#sif ​like 'no yeah i know for a fact that i don't want those things. definitely not faking. are you saying im faking loop?'
wowitsverycool · 5 months
This whole king situation is like that one time I got a crush on gabriel ultrakill but so much worse
Also Nooooo, I can't make a self insert, it's been a running joke with me that all of my self insert oc's I make to ship with other characters never get with the person whom they desire because that person is too busy, I'd be ruining my streak
But if I were to make a regular oc, not a self insert one it still brings the question of why? The reason my first thoughts were siffrin and euphrasie is both have reason to hold personal grudges against him (siffrin more so than euphrasie maybe but hey we don't know what sort of rage hides behind that affable smile). But siffrin would never want to touch him like that and again I feel weird exposing euphrasie to him, she could handle him but I feel if it was her the situation would become about him very quickly and no! He needs to be diminished!
Like I need someone who hates him but also knows how deeply pathetic he is from personal experience so when they pull at his hair rolling their eyes calling him annoying it comes from somewhere deeply personal
uhhhhhhhhh panicked spongebob filing cabinet brain image. uh uh uhm OH OHO. well. you see. i have this headcanon .
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chrisevansgoodgirl · 3 years
Ok. Here we go. Here's my fantasy and I don't know if it counts as free use or what but I want Steve to tie me up and use me like a sex toy and then (with my permission) leave me tied to the bed for him to use again later. Bonus if I'm blindfolded. Extra bonus if he then has a little get together and I get to be used like a party favor. Fucked while vulnerable and blindfolded, told how filthy I am, what a good slut, and forced to cum. And when it's all done, some beautiful aftercare and holding me with kisses all over my neck and shoulders as Steve tells me in his best girl, his only girl and loves on me so hard with praise.
So I love Steve and I love the idea that he’s such a fucking cocky bitch. I love the idea of baby talking you and shit and telling you what he’s going to do, all the praise talk….
But seriously bonus points if he doesn’t fucking talk to you at all. Bc you’re an object and so yeah, you’re blind folded and you just have no idea what he’s going to do to you! You have no idea when he’s done, you have idea when he’s going to just pull out and leave his cum on your body. And he doesn’t have you gagged bc Steve knows this game well. If he gagged you that’s a acknowledgment to the fact that you’re human and you speak. It’s much more objectifying if he just seriously ignores you.
And yes, yeah. We know the obvious people. Bucky, Natasha, Thor, Carol. But then we get into those non-obvious characters. Wanda bc I’m obsessed w her. Sif, Valkyrie, Okoye. And no, these are not the only characters I like but these are all the characters I headcanon as being really good friends with Steve enough that they don’t find this awkward and that Steve trusts enough to let them use you and not worry that any of them would get any crazy ideas about stealing you.
Now I will sidebar here to say this is not a Sam Wilson hate page!!! But I do think Sam is just a little more of a monogamous little bean and fucking Steve’s girl is not in his interests.
And he still doesn’t talk. Others talk to you. And really the only reason you know he’s there is because you trust Steve so much. But as soon as everyone is gone and the little sex party is over… 👀 the softest man in the world. So many kisses! He gets you in the bath tub, he gets you everything you want in life and then falls asleep with you and even stays with you the whole day after until you’re fully awake which is way past noon. He just keeps touching your skin and kissing your head randomly, and he never rushes you. He just wants to baby you that whole day after and not let you be alone for even a second (bc we all know that he is the best Evans character at aftercare!) and only when he’s sure that you’re completely in the right frame of mind and that you know he doesn’t mean it and he loves and trusts you, he starts joking about how much you enjoyed a certain thing done by a certain person. It’s all fake accusations and you guys are really gross and just won’t stop saying I love you and it’s lovely.
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wolfish-trickster · 4 years
Lost traveler
Loki x female!reader
Word count: 1 588
Tag list: @gaitwae @lucywrites02 @hard-to-be-the-bard @birdgirl90 @laramoonworld
Summary: A mysterious traveler visits Asgard and thanks to an accident has to stay for longer than she expected. Bonds are created but also shattered along the way.
A/N: reader has elemental powers, something like avatar the last airbender.
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The palace was HUGE. Everyone always spoke of palaces as giant places but you've never been in one this big! Golden walls reflected light onto beautyful carved columns connecting the impossibly high ceiling with marble floor. On every turn there was either a tapestry or stairway to a big balcony with gorgeous view of the golden city below.
Evrytime you let out a gasp or your eyes wondered around the room you were walking through the queen softly chuckled at your side. She showed you a big part of the palace, since you will be living here for few weeks and no one would like you to get lost in one of the neverending hallways.
Finally she lead you out of the palace to top of some coloseum-like building. All around you sat men and women dressed in silky or leather clothes. They were watching what was happening bellow them. Down on the bottom there were few pairs combating. Either hand to hand, sword to sword or other weapon you've never seen before.
With a hand on your back she lead you down towards the fighters. People bowed to her as you both passed them. You heard few of them whisper about the 'dirty girl with unfitting clothes by the Allmother's side'. You turned towards the whisperers and smiled cheekily at them, letting them know you heard them and you couldn't care less about what they had to tell you. Even though you felt a little selfconscious thanks to them.
Queen walked you towards a particular group of fighters, two of them you already knew. Thor, if you remember correctly, and his brother were sitting on a nearby bench with two more men. One of them was twice as big as you with messy ginger hair and bushy beard, the other had black hair tied in a tight ponytail. They were laughing and cheering for two of their friends. Another blond man with slight facial hair combating with a brown haired girl. The girl pinned him down with her knee on his back and twisted his arm backwards.
"Come on Fandral! Are you really going to let a girl beat you?!" you heard Thor shouting.
Frigga coughed to announce her presence before Fandral could respond. Both of the warriors stood up and brushed the dust from their clothes. The rest of the group stood up and bowed. "Allmother."
Thor and his brother, however, didn't bow. They just walked over to you two. "Greetings mother," hold on, MOTHER?! THOSE TWO ARE PRINCES?!
"This is Astrid. She will be staying with us for a little while. Be kind to her," queen introduced you. You waved at them with a timid smile.
One of the princes stepped closer to you. "So, looks like you are feeling better, little traveler," the younger brother gestured to your bandaged hand.
You nodded. "It's getting better."
He smiled at you, almost relieved.
Then nudged his brother with his elbow. "What-? Oh! Yeah, right," the Thunderer caughed. "I apologize for striking you with a lightning bolt. I won't do it again," he gave a 'are you happy now?' look to his brother. He just rolled his eyes.
"Okay, apology accepted."
"Wait, YOU were the one who hurt her?" Fandral stared at Thor.
"Fandral, not now."
"Oh for Norn's sake," the girl pushed her way through boys towards you. "Hello, my name is Sif. Ignore those dunderheads."
"Who do you call a dunderhead?!" the ginger giant asked, even though it sounded more like a roar with his booming voice.
Sif turned towards him. "Do you want to taste the dirt just like Fandral?"
You chuckled at their little banter.
Frigga hugged you around shoulders. "Seems like you don't need me anymore. They will keep you company and show you the rest of Asgard. And who knows, maybe you will find a trusted friend among them," she winked and waved goodbye to her two sons and their friends.
You turned towards them, fidgeting with your fingers. What are you going to say? Are you supposed to say something? Will you just let them ask whatever they want to know and you will answer?
The younger prince decided to end your internal suffering. "I think we owe you our names at least. You already know Sif," he gestured at her and she winked. "This blind oaf is my brother Thor."
"Blind?" you asked.
Raven haired boy grinned. "He-"
"It's an inside joke! Right?" Thor adressed his brother treatingly.
"Right. Then we have Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg," one by one they either waved at you or grinned. Fandral even winked.
"And I am Loki," he offered his hand for you to shake.
"A-astrid," you took it hesitantly. He gave you a look. You couldn't read it was a good or a bad one.
You shrugged it quickly when Thor launched forward at you and took your hand in his big rough one. "Such a pretty girl, traveling the world. You must be desperatly lonely. No worries my sweet, I will not take a step away from you," he winked at you, a seductive smile grew on his lips. He brought your hand towards them. You quickly pulled your hand back and behind yourself.
"I'm just fine on my own, thanks," you blurted before you could stop yourself. Will they behead you for saying no to a prince?
Loki chuckled. "She's a feisty one. I like that."
Apparently no.
"Hey, Astrid," Sif tried to pull you away from them. "Can I ask you something?"
'Bet she will ask where I am from' "Sure."
"Do you know how to fight?"
You didn't expect that. "No, not really."
You felt Loki's eyes on you again. And the same look he gave you before.
"Hmm, what a pitty," she detached herself from your side. "Alright, who wants to go next?" she cracked her nuckles and grabbed a long sword from a nearby bench.
Thor grabbed his own and rolled his shoulders. "You are going down."
She didn't go down. Not even an hour later. Loki didn't bother to show off his muscles like Thor's friends in front of you. Throughout the whole training he was wondering only one thing: why did you lie? If you were a fighter, why not showing it? And your true name? What was with the cracked bracelet of yours? And how did you get here without using bifrost?
So many questions.... Loki WILL find an answer. He always does.
"Our little companion seems bored," Hogun noted.
And sure enough, you were drawing circles into the dirt with the tip of your boot. When you realized they were talking about you, your head shot up. "What?"
"I said you seem bored."
"No, I'm just... Sometimes I get lost in my thoughts. That's all."
You really aren't a good liar.
"You are bored. And honestly, I would be too if I was thrown into your situation. What do you suggest we do?" Loki asked.
"I have an idea," Thor interrupted. "Let's show you Asgard!" he started pushing you out of the training area. And as always, everyone had to do what Thor wanted.
They walked you around the biggest beauties, the most outstanding views in the city. Thor was proudly pointing at building after building as if he was the one who build them. Loki was the only one to notice your unease. How you shy away from people, avoid going into crowded places, how you always try to hide behind them.
'You didn't like being in the city' Loki concluded.
"-and that is where the best beer and mead is made. How do you like your temporary home so far?" Thor asked hopefully.
"It's nice?" that was more of a question than answer.
"Didn't I tell you? He is blind," Loki scoffed. "Blind towards the fact you do not like crowds and attention. And since you still have your traveling clothes on," he tugged at your shirt, "you are attracting way more attention than you would like. Correct?"
"Yes, actually."
"Here is my proposition to you: for the rest of the day, we will go anywhere you want. How does it sound?" he smiled charmingly, hoping to see you blush. He wanted to know what makes you tick.
"That would be very kind of you," no blush, but a sweet, grateful smile. He could work with that.
Rest of the group sighed. "Alright Astrid, where do you want to go?"
"Can we go to the forrest? Please?"
"Forrest? Seriously?" Sif whined.
"What? Scared you might get lost again?" Volstagg nudged her.
"For your information, we were nine and it was Loki who told me to go right if I want to see a roe!" she pointed her sharp finger towards the trickster.
Loki shrugged. "Not my fault you scared her away and got lost," he turned to you, "I like the way you think. I can show you the most beautiful lily ponds and the most colourful flowers as well," he dropped the volume of his voice a little, "and some poisonious plants if those fools start to get on your nerves."
To his surprise, a mischevious smirk grazed your features. "I like the way you think."
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ephemeralgalaxies · 3 years
Loki Ep4 Spoilers below (once more bc I just can't help myself, can I?)
It's been a while since I've had a character as interesting as Mobius to analyze and I have no chill. Spoilers start below:
Also some spoilers for WandaVision but it's been months so hopefully y'all have seen it
TL;DR Mobius really trying to connect back with Loki in order to try and bring the TVA down (and also bc "oops, Loki was right, guess I gotta own up to that bitterness") and it works but it hurts so much. Also see: I can't stop watching this scene over and over trying to understand Mobius' subtle actions bc his reaction here is so different than in all other scenes where he's usually calm or trying to delve deep into Loki's mind for information. Now he's just desperate.
Ok so I know I made a post talking about Mobius' jealousy in that interrogation scene but I also want to touch on when he comes back again after seeing the footage from C-20's interrogation scene bc man is so desperate here and I'm crying
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(I'm sorry, I can't get gifs to work for me today so we just using images. But I got these from this post)
Mobius was so hurt last time we saw him, Loki being thrown back into the time cell with Lady Sif, hitting our dear agent with "out of all the liars in this place... you are the biggest... for the [lies] you tell yourself." Mobius has been pushing down all these doubts, hiding all his questions and curiosities of the TVA for a while. He's teased Ravonna, but could never really get anywhere. Then after speaking with Loki about Sylvie, about "you're all variants", Hunter B-15's suspicions, the oddness of C-20's "death" (M:"she was just fine before." R:"well, then she suddenly wasn't fine."). Mobius is finally allowing himself to realize things, to question truly what is going on. (R: "Is that what you wanted to hear?" M: "Yeah, if that's the truth." R: "You've been around Lokis too long.")
In this scene, when he comes back to the time cell for Loki, he's frustrated, he's angry, he's desperate. Everything is a lie. He can't pretend anymore. Loki has bonded with Sylvie (actually caring for another human being without the trauma of Thor: The Dark World and Thor: Ragnarok) ((I'm begging you, pls let him see a variant of Thor in this series and get to bond again, I miss them)). C-20 is likely pruned and gone forever with no answers. B-15 is getting anxious and unfocused. Ravonna is snapping at him and manipulating him with those long speeches (please, Mobius has heard enough from Loki's videos to know when he's being manipulated by fake sentimental words). He's tired, no longer patient enough for all the little quips-- he just need answers. For once in his "life" at the TVA, he just wants the truth. Something to safely hold to.
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He's just put Loki through this timeloop of Lady Sif, of someone from home someone that could've been close to him under different circumstances, someone his brother cared about, kicking him/slapping him/ berating him with "you deserve to be alone, and you always will be." Loki's whole "Sacred Timeline Life" marks him to "always be alone", to finally get close to people before being torn away (whether in his own volition or by someone/something else). But with Loki caring for Sylvie, maybe even loving her, this changes everything for this Loki. He could finally care enough to save someone, to go out of his way in order to help others at his own cost. And Mobius knows this.
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He asks again, desperate, pleading, hoping. Loki has to believe in himself, has to love himself enough to think to believe that he deserves a family, love, security from his greatest fear. He has to have changed because if not, then he'll either get pruned or wind up just like Mobius. Either way, gone from existence-- life erased, precious memories of "what if", "what once was", obliterated. He has to believe, or it'll happen again and again and again. To everyone, to the whole universe, unless something someone could do the impossible and shatter all reality.
With Wanda (specifically in WandaVision, final episode end credits), with her searching for her children and Vision, attempting the impossible and blending her realities in order to give them life because she needs them, she loves them. (M: "If you really care about [Sylvie]..."). This threat to the Sacred Timeline, pushing closer and closer to the MCU Multiverse, because they have to, because they want to.
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(sorry again for bland picture, I love his expression in this gif but it wont load)
Mobius knows Loki is hurting-- from Lady Sif, from his past, from failing to protect Sylvie on his own, from Mobius not believing him and calling him "just a bad friend". He knows Loki could learn to believe, but he doesn't yet. Only Frigga ever told him she believed in him, he needs to hear it again. He needs to know he deserves love because he is loved. Mobius does, "believe, stupidly" (ep2) that Loki has this potential.
When I first saw this scene in the trailers, I was nervous it would be in the context of Mobius trying to get Loki on the TVA's side, "someone good". But here, this is so much better-- he knows the TVA is lying, is manipulating, is destroying lives. (L: "No one bad is every truly bad, and no one good is ever truly good" ep2 again lol). Loki knows he's not "truly good", that he's hurt people-- whether he planned to or not. But he can still be good. He can still choose to love, to care, to believe.
He can be what he's always wanted, what Frigga promised him, what he's always feared. He can be known, be loved, be safe-- Loki doesn't just fear being alone, he fears people choosing to leave him. That's why the memory of Lady Sif instead of Thor reaching for him on the Rainbow Bridge or Thanos threatening the Asgardian refugees or even Odin trying to explain why he "saved" Loki when he fought Loki's homeland. This memory was casual, simple, unnecessary. But it's always the smallest moments that truly impact us the most-- the slight changes.
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When Mobius says this to Loki, he freezes-- he's confused, hesitant, scared. No one tells him this, why is someone telling him this, how can I believe this?
And then:
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.And the little shrug Mobius gives here
It's so casual, so simple, so nonchalant. He just wants to reassure Loki that he still cares. He just spent a whole interrogation hounding on Loki for finding love with Sylvie, for changing with her (jealous boi be jealous), for lying to him and betraying him (M: "You don't do partners... unless ofc it benefits you and you intend to betray them at some point"). But now, now he's stopped lying to himself. He knows he cares, that Loki has a chance, that they have to burn this place down. Mobius wants stop this from ever happening again, from someone ever having to go through what Loki's gone through, being told they can never be loved because that's just how the Timeline goes. That a kid would be taken away from their family (probably because Sylvie presents feminine?? Idk, feel like MCU Odin wouldn't be so good with that). He has to reassure Loki, he wants to, because no one should ever feel that way again.
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(and frick I really hate this, please look at the gifs from the linked post above, u gotta see his precious smile grow)
LOOK AT THIS SMILE, LOOK AT HIM HE'S HAPPY. And it was such a small, subtle apology from Mobius but it made all the difference bc he told Loki that he believes in him. And then they walk back out of the time cell, side-by-side, looking at each other. Content, safe, prepared to face the world together. He's no longer alone.
... And then ofc this happens...
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*cue my heart shattering* (bless Hiddleston's acting).
The fact that you can even hear the hitch in Mobius' breath as he realizes this is the end of the line for him, that Ravonna knows and there's no going back--he's not making it out of this.
"One last desperate trick from the desperate trickster."
He talks about the jetski, about what his life might have been, he knows this hits Loki, being ripped from your timeline, losing all that potential. More importantly, it gives Loki a reason to fight. A silent, "Don't let this happen again. Don't let them get away with this. Please, remember me, don't let me disappear." But it doesn't work, because the one thing Mobius didn't account for, is that Loki cares about him. That now, the fight drains out of him. They pruned Mobius, ofc they'll get to Loki and Sylvie. They didn't even hesitate. Loki just lost, once again, the only other person who ever told him they believed in him. "You can be whoever, whatever..." "She told me I could do anything..."
Loki is less of a narcissist and more of a person desperate to fill that hole inside-- he's been neglected, cast aside, told he should want this and then never getting it. A "Glorious Purpose" to always hide in the shadows, to cause suffering, to give others a reason to unite against him. But for once, just once he hoped that he didn't have to do it alone-- that he could unite. And then they crushed those beautiful few seconds of hope like it was just another tedious, burdening purpose of the TVA.
(credits of images/gifs to the original posts linked, none were mine as I can't figure this out at all lol)
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