#silverysong reads queen's thief
silverysongs · 2 years
FINALLY starting Thick as Thieves
it is once again time for my bullet point comments. chapter one:
hasn't even started yet and i love the epigraph. "We think we steer the ship of fate, / but all of us are guided by unseen stars" - there are things threaded together here that i can't see but i know i will LOVE
Kamet's voice is so casual but it's so interesting (and horrifying) to see how his perspective has been informed by his place as a slave. he doesn't grab the wall for support because he'll have to see his own blood for (presumably) weeks. he sees Nahuseresh's beating as a consequence of his own stupidity rather than his master's cruelty. i know there's more of those moments later and they will make me laugh and they will make me cry inside.
the image of Kamet, shaking and sick after Nahuseresh's appraisal, even though he's bandaged Kamet, because he's still the abuser - gross. effective, but makes me shudder.
Kamet is so smart. i guess you could call it calculating - and there is some of that there - but there's something else, something about being able to understand people, to look ahead and anticipate the outcomes, that's not so malignant.
Kamet always assumes that Nahuseresh knows about the loans. wonder what else Kamet assumes? (theory: fatal flaw - assumptions?)
Ornon mention makes my heart warm!
first costis/kamet interaction is a DISASTER. EUGENIDES. COSTIS. WHY.
"My king wants your master to suffer the loss of his right hand" / costis. what do you think that sounds like. there's a reason why kamet's so freaked.
"[The Attolians] weren't very civilized" / omw. Kamet. you've got some pride my friend.
"He could have just spoken in Attolian" / are you TELLING ME that Gen had Costis learn Mede for NOTHING. later. they will all laugh about this i hope.
"...they were all still memorizing their poetry because none of them knew how to read." / KAMET. this is going to be the worst road trip ever for these two. besides being an ignorant generalization, maybe a strong oral storytelling tradition is a good thing culturally and socially, Kamet?
kind of want to write a meta on the role of Laela in this book. like. that moment that she lies to Kamet - it's kind of the crux of the plot, right? it's so subtle but it's so important and he believes her because he has no reason not to (ooh BELIEF in these books is another thing. mmm). if Ornon or Costis tried to lie in the same way, Kamet might take it differently.
"There had been a number of imperial dinners that were the stuff of nightmares." / now I want to know more about the Mede. what are their politics like?
some nobility from Kamet as he's thinking through which slaves would be tortured because of the poisoning - and how he could spare them some suffering by leaving now.
"...the lie easy on my lips" / so Kamet has the ability and the experience to lie. INTERESTING. not like Costis or Sophos, the last two narrators.
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silverysongs · 2 years
Chapter 6:
I know it's small, but Costis saying, "I'm sorry, Kamet" when he realizes that the slavers are above them? Breaks my heart a little bit.
"Everything shows on your face, so just try to think of nothing at all. Look at the ground, do you understand?" / I know this is a serious moment, but. lol.
Not much to say about this chapter, except that it's probably the darkest in this book - being captured, Costis killing the slavers with his bare hands. Does this have consequences for the rest of the story or is it just part of the multi-faceted journey that Kamet and Costis are on?
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silverysongs · 3 years
the rest of 7:
"He could just forget his oath, he supposed, and hope the goddess didn't notice." / COSTIS. we all know you have way too much self-respect to do that.
the pure COMEDY of "No! No! I'll get the ten cups, I swear it!" next to "Costis, I just need a little help on the stairs." gold (cups).
"Wrong arm, dear." / GEN I CANNOT
this is like the most serious thing that has happened during the whole book and megan has the audacity to make it the funniest? what a talent.
"Costis knew he would march into hell for this fathomless king, as he would for his queen." / no comment. just costis.
"Costis, I am speechless." / "Not noticeably, Your Majesty." And then: He wished the king wouldn't laugh at him. COSTIS. you make it so easy.
the kiss on the stairs is my favorite irenides moment so far. it is perfect.
gen walking all the way up the stairs. not wanting to simply be carried away but to show his own strength. suddenly i am thinking of Aris's words: You might not think he can act like a king, but he thinks he can. he actually can, aris! he can!
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silverysongs · 2 years
Chapter 5:
Costis making a gamble (metaphorically) to sell Kamet's chain? Costis Ormentiedes? I'm remembering that I thought him savvy when I read King of Attolia. I'm sorry I'd forgotten it.
"I considered what I should answer - yes I had been beneath contempt since birth? Or, on the contrary, that I had once been a man as worthy as himself and had become less of one at some time in my life?" / ouch. as much as Kamet's worldview comes from being a slave, he absolutely resents his identity as one. not that that's surprising.
I love the juxtaposition of young Kamet's memory of his mother and the older Kamet's re-evaluation of what happened. memories hurt as a child, but it's a mark of wisdom that Kamet can see things more clearly now.
Kamet reasoning that complaining will make them allies on the road, and then it works? So good.
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silverysongs · 2 years
Chapter 4:
I think it's funny that Costis so readily volunteers to fight off the approaching swordsmen, leaving Kamet to scramble. "My alarm was perfectly reasonable, as the horsemen appeared to be waving at us, and I was certain that what they were waving was swords." Kamet's precision does nothing to hide his anxiety (which I think is well-warranted).
I have to wonder, when would Costis have realized the true depth of Kamet's fear about the skirmish? Or, more generally, that every bit of Kamet's worldview is informed by his life as a slave?
"I didn't come all the way to this godsforsaken cesspit so that I could go home and tell my king I failed him." / loyaltyyyyyy. I love Costis. flashback to KoA: "He knew he would march into hell for this fathomless king."
I know everyone has already talked about the absurdity of the lion's den, but: Costis. what are you doing.
Also, I love the surgery song. that is all.
"...how did you come to Ianna-Ir?" / "I punched the king in the face." / I knew that he would say that, but I still smiled like a loon. I love KoA so much.
Also: "He was more kind to me than I deserved and he forgave me." / love.
"Well, the Namreen aren't dropping roof tiles on my head or trying to stab me in the back." / lol.
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silverysongs · 2 years
Chapter 3:
"That made sense to him. Money is the same from country to country, too." / smart.
"It seemed like hours that he sat on the small stool by the bed, lost in his thoughts - or whatever he had in his head that approximated thoughts." / wow, okay, SAVAGE, Kamet
Kamet smudging dye all over his hand at the checkpoint.
Costis' whole exchange with Roamanj - he's definitely been trained by Gen.
"We all spend our time under the sign of the idiot." / good on you, Costis.
I know some readers might not like the "pedestrian" parts - the parts where Kamet is just describing the caravan life, making camp, the conversations of the men - but I do. Idk, there's something soothing to me about the mundane details, and I like that it shows Kamet's attention to detail and his understanding of the world.
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silverysongs · 3 years
chapter 4:
oof. gen. you really know how to torture someone without physically torturing them.
costis's ally is definitely not sejanus. (is it gen?)
"Thank gods I didn't ask about fertilizer." / costis gets gen's humor! ugh just let them be friends already
"Perhaps not the most direct route." / did gen purposely take the wrong way? did he not realize the courtyard had been turned into a hall?
costis and the ring... starting to realize what eugenides goes through...
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silverysongs · 3 years
chapter 10:
costis blowing the lock to get to his king.
“How do you propose to enforce your order?” / “At gunpoint, if necessary.” / YES COSTIS.
all the little moments between costis and phresine. i love.
irenides moment after gen’s nightmares (“I love your eyes…”). also perfect. just wish it were longer. ah, the limits of costis as narrator.
“You are treasure beyond any price.” / why doesn’t anyone talk about this line??? i’m melting
Gen eviscerating Sejanus is a masterclass. also: Gods in their heaven, Costis thought, did Erondites only have the two children?
Sejanus calling his king Basileus is such vindication after 9 chapters of mockery.
Gen giving Dite everything he wants. Not executing Sejanus. ugh i love him and his grace. also apparently Dite is the only person in court he likes? GEN.
speaking of: the whole exchange in the prison. oh my goodness i think it’s my favorite scene so far. it’s so well-executed.
the echoes of Eugenides’ interrogation! “Does she know that you came back to question me after she left?” Costis shuddering from head to toe. “You begged in demotic. You babbled in archaic.” ugh it paints such a visceral picture.
“I want you to believe me.” / i love Eugenides. that’s the comment.
“I am at your service, Your Majesty,” Teleus said, sickened. / ugh the irony.
everyone talks about “I CAN DO ANYTHING I WANT!” but no one talks about gen turning white when he sees the prison keeper!
gen giving orders for Relius to get better. and: “Send Costis to his bed before he falls over.” gen sees people and he cares SO MUCH.
speaking very gently!! so that a man exhausted and in pain could understand!! at this point my love for gen is as repetitive as his apologies in this book.
“I will have you granched.” / dark little smile.
(oops i had a lot for this chapter oh well it was so good)
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silverysongs · 3 years
chapter 5:
"Until I die, I think," Costis said. / KILLS me every time
how does everyone pronounce Dite's name? I've been saying it like "dee-tey" but now that I know it's short for Erondites (which I say "err-on-deh-tees") I'm not so sure
Gen immediately shouting for ice when he accidentally clips Costis in the temple, and also: "My fault, Your Majesty." / "My fault, too. I lost my temper." ugh I love Gen
"For the assassination or the heir, Your Majesty?" / ALSO KILLS ME
Eugenides was angry and pleased to be so. / y'all better watch out.
"A dance will mend everyone's spirits." / can someone please write a meta on why this dance scene is so important? what it does in the workings of the story at large? i can tell it's super complicated and good but i just haven't figured it out yet.
Costis wanting to defend his honor and Gen coming back with "Too slow to find a buyer? Better luck next time." i just KNOW Gen is playing a game and would be completely serious if they were alone
"Your master of spies is lying, and this time he is lying," the king said slowly, "to you." / megannnn why did it take disney+ so long to pick up your stuff it lends itself so well to film
If he looked sick - and he was so pale he was almost green - Costis thought it was not at the idea of Relius's suffering, but rather at memories of his own. / the angst is real and so well-placed
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silverysongs · 3 years
last part!
There is something quite noble about Sounis refusing to let Eddis yield her sovereignty to Attolis just so she can marry him. He's wrong, and he doesn't have the full story, but he's coming from the right place. I'm not super sympathetic to Helen's coolness in the next scene.
I love that Eddis is still guilty about sending Gen to Attolia, even though it's all worked out and he has definitely forgiven her for it. Such a good character thing.
Sophos asking question after questions and Eddis shouting, "Answer your own questions!"
Sophos just holding Helen. like it's all he can do. because it is. I am soft.
"I believe that the veil for him is always thin, and that he walks through the world gingerly." / ooh now I want to write a fic about Irene thinking this exact same thing. wouldn't it be frightening, to be married to someone whose tether is so tenuous?
Gen startling and dropping the wine. Even though he could have caught it.
"Gods damn it." / "You can say that?" / same energy as "Oh, my god." / "O my god."
literally everyone is like: "Sophos? Offend the gods? Pssh. Nah. Just pay your fine and you'll be fine," and Sophos is like, "I'm literally learning that these all-powerful beings are real, why are you all so chill?"
"What you learn for yourself, you will know forever." / "Pol used to say that." / "I learned it from him." / such a nice moment of surprise. and callback. I love callbacks.
"I sent that information in every manner I could think of, including by pigeon. If you didn't get it, why did you take your army down a narrow road to a dead end?" / comedy.
"I didn't expect to die. I knew you would send help." / Gen. He has so much faith in you. believe it.
overall thoughts: solid entry in this series. I love Sophos' first person. And Sophos in general. He is more complicated than I first thought, and I realize that I mistook "kind" for "simple." I'm excited to see more of him in RotT.
also! I won't be reading TaT for a while because I can't get it from the library right now. But I'll post when I start reading!
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silverysongs · 3 years
part 7:
Sophos talking about the amphitheater with such affection. "If I had my say, all the plays would be performed in the old way, and there would be no stage."
Sophos discovering Gen's gift and putting his head down and crying. My heart sank.
"I said exactly what I had wanted to say all along, because I knew that nothing I said was going to make any difference anyway."
Sophos' dad being his no. 1 supporter at the meet. it's so wholesome.
"Did you think they would make you king?" / "No. Not on the first vote." / SAME ENERGY as "Diplomacy, in my own name."
Sophos being infuriated at ten thousand troops instead of one thousand. "In my port! Mine!" How does throwing things look now, bunny?
Nomenus and Sophos, near the end. "Don't forget me. Please, don't forget me." ugh.
"My father dropped from his horse almost before the animal had stopped moving and strode, oblivious, through six layers of a ceremonial reception, to take my mother in his arms." / honestly one of my favorite images from this book.
okay everyone talks about "You shot the ambassador?" / "You gave me the gun!" but no one talks about the magus' "Oh, how our carefully laid plans go astray." please give me a miniseries so we can have these great small moments.
okay, one more part after this!
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silverysongs · 3 years
part 5 of my ramblings:
Gen bribing Aris. giving me KoA vibes and I am here for it. only thing missing is Costis (but at least we know where he is).
Sophos asking Gen when he knew he loved Irene. "...and then, between one heartbeat and the next, and to my complete surprise, it wasn't funny anymore." / yes. give me scraps of irenides. i will take what i can get.
Gen setting off a bout of professional jealousy. What did you think was going to happen, Eugenides?
everyone has already talked about the whole "people do not hand me their hearts" / "he would have given Eugenides his heart on a toothpick if he asked" business, but let me just say. it made me soft.
Attolia advising Sophos to lay down the bloody law. Eugenides looking into his wine cup. Eddis looking her counterpart straight in the eye. They aren't condoning violence, but there's not judgement either. In my interpretation, anyway.
garden scenes... ngl, I was nervous coming from KoA...
but! Sophos offering Ion employment if Gen dismisses him! Sophos is kind and I love him!
"What are you doing rescuing my attendants from their own folly?" / And then, after Sophos admits his initial judgement may have been wrong: "I will rethink my own judgements, then." / UGH Gen loves and respects his friends so much.
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silverysongs · 3 years
finally! a part 2 of CoK read-through! (or maybe this is part 3? who even knows anymore.)
Sophos being a mastermind in his own way, hissing "Hold your tongue!" in his father's ear? iconic.
my boy Sophos trying to save Dirnes and Ochto as he leaves... KIND.
the bear hug from his father. and then: "I will kill the man who did this" about Sophos' face. the annngst. but also the affection.
the hug from the magus. Sophos is getting all the hugs and he should.
"Your uncle is dead." / "You are Sounis." / smth about Sophos hearing this from the two men/father figures he cares about most? just gets me? now I wish Pol was still alive.
the magus faking collapse to talk to Sophos alone. i cannot.
magus and sophos dynamic on the road. "My purse is full enough," said the magus, "to keep you supplied with roast chickens." it's so good.
MWT's narrative device of in media res to start scenes. In this case, Sophos and the magus getting robbed. And then: "Both of us silently hoped the blond man was on his way anywhere but the road to Pirrhea."
Sophos and Eddis being BFFs. I love. also how they're both like, "Yeah, we don't throw things when we're angry, unlike our other two friends/rulers that we know."
okay, more on the next post.
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silverysongs · 3 years
i'm like... a third of the way through?
i realized why Megan wrote this book. It's because Sophos is absolutely a foil for Eugenides. He is almost guileless in the face of Gen's wiles. He is incredibly optimistic about other people, whereas I think Gen would also see people's faults and how to leverage them (which, as I'm thinking about it now, makes Gen's graciousness so incredible). Sophos is certainly no prodigy except maybe with poetry, compared to Gen the renaissance man. anyway thanks for coming to my qt meta. Here are more things I liked:
Sophos trying not to laugh at people being afraid of him. (sophos. what will you do when you're king? people are going to be afraid of you all the time?)
Sophos knowing to give a different name other than his own! he lives up to his given name.
He literally just wants to read poetry and have friends. uggggghh. Sophos.
Sophos loving the QT-world equivalent of the Iliad. I am here for it, because I too love the Iliad.
The whole exchange with Dirnes! I am thinking of Gen in KoA: "He was kind." taking the beating. sharing the cake. good grief.
"I wonder if people always choose what will make them unhappy." / man I gotta sit down and think about this quote. also gotta see if this holds true for sophos for the rest of the book. i hope not.
"...still I waited, because there was no point in lying to Sylvie." / Gen would NEVER. (I mean, maybe he would, but I don't think for that reason.)
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silverysongs · 3 years
I have started Conspiracy of Kings! I've decided I'm not going to post for every chapter, because this book has a lot of chapters lol.
thoughts so far:
fricking Sophos shooting a PEA at Eugenides I cannot
and then someone thinking it's poison!! i screamed
"We are uninjured." / "Thanks the gods. I thought to find you black and blue." / ugh friends caring about friends!
gen being busy with being king. ugh.
hugging!! the magus!! and!! hugging!! sophos!! fiercely!!
"My god, you've been in the wars." and "Gods-all, I am glad to see you safe, Sophos." / the dialogue... just sounds so good
eugenides apologizing to sophos! because they're going to do this weird standoffish politicking thing! just let them be friends please
sophos is an entertaining narrator! (though let's be real it's megan so anything will be entertaining.) I love that he is softer and a little less sure than gen in first person. also - he keeps calling himself weak and not dangerous, but I don't think he is?? sophos you literally armed yourself and killed two men, that's much braver and stronger than your flakey friend hyacinth
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silverysongs · 3 years
some of chapter 12:
genuine friendship between Eddis and the magus.
Gen still meeting Relius at night. "Pleasant, irreverent, and distracting, he eased Relius past nightmares and self-recrimination." and talking about plays! poetry! history! i love that Gen is a renaissance man.
also! "the magus says this" or "the magus thinks that." and Relius thinking he'll write - as a fellow academic this time. such an unimportant thing, but it makes me as a reader feel warm inside.
"His arm was linked through the queen's and he guided her into the room." I believe that Irene is really nervous about this conversation and she thinks it's going to go badly. Eugenides has to convince her that Relius still loves her, that they should talk to each other and mend their fences.
"You must speak sometime." And Gen softly kissing his wife's cheek. And then kissing Relius's forehead! "The king had been gentle, and the king's eyes as he delivered it had not smiled." oh it's so good.
"We cannot forgive ourselves. Perhaps we could forgive each other?" / such an interesting way to think about forgiveness. at least a way to move on. Irene knows they have to move on.
"I failed you, My Queen," Relius reminded her. / Relius reminded her. He doesn't want her to punish herself. ugh.
Irene knows that Gen doesn't want to be king. Obviously she knows. But it still makes her sad. And she doesn't quite know how to navigate the power between her and Eugenides. She can't force him, and she doesn't want to force him. Though Relius thinks she should. What nice character work.
"It is a brilliant strategy, My Queen." / "It is good to hear you say so." / Irene and father figure!
okay I'm going to stop here bc most of this is Irene and Relius.
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