Alex watched the rest of the class, passing notes to one another, whispers passed, cliques solidifying the moment they walked through the door. Was this all there was, with no end? Alex didn't like any of these people and it was getting lonely not having anyone to talk to. Safer though. He knew that much. Stacy, truly the modern girl was giggling at something, kindly ignored by the teacher- "Smite! Smite!"
"Yes?" Crap. Should have been paying attention. He hadn't even been paying attention to the popular kids up front anymore, instead he had turned inward and begun mentally walking through the void. "You're paired up Sordino. For the year." Said somewhat ominously, and followed by giggles or whispers by almost everyone, Alex couldn't help but feel extremely out of the loop as he stared at the other, helpfully pointed out by . . . Wow. That must fucking suck. Alex hated it when other people pointed at him like that.
"Yeah, sure. Sounds good to me." He shrugged. What was supposed to be so bad about it? She looked nice enough. With a little bit of luck, she might actually help him make their shared grade! Ha. That'd be a first.
The bell rang, signaling the end of the day.
"Uh, hi. I'm Alex." He said, waiting up for her. God, he was horrible at this. Couldn't he think of anything wittier to say? "It's nice to meet you. If you wanna like, I mean, I don't know. We can study or put things together at the last minute. I tend to cram, so- I don't know how you wanna do things." // @silentbehavioriisms
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theoriginalbadass · 10 months
@silentbehavioriisms asked: "You got me flowers?"
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"Maybe," Puck replied with a goofy grin before handing Melinda the bouquet of flowers he'd brought for her. "Just don't tell anyone about this or it'll ruin my bad boy reputation! Ya know how my jock friends are. If they think I've gone soft, my whole life will be over," he joked, sighing dramatically.
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themadvigilantist · 4 years
@promisccouragc | @bennyboylewis | @ofsaviours | @nmbh1 | @nothingmorethanmyths | @halliwellauto | @flirtatiousdisaster | @magicallyimpossible | @defystars | @lightbringer | @silentbehavioriisms | @jist | @coffeeandtimeships | @batemxn | @walkerofclouds | @becomedeviant | @daijujikurou | @starrymused | @chevalier-de-seingalt
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“So, gifting anyone anything special?” V asked with a curious glint in her eye and a grin along her face. It was around or near the time that people tend to shop early for the holiday season. Whichever holiday it so happen to be.
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thebadtimewolf · 4 years
+7 ||
@magicallyimpossible | @defystars | @silentbehavioriisms | @lironandfriends | @blindeddevil​ | @tardisnamed | @motherwitch | 
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“Hey, look at me, yeah? You alright?” Of course she was worried about them, they were under her duty of care. Anything that happened to them and she wouldn’t be able to stand it - to let it go. Especially for a decade or so to pass, the Vigilante wouldn’t forgive herself for it.
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wishesanddaydreams · 4 years
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“You know a lot of people take life way too seriously when its really just an experience to share with those you love and the world around you...”
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thebadtimewolf · 5 years
+10 | a late starter |
@silentbehaviorisms | @jessmariewrites  | @nottverynice | @bonfierhearts | @riverbeauties | @icywolfheart | @forcedintoperfection | @isitrecording | @deceminteri | @itsmxdness
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“Are you alright? You look all shaken up?” She asked in a rather low voice, just happening to notice how they looked and wanted to make sure it wasn’t because of what they were looking at.
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thebadtimewolf · 5 years
❝ I’m not going anywhere. ❞
—- Helping that troubled friend of yours!
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thebadtimewolf · 2 years
“ it’s not about what you think you do or don’t deserve. i get to choose who to love. i’m an adult. and i can make that decision. so i’m here to stay. i’m in this. ”
deeper sentence starters
“  it’s not about what you think you do or don’t deserve.  i get to choose who to love.  i’m an adult.  and i can make that decision.  so i’m here to stay.  i’m in this.  ”  
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She could help but giggle into a sigh. Feeling herself knowing or not knowing whether or not she had told Melinda about herself. Not the traveling, that she knew. It was the... well, the slaughtering bit. The torturing, the everything she could share but, knowing if she did they wouldn't want her anymore.
And who would? At least, what human could?
"Melinda, what is this? What are we? I know I love you but, I mean, have I even told you about-- " Words still fail her even now. Where would she even start? "-- Anything, anything outside traveling or just anything? Like anything at all?"
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thebadtimewolf · 4 years
‘ i don’t know who i am anymore . not someone i ever thought i’d be . ’
sympathetic villain/hero sentence starters.
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“Wha-what’d you mean?”
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thebadtimewolf · 6 years
''i would marry you in an instant. ''
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thebadtimewolf · 5 years
Rapprochement ||
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She hugged her the moment she saw her, running up to her almost instantly. The Vigilante missed her, felt like she was gone for too long despite possibly only being gone for a few days at the most. Still, she clung along the fabric on her back. burying her face in the other’s shoulder.
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thebadtimewolf · 6 years
Reunion ||
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The Vigilante froze in her tracks, a smile starting to grow at the sight of the brunette.
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thebadtimewolf · 6 years
Homecoming of Sorts ||
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“Who’s ready for free hugs?” Was the first thing she yelled when she saw Melinda, almost wanting to run but, ended up waddling awkwardly. Which made her look silly but, she didn’t care at the moment.
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thebadtimewolf · 7 years
The Greek Godly Parent Quiz
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Chosen: The Vigilante
Your godly parent is Apollo,  god of music, arts, poetry, archery, prophecy, truth, medicine, plagues and order.
As a child of Apollo, you may exhibit one or more talents associated with the sun god. Children of Apollo are extremely talented and many know it, which can vary from charismatic confidence to narcissistic arrogance. You are open-minded, easygoing, empathetic yet logical. You have a skill in music, art, drama or language and being the child of the god of prophecies, you are sometimes very intuitive about the future. Yet, you focus more on the journey rather than the destination. You're kind, helpful and show extreme protection towards 1-2 people in your life you can't live without. When you're angered, you tend to make reckless but powerful decisions, and can make a complete U-turn in personality. You have no patience for betrayal or bullying, and can become very righteous in exacting revenge, resulting in devastation that was more than you planned for in hindsight. Despite your playful and shallow exterior, you probably spend a lot of time being very observant and perceptive about the world around you, and you show that in your daily activities.
Qualities Harmony, order, reason, creativity, restraint, curiosity, arrogance, narcissism, observant
Tagged by: @intergalacticxmisfits Tagging: @the-vampire-timelord @xthemutegirl @britishdarkhairwelldressed @thedoctornumber11 @idcomeinthatmouth @gingersrockstheuniverse @masterofyourworld @paigeatyourservice @themadvigilantist @nytehavyn-circle @summoner-rosenthal @girl-in-the-tardis @corsets-bustles-n-engine-grease also anyone else who wants to do this @you
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thebadtimewolf · 7 years
Rules: List 5 OTP’s from 5 fandoms and tag 10 people to pass it on to
I was tagged by @girl-in-the-tardis {and im going to make gifs because woo!dedication}
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1. Sherlock Holmes and John/Joan Watson (Sherlock/Elementary) - If John and Sherlock end up as end game on BBC in any form of attraction, i really expect Joan and Sherlock to end up as end game as well on cbs. 
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2. The Doctor & Women with an R in their name (Doctor Who) - He has a type. I’m calling him out on it. Rose Tyler, River Song, Romanadvoratrelundar, Iris Wildthyme, Astrid Peth, Clara Oswald, Norma ‘Marilyn Monroe’ Jean, Sarah Jane Smith, Grace Holloway, Queen Victoria I, Mistress (missy). Probably more. If you have an R in your name, you’re in as a traveling lover. Unless you happen to become immortal then, he’s turned off. So, far he hasn’t fell for a WOC but, guess what? If you have an R in your name, strong chance, you caught his eye.
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3. Cophine [Cosima Niehaus & Delphine Corimer] (Orphan Black) - it’s more like ‘PLEASE DON’T FUCKING DIE OH MY GOD.’ i just need my babies to live until they are like really old and married with their adoptive daughter(/sister to cosima), Charlotte all grown up and healthy and not dead.
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4. SuperCanary/ Kara Danvers & Sara Lance (Invasion! Crossover) - Look, I love Lena Luthor, I do and I want them together but...I also want Kara to be taught to fight like the League of Shadows w/ Nyssa and Lena isn’t going to get her that.
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5. Lily Croft x Murder (Penny Dreadful) - My love for her is as strong as her love for bringing the men of the world to their knees. My thirst for her is as high as her lust for blood.
I am tagging: @nytehavyn-circle  @xthemutegirl @britishdarkhairwelldressed @thedoctornumber11 @mjxlnxr @echoesxofxthexpast @the-vampire-timelord @gallifreylegacy @ask-xi
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thebadtimewolf · 3 years
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"Shite, right. Just remembered..."
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"Right, I've done an mag interview."
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"Read it."
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"Don't. I don't give two bloody blasts of a bat's arse."
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"I sound drunk. Bye"
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referenced: @themadvigilantist
subtly mentioned: @theserpentsjester | @thedoctornumber11 | @nytehavyn-circle | @britishdarkhairwelldressed | @addictiveking | @summoner-rosenthal | @chaoelevationem | @goldenacolyte | @thevampiretimelord-blog | @ask-xi | @isitrecording | @silentbehavioriisms | and whoever else i may forgot to mention at 5:10 AM est
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