#sidenote: cat's cradle is one of three rooms that relate to a bonus scene later on. yes i'm dropping hints in the tags bc some of you-
lacunafiction Β· 2 years
Which would you say is the best room on offer, and why in particular Cat’s Cradle? πŸ˜›
Hi Anon,
I hope you are having a purrfect day! πŸˆπŸ’š
Cat's Cradle seems to be one of the most popular room themes among Returning Visitors simply because it has 'cat' in its title, which is why I would pick it too. XD I think it has the most intense scare overall, but that's just me. I don't really have a favorite room theme, since I liked designing them as much as Mrs. Dorran. Looking up all those different textures, accents, etc. made the writing more fun.
Your room theme comes up a few times in Book One, which means you all will get to see more of its design elements and uniqueness.
As for the names, I wanted each theme to have a degree of alliteration or at least for the first letter of each word to be the same.
Cat's Cradle can also have a double meaning to it... πŸ‘€ Best wishes!
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