globalvoices · 4 months
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insurgentepress · 2 months
Pide ONU impulsar justicia climática y financiera en Estados Insulares en Desarrollo
El mundo no debe permitir la pérdida de un solo país o cultura debido al calentamiento global ni la continuación de un “mundo financiero de dos velocidades” en el que los ricos se vuelven más ricos y los pobres, más pobres, dijo el Secretario General de la @UN.
Agencias/Ciudad de México.- El Secretario General de la ONU describió el futuro de los Pequeños Estados Insulares en Desarrollo como “un caso de prueba” para la justicia climática y financiera en el que el mundo no debe fallar. António Guterres pronunció estas palabras durante la inauguración de la Cuarta Conferencia Internacional sobre los Pequeños Estados Insulares en Desarrollo (SIDS4), que se…
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kikotapasando · 4 months
Boneiru a partisipá na konferensia di SIDS4
Boneiru a partisipá na konferensia di SIDS4 04 jun 2024 Eilandnieuws Un paso importante pa Boneiru ta rekuperashon i fortifikashon di e sistema natural. Diputado Anjelica Cicilia, huntu ku sra. Johanna Garming (e persona enkargá ku maneho riba tereno di medio ambiente i e studiante Noah Hassan tabata na Antigua i Barbuda pa partisipá na e di kuater konferensia internashonal di Small Island…
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keynewssuriname · 4 months
Minister Ramdin belicht Ananasproject tijdens SDG-paneldiscussie op SIDS conferentie
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Op dinsdag 28 mei 2024 heeft minister Albert Ramdin van Buitenlandse Zaken, International Business en Internationale Samenwerking deelgenomen aan een high-level paneldiscussie tijdens de 4e Internationale Conferentie over Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) in Antigua en Barbuda. Hij was een van de panelleden tijdens de sessie “Joint SDG Funds Work Across Portfolio: Revitalisering SIDS Economies for Accelerated and Sustainable Growth”. De SIDS4 conferentie vond plaats van 27 tot en met 30 mei 2024 in St.-John’s, Antigua en Barbuda. Tijdens deze conferentie vinden er eveneens side-events plaats waaronder paneldiscussies naar aanleiding van de United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG). De minister ging in op de stand van zaken bij twee van de drie UN SDG-fonds projecten waarin Suriname ondersteuning heeft verkregen: Project 2, het ASTA-project, het zogeheten Ananas project en Project 3 ‘Leave No One Behind’. Inmiddels is Project 1 ‘Roadmap for a sustainable financial system for Suriname’, reeds afgerond. Minister Ramdin benadrukte dat het UN ASTA-project een multidimensionale benadering vereist. Hij legde uit dat de ananas, een vrucht die de inheemse volkeren van oudsher kennen, centraal staat in dit project. “Suriname heeft een rijke landbouwtraditie en het ASTA-project is bedoeld om de decentralisatie en regionalisatie te bevorderen en een katalytisch multipliereffect te creëren. Met de technologie van de Horticulturen hub, gefinancierd door het UN SDG-fonds, zal de economische capaciteit van de betrokken districten worden vergroot” gaf de minister mee. Read the full article
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buckiegotit · 4 months
Published 1 June 2024 St Kitts, Basseterre, Buckie Got It Media Source MINISTER OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE ACTION AND CONSTITUENCY EMPOWERMENT DELIVERS KEYNOTE SPEECH AT ISLAND INNOVATION SIDS4 SIDE-EVENT St. John’s, Antigua, 30 May 2024 As her final SIDS4 engagement, the Hon. Dr. Joyelle Clarke delivered the Keynote Speech at Island Innovations’ side-event under the…
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descifrandolanoticia · 4 months
Canciller Roberto Álvarez llama a tomar medidas para enfrentar efectos del cambio climático
Canciller Roberto Álvarez llama a tomar medidas para enfrentar efectos del cambio climático #DescifrandoLaNoticia
Antigua, Antigua y Barbuda. – El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Roberto Álvarez, planteó en la Cuarta Conferencia de los Pequeños Estados Insulares en Desarrollo (SIDS4) que se realiza en Antigua y Barbuda, una serie de medidas para enfrentar los efectos del cambio climático que golpean con fuerza a las comunidades más pobres y vulnerables. Entre otros puntos, el canciller Álvarez reiteró el…
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therealcrimediary · 6 months
Saint Lucia's Commissioner of Police, Crusita Descartes Pelius, attended the Regional Security System's Joint Coordinating and Planning Committee (RSS JCPC) meeting in Guyana to address various security issues affecting the RSS sub-region. The meeting focused on enhancing security measures, particularly in public health and disaster response, in preparation for major upcoming events like the ICC Cricket World Cup 2024 and the SIDS4 Conference. Participants discussed identified gaps in national security strategies and stressed the need for additional resources to bolster security in the region. The gathering featured special presentations from esteemed regional partners including CARICOM IMPACS, CARPHA, CDEMA, Trinidad and Tobago Police and Military Forces, Antigua and Barbuda Police and Military Forces, Guyana Defence Force, Barbados Defence Force, Barbados Police Service, and RSS Headquarters. These presentations provided valuable insights and perspectives on the current state of security in the region and ways to collaborate and enhance security measures. The meeting also included progress updates on RSS and broader regional exercises aimed at practicing national and regional security responses to critical incidents, highlighting the importance of preparedness and coordination in addressing security challenges. As part of the meeting agenda, the RSS Council of Ministers is set to convene, with an address by His Excellency Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, President of Guyana, and remarks from the incoming Chairman of the Council, Dr Terrance Drew, Prime Minister of the Federation of St Christopher and Nevis. This high-level gathering of regional leaders will provide an opportunity to discuss key security issues, strategies, and collaborations to strengthen security in the RSS sub-region. The meeting will serve as a platform for sharing best practices, addressing challenges, and fostering partnerships to enhance security ahead of major events and in response to evolving security threats. The discussions at the RSS JCPC meeting underscored the importance of cooperation and collaboration among regional security agencies and partner organizations to address security challenges effectively. By sharing knowledge, resources, and expertise, participants can work together to enhance security measures, improve response capabilities, and mitigate security risks in the region. The meeting served as a platform for key stakeholders to exchange ideas, strategies, and insights on how to strengthen security in the RSS sub-region, particularly in preparation for major events and in response to emerging security threats. Overall, the RSS JCPC meeting in Guyana provided a valuable opportunity for regional security stakeholders to come together, discuss pressing security issues, and strategize on ways to enhance security measures in the RSS sub-region. By fostering collaboration, sharing best practices, and pooling resources, participants can work towards a more secure and resilient security environment, better prepared to address challenges and threats. The meeting highlighted the importance of regional cooperation in addressing security challenges and emphasized the need for ongoing dialogue, coordination, and joint efforts to safeguard the security of the RSS sub-region.
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socialjusticeday · 8 months
"Global coalition for social justice: Bridging Gaps, Building Alliances."
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Background and Global Challenges. As we face persistent global challenges – geopolitical instability, economic uncertainties, and the climate crisis – it's imperative to address longstanding challenges in our systems. These challenges exacerbate structural inequalities, pushing millions further behind. In 2023, labour markets showed surprising resilience despite economic downturns. Yet, recovery remains uneven, with new vulnerabilities eroding prospects for social justice. The need to bridge gaps and build alliances is therefore increasingly crucial. Moreover, labour market outlook and global unemployment will both worsen with an extra two million workers expected to be looking for jobs in 2024, raising the global unemployment rate from 5.1 per cent in 2023 to 5.2 per cent. As the ILO points out in its latest World Employment and Social Outlook report, as of 2023:  241 million workers lived in extreme poverty.  423 million workers lived in moderate poverty. These alarming numbers underscore the urgent need for concerted efforts to address the root causes of working poverty and boost economic opportunities globally. Around the world, as structural issues impair the creation of decent jobs:  Governments must strengthen domestic economies through initiatives to raise productivity growth and living standards.  Utilize international cooperation instruments to foster regional productivity initiatives.  Make better use of multilateral development funds and expedite support to the most fragile economies. This includes a whole-of-society approach to education and learning thus unlocking their transformational potential as a source for personal dignity and empowerment and a driving force for the advancement of social, economic, political, and cultural development. Additionally, it will be imperative to ensure responses from multiple policy levers spanning economic, social and environmental dimensions, particularly in tackling key transitions of jobs and social protection. As Member States negotiate key considerations for SIDS4, LLDC3, the Summit of the Future and World Social Summit, it is vital that we live up to the pledge of the Copenhagen Declaration to making the eradication of poverty, the goal of full employment and social justice overriding objectives of development. The 2024 World Day of Social Justice provides an opportunity to foster dialogue on actions needed to achieve social justice by strengthening the social contract that has been fractured by rising inequalities, conflicts and weakened institutions that are meant to uphold and protect the rights of workers. As we have passed the half-way milestone towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, we must redouble our efforts to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all by focusing on the four interrelated and interdependent dimensions of social justice: universal human rights and capabilities include, which include among others, access to an adequate standard of living, education, healthcare and social security; equal access to opportunities for employment and productive activity that enable people to pursue their material well-being in conditions of economic security; fair distribution outcomes including a just share of the benefits of economic growth, with attention to the most disadvantaged or vulnerable in society; and just transitions on the significant transformations affect people’s well-being over time, which include transformations associated with globalization, technological, demographic, environmental and other transformations, and compounding crises. By focusing on bridging gaps and building alliances in support of the Global Coalition for Social Justice, we can ensure the promise of enabling our societies and economies to function more cohesively and effectively; unlock the productive potential of countries and people; pave the way for sustained reductions in poverty and inequality – prerequisites for inclusive growth; and contribute to peace, stability and intergenerational solidarity.
Key Questions for Discussion:
In the context of SIDS4, LLDC3, and the Summit of the Future, what specific actions and policy initiatives can be proposed or enhanced to tackle structural inequalities that impede the achievement of the SDGs, including the decent work issues facing the people who are expected to deliver them?
How can social dialogue between governments, employers, and workers be central to recovery efforts and future economic policies, ensuring decent work and social justice remain priorities?
In the face of worsening global unemployment and increasing numbers of workers in poverty, what strategies and collaborative approaches should be taken to bridge gaps and create economic opportunities (that uplift workers globally)?
How can Member States strengthen their commitment to the Copenhagen Declaration's pledge during negotiations for SIDS4, LLDC3, the Summit of the Future, and the World Social Summit?
How can we reinforce the role international cooperation instruments, regional productivity initiatives, and multilateral development funds play in addressing structural issues that hinder the creation of decent and secure jobs globally, especially in the most fragile economies?
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thxnews · 8 months
UK Leads at SIDS4 Conference for Island States
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UK’s Pivotal Role in SIDS4 Conference
Championing Island States’ Priorities As the world turns its attention to the fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4), the UK’s involvement, as outlined by Ambassador James Kariuki, holds paramount importance. Additionally, SIDS4 represents a critical juncture in driving transformational action for these vulnerable states. It places a strong focus on climate action, reforming the international financial system, and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).   UK’s Financial and Technical Support The UK's commitment, including a significant financial contribution of over £1.5 million and the provision of technical expertise, underscores its dedication to supporting SIDS. Furthermore, with Small Island Developing States facing severe climate and economic challenges, the UK’s support is vital in bolstering their progress towards the SDGs.  
Addressing Climate Change and Economic Challenges
Tackling Interlinked Global Challenges The UK's new International Development White Paper highlights a strategic approach to addressing the intertwined issues of poverty, climate change, and biodiversity loss. SIDS4 presents an opportunity for the UK to lead ambitious work and foster collaborative partnerships, accelerating progress across the SDGs, especially for those on the frontline of climate change.   Advancing Ambitious Global Goals As negotiations commence for the conference’s outcome document, the UK urges all parties to recognize the urgency of the challenges faced by SIDS, as echoed in COP28 discussions. Moreover, the focus is on an ambitious agenda for the next 10-year Programme of Action, catering to the specific needs of SIDS, including blue economies, data management, and access to finance.  
Forging New Partnerships and Initiatives
Collaborative Efforts with International Partners The UK, in collaboration with AOSIS and Antigua and Barbuda, is co-chairing a DAC-AOSIS Taskforce. This initiative aims to establish a new donor-SIDS partnership by the time of the SIDS4 Conference, focusing on shared areas for progress and reform.   Convening Critical Events and Forums In the lead-up to SIDS4, the UK is set to convene several pivotal events. Firstly, there will be a SIDS Capacity Building Conference with the OECD and UN ESCAP. Additionally, there will be a ‘SIDS Futures Forum’ in collaboration with ODI, and a side event focused on ‘Evidence-based Pathways for Resilient Prosperity’. These gatherings are essential for advancing action and dialogue on key issues affecting Small Island Developing States.   Conclusion The UK’s active role in the SIDS4 Conference is a testament to its commitment to addressing global challenges faced by Small Island Developing States. Through financial support, strategic partnerships, and leadership in critical discussions, the UK is at the forefront of championing climate action and sustainable development. This engagement not only reflects the UK's international development strategy but also signifies its resolve to contribute meaningfully to a resilient, prosperous future for vulnerable island nations.   Sources: THX News, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office & James Kariuki. Read the full article
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jeonghojin01-blog · 2 years
부담없이 각종 취향대로 즐기실분
 !! (미성년자 출입금지 )
 ㅋ ㅏ 똑 :OKOK7790
 친추 부탁해요 ^^
#불금# #애인대행 #용돈만남 #스폰만남 #오피걸 #글래머 #만남해요 #만남 #번개팅 #소개팅 #나가요걸 
#섹시 #야동 #섹스 #여관바리 #1인샵 #밤전 #반의전쟁 #채탱만남 #만남사이트 #샵
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kikotapasando · 4 months
MINISTERIO KONSERNÍ DESAROYO EKONÓMIKO   KÒRSOU POSISHONÁ FUERTE DURANTE SIDS4 PUBLIKÁ RIBA 31 MEI 2024 Willemstad- For di 26 te ku 30 di mei último, Minister Cijntje a biaha huntu ku Promé Minister Gilmar Pisas i un delegashon di Kòrsou pa Antigua i Barbuda kaminda nan a partisipá den e di 4 konferensha internashonal tokante SIDS (Small Island Developing States). Konferenshanan di SIDS ta keda…
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buckiegotit · 4 months
Published 28 May 2024 Buckie Got It, St. Kitts, and Nevis News Source ​​ST. KITTS AND NEVIS’ PRIME MINISTER CONTINUES HIS PUSH FOR CLIMATE ACTION AND AWARENESS AT SIDS4 SIDE EVENTS BASSETERRE, St. Kitts, May 28, 2024 (SKNIS) – As part of his scheduled engagements in Antigua for the fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4), St. Kitts and Nevis’ Prime Minister…
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buckiegotit · 4 months
Prime Minister the Honourable Dr. Terrance Drew and the Honourable Dr. Joyelle Clarke to Lead Delegation to the SIDS4 Conference in Antigua & Barbuda
Published 14 May 2024 Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source Prime Minister the Honourable Dr. Terrance Drew and the Honourable Dr. Joyelle Clarke to Lead a Delegation to the SIDS4 Conference in Antigua and Barbuda (L-R) Prime Minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis, the Honourable Dr. Terrance Drew and Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Climate Action et. al. the Honourable…
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therealcrimediary · 6 months
Saint Lucia's Commissioner of Police, Crusita Descartes Pelius, attended the Regional Security System's Joint Coordinating and Planning Committee (RSS JCPC) meeting in Guyana to address various security issues affecting the RSS sub-region. The meeting focused on enhancing security measures, particularly in public health and disaster response, in preparation for major upcoming events like the ICC Cricket World Cup 2024 and the SIDS4 Conference. Participants discussed identified gaps in national security strategies and stressed the need for additional resources to bolster security in the region. The gathering featured special presentations from esteemed regional partners including CARICOM IMPACS, CARPHA, CDEMA, Trinidad and Tobago Police and Military Forces, Antigua and Barbuda Police and Military Forces, Guyana Defence Force, Barbados Defence Force, Barbados Police Service, and RSS Headquarters. These presentations provided valuable insights and perspectives on the current state of security in the region and ways to collaborate and enhance security measures. The meeting also included progress updates on RSS and broader regional exercises aimed at practicing national and regional security responses to critical incidents, highlighting the importance of preparedness and coordination in addressing security challenges. As part of the meeting agenda, the RSS Council of Ministers is set to convene, with an address by His Excellency Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, President of Guyana, and remarks from the incoming Chairman of the Council, Dr Terrance Drew, Prime Minister of the Federation of St Christopher and Nevis. This high-level gathering of regional leaders will provide an opportunity to discuss key security issues, strategies, and collaborations to strengthen security in the RSS sub-region. The meeting will serve as a platform for sharing best practices, addressing challenges, and fostering partnerships to enhance security ahead of major events and in response to evolving security threats. The discussions at the RSS JCPC meeting underscored the importance of cooperation and collaboration among regional security agencies and partner organizations to address security challenges effectively. By sharing knowledge, resources, and expertise, participants can work together to enhance security measures, improve response capabilities, and mitigate security risks in the region. The meeting served as a platform for key stakeholders to exchange ideas, strategies, and insights on how to strengthen security in the RSS sub-region, particularly in preparation for major events and in response to emerging security threats. Overall, the RSS JCPC meeting in Guyana provided a valuable opportunity for regional security stakeholders to come together, discuss pressing security issues, and strategize on ways to enhance security measures in the RSS sub-region. By fostering collaboration, sharing best practices, and pooling resources, participants can work towards a more secure and resilient security environment, better prepared to address challenges and threats. The meeting highlighted the importance of regional cooperation in addressing security challenges and emphasized the need for ongoing dialogue, coordination, and joint efforts to safeguard the security of the RSS sub-region.
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