justabtsblog · 10 months
Hi i love you've story I just follow in here i have request can you do namjoon having high fever really really high namjoon threw up multiple times namjoon head was really really dizzy namjoon can't stand up and walk properly and namjoon having no appetite to eat bts members take care of him and keep eyes on him
Lots of people have been requesting Namjoon with a fever so I combined your request with another I hope that's okay, I tired to combine all the elemnts from each request. This can be read as Namjin or platonic.
For  Balqisbeauty on Wattpad and bluepeacelove on Tumblr, thank you for requesting. I'm sorry I'm soooooo slow.
under the cut due to length (1376 words)
My head has been foggy all day, I'm even more clumsy than usual and when I snuck away to take my temperature it was 39 degrees (102.2 fahrenheit). I know that's not good but I don't feel that bad so why worry everyone. I can't disappoint ARMY, I have to do the show tonight.
As we rehearse I keep treading on Jin's foot. "Ow! That hurt. That's the third time today Joon, are you alright?"
"What oh, yeah I was just distracted." I change the subject, "Is your foot okay?"
"Yeah, just be careful we don't want anyone getting hurt tonight, including you."
I nod, feeling a bit guilty. I should just go on and tell him but, what if they make me sit out of the show? I can't do that. I notice my vision getting slightly blurry and panic for a moment but the thought of seeing ARMY and impressing them lets me calm down and gives me the will to continue on.
When we get out on stage the fans scream and the sound assaults my ears leaving them ringing but slowly, I get used to it, the ringing gets louder and blocks out the screams. The first few songs go alright but I find myself struggling to keep up with the choreography. Despite being okay during rehearsal, I'm not able to match the frantic energy of a concert.
I just have to hold on until we have an outfit change so I can get some water and maybe some medication. But I don't think I'm going to make it that long.
Black dots obscure my vision, warping the image like snow on an old television or a crack on a computer screen slowly spreading until the entire screen is black and fuzzy. I stand helpless and dizzy as the once small dots consume everything. I'm sure I look like an idiot. I feel hot with embarrassment and then I hear a thump and then . . . nothing.
The energy on the stage is everything we all look forward to. Wild and crazy, a long awaited get together between us and ARMY. Namjoon looks a little dazed at first but greets the audience with enthusiasm. 
I almost don't remember I have a mic on and I struggle not to cry out in pain when Namjoon's boot clad foot stamps down hard on my own.
I shoot him a look, he doesn't seem to notice. He doesn't look like he's noticing much of anything. He's at least three steps behind in the choreography. What's going on? He looks around with an almost desperate look on his face, blinking intensely.
He begins to sway on his feet, crap! I break the formation and reach out to him, we both fall to the floor as he faints.
Jimin who was next to me looks over and lets out a confused squeak only amplified by his mic. Screaming erupts through the arena, this time in fear not excitement.
Luckily we've all been trained on what to do in this scenario. "Medic!" I shout and then more quietly to Hoseok, "Tell them he's just fainted."
He nods and uses his notoriously loud voice to reach over the screams and inform the crowd.
The medical staff appear and we all follow them backstage.
"He has an extremely high fever. Were any of you aware of this?"
"He was a bit out of it at rehearsal but other than that no, he didn't say anything." I say, feeling honestly a little mad. Mad at Namjoon for hiding this and not looking after his health, mad at myself for not noticing sooner.
"Okay, he'll need rest and fluids right away."
I nod and we step back letting the medics do their work. The medics have to stop a few times to allow Namjoon to throw up. I wince each time. Namjoon does drink some water but then falls asleep. At least he's getting some rest. He doesn't wake the entire time we're bringing him back to the hotel, letting me and one of the staff support his weight.
When he wakes up I instruct everyone not to crowd around him. I have to hold back my own frustration at his stubborn self-endangering behaviour.
He blinks his eyes open. I can't resist hugging him tightly.
"Yes Joon-ah. You gave us and ARMY quite a scare."
I can see his eyes beginning to sparkle with tears, "I'm sorry."
"It's okay."
He sits up and wraps his arms around me, returning the hug.
"Is there anything I can get you? Some water, food?"
"No, I'm not feeling very hungry." He gives a small smile.
"Of course not." We stay hugging for a while.
I open my eyes to a morning sky out the window of the hotel, we must've fallen asleep together. A warm body shifts under me, Namjoon. 
"Oh sorry."
"It's okay." he says softly, voice almost nonexistent.
"Oh crap Joon, your voice. Is your throat okay?"
He nods then clears his throat heavily, "but my head feels funny."
I put my hand to his forehead worriedly luckily it isn't nearly as warm as before.
"Your temperature is down but you're probably going to be feeling pretty bad."
He just nods again. I can hear footsteps outside, it must be the others. Finally our surroundings register with me. We're in Joonie's room. Memories come back in flashes of the staff helping both of our sleepy forms into the hotel room for the night.
"Can we come in?" Hoseok asks softly.
"Yeah, could one of you also bring some tea for Joon, his voice is gone?"
"Oh, of course, Yoons will go." At his words I hear someone shuffle off, most likely the aforementioned man.
Namjoon starts to stand, probably to get the door, but he falls back on the bed clumsily. He looks embarrassed and I offer my arm. We walk slowly to the door and open it. 
The remaining members stand in the hall, all holding different things. Tissues, blankets, an extra bin. I cringe remembering Namjoon's horrible experience last night. He threw up five times. Hoseok had to leave the room. Namjoon blushes at the attention.
We all sit with our leader, who leans his head on my shoulder seemingly only moments from falling asleep again.
When Yoongi returns with the tea, I help Namjoon sit up.
"Thank you so much, hyungs, maknaes."
"Of course, how do you feel, hyung?" Jimin asks, taking the cup from Joon's slightly shaking hand.
"Woozy, I just want to lay down."
"Yes, you need rest. Do you think you could stand to eat something, Joonie?" I ask
He shakes his head vigorously paling a little at the mention of food.
We both laugh a little. I hesitate. I don't want to scold him but we need to make sure this never happens again.
Hoseok must have read my mind. "Namjoon. Why didn't you tell us you weren't feeling well?"
"Oh. Uh . . . I-I" He looks down, avoiding our eyes or maybe to hide the tears forming in his own, "I didn't want to disappoint the fans. I'm the leader, afterall."
We all have the same thoughts and it's a mess of hands patting his back and shoulder and head, consoling him.
"Joon," Yoongi looks our leader in the eyes, "You're the youngest hyung, our baby, as much as Kook, Tae or Minnie, it's our job to look after you."
"You're never a bother, your health is more important than any show." Hoseok adds
"Yes, please next time tell us, you gave us and ARMY a big scare, poor Hoseok almost had a heart attack when you started puking."
"Ah, please don't mention that." Hoseok looks embarrassed and vaguely disgusted at the same time, he steps behind Yoongi. "Sorry, Joon. I know it isn't your fault, I just can't."
Namjoon nods, still a little teary.
"The medical staff said that if you'd said something earlier you may have even been able to take medication and be on stage with us at least. They think you should be able to do the next show or at least the one after that, besides, ARMY is happy to have you there, whether or not you perform. Next time don't push yourself so much, okay, hmm?"
We all nod, forming a large mass of bodies in a seven person group hug. We'll definitely be spying more attention from now on.
(A/N: I'm bad at endings, sorry.)
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btshurtcomfortprompts · 3 months
Category: Emeto
Sickie: Namjoon
Caretakers: any/author’s choice
Prompt: Namjoon has always gotten mild carsickness, so he puts off learning how to drive because he’s afraid he’ll get sick while he’s at the wheel. One of the others encourages him to try anyway and he finds out that he doesn’t get carsick if he’s the one driving.
Bonus side prompt: Someone else, who does not get carsick, experiences carsickness for the first time when Namjoon is still learning how to drive due to the jerky/not smooth ride.
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btshurtcomfortprompts · 11 months
Category: Snz
Sickie: Namjoon
Caretakers: Seokjin (+any!)
Prompt: Namjoon is clumsy on a good day, but when he’s sick it’s a whole problem. He comes down with a sneezy cold and everything goes wrong: He knocks the box of tissues off the table when he’s reaching for them mid sneezing fit, keeps almost crashing into things (and other members) because he’s trying to sneeze and walk at the same time, and at one point he sneezes so hard he headbutts a door frame. Seokjin follows Namjoon around with tissues and tries to keep him from hurting himself and everyone else.
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Category: Emeto
Sickie: Namjoon
Caretakers: Jimin, Jungkook
Prompt: Namjoon hates for anyone to see him sick. He gets a stomach bug and locks himself in the bathroom while he pukes. But Jimin is worried about Namjoon and follows him to the bathroom. He’s especially worried knowing Namjoon had a fever before he started throwing up, and the longer it goes on the more concerned he becomes, until he decides to enlist Jungkook to help him pick the lock on the bathroom door.
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Category: Whump
Whumpee: Namjoon
Caretakers: Seokjin or Yoongi maybe?
Prompt: Namjoon is riding his bike when it starts to rain. Maybe it gets a bit slippery or he’s going too fast because he’s trying to get out of the rain and he takes a spill, scraping up his knees/elbows. He’s embarrassed and soaking wet when he gets home but one of the members helps patch him up and get into dry clothes.
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Category: Sickfic 
Sickie: Namjoon
Caretakers: any/author’s choice 
Prompt: Namjoon rides his bike to work in the rain despite feeling a tad bit under the weather. It’s not his smartest idea and his illness ends up getting worse.
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Category: Sickfic 
Sickie: Namjoon
Caretakers: any/author’s choice
Prompt: Namjoon gets sick. He just wants to sit on the front porch and read his book– who cares if he can’t stop coughing and has a fever? The other members try to get him to rest instead by offering to read to him if he gets in bed and stays there.
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