cxptisanarchive · 7 years
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wholemeasure-a · 7 years
mama devil.: does frank still like wade more then matt morally compromised anti hero: you know what's sick morally compromised anti hero: yeah mama devil.: ASDFGHJKL mama devil.: GOD
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akaknightress-blog · 7 years
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          busted lip oozes red, absorbed into the towel wrapped around a bag of ice.           from top to bottom, she’s beat up. sitting in the corner of ana’s apartment           when she comes in, a cup positioned in front of her to occasionally           spit blood in. it’s already got a good little collection going.
          bundle of ice pressed against her face, jessica mumbles           out a brusque welcome -- her version of one, at least.
               “ -- don’t look at me like that. “
          that, in & of itself, is telling. everyone knows jones doesn’t           normally give a shit what anyone might think about her.
               “ i’m fine, just got off work is all. sorry for dropping by without saying shit. “
          withdrawing her cracked android phone from skinny jean pockets, it gets tossed           onto the coffee table next to the mug of blood & saliva. “ but i felt like seeing you.           to talk. “ cue a sniff as she diverts her attention, anything to fill the silence that           would have been there otherwise. jess isn’t really used to this sort of thing. “ about           you, i mean. i’m always so caught up in my own shit, “ she gestures to her beat up           face, “ but ... “ there’s a pause of frustration with herself, & she worries her tongue           against her cheek, “ look, i’ve fucked up a lot. i’m just trying not to again. with you.           i don’t know shit about most of the people in my life, i don’t want it to be that           way between us. “
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moonjeweled · 7 years
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@silverheartsilverskin ‘s makeup was on fleek today~
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bestvictima · 7 years
♪ !!
prompt: for every ♪ in my inbox, i’ll post a song i listen to for character inspiration. status: accepting.
gortoz a ran – denez prigent and lisa gerrard.
‘teuio en-dro an avel c'hlas / da analañ va c'halon c'hloaz’t / kaset e vin diouzh e alan / pell gant ar red, hervez 'deus c'hoant.
the blue wind will return / and take back with it my wounded heart / i will be pulled away by its breath / far away in the stream, wherever it wishes.
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cxptisanarchive · 7 years
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i would like you all to know that Tumblr User @silverheartsilverskin has been banned and will no longer give you poor citizens grief, thank u and good night
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blackpanthcr · 7 years
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                “  i have found an ally  &  a friend in you, anastasia.  ” 
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zhuanglie · 7 years
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daresfear · 7 years
' loneliness has followed me my whole life, everywhere. ' blows kiss,
   taxi  driver  ( 1976 )   /   accepting  /   @silverheartsilverskin .
they’re  stuck  in  a  downpour :     beaten,  battered,  and  soaking  wet.  his  radar  sense  is   dampened   slightly,  what  with  the  fat  drops  of  water  hitting  the  pavement  at  the  speed  of  light   ---   but  that’s  not  his  biggest  concern.   he’s  vaguely  aware  of  his  own  dislocated  soulder   (  he’s  used  to  the  pain  by  now,  though.   obviously.  )   and  ragged  breath,  and  the  squeak  of  the  rusted  metal  they’ve  chosen  to  hide  beneath.   (  a  fire  escape,  it  must  be.  )   the  topic  of  conversation   the  silver  lining   has  chosen  is---   well.   he  gets  it.   the  guys  they  fought  were  hard  on  her.   he  showed  up  to  help  in  the  middle  of  the  fight,  but  he  heard  enough.
comforting  others     is  not  quite  his  forte,  though.   especially  not  people  he  doesn’t  actually   know  ---   but  even  though  she’s  kind  of  been  a  thorn  in  his  side  since  day  one,  he’s  grown  used  to  another   guarding   presence  in  his  neighborhood.   it  makes   him   feel  less  alone  and  incapable  of  helping  everyone.   perhaps  his  attitude  towards  her  has  done  the  opposite  for  her,  though.   he  feels  bad.
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still,  he  does   not   know     how  to  express  that,  so  he  sucks  in  a  deep  breath,  and  lets  one  corner  of  his  lips  curl  upward.   they’re  standing  side  to  side  in  the  pouring  rain  ---   he  bumps  his  good  shoulder  against  hers  lightly,  and  decides  to  lighten  up  the  mood.            ‘      i  guess  we’re  getting  quite   comfy   with  each  other  at  this  point,  huh,  silver  ?      ’            a  pause.            ‘      you’re  not  alone  now.      ’            he  clears  his  throat.           ‘      ------  anyway,  you  ever  put  someone’s  shoulder  back  in  place  ?   ‘cause  i’m  gonna  need  your   help   with  that.      ’
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cxptisanarchive · 7 years
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wholemeasure-a · 7 years
silverheartsilverskin replied to your post: you guys are lucky i have any measure of self...
you Deserve this Content
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psyclownsis-a-blog · 7 years
a slow-motion montage of the silver lining strangling a guy with her thighs, dislocating somebody’s jaw with her bare hands, shoving a de-pinned grenade in a bad guy’s mouth and using her metal arms to clamp around his head and make sure he can’t pull it back out, but seen from harley’s pov so there are little hearts popping up here and there while this plays in the background
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blackpanthcr · 7 years
FILED UNDER:// STARTER < @silverheartsilverskin​. >
       steady fingers latch themselves upon the ajar window seal. wedging the claws within the crack to lift upwards. a groan of protest gave way  &  he easily slipped into the opening. broad shoulders shimmered. pressing  u n c o m f o r t a b l y  on the window seal. for one split second, t’challa doubt his calculations, when his muscles no longer move. it was sweet relief, when twisting his torso, he managed to land with a silent thud on the other side. eyes swept the room, seeking for the heat signature  &  scenting the air for where her essence was strongest. 
the vibranium soles of his shoes stole the breath of noise from his steps. his bones swiftly moved his body about her apartment in the darkened shadows without disturbing a spec of dust. it was there, he found her, a room away from the window. the shoulders once  t a u t  were down turned. the skin peeping from her clothes were marked with silver. t’challa grew closer   -------   wanting to know if it was bruises, blush marks, or just her natural skin seeping through in her safe place.
fingers uncurl, the claws slide from it’s sheath,  &  he presses them an inch from her back. knowing she would have felt the heat against her usually cool skin.
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‘  your alarm system is ineffective.  ’
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icarussolved-blog · 7 years
silverheartsilverskin replied to your post: nathan angrily sighing @ the def-enders
ana voice: join the squad
nathan voice: im not wearing a stupid suit
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arborsentiens-blog · 7 years
❝ this would be easier if I could understand you better. ❞
agents ! | accepting
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      ❛   i am groot.   ❜
the apology’s quick to roll off his tongue; or as much of one as he has. he’s more than aware of his differences, both inside and outside the confines of the ship –––– knows that there are those who search the galaxy for his head on a silver platter ( and that his head would be much rarer than the silver that comprised the platter ! ). he knows that his language is one that is not easily understood, and that rocket had been the only one to truly understand him, in his lifetime –––– and for that, he’s thankful. 
yet, he knows that his uniqueness is what gives him strength: the strength of the whole of his kin, which he does not know; and the strength of a guardian, in the company of his friends. and so, he looks back up to meet her gaze, as the thinnest of his vines snakes forth to pop the car’s lock; he’ll gesture toward her, curl his vines into a circle to mimic a steering motion –––– head tilted in question. she had to understand him now !
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