#silas prescott loomis
lemmylemons · 2 years
I need to draw my design for Silas and older Billy and Stu-
Basically... Silas at 18 is newest Ghostface in training but he doesn't have the stomach for it, but he'll get it.
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lemmylemons · 2 years
The first chapter of my Silas: Scream AU Fan fiction. A summary is basically, Sidney and Billy have a son after getting a little passionate before Sidney's mother's murder. Sidney feels guilty and is a tired young mother with Silas while Billy is trying to be the best dad he can, while battling the feeling Sidney's "just like her not-so-Sharon Stone" mother.
Scream : Silas Chronicles will be the official name and tag. Expect art from me coming later on ☺️. Reblogs are greatly appreciated! This will be released onto AO3 soon!
Enjoy. Chapter 2 is in the works, and chapter names are probably going to be changed!
Chapter 1 : The Surprise Family Gather
Loud cries filled a small bright pink room, laced prettily and dolled out with teddy bears and boy band posters. A little white (with baby blue, fluffy blankets) crib sat against the edge of a bed frame; a 17-year-old girl, Sidney Prescott, snuggled up in the bed reading a book. She quickly dropped her book, sighing as she crawled to the edge of the bed, lifting a baby boy out and into her arms.
His cries stopped briefly, turning into light whimpers as he grasped and tugged at her iridescent pink nightgown, making his mother grab his little hands. “Hun, Silas, what do you need…?” She sighed, rocking the baby in her arms, soothing him into a quick slumber. Sidney smiles, glancing down at Silas, playing with his small locks of curly brown hair as he smiled behind a bright green pacifier.
A large window beside the bed slowly crept open, making Sidney jump off her bed and yelp, holding Silas close to her chest. An 18-year-old boy slipped inside the bedroom, smiling and slowly closing the window as he stared at Sidney and her baby.
“Billy! What the hell are you doing here?- How the hell did you even get up here?!” Sidney asked in an aggressive whisper, trying not to reawake Silas. Her boyfriend, Billy Loomis, chuckled worriedly, tip-toeing towards her and the baby. “I couldn’t stop thinking of you two… I just had to come and see ya!” He wrapped his arms around her shoulder, looking down at Silas, trying not to crush him.
Quick footsteps rushed upstairs from outside the door, Billy rushed to hide between Sidney’s bed and the wall as Sidney’s father almost burst open the door, Sidney stopped him by interlocking her closet door’s knob with her bedroom door. “Sidney? Sidney, I heard a yell, is everything alright?”
Sidney pushed her head through the door, still holding Silas, who was now fussing and whimpering. “Oh uh- Yeah, yeah! Everything’s fine. Sorry, Silas just, uh, grabbed me a little too hard there.” Her father glanced around the room, nodding and rubbing Silas’ cheek. “Mm, I see.” Sidney stood a little on edge, trying to push him from coming inside. “Alright, well I’ll see you around daddy.” She said, closing the door slowly.
“Well, uh Sid. I’m leaving tonight. I’ll be back b-” Sid interrupted. “Back by Sunday, yeah, yeah. I know. There’s money on the counter and you’ll give me a call once you get there. I got it, daddy.” She gave her father a kiss, smiling at him as she slowly shut the door, turning around to face Billy as his head popped up between the bed and the wall.
“That was a close one, huh?” He grabbed Silas’ favourite stuffed tiger, holding it in front of his face as he targeted Silas. Sidney snatched the tiger as Silas grabbed air, directed at Billy. “Billy. You aren’t supposed to be here.” She rolled her eyes, pushing Silas over her shoulder as Billy missed grabbing him. “I know, I know. Look, I just wanted to see you both, and I know it’s late, but hey. Si’s still up, you’re tired, why not let me help out a bit, huh?”
She rolled her eyes again and scoffed, light-heartedly, handing Silas to Billy. He smiled, cradling the baby and kissing him on the forehead softly. Sidney sat back down on her bed, curling up into a ball as Billy swayed around the room, Silas making the occasional “thuckle” sound from his pacifier, slowly succumbing to slumber. Sidney shook her head and chuckled a bit, “I think you can put him down now Bill. He’s pretty tuckered out.”
Billy twirled around to face Sid, Silas holding onto his button-up with his little ravioli-sized fist, fast asleep. “Tsk, aw, Sid. I’ve only been holding him for a couple minutes though.” Billy exaggerated a pout, looking down at the baby as he wandered and held him over the white crib. Billy kissed the baby on the forehead one last time, snuggling into Silas for a few seconds, then setting him down slowly into the crib, wrapping him loosely in one of the little blue blankets.
Sidney smiled at Billy, trying to get comfortable in the bed, luring Billy to lay on top of her. He smiled up at her as she played with his hair, kissing the top of his head. “I love you…” She whispered, Billy’s eyes closed slowly, his smile still spread across his face.
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