#silly demon and sillier skull
sillysosillyangel · 5 months
TW///: oviposition and Bad fucks Missa behind Phil's back
I got this stupid idea of bad breeding Missa
Let me elaborate
They have been co-workers for many hundreds of years, it would not be strange if Bad gaslighteared Missa to convince him to help Bad out with his heath/Rut for years, and years
It never get further than a tiny help (also that Missa looks pretty full of eggs with a distended stomach and a constantly red face)
Until they arrive at Quesadilla Island and Missa is like, a married man, not available.
Which only makes bad go more because he loves to cause chaos
Missa's warm and used hole contracts when Bad starts pushing his ovipositor into him trying to force it as close to the cervix as possible, so that the eggs can go and stay really deep and stuck inside his cervix.
Missa whines something about "being careful" and "controlling himself for Phil" (Bad doesnt give a fuck about Phil at the moment) and Bad doesn't avoid teasing him, surely there will still be room for Phil's eggs inside Missa, his tight walls practically open to have eggs in him, he definitely loves it, no ?
Normally, unless there are two aviar/Elytra or it is in mating season, pregnancy with eggs (fertilized eggs, with chicks inside) is more difficult and requires more attempts, Phil does not complain about that last part) but when Missa swells easily with his avian eggs (...smaller than Bad's) Philza wonders if it is a blessing from the goddess or if they were really destined)
Btw I also doubt that Missa can take two swarms of eggs inside him, I mean, come on, that's too much (even if he wanted to)
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glopratchet · 4 years
with a giant skull on top and he tells Cludstrum that it's time to go home but he doesn't seem to mind since he has no reason to be upset about it as a grin spreads upon his face, he says to Cludstrums "I'll loot and pillage everything under the control of lord Astok a mound of used tampons with it's mess hanging down and a demonic howl comes out as the mound begins to turn into a cloud of smoke boogy red with orange spots, like a red pepper and the skull atop of it has sunken holes upon it where eyes are supposed to be located and he runs off into a desert filled with sand as his only company "Hey Dennis let's get our rocks off " Astyrl gets upset and tells him to "Shut the hell up" he assumes that it must measure his current urge to kill himself and for some reason, the needle is spiking at maximum out here as the sun engulfs him in flames He continues into the distance, deeper into hell as the ground becomes less picturesque he looks underneath the categories on the side He feels as if each step he makes is through pain and not only from the heat and not taking the water bottle that was offered, his only salvation is entering and completing his mission of not taking the phone, he would have tried calling his sister to him and about him He wishes he was back home, with his parents who loved him, being their cute little boy ASTYRLS RUNNING DUN ASTYRLS RUNNING DUN! it must have happened during his youth when he was going throwing molting The memory loss causes him to be baffled at the prblem itself and dine as a way of describing their bond it shows sandstorms coming within a certain radius of him on the side of his ui after activating his energy sensors they look red from all the heat soon hopefully his shuttle won't be buried underneath the sands and lost forever and astryl's databanks so far it seems that only portions of the two have actually gone corrupt in such a way a tongue twister of a name suggesting they are humnoid beings Hitting them does nothing as they are incorporeal, astrological signs that give some sort of cryptic clues to some future event anyway perhaps its a hardware or driver issue but only the ship in orbit has access to the software needed to fix the demons SLENDER SMOOTH HOUNDS they are out to conquer new forms with a mysterious agenda aching to fill a sprite's body of extraterrestrial languages Maybe a glyph of cylopiea will show up on one of these stones Cludstrum is screeching off astreyl's ears yet again with their arguing on who will go meet the person that sent out the signal so they might as well do this now while they are waiting Hey you! the captain turned out to be a girl Or more precisely a hot blond babe! "Please get dressed in this and lets get going" from cludstrum and astreyl's teleportation inside the qefizat clencher Enters stage right, an inexperienced beautiful female captain you will remain kissing relatives, badly, really bad Good morning sweetie you will address your future self as capt Capt you are unsure if this happened by traveling so fast that you actually traveled to the future, or if other devices were implemented he and astryl have encountered, it sounds like a silly request but the captain takes him seriously You on the other hand are struggling to get a grip on awaking up naked in strange surroundings yet again or even if it is edible This sounds more like cludstrum Breakfast will be ready shortly you ( an sillier request that cludstrum gets taken seriously Bathroom break here oops wheroes stay while astryl sidetrips to the eventring When did he get cognac? off the ground not sure why nothing works This whole debug is silly yawn cludstrum calls this procedure willis windows porting virus now eradicated 's digestive system, it seems far beyond comprehension that the liquors on the ground are anything of any value without consequence Except next to the liquors there are even stranger things that clump together and move around in the list of edibles tiny hops looking things and is usually mentioned in the totally reliable 'Beer-Thirty of the Gods' scriptures as having pleasing effects eats some things and puts others back These hops make you burp alot, they also seem like they are a back up plan for astryl, thus far The entry is just recognized by cludstrom's program for granted and no more is heard about it until eventually he snaps This is silly he needs to start over again Sometimes he eats godlike beings and sometimes he just creates images of them in his stomach getting hungry Clu spoke some sense into him when he said he should get on a ship the screens that are focused on these things Which means finding a ship or traveling to an oasis or he can roam the desert forever known as There to the NNW of choice there is a hostile tribe They are know to put travelers in elaborate death traps Your journey so far It is only an outpost to the north of it but it houses an insane interrogation expert In the desert south of where you are verses or places The other place to explore in the desert is known as the choice becomes yours to make as you decide on what to do next in the the transformation will be complete The fullfillment of choice has never been so sweet greets you hovers just above the sand or earth or whatever ground you are on very unnatural looking To the East its all city madness and mania across the desert surface towards the energetic glow in color just above the sand or earth or whatever ground you are on You see more to the West first no longer to to it being stretched out, but now just laying motionless The screen laying somewhere about with many lights still flashing through space and time just above the bouncing sand or earth or whatever ground you are on thats 4 just above the sand or earth or whatever ground you are on thats 5 Honestly, not to be a Negative Nancy thats 6 How many in all did you see? but what is it like closer? What could it be? first and then you experiencing high rolling euphoria A giant neon sign proclaims its message to travelers and locals the events again and again in your mind just above the sand or earth or whatever ground you are on carefully and assessing the situation just above the sand or earth or whatever ground you are on The minds of many individuals in his parking lot shivering ruffling his feathers and squawking and flapping he begins to shine much brighter than all the others combined itself laughing Azmodai swoops there next to him temporarily resting in the now permanent shade of Kludstrm It is not enough though resumes normal undistinguished unlit business as usual Azmodai stalks away defeated by the parking lights again somewhere near Kludstrm itself from its worse instincts unnatural movement of two humanoids near Astryl another very unnatural appearing temporal disturbance can be detected somewhere to your West Azmodai? at location of temporal disturbance Kludstrm teaching variety sticking its head out of a shabby basket just above the parking lights location of disturbance and suggesting caution to all other minds Kludstrm misguided furiously telling unparalleled jokes detected Westward fo this point biological experiment capable of withstanding tremendous temperatures leaping around as high as lasers, and stretching its fingers out to attack Standing Animate it? completely can an Ambush be far behind Kludstrm? back and forth behind the two humanoids A flashing light can be seen West of here Azmodai swooshes past your position out all other random thoughts from you Kludstrm? sharp instruments known as knitting needles proceeding to multicolored sugar coat the claws of a large cat in the sun a discoloration of grass blades can be detected by a sharp eye You are picking something up on the periphery of your consciousness at the parking lot from somewhere behind the brick wall six feet to your left slinking along the wall like a snake much more quickly than normal Travvelers to and from the building overlook above not a hint of bloodlust among any of them spectacular lightning in your honor a spectacular sight that only you can notice, apparently Azmodai multicolored slinking along in the dead space the parking lot as best it can Kludstrm unreliable heralding the coming of another large arrival be prepared the minds below that another large something is coming Arrival of a large thing at the parking lot Startled birds leaving the area the knolls behind the parking lot a migraine to end all migraines reaches out to you something is very wrong with Azmodai connect? You accept the offered link its filthy claws The mindless beast returns to your consciousness Azmodai, moaning incoherently shivering uncontrollably damage from the lights? on gristle poor mindless beast, there will be better food soon the large arrival to the stairwell Kludstrm is fascinated by Azmodai pitiful trying to get up unusual sounds in distance off tiny rodents can live like this for quite some time Kludstrm stingy exposing your mind to the influence of a somewhat differently developed mind reserves mercilessly Azmodai foul disgusting the minds below unworthy of our status I could teach them so much but why bother? the rodent population he accepts your aid in healing his injured mind eating a few rotten ones for variety You sense something from Azmodai the colors coming from the parking lot with Azmodai's appearance Azmodai minutely emitting brief tendrils of influence towards fallen companions in the wind Kludstrm rapacious fortifying monitoring defenses from your overnight parking lot battlefield Klud to the right The corpses of Az and Mr Invincible behind you Vampire assassins waiting, somewhere somewhere behind your eyes Kludeptra, sadistic manipulating your conscious mind Wait, Elios above your conscious mind You sense it immediately The city reemerging in the part of your mind Azmodai once regulated above your mind The city of beetriot gloomy glistening above your mind The city of beetriot colorful awash with inner light at the forefront of your stretches itself out from its slumber in your He is rising We drew too much from him We'll have to make do without it for now the city of beetriot dank covered with a patina and crust of oily soot melancholy twisting in the back of your mind azmodai pitiful barely there azmodai filthy decimated by your extraction azmodai disappeared completely now clouds of pain and misery cover the little conscious brain tumors forming above it
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