fanforthefics · 7 years
Sid/Geno, Sherlock Holmes AU? C=
1) There is no reason for Sidney to like Malkin. Malkin is in many ways everything Sidney cannot stand–he is overloud and flamboyant, he moves through the world with no care for the people around him, he wastes away his brilliance on drugs and music and only sometimes emerges to deign to solve a crime. There is no reason for Sidney, a man of routine and quiet and service, to like him–except that he does. Except that Malkin is also kind to children and animals, and he is a bloodhound on the scent when the case begins, and he invited Sidney in when he was little more than a shell of himself and did not judge him for it, and sometimes when Sidney has added his small contribution to a case–a bit of medical or military knowledge, generally, though sometimes it is his strong right arm–Malkin looks at him with amazed eyes and calls him brilliant and looks like he believes it. It’s hard not to like that. It’s hard not to stay, for that.  
2) Geno spends the first year they live together waiting for Crosby to leave. He has no illusions about who he is or what it is like to live with him, and Crosby is many wonderful, delightful things, but he is not a patient man. Geno dreads the day Crosby decides to leave, more than he would like to admit. He has never relied on a person before, never known what it would mean to have someone listen to his deductions with wide awed eyes and care about their opinions, never known how it would feel to wake in the morning and knew someone would be at the breakfast table and have that drive him out of bed. Though he would admit it to no one, he thinks he could keep this forever. But Crosby was the pride of the British army, once–the tone of voice of a man used to giving orders, the letters that sometimes coming bearing seals of important men, the undeniable way his mind clicks along through stratagems and tactics, nothing like his own mental acuity but useful in its own way, and definitely the best of that way. And Geno cannot imagine that he will not tire of Geno and his little flat eventually. 
3) Geno takes the case because he is bored, and because when the victim mentions the name of his employer, Crosby’s heartbeat picks up and his head tilts down, as if to hide his face. He has been distracted lately, taken up by the letters that continue coming from all the important men he corresponds with and his family, and going out to meeting with those important men, though he would never say as much. The case itself does not interest Geno overmuch, plebeian and not worth his time from the sound of it, but it would not do for Crosby to become bored as well. He tells the man they’ll take the case, and sends him on his way. After, Crosby fixes him with a skeptical look, darker than is his wont. “You were not predisposed to take this case,” he points out. Geno is, as always, delighted by how well Crosby can read him, if no one else. 
“No,” he admits, “But now I have, so we must go–”
“Malkin,” Crosby says, and reaches out to grab Geno’s forearm. No one touches Geno much; Crosby is the first. He wonders if it always feels like fire and chains, if other people were to put their arm upon his shirt. “This case will do you no good. I know his employer, from the wars.” Crosby’s hand closes tightly on Geno’s arm, an involuntary reaction–an unwilling memory. “He is not a man to deal honestly.” 
That is the most Crosby has ever said of his time in the army. Geno has deduced much of it, of course, but he also knows that Crosby’s nightmares come from something he does not know. It is not a thought he likes. “And I am not a man to be fooled,” he declares, and plucks his coat from the hook. “Come, Crosby. The case is afoot!” 
4) The case goes awry, as Sidney knew it would the instant Bettman’s name was mentioned. He follows after Malkin regardless, because without him Malkin would stumble into the lion’s den and tell the lions how many teeth they had but not notice their mouths closing until too late, but he is not pleased about it. He is much less pleased when he ends up captured, and tied to a chair in what appears to be a warehouse, and Bettman walks in, chuckling. “Well,” he says, and Sidney manages not to roll his eyes. “This is just like old times, isn’t it?” 
5) Geno is not a stupid man. Geno is in fact the smartest man, and so he knows when he alone is unmatched. Going in to retrieve Crosby alone has a 64% chance of failure, which is unacceptable. Geno’s own resources, his network of spies and informants, are not of much use to him. The police might be more, but they are too often slow to act. Slowness might mean Crosby’s death, another unacceptable outcome. So he sets his jaw and goes to court. It takes him a number of threats, lies, and a spot of blackmail, but then he is standing in front of the most important of Crosby’s important men. “Well?” asks Lord Mario Lemieux, Commander of Her Majesty’s Armies. “You’ve taken quiet some effort to be here. I assume you want something?” 
Geno draws himself up to his full height, and stares him down. He is not overfond of authority figures, and is less fond of men who try to tempt Crosby away from Geno  back to the army that left him injured and haunted. But he is not a stupid man, so he just snaps, “Sidney Crosby has been kidnapped. I require your assistance in retrieving him.” 
Lord Lemieux does not hesitate before rising. The concern on his face is comforting, at least; this is a man who understands the urgency of the situation. “Who took him?” he demands, like a father worried for his child, and Geno cannot relax, with Crosby missing, but he at least thinks that in this, he has an ally. The chance of failure has gone down to acceptable levels. 
6) Crosby is already on his feet and just finishing knocking the last of Bettman’s henchmen to the ground when Geno bursts in, Lemieux and his men hot on his heels. He looks up, and he smiles to see Geno. “Malkin!” he exclaims, then, “Lemieux? What are you doing here?” 
Lemieux takes in the scene. “I was told my assistance would be needed, but it seems we were mistaken.” 
Crosby’s lips twitch. Geno is irrationally angry. He had been smiling because of Geno, not Lemieux. “One day, you will stop underestimating me, my friend.” 
“On the contrary. I believe I know exactly your worth.” Lemieux gives the room another look, then takes half a step forward. “Crosby, you must see, what you can do–”
Crosby’s gaze sweeps the room. He seems to be considering it. Geno steps forward. “If we may proceed–” He lets the words snap out into the room– “I believe we have a villain to arrest.” 
“You’ll find him in the study, I believe,” Crosby remarks, pointing towards a door. “I believe that is where he spent his time, when not–entertaining himself, with me.” The words are said flatly, but Geno takes another look–a slight hesitation in the movement of Crosby’s left arm, a stiffness in his back. Broken ribs, possibly a broken arm. No damage to the face; unsurprising, as body blows tended to do more damage for less risk of permanent harm. Geno does not take risks. He knows precisely how he will strike Bettman, for this. 
They arrest Bettman, and Crosby keeps Geno from exacting the full revenge he would like to. Before they leave–Lemeiux to deal with Bettman, and Geno with Crosby to their flat, with a doctor on the way–Geno sees Lemieux and Crosby in conversation, but their heads are tilted so he cannot read their lips. Crosby’s doing, if he had to guess. He could attempt to find an angle at which he could see, but instead he goes to hail a cab. He knew this day would come, but delay seems the order of the hour. 
7) “I believe I will bathe for a week,” Sidney says, when the doctor has gone. Malkin had hovered throughout the entire examination, like he might have some input though the practicalities of medical science have never interested him; now he swoops around the room like it is too small to hold him. Sidney watches him until he cannot bear it any more. “Sit, please. You’re giving me a headache.” 
To Sidney’s surprise, Malkin sits, dropping into his armchair with his elbows braced upon his knees. He looks surprisingly serious, for a man who had just solved a case and acquired a favor from the Lord Commander–not that Sidney was short of favors from Lemieux. “Is the case not done?” Sidney asks. 
“No, it is done. Though I would hire a few Whitechapel thugs to go to the Old Bailey,” Malkin mutters the last bit. Sidney shakes his head, unduely fond. 
“I did not know you cared so much,” he teases gently. “Such revenge, for a few bruises.” 
“They were not bruises,” Malkin spits. He looks at the fire for a moment,  then turns to Sidney all at once, with the full force of that amazing mind behind his eyes. “Lemieux wants you to return to the army.” 
“Yes,” Sidney agrees, though Malkin has never needed his confirmation. 
“You could be of great use there,” Malkin observes. “The army has need of men like you. I presume Lemieux is offering you a high position. You–”
“Do you think I would leave?” Sidney interrupts. Malkin goes a sudden, blotchy red, which is confirmation enough. Sidney laughs, though it hurts his ribs. “You foolish man,” he says, still laughing. “I have served my country. Now it is time for my retirement, and I plan to spend it here.” 
“With me?” Malkin asks, and the flush remains high on his cheeks. His eyes are wide like a child’s might be, presented with a truth they had not yet considered. 
“If you’ll have me,” Sidney replies. He’d known that months ago. He’d known that tied to a chair and confident that Malkin was coming. He’d known that when he told Lemieux no this afternoon, perhaps regretful but sure. 
Malkin is on his feet again, but only to fold himself to his knees next to the couch, where he takes Sidney’s hand and moves it slowly, with more care not to injury him than Sidney has seen him take with anyone. “I would have you stay with me, Sidney,” he says solemnly. He brings Sidney’s knuckles to his mouth, and Sidney feels the warmth of it through his bones. 
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