#sidenote: for the love of all that is good pls stop bothering random people on the internet for information
thecodyagenda · 1 year
Hi everyone today, the 25th of August, is Australian South Sea Islander recognition day. From 1863 to 1904, over 62,000 South Sea Islanders were coerced through deception or kidnapping to work as slaves or poorly paid labourers in Australia, most notably in Queensland. Then in 1901 with the 'White Australia Policy' many Pacific Islanders were deported between 1904 and 1908.
Despite the government insisting that this is a "bittersweet" event that was simply a "fraught" part of Australia's history, Australia continues these racist traditions, refusing to acknowledge or recognise how they have harmed Pacific Islanders and furthermore Australians encourage tourism within the Pacific Islands, often to the detriment of the Pacific Islanders themselves.
Australians view ourselves traveling within Polynesia, Micronesia and, most notably, Melanesia as adventurers exploring the unknown, instead of calling it what it is, tourism that exploits the rest of Oceania and encourages the discrimination and ideals of colonisation.
Australian South Sea Islander Day is a day that not many Australians know about, in fact I hadn't known the day existed until a friend prompted me to search for it in June. Despite the impact of Pacific Islanders on Australia and Australia's history with Pacific Islanders, we teach little-to-nothing about this history in schools, we do not acknowledge our part in reinforcing racist ideas and we don't recognise days like ASSI recognition day that highlight important parts of our history.
So I am going to make a start by recognising this day and what it should mean to Australia. August 25th, ASSI Day and I have linked below many resources about our history that are worth reading whether you are Australian or not.
Sugar Slaves: Australian South Sea Islanders are descendants of the Pacific Islands Blackbird trade
Who Are The Australian South Sea Islanders?
Australia Should Open The Door To Melanesians - Article
Australian Travelers In The South Seas
Difference Between Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia
Please note that I am a white australian. If you see anything that I have linked as outdated/incorrect or have anything else you'd like to add, feel free to add it in the reblogs or let me know!
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