#sighs......... realm of magic peasant dress I am back once again
nofacednerd · 7 months
man I really reaaaaaaaaaally want to do the sims ultimate decades legacy but it's so hard to source medieval CC
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treatian · 4 years
The Chronicles of the Dark One:  The Dark Curse
Chapter 114:  The Clothes Make the Woman
There was another scream outside, this one closer than the others had been. It startled him, served as a reminder for why he was standing in the foyer to begin with, and it wasn't to run accidentally into his maid. He was here to meet Regina. She was close. By the time he heard the pounding on his door, he was in place, leaning against the table in the very spot Belle had been standing only moments ago. He let the door unlatch and Regina, still perfectly disguised as a peasant girl without a drop of magic, practically fell into the room.
"Why didn't you come when I called you?!" she spat out. She was limping, that was a trait he hadn't given her, though he didn't know why now that he saw it. It made the peasant look she wore very convincing; he should know.
"Sorry, dearie. Do I know you?" he teased. "I already have a maid. Promising girl, actually."
"You know who I am!" Regina snapped. "You were supposed to come change me back."
He let out a high laugh. "Was I?"
Regina glared at him, or at least her idea of what a glare was. Unfortunately, on the face of this girl it was no more than a harsh stare that glance off of him. If only she knew what he'd really been up to when she'd called. Hadn't she learned yet that he had a life beyond her?
"I said you could call. Didn't say I'd answer."
"Argh!" she roared suddenly, letting out a puff of breath into his face that smelled…less than appealing. It brought back memories, and not good ones.
"Oh!" he responded, waving his hand in front of his face. "Have the peasants no soap then?"
"Will you just take this damn spell off me?" she yelled, walking toward the mirror he kept in the corner covered with a heavy cloth. He felt his heart skip a beat that she might take notice of that, but a second later, he realized she was much to angry to care as she whipped it away. "I want my magic back, and I wanna be able to get into my own damn castle, thank you very much."
"Aw," he cooed stepping up next to her and looking in the mirror where her true face appeared. He couldn't wait to examine the crystal ball to discover the adventure she'd had. By her actions, it seemed to be a very unpleasant one. The question was, was it unpleasant enough to get the desired effects? "Told you it wouldn't be pleasant."
"You wanna hear you were right? Is that it? Huh? Well…you were right."
"Oh, I like that. Right about what?"
Regina drew a breath and stared at herself in the mirror. "They'll never love me," she admitted.
He smiled. Perfect. Just perfect. "So sad and yet so true," he confirmed. Finally he took a step away from her and summoned his magic to remove the spell. "What are you gonna do now, then?"
Regina stepped closer to the mirror, looked herself in the eyes, and sneered. It was a grin filled with malice, that should have set fear into the heart of every peasant that saw her, and brought hope to him.
"Punish them."
He let out another giddy laugh as he released the magic and removed the glamour from his pupil, or perhaps chess piece was a more accurate description. She was back, dressed perfectly in the outfit she'd been wearing however long ago he'd set the spell to begin with. She took a deep breath as she examined herself once more, sleek and proper, trim and sexy, a woman in power that would strike fear in the hearts of all that met her and would drive a woman to want more than to crush some hearts
"The Queen is dead," she declared, examining herself. "Long live...the Evil Queen."
He smiled, jumping up and down and clapping his hands. Now she was becoming someone that might cast a curse to destroy an entire realm. She wasn't quite there yet. In order to cast the curse, in order to pull the heart from her dear father, she had to believe there was truly no other way. She wasn't ready yet, but she was the closest she'd ever been in her ever-evolving process. The trouble was, he was not ready. Or rather, Snow White and her Prince Charming and their lovely Swan-like daughter to be were not ready. But he had the feeling they would be soon enough.
"If you'll excuse me," Regina snapped suddenly, turning on the spot and letting her cloak flare out behind her. "I have work to do…and you!" she narrowed her gaze as she stepped closer and put her finger out between them as if she were chastising a child. "If you know what's good for you, you'll stay the hell away from me, or I'll make you regret not coming as you promised!"
"Oh! Testy!" he cried, truly entertained by her supposed threat. He'd taught her everything she knew, what could she possibly do to him?
"You try being a peasant for as long as I have and see how you feel about it," she drawled before smoke covered her body and she was gone. She was angry at him for keeping her a peasant for so long. If she only knew. But there were very few alive who knew that little fact about him and though Cora was one of them he doubted that witch had ever told her daughter. Regina hadn't even known how to pronounce his name when they'd first met and now look at her. Idle threat or not, it spoke volumes as to how far she had come, and he couldn't have been prouder.
He walked into the Great Room that night smiling and beaming, feeling as though he was walking on air because small as this little experiment had been, it had brought Regina to a conclusion he was waiting for. He wanted to sit down at his wheel and spin, relax in a job well done, and consider what there was left on his checklist before he saw the table and the fire and heard from somewhere close by the tinkering of china. Dinner. Belle was on her way with it.
There would be time to spin afterward.
Strong and powerful and demanding as Regina had been in her Queenly regalia, that was how soft and delicate his maid looked. He tried not to notice her as she came in, tried not to roll his eyes, but really…how could she not notice her royal frock was falling apart? How could she not care that the jewels were going missing that there was a tear at the bottom, that it was clean but stained and the bottom needed a new hem. How had she not complained to him about it yet? The incident with Robin of Locksley had taught him that she had no trouble making herself heard when she needed to. Did she not realize that she needed to say something? That it would spare him trying to figure out some way to give her something to wear without letting on that he was thinking about it?
He nearly swallowed his own tongue when she brought the tray of food over to serve him. She was up to something, there was no doubt about that. For there on the tray was not just his meal, but also a second. He held his breath as he watched her, wondering if perhaps she'd thought Regina was staying for dinner and had simply been polite, but he had a feeling it wouldn't have been something that easy. And sure enough, after she'd finished setting his place and dinner before him, she paused. He watched as she looked to the opposite side of the table, then quickly around the rest of the room. She took a breath, then another. Then removed the second plate from the tray, carried it over to the chair he kept for himself beside the fire. She planted herself down in it like she did it all the time, like she belonged there, and without a moment of hesitation, began to eat.
And there he sat. Frozen. Unable to form a thought or an argument. Unable to think of a single thing to say to her. She'd never done this before! She always ate in the kitchen by herself. Why she would just plop down and eat there, in his chair of all places?!
And why couldn't he respond? He should be angry. He should be roaring at her inappropriateness right now. He should be screaming at her to get back to the dungeons and never to do this again! But the words never came. The anger he needed for the words was drowned out in confusion and the smell of beef she'd cooked in what appeared to be some kind of gravy with mashed potatoes. Thanks to the books, it was a vast improvement on what she'd cooked before. And it did smell tempting.
He couldn't see her, not with the angle of the chair, at best he got a glimpse of her arm as she ate and the tattered remains of her gown, but he kept his eyes on her as he finally lifted his utensils and began to eat himself.
She was relieved. If the way she sighed was any indication, at least. He was…he wasn't sure how he was. Eating dinner, with Regina on her way home, his maid eating with him, in his chair…he had the silent careless thought that the day would come when Regina would cast his Curse and she'd get her punishment, but even just thinking that thought nearly had him choking on his food. It was inevitable, Belle lived in this world and was important to his son, which meant that the Curse would affect her too. But he wasn't sure how he felt about it. The spell he'd been working on recently to call all his possessions to him in the Curse only worked on objects, not on people. He couldn't be sure where she would end up or how she'd be once they were there. Though, he was prepared, one day, to offer Regina a deal to assure his own life in the new world, he supposed he could do something like that for Belle as well, make her his maid there too, or a neighbor…
He couldn't think about that now. It was still years off, and where she ended up was a need that was secondary to what she wore. It would take a wave of his hand to change her clothes, to give her something more appropriate that wasn't falling apart. But as he finished his food and moved to the wheel to spin for a bit and she continued to pick at her plate by the fire, quietly continuing to avoid his judging gaze, he realized he couldn't do that. She was already too bold, and he'd already given her more than he'd ever given any other maid he'd had. This had to be done carefully, thoughtfully.
The Emperor he'd once convinced wore clothes of greatest quality told him that it was the clothes that made the man, when he looked at himself and Cora and even Regina it was easy to see how that was true. Who they were, what they were, all their transformations were reflected in what they wore. It was even true for peasants! But then there was Belle, the great contradiction. Was she a Princess dressed in rags? A maid dressed in a pitiful ballgown? Or something else? Neither this nor that made any sense when it came to her. She had all the power and confidence that Regina had when she was dressed in black and considering murder, but all the gentle kindness his peasant aunts had in their lowly garb. If only he could think of something that would match what she was on the inside! But somehow, as the wheel spun on and she collected their plates to leave, he doubted there ever was a garment that could match her.
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swanqueeneverafter · 5 years
What Dreams May Come, Pt. 2
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Storybrooke. Sheriff’s Office. (The sound of laughing can be heard as Emma and Lily talk over morning coffee.) Lily: “Henry really said that?” Emma: “Yep. Never seen the kid move so fast.” Lily: “Oh, I’m sure. God, you must feel like the Sheriff at home too sometimes, huh?” Emma: “Regina I can handle. She’s not one for hiding her emotions. It’s Henry I’m worried about. Regina’s right, when he’s home he hardly speaks to us.” Lily: (Shrugs:) “Typical teenager?” Emma: “Well that’s what I thought at first, but now that I think about it, we have no idea where he goes during the day.” Lily: “You were a bail bonds-person, you could always track his whereabouts if you’re that worried.” Emma: “I don’t think it’s that serious. (Sighs:) He just seems to be pulling away from us a little.” Lily: “Do you think it’s because of the baby?” Emma: “What? No, Henry’s just as excited as we are, far as that goes. (Shakes her head:) I don’t know, maybe things will be different once Regina starts her maternity leave.” Lily: “Oh that’s right. Today’s her last day as Mayor isn’t it?” Emma: “Yeah and it’s not a day too soon. I think time away from everyone else’s problems can only be a good thing.” Mayor’s Office. (Regina unlocks her door and enters the mayor’s office. Leroy follows her inside, ranting and raving about his latest grievance. Taking her time, Regina turns on each light around the room before reaching her desk. Placing her bag on the table, she takes a deep breath before turning and giving Leroy her best glare. The bearded man immediately stops talking and waits for the mayor’s decision.) Regina: “As I have told you countless times, Leroy. It is not within the purview of this office to interfere in this matter.” Leroy: “But the-“ Regina: “If you have a problem with people from Camelot riding their horses along Storybrooke’s streets, I suggest you take it up with either Lancelot or Queen Guinevere. As an animal lover myself, I happen to find the sound of hoof beats quite comforting.” Leroy: “You want me to speak to Lancelot, the finest swordsman in the land, about controlling his people?” Regina: “He’s a fair man. I’m sure he’ll hear you out.” Leroy: (Mutters as he leaves the room:) “Yeah, right before he runs me through.” Regina: (Once Leroy leaves:) “And what a shame that would be.” (Taking a look around, Regina sighs before removing her coat to begin packing up her office.) A New Realm. Night. (A Royal ball is in full swing as Ella descends the staircase into the sea of people. Spotting the King and Queen seated on their thrones atop the dais, Ella heads straight for them.)
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(Just as she’s about to approach however, she is tapped on the shoulder. Turning, Ella sees Henry smiling back at her.) Henry: “May I have this dance?” Ella: “Thanks, but I'm not really the dancing type.” Henry: “Yeah, I picked up on that. (Pulls something from his pocket:) I brought your lucky flower. (Holds it up:) A hyacinth. I promise not to knock you over again.” Ella: “Well, it is lovely.” Henry: (Smiling, Henry places the flower in Ella’s hair:) “One dance.” (Reluctantly, Ella allows herself to be lead back onto the dance floor.) Meanwhile, On The Dais. (Queen Madelena and King Richard are being entertained by the court jester.) Jester: “Banana.” King Richard: (Clearly bored:) “Banana who?” Jester: “Banana.” King Richard: (Flatly:) “Banana who?” Jester: “Orange.” King Richard: “Orange who?” Jester: "Orange you glad I didn't say banana again?” Queen Madelena: (Laughs:) “Whoa! (Clapping:) Another wonderful routine, Jester.” King Richard: (Confused:) “I'm not seeing it, baby.” Queen Madelena: “Perhaps his humor flies over your head, then.” On The Dancefloor. (Henry bows before Ella.) Ella: (Curtsying:) “If you're here about your headless horse, it's out back.” Henry: “Actually I'm less concerned with that than the dagger you stole.” (They begin to dance.) Ella: “I don't know what you're talking about.” Henry: “Oh, really? Then what's this? (Pulling the dagger from its hiding place inside Ella’s dress:) It has my initials engraved on the hilt. ‘HSM.’ Henry Swan-Mills.” Ella: “Are you crazy?” (Taking the dagger back, she conceals it once more while shooting a glance towards the dais. They resume dancing.) Henry: “You didn't come here to fall in love with a Prince, did you?” Ella: “No, I didn't. I came here to kill the Queen.” Henry: “Why would you do that?” Ella: “'Cause that woman took everything from me. She ordered my kingdom to be overthrown and my father executed. I've been on the run ever since.” Henry: “And so you're gonna throw your life away for revenge? Once you kill her, they'll kill you. That's not a happy ending.” Ella: “There is no happy ending for me.” Henry: “Maybe things are changing. Maybe me crashing into your carriage was a sign you can start over.” Ella: “I told you, I don't believe in signs.” Henry: “This isn’t the way your story is supposed to end, Ella. You can come with me, start over. We can find your own story.” Ella: “Sounds lovely, but my father, he meant the world to me. I just can't let it go.” (Ella slips from Henry’s hold and heads quickly toward the dais.) Henry: “No, no, no! No, hey, wait!”
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On The Dais. (King Richard turns to his right hand man and bodyguard, Gareth.) King Richard: “Honestly, Gareth, I don’t know what she sees in him.” Gareth: (Watching Madelena and the Jester shamelessly flirt with one another:) “No idea, My King.” Queen Madelena: (Stands:) “Well, I will go and compliment the Jester. (Clears throat:) And while I do, husband, perhaps you can make some progress into finding where the jewel of Valencia is hidden.” King Richard: “I've tried everything.” Queen Madelena: “Mm-hmm. (Under her breath:) I can’t believe I married you.” King Richard: (Standing, coldly:) “What did you just say?” Queen Madelena: “I said, (Yelling:) I. Can’t. Believe. I. Married. You!” King Richard: (Sinks back down in his throne:) “See, that's what I thought you said. I just wanted clarification. Thank you.” Queen Madelena: (Sweetly:) “Find me the jewel, would you, dear?” King Richard: “Of course, darling.” Queen Madelena: (Stepping down off the dais:) “Jester, um... Join me in my chamber, would you? I'd love to learn a little more about how you, uh... craft a joke.” Jester: (Following:) “Ooh!” King Richard: (To Gareth:) “She really gets a kick out of that damn Jester. I don't know. Maybe it is all going over my head.” Gareth: “Oh, it's definitely going over your head, sir.” Storybrooke. Sheriff’s Station. (Emma is sorting through some old case files when Snow White enters.) Snow White: “Good afternoon, Sheriff.” Emma: (Smiles:) “Hey, Mom. (Puts down the file:) What’s up?” Snow White: “I just came to pick you up.” Emma: (Confused:) “I don’t know what you’ve heard but I’m doing fine.” Snow White: “No, silly. I’ve come to pick you up for your first Mommy and Me group.” Emma: “Oh. T-that was tonight?” Snow White: “Of course. Are you ready to go?” Emma: (Thinking quickly on her feet:) “Ah, actually, mom, we can’t make it tonight.” Snow White: “Why not?” Emma: “It’s Regina. She called not long ago saying she wasn’t feeling well and went home. I’m supposed to go over and pick up the rest of her stuff after work.” Snow White: “Oh, well that’s too bad.” Emma: “Mm. I know she was really looking forward to it.” Snow White: “Well is there anything I can do? You know if it’s pregnancy related I can definitely help with-“ Emma: “No. No, it’s just general tiredness I think. She’ll probably take a long bath and get some rest. In fact, it’s pretty quiet here so I’m gonna close up early and be with her. Sorry, mom.” Snow White: “Oh, don’t be. We’ll do it another time. Do you want me to help with the boxes?” Emma: “Nah, I’ve got it.” Snow White: “Okay, well if you’re sure. Give Regina my love, won’t you?” Emma: (Smiles:) “I will.” (Feeling slightly guilty as she watches Snow White leave, Emma quickly reaches for her phone and calls her wife.) Mayor’s Office. (Packing things into boxes, Regina turns at the sound of her phone ringing and walks over to answer it.) Regina: “Emma, I’m almost through here.” Emma: “You’ve gotta leave there, right now.” Regina: “What? Why?” Emma: “Three words. Mommy and Me.” Regina: “Oh no.” Emma: (Quickly:) “It’s all right, I got us out of it. I told mom you weren’t feeling well but that doesn’t mean she’s not gonna check my story.” Regina: (Smiling:) “Did you ever know that you’re my hero?” Emma: (Rolling her eyes:) “Yeah, yeah and you are the wind beneath my wings. Just get out of there before she catches you.” Regina: “Way ahead of you. See you tonight.” (Hanging up the phone, Regina waves her hand toward the boxes and magics them from the office. Looking around to check she’s remembered everything, Regina disappears in a cloud of purple smoke just a few seconds before Snow White enters the room.)
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A New Realm. Continued. (As Queen Madelena heads toward her chambers, Ella corners her.) Queen Madelena: "Ugh, out of my way, peasant." Ella: (Drawing the dagger:) "You don't recognize me, do you? I am Ella of Valencia. You killed my father, prepare to die! (Ella rears back and is about to strike when she hesitates, looking at the blade in her hand:) I can't." Queen Madelena: (As Ella lowers the dagger:) "Thank you. (Yelling:) Guards! This woman tried to assassinate your Queen!" (Palming the dagger, Ella runs from the scene before Henry catches up to her.) Ella: "Henry!" Henry: "Take my bike and wait for me where we first met. The portal to my land opens at midnight. You'll be safe there. You need to go!"
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Queen Madelena: "Stop that girl! She tried to kill me!" (Henry draws his sword and quickly disarms two guards. Grabbing a discarded sword, Ella enters the fray, taking on another guard on her way out of the ballroom. While Henry battles two more guards, Ella runs across several tables, knocking out yet another guard before reaching the door and making her exit while Henry watches on.) Storybrooke. Swan-Mills House. Evening. (Emma and Regina are eating together in the dining room. Having cleaned her plate, Emma leans back in her chair and smiles at her wife.) Emma: “You know, we will have to go to that Mommy and Me group eventually. My mom isn’t going to just let it go.” Regina: “Only if Snow has nothing else to occupy her time.” Emma: “And what does that mean?” Regina: “Well, if she were to take over my duties as Mayor for example…” Emma: (Finishes the thought:) “She’d be far too busy to make us go. What happened to you not wanting her anywhere near your office?” Regina: “This is different. Back then, she had just caught us having sex on her desk and was not in the right headspace to take on the job. For all I knew, she would’ve caused an irreparable mess in my absence just to get back at me.” Emma: “I don’t think that’s true.” Regina: “Why not? That’s what I would have done.” Emma: (Smirks:) “I know you would.” Regina: “Oh and I suppose you’d be above such things? (Takes a sip of her water:) That’s why you appointed Lily as Sheriff rather than David?” Emma: (Purses her lips:) “All right, fine. Maybe I did feel like they were treating us like naughty teenagers, but at least Lily has proven herself. What did Zelena ever do apart from paint your office four shades of green?” Regina: (Shaking her head:) “That’s not the point. This way, with Snow taking over as mayor, everyone benefits. We don’t have to join that ridiculous club, and Snow gets to stick her nose in other people’s business.” Emma: (Chuckles:) “Her heart is in the right place, you know.” Regina: “And it will remain there, as long as she doesn’t try to sing ‘Kum ba yah’ at my stomach.” Emma: (Laughing:) “Point taken. (Clearing the plates from the table:) Dessert?” Regina: “Hm, well I really shouldn’t… but I am eating for two.” Emma: (Nods:) “Thank goodness for Häagen-Dazs huh?” Regina: (Patting her stomach:) “You can say that again.” 
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