#sights of ravenlock
sashaofravenlock · 7 years
Intruder ~ closed starter for meludir
It was as the sun has met the sky to chase away the night and burn away the the dawning mist that she felt it, a distinctive pulling at her stomach followed by a panicked shift in the atmosphere. None of the men in her court had felt it, nor would they listen when she brought her concern for the land before them, leaving no option but to investigate herself.
Upon a blackened steed, the sights of her home blurred around her, green leaves mingling with dark branches the trail shifting from a merchant’s way to a winding fey path. By the time her mark was met, the sun hung high in the sky, its rays peering through the leaves and revealing a startling sight. A stranger had made their way into Ravenlock. “Halt stranger,” confidence rang in her voice as she nudged the horned beast onto the trail before the intruder, “do you know whose lands you have entered?”
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