#silm music vid
hirazuki · 2 years
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Memories of Utumno (c. Years of the Trees.)
Just some casual plotting back in the good old days before those damn jewels ^^
(edit: full video is here!)
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jockbots · 3 years
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Day 06: @finweanladiesweek: Original Characters
1. Maglor's Wife Caliniel is amab hence why they have no kiddos even though they might have adopted had Maglor stayed in Valinor bc they both rly wanted to start a famoly. She's a musician for the house of Finwe. Her and Maglor would stay late and make music in the practice halls and theatre when everyone else went home. Very gentle, very sweet, loves the mandolin most.
2. Russingon bby or Gil Galad's twin sister Russariel imh in some AU where nothing hurts and everything is good. All of Fingon's self confidence and Maedhros's silver tongue. Gil got all the nobility and good heart, she got the fury and stubborness.
3. Hilin & Hileth from this fic what this darkness cannot swallow, it must spit out Go READ IT it's about Caranthir mourning his family and it ends sweet af and made me cry. But they are dope and Hilin defended her ppl from an ork attack ALONE so they could get to safety.
4. Aredhel/Celegorm bby, Tamíre, that they gave to Oromé to raise bc neither they were young and couldn't look after a kiddo. They are afab and all the wild parts of their parents
5. Curufin's Wife, Telda or Telya, Celebrimbor resembles her the most and she is much like Nerdanel in that shes the reason in the relationship but shes tougher. She was a herald for the house of Feanor and when Curufin first saw her he was mesmerised and Feanor actually sugested that he go and talk to her. After everything she was one of the elves that would travel to Neuminor to speak reason with the later kings.
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hirazuki · 1 year
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Oath of Feanor
(full video is here!)
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hirazuki · 2 years
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War of Wrath, aka. the last days in Angband.
I have so many headcanons about him and the end of the First Age, the sinking of Beleriand, the final days with Melkor and their relationship, the aftermath, going to Eonwe, etc., but I’ll spare you all the essay and just let you enjoy the pictures ♡
(the full video these drawings are from is here!)
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hirazuki · 2 years
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My heart to heart with the light. ~ Tranquility
This is a Maeglin-positive blog ♡
In other news, I realized I somehow haven’t drawn a horse in probably a decade; I had forgotten how much fun they are!
(edit: full video is here!)
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hirazuki · 2 years
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And I don't know when your light will go out.
~ Tranquility
Some more frames from my Silmarillion love and spite-fueled Project, this time featuring everyone’s favorite: Dungalef XD
(edit: decided to go back and add the lyrics from the song I’m working off of, because why not)
(edit 2: full video is here!)
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hirazuki · 1 year
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Innocent crying child; The heart of your enemy.
~ Tranquility
(full video is here!)
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hirazuki · 1 year
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The Unchaining of Melkor.
(full video is here!)
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hirazuki · 2 years
The Silmarillion: The First Age (with a tad of Years of the Trees at the beginning) Song: Tranquility, by Sawano Hiroyuki and Anly
So, like everyone else on here, I get complex animatic sequences in my head whenever I associate a song with a hyperfixation and I normally ignore it, since I can’t actually animate... buuuut I gave into the urge this time because I’ve been in this fandom for over twenty years and have never made anything for it.  And yeah okay, maybe being a First Age fanatic I may have been pretty miffed at how that was handled in RoP and wanted to take a stab at a 2 min abridged version for myself XD
I SWEAR this video was supposed to be a general visual summary of the First Age (with a generous sprinkling of headcanons here and there) and not Mairon’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Age. I mean, obviously he was going to have a bit more presence than is, perhaps, his due, because he’s my all-time favorite and I am very biased, but I absolutely did not mean for him to sneak into like. 70% of this lmao. He’s responsible for his own actions.
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hirazuki · 2 years
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Melkor, showing up to Angband three ages late with Starbucks with silmarils.
Mairon would rather it had been Starbucks
Also, I finally finished the video and you can find it here!
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hirazuki · 2 years
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The Fall of Gondolin
(edit: full video is here!)
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hirazuki · 2 years
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Headcanon time! 
We don’t know too much about Maedhros’ extended stay in Angband other than it was a bad time, but like. I like to think that Mairon was an increasingly frequent visitor to Thangorodrim, and outside of his capacity as torturer, because: 
One, this is a Top Quality™ prisoner. Someone of Mairon’s sharp intellect wouldn’t be able to resist the promise of potential worthwhile conversation. I interpret the silmarils as a kind of addictive substance, with Melkor becoming progressively more obsessive, reclusive and distant after acquiring them and his relationship with Mairon thus gradually changing, leading to Mairon becoming more independent and effectively in charge, yet lonely. 
And two, they would have so much to talk about and like... not bond over, obviously, mostly because one of them is chained to a cliff face, but just have a certain unspoken understanding pass between them, as Feanor’s son and Melkor’s heir; two people who are, essentially, at the head of their respective forces at this point and have had their lives and relationships with others irrevocably changed by these jewels. I can imagine Maedhros picking up on this, even through all the blood and pain, and being like “haha, you think it’s bad now? Brace yourself, it’s only gonna get worse, source: personal experience.” And kind of flipping their relationship on its head, making Mairon the one who is tortured and a prisoner, despite being physically free and in a position of power. 
ANYWAY the gist of it is that I love them both dearly and so I think it’d be neat if they interacted more
(edit: full video is here!)
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hirazuki · 1 year
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Waiting in Angband (sometime before Y. T. 1495)
(full video is here!)
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hirazuki · 2 years
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Sway together in the dark, It’s supposed to be.
~ Tranquility 
My hand slipped out of spite so I’m finally making some fanart for this fandom after 84 years, and while it’s a pretty huge project I’ve picked, I figured I can post some individual art from it here and there! 
I told myself I would keep the drawings sketchy and the coloring simple and not do full art pieces, and I was doing great, actually, until it was time for the Angband crew. I can’t help myself, they’re my beans ♡
(edit: decided to go back and add the lyrics from the song I’m working off of, because why not)
(edit 2: full video is here!)
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