot would be, Rigel shone brightly.
Hinata nearly jumped out of her skin when her phone started buzzing in a consecutive pattern. Fumbling with her phone, she squinted as her eyes adjusted to the brightly lit screen.
She bit her lip as she scrolled through her missed text messages.
I’m so excited~ I can’t wait to see everyone! 💞- Ino
The hot springs are gonna do wonders on my aching muscles~ 💆 - Sakura
I could help with that… 👀 - Naruto
Gross! Keep that shit to yourselves!! - Kiba
No one needs to know! - Ino
Agreed. - Shino
Is Sasuke even in this group chat? - Shikamaru
Naruto, I’m going to kill you. 💢 - Sakura
-Naruto added Sasuke to the chat-
Heya, bastard! We’ll pick you up at the airport! - Naruto
See you all at the famous Konohagakure Onsen-ji! 💖- Ino
That was nearly an hour ago. The airport is one hour away from the onsen-ji. They would probably be here in the next thirty minutes or so. Gulping down her sudden nervousness, Hinata figured it was time to get herself ready for her friends’ arrival.
Hinata dusted herself off and made her way towards the ladder to go back down when she felt her phone vibrate.
‘The hawk has landed and has been retrieved! 👍 ETA: soon-ish…’ - Naruto
Despite her nervousness, Hinata couldn’t help but smile. She quickly sent a reply and made her way down the ladder to enter the warm temple.
“Good evening, Hinata-sama,�� a voice greeted her. “I take it you had a refreshing time up on the roof?”
Hinata gently nodded her head. “Yes, thank you, Ko-san. Has the Presidential Suite been prepared for our guests?”
Ko bowed his head. “Everything has been prepared to your requests, Hinata-sama.”
Familiar scenery whizzed past him as he sat in the backseat of Naruto’s car. Sasuke perched his chin in the palm of his hand, as he looked out the window. Nothing much had changed since the last time he was in the country, but at the same time, he felt everything had changed.
“Dude, seriously?! You’re going to get another traffic ticket if you run one more red light!” Kiba yelled from the passenger seat to the blonde who was driving.
Naruto shrugged his shoulders. “What’s one more traffic violation? Besides, I wanna make sure we get there before the girls and Shino, so we get the best view!”
Sasuke heard Shikamaru let out a small sigh as he felt the small car speed up.
“You know Hinata secured the Presidential Suite, right? There’s no need to speed up. We’ll all have the same view.” Shikamaru rolled his eyes, stopping at Sasuke next to him. His hair, grown out a little longer since the last time he saw him, covered his face but he could tell the mention of Hinata’s name had unnerved him a bit.
“Isn’t she great?” Naruto dreamily sighed. “Being the heiress of an onsen-ji must be amazing! Having people at your beck and call, the great food, and the sweet, sweet hot springs,” Naruto shimmied his shoulders in delight.
Kiba and Shikamaru kept silent, aware of Hinata’s real situation with being the heiress, and watched Sasuke’s reaction from the corner of their eyes.
Sasuke, unaware of their eyes on him, turned outwards to the window and stared up at the clear night sky.
“Idiot,” he whispered.
Shikamaru cleared his throat and caught Naruto’s eyes in the rearview mirror. “Did you tell Hinata we’re on our way?”
Naruto slowed to a stop, arriving at a red light. “Oh, shoot! Let me do that right now,” Naruto took his phone out from his pocket.
Kiba’s eyes widened as motorcycle police pulled up next to them. Promptly, he snatched Naruto’s phone from his hand.
“Not in front of the cops!” Kiba’s head jerked towards the passenger window.
Naruto sheepishly smiled as he made eye contact with the officer. He nervously gripped the steering wheel.
"Why don't you tell Hinata-chan this…"
Sasuke tuned out Naruto’s voice. The scenery outside soon changed from a cityscape with tall buildings and bright lights to Japanese pine trees illuminated by the stars.
A stark contrast to the life he was living for the past four years. Sasuke’s lips pressed into a thin line. Living abroad was an absolute nightmare for him. He couldn’t find a way to fit in at university, not to mention the language barrier made it difficult for him to express himself in the first year.
And if he was caught up with the wrong people, well… Sasuke looked down at his hand and closed it in a fist. He knew how to take care of them nonverbally.
He broke out of his quiet musings as he heard Kiba, and Naruto loudly laugh and mention Hinata’s name and the onsen.
Sasuke looked down dejectedly. His thoughts moved to the girl he left behind. He couldn’t blame anyone but himself for not keeping in contact. Though they had tried to keep in touch in the beginning, it began to fizzle as the months abroad turned into years. And daily texts had slowly turned into sporadic messages sent at odd hours due to their time difference. But still, she found ways to surprise him and even sent him a care package through his brother Itachi ‘It seemed like she was really busy, but she took the time to make this for you. The least you could do is say thank you.’ Sasuke could hear his voice clear in his mind.
Sasuke responded by sending her beautifully woven cloth of deep purple with silver thread sewn in intricate patterns for her to use when her family’s announcement of becoming the temple heir became public.
“Hey.” Shikamaru’s low voice broke his reverie. “Hinata hasn’t changed that much.”
Though Shikamaru wasn’t looking at him, Sasuke turned to stare at him.
“She’s still the same, sweet Hinata from high school. Just a little bit older and more responsibilities.” Shikamaru glanced at him from the corner of his eye. “She hasn’t tried dating since you left.”
Sasuke let this information sink in.
“We’re here!” Naruto announced. “Damn, the girls and Shino beat us to it.”
Naruto parked his car right behind Sakura’s car and waved at the trio. Sasuke got out of the car and shivered. Snow would fall soon, he mused. He grabbed his things and slammed the door shut. Kiba noisily ran towards his best friend while Shikamaru and Naruto followed to greet the rest of their friends.
Sasuke looked around, noticing that not much had changed at the temple. The trees may have gotten taller. The stone steps may have gotten a little smoother. He looked up and immediately spotted the constellation he was looking for earlier. The corner of his mouth lifted up in a small smile.
“Good evening, everyone,” a soft voice called out.
Sasuke sharply turned around. He wasn’t sure if he was ready for this moment. He noticed their friends surrounded her as she stood at the entrance of the temple. Slowly, he took her in with slightly widened eyes. She was a little taller than he remembered, her violet hair a little longer, but her face still held the same smile and gentle eyes he remembered.
“Welcome back,” Hinata smiled at him with a soft blush on her face - probably from the cold, he decided.
“I-” Sasuke instantly became aware of their friends' expectant eyes on him. Heart beating wildly in his chest, he schooled his features into a blank expression.
“Hnn,” he nodded and made his way towards his friends. He couldn’t help but notice Hinata wore a brighter smile than Rigel shining in the sky.
Mini Author's Note: honestly, I'm not very good at summaries. So, I'm keeping that as is.
Also, an onsen-ji is a hot spring temple - so, in this AU Hinata's family is running a hot spring inn with a temple on the side - or a temple with a hot spring inn on the side.
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shweekly · 3 years
🍂Fall Prompt List Announcement 🍂
Good evening, everyone!
SHWeekly (a sideblog of SHMonth) will return with a Fall Prompt List this Wednesday, October 13th, 2021.
This is what you need to know! ☕
One prompt will be released per day.
That one prompt will be accompanied by a short scenario, quote, or song recommendation that fits into the Autumn Season.
This is not a true Week Event, just a Prompt List to inspire those fans that love cozy autumn headcanons. 🍁
Our social media platforms (Discord & Twitter) will be involved in this event.
We do ask that you tag the SHWeekly blog if you use any of these prompts :)
🍁Despite this not being a true Week Event, we encourage everyone to partake and take joy in the bountiful harvest and beautiful changes brought by Fall. 🎑
As always, have fun, be respectful, and love your fellow SasuHina fans.
Reposting our official prompts in any form WILL NOT be tolerated. It's come to our attention that there are blogs that have taken screenshots of our prompts and posted them on other websites. Only the SHMonth Team MODing the previously mentioned social media pages can do so. This means that no screenshots of the prompts can be made to be reposted to any blogs that have no affiliation to SHMonth. We do our best to bring ideas to the table, please respect the amount of work we put into them.
MOD: Fher43
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sasuhinamonth · 4 years
SH Weekly Creative Activity
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Hello everyone!
SasuHina Month has concluded and in order to keep active, we’ve decided on a Weekly Creative Activity event.
What is this event, exactly?
Each Sunday, 4 prompts we’ve never published will be released!
The purpose of this activity is to inspire writers and artists that are inactive, have been struck with writer’s block, or just want to have fun in their free time!
Another reason is due to the fact that some members of our community weren’t available in June. This is a sort of make-up event in a way :’)
Everyone is welcome to participate and drabbles and sketches/doodles are highly encouraged :)
For those interested, the tags our MODS will be following are SasuHinaWeekly or SHWeekly
Of course, tagging this blog will work best! 
Take your time, enjoy, and create!
These are the first prompts! Please have fun! :D
Week 1:
A. A Birthmark that Connects Us
B. In the Lair of the Beast
C. Lady Uchiha
D. To You, 10 Years From Now
We hope this works out and that you like the prompts! :D
Any suggestions, inquiries, or concerns can be sent to this blog or my personal one (@fher43​) just in case. 
-MOD: Winter Rain
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kasaishinjusblog · 4 years
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SHWeekly: semana 2
I Hold Your Life In My Hands
El ruido parecía haberse apagado, todo lucia como si fuese una toma lenta en una película, los doctores pasando con las camillas, las enfermeras corriendo con bolsas de soluciones en sus brazos. Las familias abarrotando la recepción en donde pedían saber de sus familiares.
Pero ella sabía que muchos no volverían, sus pasos lentos contrataban con esa escena aparentemente rápida, pero que ocurría tan despacio, como si al mismo padre tiempo le doliese ver.
Sintió pena, pues a pesar de tener tantas cartas en sus manos solo había una que le importaba. Pues era ese humano al cual sin darse cuenta añoraba, Día tras día desde su primer encuentro.
Releyó el nombre, nada lo iba a cambiar, a pesar de que él se debatía entre la vida y la muerte ella sabía que no podía impedirlo pues su nombre estaba escrito en la carta.
Sintió pena y dolor.
—Sasuke Uchiha, naciste un 23 de julio- ambos estaban ahora de pie uno frente al otro. El Moreno la miraba confundido- confirma si eres tu- ya sabía que era él... Pero...
— Si- sus ojos se llenaron de lágrimas- ¿es hora?
— Moriste un 31 de julio debido a un accidente de auto- se trago las lágrimas- hora de muerte... 4:30 de la tarde a los 27 años...
Su vida colgaba en sus manos... Su vida era suya ahora....
Hola, hola, hola xD.
Ok, un dibujo nuevamente muy pobre y la verdad fue un poco basado en Goblin, amaba la interacción entre Parka Kim y Eun Tak cuando murió y de cierta forma pensé en algo similar...
También cuando leí la lista solamente eso me vino a la cabeza, fue un poco complicado sacarlo porque como ven, es muy estándar.
Gracias por hacer otro evento, y me perdí la primer semana, pero me pondré al corriente.
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im-cooperanderson · 7 years
F2F: Whoops! (Carson&Cooper)
Group 17: Pond and Apologetic.
Central Park has and always would be a favourite spot Coopers. The place was buzzing with life and history. Not to mention all the movies that had used the parks beauty within their film reels. That was a bonus in itself.
Lunch in central park every Friday had been a bit of a tradition of his if he had the free time. It used to be the time between his classes where he had an hour to grab a shower and enjoy the ducks and wildlife. He had a soft spot for nature.
Having stepped across the mound of rock that stretched a little way into the giant pond surrounded by trees. Swans and ducks gracefully moving across the water. It was a few meters offshore and away from the path of busy people. A small piece of calm and peace among the hustle and bustle of New York.
People watching was a favourite hobby of his. People were so interesting! That was where he spotted a familiar face. Granted he’d only seen her online and never face to face but he confirmed his suspicions when she got closer.
“Carson! Hey!” he waved to her. Whether she’d stop was unknown to him. He didn’t mind but he was a sociable guy. He’d seen her so he wouldn’t ignore her. That was just plain rude and he wasn’t like that. At least he hoped.
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F2F: Young and Menace (Dylan&Theo)
Group 8: Bunsen Burner and Panic.
“O-okay okay, s-so let me get this straight.”
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“I come down here after I just s-said bye to my dad and m’feeling great cause he t-took me out for burgers and it’s the first proper food I’ve eaten. An-And life is going great. I have n-no homework so. I think I’m going to g-go into the games room for a few hours cause y’know the big tv and Xbox is life.
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bsmythe-blog1 · 7 years
Brooklyn was really fucking glad she was up on this roof alone, because she was getting mad. How the fuck can painting be so difficult? And weird? She was never the artistic type besides a photograph here or there, and now here she was, on this empty roof of the apartments trying to ‘ease her anxiety’ with painting. Yeah, okay, she found a list online that were ways to relieve anxiety and stress and she figured that maybe this one would help. She’s been trying all of them, one-by-one, since she acquired the list but none of them have helped ease her anxiety and she was getting quite desperate. Anxiety has never been something that Brooke had to deal with; she usually kept her cool. But ever since leaving Carter, she’s been feeling... strange. Like, sometimes her hands won’t stop shaking and her mind goes a hundred miles a minute and she actually questions whether she made the right decision or not. She hates it. 
“Fuck,” she sighed, getting angrier with each stroke of her brush against the canvas. “Fucking. Hell.” In one swift movement, she shoved the easel over. Okay, maybe it wasn’t that swift, because as soon as Brooke took a step forward, she accidentally stepped on one of her tubes of paint, making it splatter all over her legs. The blonde stopped and clenched her fists together, trying to collect her thoughts. But much too quickly, tears were forming in her eyes and all of the sudden she was really glad that she was up on this roof alone. Because she can count the amount of times she’s cried unwillingly on one hand. But, obviously, Brooklyn had some pretty bad luck because as soon as she thought that, she heard the door to the rooftop open and she whipped around, staring the other girl dead in the face. “God, they should make reservation times for this fucking roof.” She mumbled, dropping to her knees to collect all of her stuff. “I’m leaving, I just gotta get my shit, sorry.”
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carsonfinley · 7 years
[Name] was someone who knew Carson as a teen. They grew up in the same part of Boston, went to the same schools. They weren’t necessarily friends, but they definitely knew each other. [Name] was one of the few people who watched Carson's fall from grace, the way she destroyed herself, and cared enough to say something.
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alexandrawoodss · 7 years
____ is Alex’s ex. She’s the only girl who could ever make Alex angry. The only person who could get her to lose her temper. It was a game for _____ and the relationship quickly became toxic. Alex didn’t end it for an entire year. By the end, she was emotionally and physically exhausted, completely turned off for any emotional connection. It resulted in her retreating into herself for most of her teens and just pulling farther away from her family. 
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crystaltrinket · 3 years
Written in the Stars - SasuHina - Winter Week 2021
Happy New Year, dudes! Continuing the next installment of Written in the Stars. Apologies for being late as life took time from writing. Part 7 is in the works, atm!
Enjoy! @shweekly
Written in the Stars | SasuHina | Summary: Modern AU - Sasuke never got the chance to tell Hinata his feelings towards her before he left to study abroad. Now he’s back. AKA: Sasuke is too busy being butthurt from being abroad and everyone acts as his wingman to help finish what he started before he left… if he can stop being butthurt.
Part 1: Winter Constellations
Part 2: The Beauty of Snow
Part 3: December Dawns At Your Side
Part 4: Koi no Yukan - the feeling that upon meeting someone that falling in love with them is inevitable
Part 5: Snowed In
Part 6: Confessions Under the Winter Moonlight
Hinata didn’t see much of Sasuke after sharing breakfast with him. She didn’t have too much time to spend with him but she relished his reaction when he bit into the onigiri. She knew it was one of his favorites and it was such an easy dish to make, she’d make it any time for him.
After they both finished the tray of food she brought out, Hinata encouraged him to come back inside but Sasuke turned down the offer. She softly smiled, which Sasuke returned.
“Come back inside when you’re ready,” Hinata patted a mittened hand on his arm. Sasuke nodded in response and set out to continue shoveling the snow.
Inside of the inn, things were going smoothly - better than what Hinata imagined. The other patrons of the inn were familiar and frequent visitors. Having the inn as the family business and working there all her life gave her time to get to know, not only the ins and outs of the business, but the people who enjoyed their establishment.
It was one of the defining differences between her and her father. Both new and older guests gravitated toward the soft-spoken heiress, something that Hinata knew was good for the onsen-ji but terrible for her social anxiety.
“Hinata-san, what a great idea you had,” one of the guests complimented her.
Hinata slightly bowed in thanks to the older couple before her. “I’m glad you are enjoying yourself, Taisho-san.”
The older gentleman nodded and tipped his head towards the door. “I see you and Fugaku’s son are still friends.”
Hinata felt her face become hot. It was well-known that the older Uchiha aimed to have his sons follow his lead in the family business. The oldest son Itachi was as distinguished as Neji in the business world. With Hinata following in her father’s footsteps, Fugaku didn’t expect less for his own younger son. But Sasuke had different plans for his future than what his father had planned. Fugaku rarely held back the disdain he had for his younger son’s lack of drive.
“Yes,” the young heiress nodded. “I’m happy to call him one of my friends, if not my closest friend.”
Taisho-san nodded. “It would be interesting to see a Uchiha-Hyuuga merger someday, don't you think?”
Taisho-san's wife lightly patted her husband's arm. "Playing matchmaker, are we?"
The older gentleman shrugged, giving Hinata a playful wink.
Hinata held a tight smile on her face, unsure of how to respond.
To her relief, Sasuke entered the inn, shovel in hand, shaking off some snow from his yukata. His face was flushed from his outdoor task. Hinata brightened at the sight of him.
"If you will excuse me, Taisho-san," Hinata smiled and gave a quick bow to the older man and his wife and made her way to Sasuke's side.
Hinata hastened her footsteps before the other female employees could encircle him. Somehow, the idea that Sasuke began shoveling the snow to prove his worthiness to Hinata began to circulate among the young female employees. She was sure his so-called gallant effort would draw an unwanted crowd.
Sasuke caught her eyes as she headed towards him, giving her a tiny nod. She got to him just in time, as the younger female staff stood just around the corner.
"How's the work, Sasuke-kun?" Hinata asked, brushing off some snow from his hair.
Sasuke shrugged one shoulder. “It feels like I barely made a dent.”
Hinata softly laughed. “You don’t have to do this. It’s a lot of snow.”
Sasuke looked away, avoiding her gaze. “I wanted to be helpful.”
Hinata let her hand softly graze the side of Sasuke’s face, turning it towards her before she let it drop to her side. In a quiet voice she said, “You being here is helpful enough for me.”
Sasuke didn’t respond but she could feel his gaze on her. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears.
“Please stay.”
Later in the evening, Sasuke sat among his friends, warm under the kotatsu as one of the older monks from the temple told the tale of the power struggle between the Taira clan and the Minamoto clan to the guests of the inn. Many of the patrons were asleep, save for a few older ones who listened to the monk.
Next to him, Hinata sat, bobbing her head every so often. The rest of their friends around them fell asleep, snoring softly.
“And you know,” the older monk said slowly, “the Taira clan was so powerful, at their peak they claimed the bright red star as their symbol. The heike-boshi inside tsuzumi boshi. I think the Westerners call it Betelgeuse, in the constellation Orion.”
Sasuke raised an eyebrow. The Heike tale was something they briefly learned about in classical Japanese history, but their teachers never mentioned the old clan symbols. As he remembered it, the Taira clan was associated with a red swallowtail butterfly.
"What's funny is that the heike-boshi was believed to be the brightest star but now a different star is the brightest in tsuzumi boshi. I suppose, even the stars knew about the downfall of the Taira clan long before they did."
The monk went on to tell the trials and successes the Minamoto clan faced once they took power, but Sasuke wasn’t paying attention. Hinata’s head was laying on his shoulder and it took everything in him to calm his racing heartbeat.
He sat as still as a rock, trying to take calming breaths. Sasuke took a peek down at Hinata - she was still awake, though sleep was desperately trying to take over. He looked around, seeing his friends still asleep, and an idea popped into his head. He ticked his shoulder up to get her attention.
Hinata looked up at him with a questioning look in her doe-like eyes. Sasuke looked up towards the ceiling, then back down to her with a raised eyebrow.
With a knowing smile, she nodded. “Let me get my jacket,” she whispered.
Sasuke nodded and carefully folded the blanket of the kotatsu so as not to disturb their friends around them. Taking Hinata’s hand, he gingerly guided her through the sleeping pile their friends were in and managed to pass by unnoticed by the older monk and his small audience as he still regaled his tale.
In their room, Hinata grabbed a long, thick jacket and swapped her tabi for thicker socks and shoes. She had half a mind to change out of her kimono but decided against it. It would take too long to remove it and even longer to make sure everything was straightened out before leaving.
Sasuke put on a jacket over his yukata to keep him warm. His heart wasn’t beating as fast as it was earlier but now his hands were getting a little clammy. He had it all planned out when he was shoveling the snow earlier. Now that the time was drawing near, he found himself second-guessing his decision. Sasuke put aside his indecision when he saw Hinata slip on her jacket.
“Will you be okay climbing up the ladder in your kimono?” he asked.
Hinata zipped up her jacket and gave him a small smile. “I’ll manage.”
Hinata’s breath was noticeable as she took small steps, following Sasuke on the ladder to the roof of the temple.
Sasuke looked down at her between the ladder steps, concern evident on his face. She smiled; the sight was very familiar to her.
“Are you doing okay?”
Hinata nodded. “I’m fine, Sasuke-kun.”
Sasuke took his time, wiping snow away from them on the ladder steps to make it easier for her as she followed in his steps. Soon enough, he reached the top and pulled himself over the edge. Using both arms, he grabbed onto Hinata and helped her onto the temple roof.
“Have I gotten heavier since the last time we were on here?” she lightly joked.
Hinata saw a light blush on his face from her gentle teasing. “There’s more snow than there was four years ago. At least from what I can remember,” Sasuke murmured.
An embarrassed Sasuke was a sight few had the privilege to see. A rare blush dusted his face as he looked down at the snow covering the roof. Hinata carefully walked toward him, extending her hand.
“Shall we see who catches Orion first?”
Sasuke hummed in response and took her hand. He kicked off some thick snow from the roof, enough so that it wouldn't soak through their clothes. Once he was seated, he helped Hinata carefully sit down in her kimono.
"Had I known you'd wear this in snowy weather, I would have purchased different material," he softly chuckled.
Hinata put her hands to her face in embarrassment. "I… this is my favorite kimono!"
She heard his soft laughter in the quiet night. Hinata's face was blazing hot as if she told him her deepest secret.
"I'm glad you wore it."
Hinata turned her head toward him in surprise. "You are?"
"Mm," Sasuke nodded his head. "I didn't know if you… or if any of our friends would still be my friend after I moved away."
Hinata put a hand on his arm and squeezed it gently. "Sasuke-kun…"
"I have to admit that I was too deep in my feelings. I was angry my dad moved us so far away, like he just took us and uprooted everything like we have to bend to his will and just go along with it…" Sasuke looked up at the sky. It was clear, not a cloud in sight. Wind lightly blew, casting a chill around them.
"I looked up at the sky, every night, as it was the only solace I had in our new place. It was the only thing I knew would be the same for you, for our friends." Sasuke turned to look at her. "I'm… sorry that I didn't keep up with our text messages. Or with anyone. Now that I look back at it, it seemed more like a one-sided friendship than an actual one."
Hinata moved her hand from his arm to hold his hand. “I’m not going to sugarcoat this, Sasuke-kun. There were times when I thought I was annoying you, especially when our communication wasn’t consistent.
It was hard being your friend. And after being friends with you for so long, I didn’t want to lose your friendship. That’s why, even though my insecurities told me otherwise, I continued to send you texts, send you my worries because…I still valued your friendship. And somehow, I knew I’d get a response back, be it eight or twelve hours later. I’d hear a little chime on my phone, and I’d know it was you.”
Sasuke squeezed her hand. “I was foolish. I’m really sorry, Hinata.”
Hinata looked down at their clasped hands and thought about her next set of words carefully. There were unspoken words between them, and she wanted to make sure he fully understood what she was trying to say.
“I think…I should be the one apologizing,” Hinata felt Sasuke twitch.
“What?” Sasuke crumpled his brow.
“I…like you, Sasuke-kun,” Hinata looked at him, her eyes glittering with unshed tears. “I like you and I’m sorry for not telling you before you left. I was the foolish one realizing it too late.”
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sasuhinamonth · 4 years
Week 2
Hello, everyone! 
Here we are once again in our hope to keep inducing creative juices! We hope you guys like the ideas we're presenting!
However, we’d like to remind everyone that you can take your time in whatever project you’re working on, whether for SHMonth2020 or SHWeekly. We’ll be here for you, so go at your own pace ;)
Week 1|
Week 2 of SHWeekly :)
A. A Second Look
B. I Hold Your Life in My Hands
C. Jealousy is Green
D. Unrequited Love
MOD: Winter Rain
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ditzbaby1 · 4 years
Tumblr media
genin sasuhina
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crystaltrinket · 3 years
Written in the Stars - SasuHina - Winter Week 2021
Hi, dudes! Happy Holidays! Part 5 has arrived, a little late but better than never. Forewarning that Parts 6, 7, and 8 will also be a little late. I've run out of pre-written work so this next sets will be on the fly.
Enjoy! @shweekly
Written in the Stars | SasuHina | Summary: Modern AU - Sasuke never got the chance to tell Hinata his feelings towards her before he left to study abroad. Now he’s back. AKA: Sasuke is too busy being butthurt from being abroad and everyone acts as his wingman to help finish what he started before he left… if he can stop being butthurt.
Part 1: Winter Constellations
Part 2: The Beauty of Snow
Part 3: December Dawns At Your Side
Part 4: Koi no Yukan - the feeling upon meeting someone that falling in love with them is inevitable
Part 5: Snowed In
They spent the next early mornings together, preparing breakfast for their friends. Sasuke usually waited for Hinata to wake up, before getting up and helping her prep. Their mornings were quiet as Sasuke followed Hinata’s lead on food preparation.
It wasn’t long before one of their friends found out about their morning routine. Sakura had woken up early and found them softly laughing in the kitchenette. Sasuke spotted her hiding around the corner, softly smiling at them. Catching Sasuke’s eyes, she gave him a thumb’s up and retreated back to their sleeping pile of friends.
Over the next two days, he found his friends subtly helping him out as they did when they were back in high school.
Sakura kept the group in their sleeping pile well until breakfast was finished and Naruto often corralled the other into cleaning up afterwards to give Sasuke and Hinata time to enjoy the fruits of their labor.
Shino and Kiba arranged to keep the group preoccupied by engaging them in group games, pairing Sasuke and Hinata together.
Ino and Shikamaru made full use of the onsen and made their other friends agree to artfully leave the hot springs whenever Sasuke and Hinata were in conversation with each other.
Sasuke felt himself fall back into familiarity when he was around her. The words came out of him more easily and he wasn’t so nervous to think about what Hinata thought of him. Hinata’s demeanor around him changed, the more time they spent together. Her eyes seemed brighter, and she seemed a little more relaxed than when he first saw her a few days ago.
The night before Hinata’s birthday, Sasuke gathered his friends in secret and planned. It was time for him to finish what he started before he moved abroad - whether the outcome is good or bad.
The next morning, Sasuke woke up to find Hinata not in her usual spot. He heard her voice near the door of their room, speaking softly to someone just outside.
“Yes, I understand, Ko-san,” he heard her whisper. “I will take care of it.”
‘Ko-san?’ Sasuke thought to himself and racked his brain to put a face to the familiar name.
With a soft click, Hinata closed the door. Closing her eyes, she let her head fall back on the door and sighed. She had tried to keep a close eye on the weather forecast but her worst fear had happened overnight.
A snowstorm that was going through the country, brought a flurry of snow to the onsen-ji and caused a large mass of snow to cover the entire property. The patrons are all snowed in.
Hinata dragged her feet to her futon, ready to fall face forward. Through her years under her father’s instruction, he’s drilled into her the emergency procedures when it came to extreme weather conditions. She can hear his voice barking at her in the back of her mind, as she began to formulate her plan to care for the patrons within the onsen-ji and for her employees.
Her pale eyes met Sasuke’s searching gaze. “Is everything alright?” he asked softly.
Hinata knelt by his futon and put a warm hand on his arm. “Just a little snow, but it’s nothing I can’t manage.” She saw the look of skepticism in his eyes, but she ignored it and answered with an apologetic smile.
“I’ll just have to take care of a couple things because of the weather. Can you handle breakfast?”
Hinata smiled brighter when Sasuke gave her a determined nod.
“Thank you, Sasuke-kun,” Hinata squeezed his arm. Wrapping her yukata tighter around her, Hinata got up and quietly slipped out of the room.
Once out in the hallway of the onsen-ji, Hinata took a deep, shuddering breath and walked steadfastly to the main office, quickly flying down the stairs to get to her destination. She had no time to lose.
Her assistant, Ko, had met her just outside of the main office. “How can I help you, Hinata-sama?”
“Procure me a list of patrons in the onsen-ji, as well as the employees working today and the monks onsite at the temple.” Hinata pulled off one of the employee jackets from the back door hook to warm up.
“Right away, Hinata-sama,” Ko bowed his head and moved to the front office. Hinata immediately began shuffling through paperwork on the desk.
She looked through the inventory logs to see how many resources they had at the onsen-ji. ‘Damn,’ Hinata mentally cursed. A shipment that was due for delivery today was most likely not going to make it with the weather conditions outside. It would take hours for a path to be cleared from the onsen-ji to the main road. Hinata bit her lip.
“Hinata-sama,” Ko’s voice jolted the heiress from her thoughts. “Here is the list you asked for.”
Hinata scanned the list and sighed in relief - they were all familiar patrons, including her friends in the Presidential Suite. The employees working that day were well-seasoned in snowy weather situations. The monks at the temple were few but would most likely not be well-equipped for the weather.
“Invite the monks inside the inn, there isn’t enough insulation within the rooms of the temple to withstand the current temperatures. And,” Hinata paused in thought, unsure of what to do next. There’s no way a pathway could be shoveled with the amount of snow outside. She glanced down at the inventory logs on the desk. They had enough resources to last through the storm.
“And?” Ko asked.
Hinata took a deep breath and her father’s barking voice faded from the back of her mind.
“Have Hana-baachan prepare my kimono.”
Sasuke frowned. Breakfast wasn’t going as he planned. He wanted to make something special for Hinata’s birthday, but the birthday celebrant wasn’t present. And something wasn’t sticking to the rice exactly how he wanted it to do.
“Teme,” Naruto sleepily walked into the kitchenette. “Where’s Hinata-chan?”
“Naruto!” Sakura hissed from behind the blond. “Leave Sasuke and Hin- oh! Where is Hinata-chan?”
Sasuke sighed, tossing the ruined rice in the trash. “She had to take care of some stuff, so she slipped out earlier this morning.”
Sakura’s eyes widened. “Slipped out? What do you mean?”
Sasuke jerked his head towards the patio. Steam still rose from the hot springs, but snow covered the entire area around the hot springs.
“Woah!” Naruto exclaimed and opened the door to the patio. A light wind brought in a sprinkling of snow inside the room. “That snowstorm did a number overnight.”
Sakura shivered. “Great, now close the door.”
Sasuke heard Naruto snicker from his position. Bringing his sleeping yukata closer to him, Sasuke smirked as Naruto opened the patio door wide open.
“Wake up everyone! It’s a snow day!”
Loud grumbling could be heard from their sleeping pile of friends.
“Naruto, could you be more annoying?!” Ino sat up and rubbed at her eyes.
“He could.” Shino sat up in his futon and shrugged off his blanket. Ino glared at him from her position. Shino lifted a shoulder nonchalantly. “I’m just saying.”
The rest of the group got up, shivering as they got closer to the patio to see the snow.
“We’re likely to be snowed-in for a couple days,” Shikamaru noted. “It’ll take some time for the snow to be shoveled for a pathway to open up.”
Sasuke nodded in agreement. It made sense to him as to why Hinata left so early in the morning. She had a business to take care of.
A sharp rapping at the door drew away their attention from the patio. Sasuke swiftly moved and opened the door wide open. Instead of seeing Hinata, a man with short spiky hair and pale eyes greeted him.
“Good morning, Uchiha-san.” Sasuke flinched at the formal address. “Hinata-sama has invited everyone to gather in the communal area.”
Sasuke stared hard and looked the man up and down to gauge his relationship to Hinata. His short brown hair was similar in color to her father’s and the pale eyes obviously indicated a familial relationship. Sasuke internally breathed a sigh of relief.
The man cleared his throat. “I will take my lea-”
“Hn,” Sasuke interrupted him and slammed the door in his face.
“Sasuke!” Sakura exasperatedly ran her hand over her face. She walked over and opened the door back up.
“Ko-san!” she greeted him cheerily. “What’s the occasion?”
Ko gave her a small smile. “Hinata-sama has decided to bring the guests of the onsen-ji together due to the unfortunate weather circumstances. She believes it’s better to stay together during these times than apart.”
Hinata worked fast. She had Ko invite the patrons to the communal area for a more Western style bed and breakfast experience. While he went around the inn, she headed for the kitchens and began helping the staff prepare a traditional Japanese breakfast for their guests.
“Hinata-sama, please allow me,” one of the kitchen staff took a heavy tray from her. “It’s your birthday, Hinata-sama, you should be out with the guests. We will take care of it from here.”
Hinata shook her head. “I think you know me well enough, Haru-baachan. I can’t leave you all here while there’s so much work to do.” Hinata peeked out through the kitchen windows to see the guests settling into the cushions around the kotatsu tables.
The older woman shook her head and smiled at the young heiress. “Who is this tray for, Hinata-sama?”
“It’s for Room 34, Taisho-san and his wife.”
Hinata turned her attention back to the three trays of food each partially arranged with miso soup and onigiri in front of her. She didn’t plan for her birthday to go this way, but she didn’t have much of a choice given the weather. Things had been going so well during her time with her friends, especially with Sasuke. While she had been friends with all of them for more than ten years, it was with Sasuke where she felt a deeper connection.
Hinata smiled to herself as she remembered her infatuation with Naruto when she was younger. The blonde's personality was like a bright light for a shy girl like her. She admired his way of lighting up a room as soon as he stepped in. His way with words could easily sway anyone. He had all the characteristics of a successful businessperson.
So, she followed him all throughout her youth and well into middle school, hoping her friendship with him would turn into something romantic. It took a long time for her to realize, it was only admiration she felt for him.
She kicked herself for not noticing Sasuke’s feelings for her earlier in their friendship. It would have saved a lot of heartache for the both of them. Out of all of them, Sasuke was the first person she ran to without question. Even when he moved abroad, she still kept in contact, often texting her worries to him at odd hours of the night. Her friends knew how much she dreaded taking over the business, but Sasuke was the only one who knew what she was going through. They were there for each other through thick and thin.
"Hinata-sama," Ko's voice jumped her out of her reverie. "The guests are all present, except for one."
Hinata furrowed her brow. "Oh? Who is it?"
Loud chattering bustled through the kitchen as two of the younger female staff re-entered, holding empty trays. Something had them worked up. Hinata turned an ear towards them.
"Did you see him out front? In just his sleeping yukata??"
"I've never seen someone like him before! So handsome and so mysterious," the young female employee sighed dreamily.
Hinata turned to her assistant to see him frowning. "The young Uchiha has set out to create a pathway from the inn to the main road."
Sasuke wasn't sure what came over him. As their friends got ready to go down to the communal area another idea popped into his head. City workers would take a couple days to get to the main road because of the amount of snow they'd need to plow through.
He doesn't remember much from his dad's fruitless business teachings, but he does know consistent deliveries help make a business thrive.
Shikamaru is the only one to notice he doesn't get dressed.
"You got something else in mind?" he asked.
Sasuke looked at him askance. "Oh, I don't know. I planned on playing in the snow for a bit. Just gotta find a shovel somewhere."
Shikamaru nodded and adjusted his yukata. "I do believe there is a shovel in the back room of the front office. At least, that's the last time I saw it when Kiba and I went downstairs last night."
Sasuke nodded thoughtfully. "I guess I'll need a way to get it."
"Ah," Shikamaru's eyes glinted. "Ino had been asking about the floral artwork in the front office. I'm sure the receptionist would be knowledgeable about them. It'll be a long conversation knowing Ino."
"Hn," Sasuke pulled out a thermal undershirt and pants, and a pair of gloves from his luggage. He shrugged off the top part of his yukata and put on his thermal and slipped on his pants underneath.
"It'll be cold out," his friend noted with a raised eyebrow.
"I'm sure playing in the snow will keep me warm," Sasuke pulled on some socks. "Are you ready to head out?"
Getting the shovel from the back room of the front office was easy. The older woman fell into long winded stories about the floral paintings and with Ino’s inquisitive questions, Sasuke was able to get in and out unseen by the older woman.
Shikamaru winked as Sasuke slipped out of the front door.
The sun shone brightly as Sasuke stepped out. A shiver went through him as the wind breezed through. Snow completely covered the entirety of the entrance of the onsen-ji and the road leading out to the main road.
“No time like right now,” Sasuke whispered to himself and began shoveling.
Sasuke doesn’t know how much time he spent outside, too engrossed in his self-appointed task. The amount of snow is too much for one person but for Hinata, he can manage it.
He doesn’t hear the soft crunching of snow nor the soft huffing behind him. But he turned when he saw a wisp of purple fabric from the corner of his eye. Hinata stood before him, cheeks blushing, and with steaming hot food on a tray held in her mittened hands.
“Sasuke-kun, care for breakfast?”
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sasuhinamonth · 4 years
Good afternoon, everyone!
We wanted to make 2 very important announcements.
1. It’s come to our attention that a SasuHina project was created for August as an after-party event. It’s called “SasuHina Big Flash” and seems to be an activity for those who missed SHMonth in June. 
This event is an independent project and we wanted to clarify that we have no involvement in it. It’s an open event and everyone is welcome to participate in it from August 1st to August 31st. 
2. The second announcement is that we will be creating a side-blog for SHWeekly. We want to keep SHMonth true to its purpose and for organization’s sake, we will be working on this new blog and return with more details once we've settled :)
I hope everyone is safe and sound and that you’re enjoying the summer as much as it can be enjoyed under the circumstances :)
Have a good one!
-SHMonth MODs
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