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Surgical tools, Cambodia
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ludmilaschnaider · 4 years
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Christmas family photo-session 2019. #christmasphotography #torontophotography #artpgotographer #art #artphotographer #torontophotographystudio #torontochristmasphotography #northyorkartist #silvershotz #silvershotzwinner2016 #artgbStudio #artgb #christmas #christmas2019 #сказка #новогодняясказка #рождество2019 #художественныйпортрет #фотохудожник https://www.instagram.com/p/B7k3xYUpH8t/?igshid=zln1bekt2d5k
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nicolaslaborie · 7 years
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#Repost @silvershotz with @repostapp ・・・ Sweet Lolita on Wet Plate Collodion © Nicolas Laborie. Silvershotz photography magazine March 2017 V11E6. #contemporary #photography #silvershotz #magazine #gardenofether #nicolaslaborie
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filthhousephoto · 6 years
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#latentimagemagazine #silvershotz #photographyoffice #lens_magazine #yogurtmagazine #soffamag #goodlightmag #absurdsanat #look #insta #startuplife #nature
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ricardotomasz · 5 years
Such is life! Behold, a new Post published on Greater And Grander about The Dancing Rabbit: Jane Szabo
See into my soul, as a new Post has been published on http://greaterandgrander.com/2019/01/the-dancing-rabbit-jane-szabo/
The Dancing Rabbit: Jane Szabo
As part of Greater And Grander's ongoing focus of great artistry in the 21st century, we are highlighting several artists who are making a splash on the art scene.  Jane Szabo is a Los Angeles based fine art photographer with an MFA from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA. Her work investigates issues of self and identity. Using self-portraiture and still life as a vehicle to share stories from her life, her work merges her love for fabrication and materials, with conceptual photography. Szabo brings many facets of visual art into her photographic projects, incorporating sculptural, performance and installation elements into her work. Her imagery is often infused with humor and wonder, ingredients that draw the viewer in, inviting them to linger and to have a dialogue with the work, and themselves. Her background in the film industry, creating prop and miniatures for theme parks, and overseeing set construction for film and television, undoubtedly informs her creative process.
Szabo’s work is in the permanent collection of the Los Angeles Museum of Art (LACMA), the Museum of Art & History (MOAH) and her photography has been exhibited widely, including solo shows at the Museum of Art & History in Lancaster, CA, Orange County Center for Contemporary Art, Yuma Fine Art Center in Arizona, and Los Angeles Center for Digital Art. Her work has been included in exhibitions at Oceanside Museum of Art, the Griffin Museum of Photography, The Colorado Center for Photographic Arts, San Diego Art Institute, Los Angeles Center for Photography, Tilt Gallery in Arizona, Houston Center for Photography in Texas, Gallery 825 in Los Angeles, the Kaohsiung International Photographer Exhibition in Taiwan and fotofever in Paris, France.
Images from the series Family Matters were featured in a billboard, a community project organized by MOAH - The Museum of Art & History
Her photographs have been featured in many publications and blogs including: The Huffington Post, Lenscratch, Silvershotz, Mono Chroma, Bokeh Bokeh, L’Oeil de la Photographie, F-Stop Magazine, Foto Relevance, Fraction, Your Daily Photo, A Photo Editor, Don't Take Pictures, Art & Cake, Diversions.
Why did you get into the arts?
From a pretty young age, I knew that I didn't want a corporate office type job.  Deciding to become an artist was a choice to not be chained to a nine to five job wearing business attire.
I was in high school when I decided that the arts made sense for me.
Jane Szabo on location near Seattle © Jane Szabo 2018
Why did you choose to go to art school?
 I got an MFA from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. I picked Art Center because it seemed to be the most structured and demanding program, and I knew I needed to be challenged, and that the formal structure would force me to stay focus and succeed.
I am so happy I got the education I did, when I did. Graduate art school does not teach you how to make art, but teaches you critical thinking. It teaches you how to think about why you are making the work you make, which is exactly what I needed. The critical thinking skills I learned at Art Center have helped me become the artist I am today.
What advice would you give to a prospective student who is applying to art school?
Be willing to learn and think in new ways. Be ready for a lot of hard work. It’s an incredible time to explore and find new ways of working - but don't become a copycat and mimic the work of your instructors.
My biggest mistake was not networking enough. Take advantage of your peer group and stay connected with them after school. I also think art school is the perfect place to experiment. Don’t come into school with a perceived way of working and a rigid mind set. Be open to change!
What difficulties did you encounter?
I was really young when I went to grad school.  That was good for me as I had the energy to do school, and the day job. But, I really didn’t have the depth of knowledge about the art world and contemporary art that is gained through experience. This artistic immaturity made it more difficult for me to comfortably enter the gallery scene after grad school.
What did you do after art school?  Did you have trouble finding work when you first got out?
I actually started working in a job in the film industry the second semester of grad school... and kept working through the entire degree program - it enabled me to pay my rent, insurance and food, which was a huge help. Working during grad school may be too much for some, but it actually helped keep me sane.
What was the first large artistic project you worked on that you were proud of?
One of the first big projects I worked on, shortly after graduate school, was building and painting props for Euro Disney (now called Disneyland Paris). Though this was not my personal fine art, it was a period of intense creativity and learning, as I made things by hand: molding making and sculpting, making objects out of brass using old school sheet metal techniques, and scenic painting detailed props for close up viewing. I am still very proud of this work today.
When I first got out of grad school, the main goal was to earn a living. I was making my personal art at the time as well, but paying the bills meant that my creativity focused on my day job as a prop maker and scenic painter. This work was extremely satisfying, challenging, and fulfilling.
Map Dress #1, from the series Sense of Self, © Jane Szabo 2013 "This image was created at about midnight, in the middle of a weekend intensive workshop with Cig Harvey. This one image became the leaping off point for two series,Sense of Self and Reconstructing Self, two bodies of work that spanned three years."
When did you decide to stop working for free?
Fortunately, other than one short internship with a graphic designer during college (a great way to learn I did NOT want to be a graphic designer!) and a short film I helped a grad school instructor with, I have never had to work for free.
I do not believe in working for free, or on spec. My time is valuable. That said, I do volunteer my time to assist workshops and events for my favorite non-profit organizations.
What are you currently working on, and how did you arrive here?
I am developing a new project, involving custom constructions that I photograph in various interior and exterior environments during my frequent travels. Over the last few years, I have been dealing with elderly parents out of state. We just moved them for a third time in two years.   After selling their home, and the constant struggle to find the right assisted living place to keep them comfortable and safe, I am thinking a lot about place, and where we find ourselves. This new work seeks to address this sense of loss, and the search to find oneself.
Coffee Filters, from the series Reconstructing Self, © Jane Szabo 2015
What’s the biggest thing you depend on, in your studio?
I recently moved to a larger studio, and just having space to breathe is so essential! When I was in a smaller space, I spent too much time moving things around so I would have space to work. Now I can walk in to a clear space, with tables etc. up and ready to go. Of course, my large format printer is critical to my process. In addition to building all my props, making my photographs, I do all my own printing. Having the artistic control over the finished product is essential to me, as well as the ability to generate prints as soon as I need them.
Aunt Rosemary’s Photo Album, from the series Reconstructing Self, © Jane Szabo 2015
Did you ever pay for a program that promised big results to help further your career, but it never delivered?
There are so many “opportunities” that offer big results, for up-front fees – and you really do need to be careful. But that said, sometimes it is essential to invest in your career. I have participated in many workshops and portfolio reviews, and yes, they do come at a cost. Have they all had immediate rewards? Definitely not – but, most of them have indeed been incredibly worthwhile, and have really helped my career development.  Building relationships in the art world takes time. I have had opportunities arise many years after an initial contact at a paid event. I have no regrets about the opportunities I have pursued.
I try to do advance research and learn about the event or venue before jumping on board. This helps me avoid wasting time with questionable opportunities.
If an event isn’t as successful as you had hoped, maybe due to low turnout or no sales, you do the right thing and thank the host for including you. Be polite. This event may have been a dud, but the person who invited you may have a much better opportunity down the road. No need to have a temper tantrum and burn bridges. Behave professionally and treat everyone with respect.
Regret, from the series Family Matters, © Jane Szabo 2018 "This piece was conceived during a still life workshop with Kimberly Witham. Before the day began, I fully saw the image in my head. I did some mock ups during the workshop, and saw what was working, and what wasn’t. I completed the final construction and made the image from my home studio."
Did you ever embarrass yourself in a job interview?
Haven’t we all felt that we wish we had performed better, responded more appropriately to a question, etc.? Now my motto is to just be myself. If they don’t like me the way I am, then we are not a good fit.
What’s been the highest point of your career so far?
Without a doubt, having a work purchased by the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) last year for their permanent collection was the high point!
Gridding the Space, from the series Sense of Self, © Jane Szabo 20145 "The series Sense of Self was an exploration of imagery inspired by performance art, not a documentation of a performance."
What kind of networking works best for you?
I don’t think clubs are really where it is at for career development – but I have certainly have had amazing opportunities and sales come through networking and even social media. Advancing your art career is all about building relationships!
I would first start networking by getting involved in your local non-profit arts organizations. Volunteer your time to help out at their events and you will start meeting other artists and people involved in the art world.
If you had it to do over again, what would you do differently?
I am not sure I would change a thing! Even though I have some regret that I had to take a long chunk of time off of making art to make a living, I know that time was spent learning practical construction, business management and interpersonal skills that are invaluable to my career as an independent artist today.
Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice, from the series Family Matters, © Jane Szabo 2017
What motto do you try to live your life by? 
Just be nice! Be a nice person, help others, share your knowledge, and build community. This way of living gives back in so many ways!
Where’s your favorite place in Los Angeles?
The foothills! Escaping from the city is the only way I can stay here. Though I have a studio space at the Brewery in downtown LA – I find I am making much of my work in my home, nestled in the foothills. I have set up an art table in front of my big living room window where I can watch the birds and other wildlife scamper around in front of me. Being amidst nature is important to my happiness.
What are your future goals?
Now, I have been able to reduce my hours at the day job, and focus almost exclusively on my career as an artist, I am dedicated to pushing my work and my career forward. The primary goal is to make fresh and compelling work. I strive to get this work out into the world, on a national and an international level.
Jane Szabo is represented by: Foto Relevance Gallery, Houston, TX. https://www.artsy.net/foto-relevance/artist/jane-szabo Susan Spiritus Gallery, Irvine, CA  http://susanspiritusgallery.com/artist/jane-szabo/ United Photographic Artists Gallery, Tampa, FL. http://upagallery.com/artist-jane-szabo/
#AbstractPhotography, #Art, #ArtRace, #Artist, #ArtistInspiration, #Artistry, #Artoftheday, #ArtRace, #ArtsProgram, #Artwork, #BuyArtPrints, #Instaart, #IntimatePhotography, #LosAngelesArtist, #MixedMedia, #PortraitPhotography, #Sculptures
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lenamolfesi · 5 years
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Sayaka Maruyama Music behind the shadow drops
Sayaka Maruyama’s practice traverses the mediums of photography, film, drawings, installation and performance. Drawing on classical Japanese references and Surrealist motifs, her work explores contradictory contemporary understandings of Japanese notions of beauty, from both Western and Eastern perspectives. Maruyama primarily gained notoriety for her Japan Avant-Garde series, in which the artist intertwined digitally manipulated images with elements of paper collage and watercolour paint to create intricate, multi-layered imagery, extolling a sense of beauty.
Maruyama was born in Japan in 1983, and graduated from the Art University of Japan in 2005, when she began her renowned Neon O’Clock Works project. Her first monograph, entitled Krageneidechse, was published in 2007, the year she moved to London. Maruyama has exhibited widely in London and Tokyo, and her images have been published in periodicals including the British Journal of Photography, Silvershotz magazine, the Financial Times Magazine and Eyemazing.
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fuwenjunstudio · 5 years
Fu Wenjun's Digital Pictorial Photography
Website: www.fuwenjun.com
 Fu Wenjun’s creative output can be summed up by his term Digital Pictorial Photography, which he uses to redefine the traditions found at the core of the photographic arts. By demonstrating the complementary relationship of photographs and other modes of artistic practice, Fu Wenjun transforms what may seem to be an inaccessible message into a highly approachable concept that can trigger critical thought about history and humanity.
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 Neighbors, Fu Wenjun, Digital Pictorial Photography, 140x1200cm 2009
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Illusory Metamorphosis No.8, Fu Wenjun, Digital Pictorial Photography, 110x140cm, 2009-2011
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Thought Reading No.2, Fu Wenjun, Digital Pictorial Photography, 110x140cm   2009-2011
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350 B.C., Fu Wenjun, Fu Wenjun, Digital Pictorial Photography, 140x175cm, 2014-2015
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Food Is the God of People, Fu Wenjun, Digital Pictorial Photography, 140x175cm, 2014-2015
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Among the Clouds, Fu Wenjun, Digital Pictorial Photography, 140x175cm, 2014-2015
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June Snow, Fu Wenjun, Digital Pictorial Photography, 100x100cm 2017-2018
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Crying Osprey, Fu Wenjun, Digital Pictorial Photography, 100x100cm 2017-2018
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Dubai Fish, Fu Wenjun, Digital Pictorial Photography, 100x100cm 2017-2018
2019, “Digital Brush: The Photographic Process of Fu Wenjun”, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China;
2018, “Is It Photography – Fu Wenjun Digital Pictorial Photography Solo Exhibition”,
Dairy Arts Center, Boulder, USA;
2017, “Introspection of Soul. Artistic Expression in the Digital Pictorial Photography of Wenjun Fu”, Museu Europeu de Arte Moderno, Barcelona, Spain;
2017, “Harmony in Diversity --- Fu Wenjun’s Digital Painting Photography Exhibition”, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China;
2017, Esposizione Triennale di Arti Visive a Roma, Complesso del Vittoriano, Rome, Italy;
2017, London Art Biennale, Chelsea Old Town Hall, London, UK;
2015, “Thoughtful Images --- Fu Wenjun’s Abstract Photography Exhibition”, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China;
2015, XVIII Bienal de Cerveira, Forum Cultural, Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal;
2015, Nord Art 2015, Kunstwerk Carlshütte, Büdelsdorf, Germany;
2013, Voice of the Unseen Chinese Independent Art 1979/Today, collateral exhibition of Venice Art Biennale 2013, Arsenale, Venice, Italy.
2012, International Excellent Art Prize, World Chinese Arts General Meeting, China;
2014, First Prize of Digital Art of the 2nd International Biennial of Contemporary Art in Argentina, International Biennial of Contemporary Art in Argentina, Argentina;
2015, International Award “Lorenzo il Magnifico” of X Florence Biennale, Florence Biennale, Italy;
2016, “Visitors Chosen Artist” at Triennale dell’Arte Contemporanea, Triennale dell’Arte Contemporanea, Italy;
2018, Digital Art winner of Best Global Artist Awards, Global Art Awards, UAE.
2018, “Catalogo dell'Arte Moderna No.54”, Cairo Publishing, Italy;
2018, “Art Comes from Life”, Enid Parker, Khaleej Times – City Times 19April, 2018, the United Arab Emirates;
2018, “Carefully Managed Image: Photo Artist Explores Abstract Concepts to Create 3D Sculpture”, Deng Zhangyu, China Daily 1 July, 2018, China;
2017, “Fu Wenjun, fotografia e tradizione cinese”, Daniela Malabaila, BIANCOSCURO, Italy
2017, “Fu Wenjun, A Wind from Yesterday”, Clive Waring, Silvershotz, Issue April 2017, USA;
2016, “International Contemporary Masters XII”, Despina Tunberg, Thomas Tunberg, World Wide Art Books, the USA;
2015, “Most Important Modern and Contemporary Artists”, Salvatore Russo, EA Editore, Italy;
2013, “The Wiser’s Game, An Interpretation of New Works by Fu Wenjun”, Fu Wenjun, Art Gallery Magazine Issue 180, China.
2019, Swatch Art Peace Hotel, Shanghai, China.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fu_wenjun/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fuwenjunstudio/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FuWenjunStudio
Website: www.fuwenjun.com
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wearemethod · 5 years
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[ exhibition ] 4月12日(金)~5月11日(土)までの期間、(PLACE) by methodにて、ニューヨークを拠点に、フォトグラファー、ヴィジュアル・アーティストとして活動する、丸山サヤカによる企画展「memorandom」を開催しております。
今回の企画展では、丸山サヤカの一冊目となる作品集『memorandom 0』の販売と、本書に収められている作品によるインスタレーション展示を行っております。 また、5月7日(水)より、表参道の一軒家の1階にあるVINTAGE CLOTHING SHOPに併設された、ギャラリースペース "THE SECRET MUSEUM” にて、巡回展示「memorandom」がスタートいたしました。 (PLACE) by methodでは、作品集『memorandom 0』のコンセプトに沿ったインスタレーションを中心とした展示、THE SECRET MUSEUMでは、作品の展示及び、映像作品「NUDES」の上映を行なっております。 ぜひ二つのギャラリーに足をお運び頂き、それぞれの丸山サヤカによるmemorandomの世界をご覧下さい。 皆さまのお越しをお待ちしております。 memorandom 会期:4月12日(金)~5月11日(土) 閉廊日:日曜日、祝日 ※GWの4月28日〜5月6日は閉廊いたします。 時間:12:00~19:00 会場:(PLACE) by method 住所:150-0011 東京都渋谷区東1-3-1 カミニート#14 地図:http://goo.gl/maps/nzyvr 電話番号:03-6427-9296 URL :http://wearemethod.com/ 会期:2019年5月7日〜6月1日 時間:13:00〜19:00 閉廊日:月曜、水曜 会場:THE SECRET MUSEUM 住所:150-0001 東京都渋谷区神宮前5-21-2 電話番号:03-3797-3019 問い合わせ:[email protected] URL:http://thesecretmuseum.tokyo/ 『memorandom 0』 著者:Sayaka Maruyama 出版日:2019年4月1日 出版社:konomad Editions 発行部数:100部 ページ数:246ページ 価格 : 5400円(税込) お問い合わせ:[email protected] 販売サイト:http://www.konomad.com/ 丸山 サヤカ Sayaka Maruyama 1983年 新潟県生まれ。1995年より約3年間オランダに在住。 2005年 多摩美術大学 情報デザイン科卒業。 2007年 - 2012年 ロンドンに拠点を移し、フォトグラファーとして作品制作活動を開始。 2011年 London Christies 及びEDEL ASSANTI作品を展示、The Birds Eye View film festival@BFIにて女性ショートフィルムディレクターの一人として参加 。 写真作品の制作をする傍ら、EYEMAZING、Silvershotz、SHOTS、Quotationなどインターナショナル・アート / ファッションマガジンの表紙を飾り、写真作品が掲載される。 2016年 konomadを河野富広と設立し、クリエィティブ・ディレクションを行いながら、パーソナルな表現のプラットフォームとしてmemorandomを制作する。 http://www.sayakamaruyama.com/
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edfreeman · 7 years
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Really excited to have this image featured in this month's @silvershotz 📸 @edfreemanphoto (at Los Angeles, California)
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tribelamag-blog · 6 years
REVIEW: Aline Smithson's advice is to take chances, embrace fear, be kind, grateful, and give back... TribeLA Magazine • Los Angeles #Tribelamag #Lenscratch #Alinesmithston #Arttoday #Laphotographers #Tribelamagazine
New Post has been published on http://tribelamagazine.com/art-today-10-05-17-energetic-style-of-aline-smithson/
REVIEW: Aline Smithson's advice is to take chances, embrace fear, be kind, grateful, and give back...
TribeLA Magazine Acrostic Interview.4
Advice: What is the best advice you’ve received? What is the best advice you can give? Take chances. Embrace fear as a friend and learn to live with it. It’s what propels you forward. Be kind. The world gets richer when you open your heart. Be grateful. Acknowledge who helps you along your journey. Give Back. Reach out and pull the person behind you into the spotlight.
Aura: How would you describe your energy, style, etc.? I have a lot of energy. My husband would state that I’m a tireless worker and I have to admit, it’s true. I am always multi-tasking. I am a very open person and have a curiosity about everyone and everything around me. I think that everyone has a story and everyone has value. One of my greatest joys as a mother and educator is to have those around me rise up and feel whole.
My personal and home aesthetic is more Zen—I’m drawn to clean surfaces, mid century architecture and furniture, and I always wear black. I do, however, find myself drawn to the odd and quirky, so you can find taxidermy, mannequin parts, and things that are off kilter all through my house—elegant taxidermy, mind you, not in a hoarder-cat lady way. I do have a great sense of humor.
Here’s how to get in touch with Aline:
http://alinesmithson.com http://lenscratch.com http://facebook.com/alinesmithson http://instagram.com/alinesmithson
Aline Smithson received a BA from the University of California at Santa Barbara and was accepted into the College of Creative Studies, studying under artists such as William Wegman, Alan Ruppersburg, and Charles Garabian. After a career as a New York Fashion Editor, Aline returned to Los Angeles and to her own artistic practice.
She has exhibited widely, including over 40 solo shows at institutions such as the Griffin Museum of Photography, the Fort Collins Museum of Contemporary Art, the Shanghai, Lishui, and Pingyqo Festivals in China, The Rayko Photo Center in San Francisco, the Center of Fine Art Photography in Colorado, the Tagomago Gallery in Barcelona and Paris, and the Verve Gallery in Santa Fe. In addition, her work is held in a number of public collections and her photographs have been featured in numerous publications, including The New York Times, The New Yorker, PDN, Communication Arts, Eyemazing, Real Simple, Soura, Visura, Shots, Pozytyw, and Silvershotz magazines.
Get caught up on Artist of the Week, Aline Smithson
ART TODAY 10.01.17: Getting to know photographer Aline Smithson, who is funny as heck, and whose work has been featured in NY Times, The New Yorker, et al. – and now TLA mag
ART TODAY 10.2.17: Pink Feathers by Aline Smithson
ART TODAY 10.3.17: Aline Smithson – creator of Lenscratch.com describes L.A. as, “where Korean BBQ meets a shredded beef taco, meeting Persian rice, and a Chinese…
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ludmilaschnaider · 4 years
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Christmas family photo-session 2019. #christmasphotography #torontophotography #artpgotographer #art #artphotographer #torontophotographystudio #torontochristmasphotography #northyorkartist #silvershotz #silvershotzwinner2016 #artgbStudio #artgb #christmas #christmas2019 #сказка #новогодняясказка #рождество2019 #художественныйпортрет #фотохудожник https://www.instagram.com/p/B7k3rIqJ44k/?igshid=14204ufvqay42
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lamurdiparasian · 7 years
Yasser Alaa Mobarak
We would like to introduce you to Yasser Alaa Mobarak, an Egyptian photographer currently based in Delhi, India. In this documentary style series of photographs Yasser takes you on an explorative journey through India. The spirit of India continues to thrive in each photograph, immersing you in its culture, beautiful bold colours, and private moments of its people which Yasser has met along the way. These images delicately capture individuals who appear to be deep in thought, with their own story to tell. It almost makes you feel as though you have been transported to India, and are trespassing on the everyday lives of the community while engaging with these expressive images.
We highly recommend you take some time to look through his collection photographs and scroll through his Instagram profile at your leisure, particularly if you are somebody with a love for photography and travel. Although be warned – you’ll be wishing you were there!
At only 24 years old, Yasser has had his worked featured in a wealth of well known international magazines such as National Geographic Magyarország, National Geographic Srbija, Digital Camera World Magazine, Amatuer Photographer Magazine, Smart Photography Magazine, Silvershotz Magazine, Adobe Blog, PBS NewsHour and Xinhua News Agency. He has also won a variety of photography prizes from the likes of National Geographic Traveler India, National Geographic Egypt, International Federation of Photographic Art, Photographic Society of America and Prix De La Photographie Paris. He is a holder of AFIAP distinction from the International Federation of Photographic Art and has an Associateship from Image Colleague Society International. Yasser was judge at Adobe Youth Voices Awards, Romania’s National Creativity Contest and The Photographic Angle. And now he is visiting Faculty at Delhi College of Photography and is an Author at Digital Photography School.
cargocollective.com/yasseralaamobarak www.instagram.com/yasseralaamobarak www.facebook.com/yasseralaaartwork
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from Blogger http://lamurdis.blogspot.com/2017/10/yasser-alaa-mobarak.html
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freezyrice · 7 years
Artist CV
Alfred J Rice III
Education Bachelor of Arts in Sociology. California State University, San Bernardino Awarded Degree: June 2015
Exhibitions Group Exhibition, San Bernardino, CA          December 2015 Entitled: Introspection                      
Redlands Art Gallery, Redlands, CA  September – October 2015 Seccombe Park: Aspire for More Group Exhibition, San Bernardino, CA               July 2015   Entitled: Moving Still: Still Moving                  
Group Exhibition, Fullerton, CA Entitled: Deleria. (Installation Piece)  April 2017
Professional Experience Silvershotz, Pty Ltd               September 2014 – Present       Queensland, AU Music Contractor Responsible for planning and coordinating the creation of musical recordings for online presence. Assigned the tasks of overseeing the processing of music production through mixing and mastering the correct notes. Extensive knowledge of music software programs such as ProTools, Logic, Reason, Autotune and digital consoles.
Cash Up Front, LLC               June 2011 – Present             San Bernardino, CA Event Coordinator Develop, organize, plan and promote quarterly fashion shows and music events that raise money for scholarships for the youth in San Bernardino. Manage key supporter relationships with local community members. Create promotional material for the event and distribute to target audience.
Hipnotik Star Production, LLC                 January 2005 – June 2009             San Bernardino, CA Engineer/Head Producer Worked with individuals and groups recording one track or an entire album. Operated soundboard and sound equipment while recording. Engineered all recordings to ensure final product was up to artist and investor(s) standards.
  Gallery Affiliations Redlands At Association   September 2015 – Present Banning Cultural Alliance  June 2015 - Present
Community Engagement B.A.F. LLC           2011 – Present            Annual Christmas & Thanksgiving Meals for the Needy San Bernardino, CA Volunteer Put together care packages to pass out to the homeless within the city of San Bernardino. Work collaboratively with other volunteers to prepare Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. Network with community members to receive donations for care packages. Promote the events through social media and community meetings.
B.A.F. LLC           2011 – Present             Green Mile: A Peace Walk San Bernardino, CA Volunteer Assisted in the planning and organization of the event. Recruited individuals throughout the community to participate in the peace walk. Collected donations of blankets, shoes, and clothing for the homeless community.
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wearemethod · 5 years
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[ exhibition ] 4月12日(金)~5月11日(土)までの期間、(PLACE) by methodにて、ニューヨークを拠点に、フォトグラファー、ヴィジュアル・アーティストとして活動する、丸山サヤカによる企画展「memorandom」を開催しております。
今回の企画展では、丸山サヤカの一冊目となる作品集『memorandom 0』の販売と、本書に収められている作品によるインスタレーション展示を行っております。
ぜひ会場で、丸山サヤカによるmemorandomの世界観をご覧下さい。 皆さまのお越しをお待ちしております。
memorandom 会期:4月12日(金)~5月11日(土) 閉廊日:日曜日、祝日 ※GWの4月28日〜5月6日は閉廊いたします。 時間:12:00~19:00 会場:(PLACE) by method 住所:150-0011 東京都渋谷区東1-3-1 カミニート#14 地図:http://goo.gl/maps/nzyvr 電話番号:03-6427-9296 URL :http://wearemethod.com/
『memorandom 0』 著者:Sayaka Maruyama 出版日:2019年4月1日 出版社:konomad Editions 発行部数:100部 ページ数:246ページ 価格 : 5400円(税込) お問い合わせ:[email protected] 販売サイト:http://www.konomad.com
丸山 サヤカ Sayaka Maruyama 1983年 新潟県生まれ。1995年より約3年間オランダに在住。 2005年 多摩美術大学 情報デザイン科卒業。 2007年 - 2012年 ロンドンに拠点を移し、フォトグラファーとして作品制作活動を開始。 2011年 London Christies 及びEDEL ASSANTI作品を展示、The Birds Eye View film festival@BFIにて女性ショートフィルムディレクターの一人として参加 。 写真作品の制作をする傍ら、EYEMAZING、Silvershotz、SHOTS、Quotationなどインターナショナル・アート / ファッションマガジンの表紙を飾り、写真作品が掲載される。 2016年 konomadを河野富広と設立し、クリエィティブ・ディレクションを行いながら、パーソナルな表現のプラットフォームとしてmemorandomを制作する。 http://www.sayakamaruyama.com
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filthhousephoto · 6 years
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#latentimagemagazine #silvershotz #photographyoffice #lens_magazine #yogurtmagazine #soffamag #goodlightmag #absurdsanat #look #insta #startuplife #nature
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tribelamag-blog · 7 years
ART TODAY 10.7.17: The entire TribeLA Magazine Acrostic Interview with fine-art photographer Aline Smithson TribeLA Magazine • Los Angeles #Lenscratch #Alinesmithston #Arttoday
New Post has been published on http://tribelamagazine.com/art-today-10-7-17-entire-tribela-magazine-acrostic-interview-fine-art-photographer-aline-smithson/
ART TODAY 10.7.17: The entire TribeLA Magazine Acrostic Interview with fine-art photographer Aline Smithson
Thank you Aline for sharing your most precious and legendary photographs with us!
TribeLA Magazine Acrostic Interview with fine art photographer Aline Smithson 
[hoot_dropcap]Tagline: Give yourself and your work a tagline.[/hoot_dropcap]
My glass is totally full, but I won’t say with what.
[hoot_dropcap]Rest: How do you spend your time off?[/hoot_dropcap]
In my ideal scenario, I would be relaxing in a villa near a coast in Italy. I would have a chef to make amazing pasta and I would nap and read and swim and photograph. In reality, when I’m tired, I lie on the couch, catch up on a myriad of shows, many admittedly on Bravo, while surfing Ebay for some treasure. Oddly, surfing Ebay makes me relax. A vodka tonic is close at hand, and the ubiquitous guacamole.
[hoot_dropcap]Influence: What effect do you hope to have on us?[/hoot_dropcap]
I am all about building community and supporting each other. The life of an artist is not a race—some of your peers will have more success, some less, but that coming together with a common interest makes everything richer. If I can pass on the spirit sharing information, sharing support, and showing up for each other, then I’m happy.
[hoot_dropcap]Back: If you could choose a past literary/art/music movement to be a part of, which would you choose?[/hoot_dropcap]
I have always been drawn to the Dadaist movement and the rejection of normalcy. I definitely have a rebellious spirit of pushing back on traditional paths. Marcel Duchamp and Man Ray’s influence runs deep.
[hoot_dropcap]Energy: What fires you up?[/hoot_dropcap]
I love to dance. I take hip-hop and Zumba classes as many days of the week that I can fit in. I prefer the music of hip-hop and any Michael Jackson song makes me into an immediate Soul Train dancer. I also love listening to the music of my son, RL Grime.
[hoot_dropcap]Los Angeles: Where is your favorite place in Los Angeles? Where would you take visitors? If you could defend the city in one sentence to someone who doubts it, what would you say?[/hoot_dropcap]
I grew up in Silverlake (in my day, it was all one word), so my go-to place is the Planetarium. We used to drive up to the observatory in high school, bring some cheap wine and lay on the grass under the stars imagining our futures. I always tell people that Los Angeles is the most beautiful city once the sun goes down. There is something magical about driving from downtown to the beach with the cool night air offering up possibilities. If I had to sum up Los Angeles in one sentence: It’s where Korean BBQ meets a shredded beef taco, meeting Persian rice, and a Chinese dumpling that sits atop a crispy samosa dipped in all the incredible flavors of the globe.
[hoot_dropcap]Advice: What is the best advice you’ve received? What is the best advice you can give?[/hoot_dropcap]
Take chances. Embrace fear as a friend and learn to live with it. It’s what propels you forward. Be kind. The world gets richer when you open your heart. Be grateful. Acknowledge who helps you along your journey. Give Back. Reach out and pull the person behind you into the spotlight.
  [hoot_dropcap]Aura: How would you describe your energy, style, etc.?[/hoot_dropcap]
I have a lot of energy. My husband would state that I’m a tireless worker and I have to admit, it’s true. I am always multi-tasking. I am a very open person and have a curiosity about everyone and everything around me. I think that everyone has a story and everyone has value. One of my greatest joys as a mother and educator is to have those around me rise up and feel whole.
My personal and home aesthetic is more Zen—I’m drawn to clean surfaces, mid century architecture and furniture, and I always wear black. I do, however, find myself drawn to the odd and quirky, so you can find taxidermy, mannequin parts, and things that are off kilter all through my house—elegant taxidermy, mind you, not in a hoarder-cat lady way. I do have a great sense of humor.
[hoot_dropcap]Room: Where in your home do you work? If not in your home, where do you feel most compelled to create?[/hoot_dropcap]
I make almost all of my photographs close to home, with the exception of a few series. I shoot against my garage and throughout my house. I have a pink office where I surround myself with inspiration. But most of my creativity comes from inside my head, not in a room, pulled from a deep well of influences.
[hoot_dropcap]Tools: What do you prefer to work with, physically and otherwise?[/hoot_dropcap]
80% of all my photographs are made with a 1960 twin lens Rolleiflex. For a few series, I use a Hasselblad or a toy camera. I find that my Rolleiflex has a soul and also harbors magic. I still only shoot with film.
[hoot_dropcap]Indulgence: What is your favorite indulgence? Do you cook? What is your specialty meal? What is your favorite restaurant in LA where you indulge yourself?[/hoot_dropcap]
If I could eat guacamole three times a day, I would. I make excellent guac and I’m best known for my salads. My favorite restaurant is Gjelina, in Venice. I always look forward to an incredible meal there.
[hoot_dropcap]Special: Who or what holds a special place in your heart? How does this factor into your creative process?[/hoot_dropcap]
My children hold the most special place (as does my husband) in my heart. In terms of photography, my daughter has been a profound partner in my journey, allowing me to photograph her over the years and knowing instinctively what I want for the photograph. We used to have the best dog in the world—even my friends and neighbors have confirmed this—a beautiful yellow lab named Riley. When I would hang a backdrop, she would promptly go sit in the middle of it, ready to work. She passed away a couple of years ago and I still miss her every day.
[hoot_dropcap]Time: What is your all-time favorite piece of writing/art/music you’ve created?[/hoot_dropcap]
The series with my mother, Arrangement in Green and Black, has been my favorite work as a photographer. It launched my career and continues to be exhibited and published around the world for well over a decade. She would be amazed where her photographs have been featured: Russia, China, Korea, France, Spain, Poland, Germany and all over the US. As for writing, I’m most proud of the daily journal on photography, LENSCRATCH, that I founded and for the last ten years, have written about a different photographer every day.
Aline Smithson is a Los Angeles based artist best known for her conceptual portraiture and a practice that uses humor and pathos to explore ideas of childhood, aging, and the humanity that connects us. She received a BA from the University of California at Santa Barbara and was accepted into the College of Creative Studies, studying under artists such as William Wegman, Alan Ruppersburg, and Charles Garabian. After a career as a New York Fashion Editor, Aline returned to Los Angeles and to her own artistic practice.
She has exhibited widely including over 40 solo shows at institutions such as the Griffin Museum of Photography, the Fort Collins Museum of Contemporary Art, the Shanghai, Lishui, and Pingyqo Festivals in China, The Rayko Photo Center in San Francisco, the Center of Fine Art Photography in Colorado, the Tagomago Gallery in Barcelona and Paris, and the Verve Gallery in Santa Fe. In addition, her work is held in a number of public collections and her photographs have been featured in numerous publications including The New York Times, The New Yorker, PDN, Communication Arts, Eyemazing, Real Simple, Soura, Visura, Shots, Pozytyw, and Silvershotz magazines.
Here’s how to stay in touch with Aline: http://alinesmithson.com http://lenscratch.com http://facebook.com/alinesmithson http://instagram.com/alinesmithson
#Lenscratch #Alinesmithston #Arttoday
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