#side note: it’s so annoying when they’re untied and people step on them ON PURPOSE to prove a point
cvsseulgi · 2 years
i don’t NEEED romantic love in the same way i don’t NEEED to tie my shoes. like odds are i’m not gonna trip, i’m gonna be fine. in fact, i’ve adjusted the way i walk to avoid tripping over my laces like i’ve cheated the system. and people like to remind me all the time that my shoelaces are untied and that i will literally die and explode if i don’t tie them. like it’s cool i will be fine i’ve gotten this far (thank you for your concern though). but if i get on an escalator, i MIGHT tie my shoes beforehand. or if the ground is super slippery i’ll do it. if not, i’ll just do very calculated hops or something. so like ultimately it really isn’t necessary but it’s nice sometimes to not have to do the extra steps and go out of my way, you know
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wishxingwt · 5 years
School’s Prince [황현진]
Chapter One
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You always hated the school’s prince. He was always arrogant and always looked down on anyone less than him and always bullied people too. But if one incident made him think something else but himself, but you? Will you forgive him or keep hating him.
Pairing: HyunjinXFem!Reader
Teaser, 1
Contains: Cursing,angst themes,sexual themes,fluff, and somewhat underage drinking
A/N: I decided to change the name from Y/N to Hyejoo.
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Hyejoo woke up around 4am, she made sure to turn off before changing into some work clothes. She walked into the living room and saw her grandma up from bed.
“Grandma what are you doing out of bed? I told you last night I got it” She said as she helped her grandmother to bed.
“I know but I didn’t want you up by this time” her grandmother said. “It rained last night so be careful.”
Hyejoo nodded and put on her boots and walked outside. Hyejoo lives with her grandparents on their farm. Her dad left her mom when Hyejoo was about 6 months old and then her mom left her with her grandparents when she was 6.
When Hyejoo was about 14, her grandmother grew ill and needed medicine. Since her grandparents were poor, Hyejoo managed to get a job to pay for her grandmothers medicine.
She stepped on the fields and they were muddy from the rain. Hyejoo picked out all the ripe foods, washed them, and placed them in the house. She then helped her grandfather with his work and motioned towards the clock.
“Go wash up” he said as Hyejoo nodded and walked inside the house to wash up. Hyejoo then took a 15 minute walk to the bus stop and sat there until she saw the bus pull up. The bus ride is like a 45 minute drive to school, so she managed to take a nap before school.
Hyejoo woke up a minute before her stop. She grabbed her stuff and walked off the bus. The bus stop was a 10 minute walk to school, but Hyejoo didn’t care.
As she was walking to school, she saw a expensive car passed by and rolled her eyes.
“It’s that damn Hwang Hyunjin” she mumbled as she walked. Hwang Hyunjin is her school’s prince, but Hyejoo knows he’s another jerk who likes to party and is arrogant. Hyejoo walked into the school parking, that leads into the entrance of the school. Hyunjin was hanging out with his friends and ‘girlfriend’ Jiyoo. Hyejoo always have to pass them every morning and they always pick on her.
“Hey look who it is!” Hyunjin said as he eyes Hyejoo. She just rolled her eyes and tried to pass them but Jiyoo grabbed her arm.
“Yah who are you to ignore us! Did you forget your place?” She asked as Hyejoo got annoyed.
“Leave me alone” Hyejoo said as she tried to push passed them but failed. Jiyoo slapped her cheek hard.
“Look who you’re talking to! My family can sue you for whatever you’re worth!” Jiyoo yelled as she stormed off.
“Look what you did loser” Hyunjin said as he ran after Jiyoo.
“That crazy bitch” she said as she held onto her stinging cheek.
It was geometry class and Hyejoo was trying to do her notes, but she heard snickers and papers shuffling behind her. She tried to block them out but they’re being too loud.
“Spoiled rich kids. They can goof off how much they want in class and don’t get in trouble and can get into any school that people are trying their hardest to get in to” she said to herself as she scribbled down her notes. “Rich parents and their kids can make people do whatever they want!”
Geometry soon ended and it was time for gym class. Hyejoo hates that class cause she knows that’s the class Jiyoo and her friends try to hurt her. She finished changing and went outside to the track.
“Give me 5 laps around the gym!” Their gym teacher called. Hyejoo started running, trying to stay ahead of Jiyoo and her friends. She was doing well until she looked beside her and saw Jiyoo smirking at her.
“Your shoes untied!” Jiyoo said and Hyejoo looked down and all of a sudden her knees made contact with the rough track, scratching her knee in the process. Students started gathering around her with worried looks, except Jiyoo and her friends.
“Let me clean your knee and put the bandage on and you can sit out for the rest of the warmups” her gym teacher said as Hyejoo nodded.
They soon went inside to play volleyball. Luckily, she was on a different team from Jiyoo. The game of volleyball was still going on, Hyejoo had a ball coming towards her and she passed t hard to the other side, hitting someone in the face. She looked and saw Jiyoo with a hurt expression.
“Yah coach! She did that on purpose!” Jiyoo yelled as their coach nodded their head.
“You weren’t paying attention, so that caused yourself to get hurt” coach said.
“When my parents here about this, they’ll be angry with you!” She said.
“Your parents can’t sue me over you not paying attention in volleyball. Now be quiet before I make you do heavy exercises” coach said as Jiyoo glared at her.
Gym class was soon over and Hyejoo made sure to hurry out of the locker room showers so she won’t run into Jiyoo or her friends. She doesn’t run into them during lunch time, since they like to eat inside.
Hyejoo went up to the rooftop and pulled out the lunch she made herself. It was a sandwich with an apple.
As she was eating her sandwhich she heard someone sat next to her. She turned to see Felix beside her.
“Felix! Where were you this morning?” She asked.
“I came late today” he said.
“You need to stop sleeping over your alarm. You can get suspended by how much you’re late” she said.
“Oh yeah I really need to” he said as he smiled. The two ate lunch and talked until it was time for class again.
She finished her classes and went into the library to check out a book she needed for her project. She saw Hyunjin,Jiyoo, and their friends in the front just goofing off. She sneaked passed them and walked out. Right when she was close by the entrance someone grabbed her shoulders harshly.
“You think you could just leave without talking to me?” Hyunjin asked as she turned around. “How dare you purposely hurt Jiyoo?”
“She tripped my when we were running laps too Oppa!” She said as she wiped away fake tears.
“Your scratch is fake meanwhile mine is real! You tried to hurt me!” Hyejoo said as she pointed towards her bandage.
“That’s probably fake. You don’t hurt my girlfriend understood?” He asked as he pushed Hyejoo which dropped her bag to the ground, her stuff spilling out.
In her backpack is her homework and books, money to help pay for her grandmothers medicine, her phone which is old but still works, and her bus pass. She got down and tried to put her stuff in her bag. Hyunjin eyed her wallet, but before she could grab it, he got it.
“What is a person like you doing with all this money? It’s clear that you don’t need it” he said as he put the money in his pockets.
Hyejoo felt hot tears well up in her eyes, that money is for her grandmothers medicine. He then eyed her phone and examined it.
“I didn’t know they still made phones like these” he said as he looked at the case. “Too bad it’s broken.” He then dropped her phone in a shallow puddle that his foot was in.
Hyejoo then released the tears that were forming in her eyes. All her hard earned money for her grandmother, right into his pockets. Her phone that her boss gave her as a gift, now broken and probably not working anymore. Her books and work, now wet due to the wet ground. She couldn’t take any of it anymore until she snapped.
“Are you fucking happy?” She said in a mumbled voice.
“Huh what did you say?” He asked taunting her.
“ARE YOU FUCKING HAPPY!” She said now screaming at him.
“Do you know how hard I work to earn that money? My grandmother is sick and that money you stole is to pay for her medicine. You just stole my phone, so I probably won’t know if my grandmother checked into a hospital or not!” Hyejoo said as she screamed.
“Aren’t everyone’s grandparents rich with cash? You can just get some more-“ Hyunjin was cut off by Hyejoo.
“Not everyone is fortunate like you! I have to get up at 4am to help my grandfather with the work around the house! Meanwhile you complain about having to wake up 3 or 2 hours later than me! I worry about how much her medicine is, meanwhile you worry about what designer thing to wear the next day! I have to study hard to just get a scholarship into the university I want, while you and your friends party and drink and not give a damn cause you know your parents can get you into any college that you don’t deserve to be accepted in!” She yelled as tears run down her eyes.
“My mom left me with my grandparents so she can go be with her new rich ass boyfriend and his kids! My mom didn’t want me!” She said as she sobbed.
Hyunjin just stood there shocked. He never knew her life was that hectic and that crazy. He just stood there watching her cry her feelings out.
“Hyejoo I-“ he said as he was cut off.
“I don’t need your damn pity Hwang Hyunjin” She said as she stormed off.
Hyejoo has a job at a convenience store that’s not too far from the school or the bus stop.
“Hello Hyejoo!” Her coworker, Yuji greeted the girl. “Have you been crying?”
“It’s my allergies” Hyejoo said as she lied.
“Well it looks like it’s about to storm, so I cleaned half the tables outside for you” she said as Hyejoo nodded her head.
“Thanks unnie” she said as she went to change into her work vest. Hyejoo cleaned all the tables from outside and did her work of sweeping the floors before Yuji left.
Hyejoo is usually left alone for a few hours before her other worker comes in. As she was studying her notes, a strange man came inside the store.
The man eyed Hyejoo for a minute and then started walking around slowly around the store. Her hand diverted towards a button behind the counter that automatically alerts the police.
The man walked up to the counter and gave her a creepy smile.
“All alone tonight?” He asked as Hyejoo looked at him carefully.
“A-a-ani” she said as she scanned his items. His questions made Hyejoo more and more scared for her safety. The man left which made her sigh in relief and she managed to get the rest of her shift done. It was the weekend, so the busses run a little later than usual.
She took the exhausting bus ride back to her grandparents and then the 15 minute walk in the rain. She made it to her grandparents house and she quietly closed the door, but she knew her grandfather was still awake.
“Grandfather? I’m home!” She said as she called out.
“I’m in the kitchen” he called out and she walked towards him.
“I made you some tea and here’s the dinner I fixed earlier” he said as he sat down a plate of food and a cup of green tea.
“It’s starting to get cold again” he said as she nodded.
“I’m scared, what if she doesn’t make it this winter?” She asked.
Hyejoo’s grandmother got so ill that the winter makes her condition worse. The doctors said she was lucky to survive that winter, but they were sure she won’t make it this winter.
“I have to tell you something” he said.
“What is it?”
“If your grandmother do pass, you have to go live with your aunt” he said.
“My aunt why can’t I stay with you?” She asked confused.
“It’s because I’m not blood related to you. You were supposed to go with your aunt in the first place, but your mom decided for you to live with us since she wasn’t in a good place at the moment, meanwhile we were” he explained.
“But my aunt hates me” she said as she huffed her cheeks.
“Your aunt doesn’t hate you! She loves you more than anything!” He said.
“She does? My mom told me my aunts and uncles hate me!” She said surprised.
“Your mother always told those lies to you. Your aunts and uncles tried to see you, but your mother always told them no. So she decided to tell you that they just hate you.”
“Where does my aunt work now?” She asked.
“She works at an office and makes a good salary. I’ve been on the phone with her and she’s doing fine mentally too.”
“Grandfather, we shouldn’t talk like this! Grandmother will survive this winter and I’ll make sure!” She said.
“Well let’s stop talking! Go wash up and go to bed” he said as he grabbed her dishes.
“Thanks grandfather” she said as she went towards her room.
“Do you guys even believe what she said?” Jiyoo asked as the others shook her head.
“Who even wakes up that early?” Her other friends responded.
“People with no social life! She’s just an attention seeker” Jiyoo said.
Meanwhile why there were talking, Hyunjin was looking down on his lap where Hyejoo’s phone was located.
“What are you looking at oppa?” She asked as he suddenly looked up.
“Oh nothing!” He said as he his her phone behind his back.
“Well there’s a party tonight are you going?” She asked as Hyunjin nodded.
“Of course” he said as he nodded.
“I don’t care about her, like she said, she doesn’t need my pity” he thought. “Or do I?”
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k-reativefantasies · 6 years
VIXX Adventures: Leo (Part 3)
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Genre: Sci-fi, Fiction, Action adventure, thriller. 
Summary: You’re thrown into a labyrinth with ten levels filled with monsters and the bare essentials to survive. Maybe with some help from Leo you’ll make it through this dangerous game alive. 
Word count: 2080
Note: Please Read Previous parts and Intro to VIXX Adventures first!  Chapters: Intro , Part 1, Part 2 
As soon as we entered the next level my bracelet beeped with a new objective. New Objective: Survive the night on level five. 4/10 levels completed. 
Leo didn’t say a word or even look at me as the doors opened. The frustration and anger nearly oozed off of him and I knew that I was the cause.
 “Leo I… I’m sorry I-”
“Nothing you have to say is going to fix this so don’t waste time talking. Follow my lead, stay quiet and we might live through the night.” He snapped without glancing my direction. 
“What about the safe zone? We have an hour.” I pointed out trying to be optimistic. 
He growled in annoyance and turned around to face me leaning down and getting in my face a bit, which had me flinching backwards. “There is no way we are going to find a safe zone in under an hour especially not by ourselves. We have no supplies, No extra equipment and we are going to run out of ammunition real fast on a level like this. So realistically there’s a large probability we won’t make it through the night. However our odds will be a lot higher if you shut up and follow my lead since I’m the only one here who knows what they’re doing!” 
I swallowed thickly his anger hitting me hard. I was scared enough as it is and I knew that some of his anger was his own fear talking but him lashing out was not going to help me stay calm. “Well if I’m such a problem why bother protecting me at all? Why not just leave me here to die and go save yourself if I’m that incompetent!” I shouted at him out of hurt and frustration. 
The anger on his face shifted to a look of deep pain and hurt before he composed his features into a stony mask once more, “ Follow me or don’t but we’re wasting time. We need to try and find somewhere somewhat safe to wait out the night until we can find the safe zone in the morning.”
 He adjusted his gun in his arms and started walking off quickly without looking back. 
I was mad at myself for my childish outburst and the fact that it had clearly hurt him. We had been finally starting to get along this morning, yet things went sour so fast. I suppose that was the purpose of the maze. I followed him as closely as I could as we twisted and turned through the maze. There were no screams on this level since no other people were around but there were mechanical clicking noises and the grinding of gears as well as some more ominous bestial sounds. 
Finally after a full half hour of walking Leo paused at a dead end and turned toward me, “What do you have in your inventory?” 
“I uh… let me see.” I checked back through my inventory quickly and relayed what it contained, “I’ve got a auto refilling canteen, a food supplier, a bed roll, a grappling hook, a highlighter stick, a bunch of coin from the boss monster and my weapons obviously.”
“Of course otherworlders get all the good supplies. Figures.” He huffed and shook his head, “Give me the grappling hook. I’ve got an idea.” I obliged and handed him my grappling hook. 
He took a few steps back surveying the high wall of the maze. He swung the hook in circles and released it the heavy metal flying up and amazingly catching onto groove in the wall that I couldn’t even see. Leo tugged the rope to make sure it was secure and then tied it around my waist. 
“What are you…”
“I’m going to climb up to the top and the hoist you up. Unless you would prefer to stay down here and be monster food.” 
“How do you know there aren’t monsters that can climb up there?” 
“I don’t but it’s certainly a safer bet than staying down here where I know they can get to us.” He said with a slightly annoyed look. 
Before I could come up with a smart-ass response he had grabbed the rope and was tugging himself up the rope. I found myself admiring his arms as he climbed, not in a dang that boy’s fine kind of way more in a I wish I had that kind of upper body strength kind of way. Although one definitely could not say he didn’t have nice arms. In a matter of minutes he had pulled himself to the top. 
He looked down and breathing heavily, reaching for the rope to start pulling me up. “Hey wait! You’re exhausted let me try climbing it on my own first.” I called up to him. 
“Alright then. Shout if you need help.” He said disappearing out of view again, which made me feel a little less self-conscious about my skill level.
 I untied the rope from my waist so that I could clamp my feet onto the extra bit like Leo had and I reached up to grab the rope with my hands. Slowly I started inching my way up the rope. A couple times my feet slipped and I had to start over but once I got the hang of how to position myself it became a little easier. Only a third of the way up my hands were sore from the texture of the rope and my arms and legs ached with the strain. I kept reminding myself how close I was and felt determined not to have Leo help me.
 I had just hit the halfway point when I heard a clicking metal grinding noise followed by a high pitch whining noise that grated on my ears. I looked down and froze in fear halfway up the rope as a creature that looked like a tiger and praying mantis had a cyborg alien baby entered the hall of the maze below me. I couldn’t call for Leo or I would attract attention. My only option was to get to the top and pray it didn’t see or hear me before I made it. Straining and stretching I continued up the rope as quietly as I could.  
I was almost at the top when the thing let out another cry this one sounding like a warning cry and it started racing at me with its metal legs scraping the smooth maze floor below it.
“Leo!” I cried and looked up but he was already there reaching his hand down the last few feet to grab me. 
The thing leapt and made it two thirds of the way up the wall it’s razor arms slashing at me. I screamed and kicked at it, which was stupid since it looked like it was made of razor blades. I gave a sharp cry of pain as a cut blossomed on my leg. 
“Hana focus! Grab my hand! Quick before it jumps again!” Leo cried to me a hue of desperation in his voice. I girt my teeth ignoring the tears of pain in my eyes and reached for his hand. He grunted and hauled me up hard the rest of the way falling backward with the effort of getting me over the edge of the wall. Thankfully the wall was wide enough that we didn’t topple over the opposite side. I fell on top of him both of us breathing heavy. 
The moment of pause only lasting a second as I rolled off of him grabbed my gun and angrily shot down at the tiger bug thing screaming at in frustration and feeling very satisfied when it exploded into goo. I didn’t realize I was still shooting at it until Leo put his hand on my shoulder. 
“Hana it’s dead stop. Hana you’re wasting amo. Hana!” finally he shook me a bit and I stopped dropping my gun on the wall next to me, quiet tears streaming from my eyes as I tried to wipe them away. I saw Leo’s expression soften at the sight of my tears.
 He pulled some bandages from his inventory along with some ointment, “Let me see that leg.”  I had kind of forgotten my injury until he mentioned it but once I was aware of it again the pain came back pretty strong. It felt like a paper cut that was just deep enough to be a pain and went all the way up the side of my left calf. I readjusted so that my leg was lying across his lap. 
He pulled out a knife and cut off my pant leg. “Aw darn and those were my favorite pants too,” I joked my voice oozing in sarcasm. 
A slight snort slipped from his lips and I caught the hint of a smile as he focused on his task.
 “I’m sorry was that a laugh I just heard? Did I see you smile? The stoic warrior Leo finally cracks a smile. Wow I feel so successful right now.” I said grinning as I teased him. 
He gave me a slightly exasperated look but I could tell he was still amused. “This will sting a bit but it’ll stop the bleeding and make sure it doesn’t get infected.” he warned as he put some of the ointment on my leg. 
I hissed as the cut burned and sizzled where the ointment touched it but I focused on Leo’s gentle fingers wrapping the bandage over the wound and that helped distract me from the sting.
 “Well I think we’re pretty much stuck here for the night with your leg like that plus this is as safe as anywhere else I suppose. You should get out your camp supplies and get some rest I’ll take first watch. I’ll wake you up when it’s your turn.” 
A comfortable silence came between us for a moment and we both looked out over the maze. Leo’s eyes traced the walls watching their patterns and probably looking for the buildings that were the safe zones.
“The louder grinding noises we’ve been hearing are the walls moving. That must be one of the ways the levels get harder from here on out is that the maze itself changes each night. It’s going to make navigating these levels a lot harder, which makes sense. The wardens don’t really want us teaming up and organizing anyway but the also can’t do too much to stop that.”
I listened to his ramblings absorbing the information but also not in a place where I felt like talking more about the mechanics of the labyrinth and the game. I’d been in survival mode long enough for one day. 
 “I really am sorry I got you stuck in here alone with me. I should have been more careful. I feel so guilty, you having to watch out for me all the time.”
“Well if it makes you feel better you aren’t completely useless, you learn quick and you have good instincts,” He replied with a hint of a smile on his lips. I perked up a bit at his compliments, feeling a bit better about myself for once. 
“Also I owe you an apology too. I’ve been especially hard on you because you’re an otherworlder and while it’s true that you have less knowledge about the labyrinth then those of us who get put in here as criminals of war, it doesn’t make you useless. I also have been unfairly associating you with some of my own emotional baggage,” He said as he took my hands and put some of the ointment on the rope burns there.
 “Thank you for that,” I whispered softly, grateful that he was starting to open up to me a bit, “You’re talking about the last otherworlder right? Did you… did you really kill them?” I asked hesitantly. 
Leo didn’t seem like a cold-blooded murder so I had to assume if he did kill the last gamer to come in here then he had a reason. Though I was rather shocked the company would let someone else in here after a death occurred. 
“Yes and no…it’s complicated and a long story. You need to rest. You do have a right to know Hana and I promise I’ll tell you about it. Tomorrow once we make it to the safe zone then I’ll answer any questions you have no holds barred alright? For tonight though you need to rest. Tomorrow is going to be a tough day.”
With that I nodded, got out my bed roll and laid down closing my eyes to try and get some much needed rest.  ~Admin Chu <3 
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