#sim: adrienne Bellamy
luverofralts · 1 year
Arkhelios Adventures
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The academy was on fire. That's what it looked like anyway. Pulsing, all consuming pinks and purples flashed before Theo's eyes.
This is was the Void looked like, wasn't it? He was so tired, it hurt his brain to remember. This was his school in Pleasantview, nowhere near the demonic Void.
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"Adam!" Theo cried out for his boyfriend, recognizing the familiar shape in a blaze of neon light. "Adam, it's me! What are you doing here? What's happening?"
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Theo bolted awake, surprised to feel the bed he was in and not the ground. The last thing he remembered, he was in Crystal Cove, staring at his father's horrified face. How had he gotten home to his own familiar bed in Arkhelios? Where was Adam?
What a nightmare he'd had. Theo had to assume it was a nightmare anyway. He would remember if the demonic Void opened under his school- at least he was pretty sure that he would. But he had been in Crystal Cove, not Pleasantview. He couldn't piece together the sequence of events in his mind. What on earth had happened?
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"Dad! Theo's not dead!"
Theo turned and saw his little sister watching him from the comfort of his computer chair.
"Rien? What's going on? How did I get here?"
Adrienne shrugged, spinning around on the computer chair out of boredom.
"Dad brought you home," she answered. "I told him that the spirits weren't calling for you, but he didn't listen. I've been here waiting for you to wake up so he doesn't have a nervous breakdown. He gave Luci $20 for lunch at school even though it's the weekend. She went to her track meet while I've been making sure the spirits stay out of your room. And using your computer. Your digital shrine to Adam is lame by the way. Though it's cute that you want to name your first kid after Dad."
Adrienne nearly doubled over laughing at the horrified look on her brother's face. If Theo's head wasn't still pounding, he would have put up more of a fight against his snooping sister.
"As the Bellamy heir, it makes sense that we name our first son after Dad," he protested weakly. "Roman makes a good middle name too. At least I have a boyfriend, you wouldn't understand. You're just a kid."
Adrienne raised a skeptical eyebrow.
"I had one last month until he got boring. I'm not planning on marrying the first guy I dated and having his stupidly named kids," she laughed. "Speaking of stupidly named kids, Dad's feeding Abe in the kitchen. I'm supposed to send you there if you woke up. Aunt Lucy's here to yell at you."
"What does she want? What happened? Is Adam here too?"
Adrienne shrugged 
"No, Baby Roman Darktide's future dad got sent home. Something about a magical marvel he pulled off that made them reschedule the wedding planning dinner. I think his dad thinks we're going to sue him or something since you collapsed on his watch. Well, that and Aunt Lucy may have threatened him a little."
"He's okay then? The spell worked?"
Theo couldn't read the look his little sister gave him then. It was sad and worried and frustrated.
"You're an idiot," she sighed. "Yes it worked, but there are consequences. The spirits have been whispering about it non stop. Despite what you think, they think of you sometimes too. You should really try to listen for them. They might prevent you from making rash, idiot decisions."
Theo frowned. His little sister had inherited their great-grandmother's spiritual gifts, but despite her claims, Theo had never heard voices call to him. Ever. He would probably remember something as chilling as that.
What was he not remembering? Before the darkness overcame him, he had learned something, something important. He could only hear Adam's voice run through his head. If only he could talk to Adam. Maybe he would remember what happened.
"What consequences? I feel fine," Theo lied. He ignored the headache and the small ringing in his ears. They weren't important.
"I don't know," Adrienne teased. She absolutely knew what had happened. "I'd try something basic at school before you try more advanced magic. You wouldn't want to accidentally misspell your name or anything."
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"Alright, Abe's clean and changed, ready to try to eat some lunch again."
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"Aww, my brother's come so far," Lucy teased, giving her brother a playful smack on the arm. 
"Ha ha," Abe Sr replied. "That never gets old, Luce. How original."
"It's not my fault that you named your bandaid baby after yourself," she laughed. "You could have always named him after me or whatever our bio-sibling goes by these days."
"Funny, but I think naming him Lucifer might make him get teased at school," Abe shot back.
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The adults swivelled in their seats to find Theo anxiously watching them.
"Theo! You're awake. Here eat these, you need your strength." Roman dumped a plate of pancakes in front of his son with an embarrassing kiss on his head. If any of his friends had seen, Theo would have been mortified. "There's more pancakes when you finish those."
Theo smiled weakly, quickly brushing the hair his father had messed up.
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As Theo chewed, his aunt cleared her throat, grabbing his attention.
"So, Theo. Do you want to talk about what happened? About the spell you cast?"
Theo paused to collect his thoughts.
"Adam thought he had a brother," he said at last. "I met this guy who claimed to be his half-brother and we wanted to make sure. So I cast the equivalent of a paternity test. I just borrowed access to his bloodline to do it."
Lucy sighed in relief.
"Oh thank god. We were afraid you'd gone and done something stupid like demonic marriage or a deal like your idiot parents."
"Your spellwork was masterful if that was what you were aiming for," Lucy praised. "You're doing so well in your studies and completely understanding the coursework. Your Aunt Alexis wants you to tackle much harder spells because of this. You're growing faster in your abilities than we ever thought. Good job."
Theo wasn't used to praise for his schoolwork, especially when his schoolwork ended with someone teleporting him while unconscious to recover in his bed at home. Any praise from his aunt was also suspicious, but he wasn't going to complain if she wanted to compliment him.
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"If it all went so perfectly, why did my son collapse? Why did that warlock boy need to hang on to their spell to keep him safe?"
Lucy frowned for a moment, thinking her next words carefully.
"Two reasons," she said finally. "One, because you got too close to your feelings. You care about this boy and his feelings for the subject of your spell. Blood magic is personal and if you don't put up boundaries, you overinvest yourself and burn out. Cast spells for friends or acquaintances, never for love; never to soothe your loved one. You fall too deep and it takes too much from you. Start with people you don't care strongly about and then when you've learned control, open your spells to loved ones. It takes practice that you will learn in time. If you give too much of yourself, you don't know how you will change because of it and you will change. You have already."
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"Changed how? Is he sick? Dying?"
Roman stared at his sister in law, trying to hide his fear. He was once the calm, cold heir to the Bellamy fortune and now he couldn't even leave his son unattended at a dinner party. When did the stress and worry ever end?
"He's fine, Roman. Does he look like he's dying?"
Roman looked at the teen currently shoving giant forks of pancake in his mouth. Theo did look fine, though he'd learned the hard way that looks can be deceiving when it came to demonic magic.
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"I don't understand the complexities of blood magic, but your aunt says it's like a legal merger. Borrowing access to someone's bloodline that you have feelings for leaves traces behind, complications that need to be negotiated. You're supposed to meet with your headmaster when you get back to school on Monday to talk about this. He may have some insight to guide you."
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"Reason number two that this ended dramatically is a lot simpler than you think. Theo was born cursed, that's not up for debate. However, that magic is bound to him, no matter if the curse was ended or not. It formed with him at conception; it's a part of him now.
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"My mother is gone, and my grandmother is dead," Roman protested. "That whole mess is done. Theo is going to be fine. That's in the past."
Lucy frowned.
"That curse, like it or not is a part of him. A part of him that's been severed, but a part nonetheless. It's like a severed limb. It still has everything that makes Theo who he is in it. Even without the curse attached to him, his blood still calls out for it whenever his focus is too heavily on himself. It's something that he' going to have to compensate for in the future."
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"A dead curse is just hanging around me? Like a magnet?" Theo asked. "Always?"
"Always," Lucy affirmed, uncharacteristically kind. Her brother in law looked like he could faint at any moment. "But it's never going to be active again. Think of it like a crack on your windshield. You know it's there, it obstructs your view when you try to drive like you normally would and you have to navigate your vision around it to drive properly. "
"Were you the one who cracked Mom's windshield?" Abe teased. "I told her it was you but she never believes me."
"You understand, right?" Lucy said, ignoring her brother. "You're not going to have a panic attack about this like the brave demon hyperventilating beside the stove?"
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Theo nodded.
"I think so. Don't cast spells for Adam until I have more control and I need to figure out how to push away anything that might be summoned when I draw power to myself."
"Great! I think that was all I needed to discuss," Lucy concluded. "I have some documents waiting for me in my office now that you're feeling better. Demonic law stops for no one, not even the Sovereign's spouse and this case is important. Try to stay out of trouble, Theo. Your poor father is going to go grey by thirty five at this rate."
Theo froze. Around him, he could hear chairs scraping and his parents' voices. Abe threw his bottle on the ground, spilling formula everywhere.
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Too slept next to Renarde, unaware of her master. Theo could feel his mind call to her reflexively, looking for magical assistance from his familiar.
"Your dad is going to go grey" why does that bother me? There was something that I've forgotten. Something important.
"Oh, Theo! I forgot to ask to about Adam," Lucy called, jarring the teen from his thoughts. "Does Adam have a brother? Did the spell at least work for all the trouble it caused?"
The spell....
Theo's mind raced, remembering how the air around Ewan and Adam crackled with power. How their blood called out to him, screaming that they were connected inescapably by their father.
"Yeah, he has a brother," Theo replied, his mind still racing to sort out his thoughts. "They-"
"You'll make your father go grey." Your father. Adam has a brother. Dad will go grey...Grey like his daughter.
In the hall, Lucy was rambling about child support and how Adam's father might want to get a lawyer to protect him from this mysterious new son of his, but Theo wasn't paying attention. Instead, his mind raced trying to remember the specifics of what he saw at the castle before he passed out.
I saw it. Victoriana, she and I had the same connection Adam and Ewan did. She's my sister. My sister is the future queen of Pleasantview. Why hasn't anyone told me this? Who else knows about this?
Georgiana was easy to figure out because of math and because of her appearance. Was Victoriana just as obviously his sister and Theo was simply too young to remember? His father never seemed to worry about the Pleasantview princess the same way he stressed out reading about Georgiana taking her first steps in the gossip magazines. He never disappeared on Victoriana's birthday to go sit out in the yard drinking heavily like he did for Georgiana's.
I don't think he knows.
It was the only conclusion Theo could come to. If his father knew, he'd be pacing the floors, worried that Victoriana might be traumatized by watching her half-brother collapse. But if he didn't know, then who did? Did the queen know for certain or did she just have a list of potential fathers to work from?
When had this happened? Theo tried to remember the princess' birthday. She was what, a year younger than him? A year and a half? Close enough to Luci and Rien's age that he would guess that his parents had been broken up at the time. His father might not have even been married to Adrian at the time. Should he look up tabloids from a decade ago to check?
Did he want to tell his parents about this information if they didn't already know? What would the consequences be if he did? Would it make his dad as upset as he was about Georgiana? The queen of Pleasantview would probably keep him from the princess' life, just like Aunt Ulyssa had. Would he be disrupting his half-sister's life if he did tell someone? If he were in her shoes, what would he want?
He couldn't decide what the right thing to do was. He'd ask Adam whenever his own family was done having their own family discussions. If it had to wait to Monday at school, Theo supposed he could wait. There was no way he wanted a text that anyone could read out in the open. A topic this serious needed to be a face to face conversation in absolute secrecy.
He stood, numbly ignoring his parents and aunt who were still going on and on about legal obligations to children. He needed time to process all of this. He needed time alone to learn how to shoulder this burden.
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"Which princess are you thinking about? The one we don't talk about or the future queen?"
Theo turned around to find Adrienne following closely behind him.
"Y-you knew?"
Adrienne shrugged, as if this weren't earth shattering news.
"It was in the cards," she explained. "I've known for a while. The queen shows up in my readings all the time with her daughter. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why when the kid has no known father and our father is as...fertile as he is. Aunt Maura knows, but no one else. I asked the spirits about it many times and each time it's just me, Aunt Maura and the queen who knows. I guess you're added to that list now too. Welcome to the club."
The frowned, unnerved by his sister's relaxed assessment of this news.
"Why haven't you told Dad? Should he know? I mean, I don't plan on telling him, but he should know, right? It feels wrong not to tell him." Theo paused. "Why aren't you mad about this? Should I feel mad? This is just more evidence that Dad slept around his entire life and still couldn't figure out how to use birth control and who knows how many other half-siblings we have or if they're upset at us for being raised by Dad and-"
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Theo was cut off from his ramblings by his sister's arms wrapping firmly around him in a comforting hug.
"You think too much," she declared. "Try listening to the spirits for once in your life. They say it's not time to act, but the time is coming soon. This will all come out when it's supposed to, don't worry."
"If you say so," Theo replied, hugging his little sister back. "I still don't hear them, no matter how hard I listen, but I'm glad that you can. You're really lucky."
"Trust me, it's really more of a curse to hear them," she stated. "I know things that I definitely don't want to know about. The spirits aren't ever shy about what they want to talk about. "
"Fair enough. You let me know when the spirits think that this needs to be addressed. I'll try not to worry until then."
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"Oh, and Theo? "
"None of the adults wanted to tell you or are too dumb to figure it out, but your stupid plan with Adam changed your true name and left a residual connection to the Maricourt family in your blood that you'll probably have for the rest of your life. Oh, and watch out for red heads. Something big is coming for you, something you don't want to tick off."
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roswell-rp-archive · 3 years
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luverofralts · 1 year
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Not-So-Simstober #3 Vigil
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luverofralts · 9 months
Arkhelios Adventures
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Roman went out to fetch the morning paper just like any other Tuesday. The dog absolutely refused to fulfill the stereotype and retrieve the paper for his owners, so that duty fell to Roman. The dog would still accompany him to the porch, but chose to observe only.
Most mornings, Roman fed the kids, read the paper and met up with Adrian at their restaurant if neither of them had other commitments. Business was picking up, or so they hoped as they tried to make sense of their budget and spreadsheets. It wasn't bringing in a lot of money, but anything was better than losing money.
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Adrienne stared at the elaborate cake in front of her and sighed. It wasn't uncommon to find baked goods lying on the kitchen counter that could be entered into competitions with their quality.
Luckily for the kids of the household, there was a training day at the school and classes were canceled. As much as Adrienne enjoyed going to the Princess Zarah Academy in Pleasantview, a day off school was a welcome change. Roman had insisted on her attending there despite his history with the school because it really did produce well-educated and connected students. Adrian had gone to Twikkii Island's military academy as a child and had hated every moment of it, so he had no complaints about sending their kids to Pleasantview.
Dad stress bakes, but he's really good at it. Has he not read his cards lately? It's obvious that he needs to let this restaurant dream go and open a bakery instead. Then at least he can earn some money for what he's good at.
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Abe gagged as the dog trotted by, reeking of garbage. Clearly, Renard had knocked the garbage bin over again for Abe to pick up. After Abe III was born, Abe cut down on his hours at the scientific lab he worked at and became a part time stay at home dad. Roman's hours varied depending on where he was needed. Abe III's birth had made Roman the primary breadwinner, which meant it was crucial that his restaurant improved. There was no way that Adrian would let the father of his children go bankrupt, but even a duke only had so much money to give away.
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"Abe, I'm worried about Dad."
Abe knelt down to be at the same eye level as his stepdaughter. The little girl looked as serious as she always did. Abe could never tell whether Adrienne was sick or worried or angry when the somber little girl wore the same serious expression all the time. It was something that worried Roman, and everyone hoped she'd grow out of it. No child should walk around the world like it was on her tiny shoulders, but Adrienne always seemed to. If she wasn't making cryptic prophecies or staring at her cards for hours, the little girl was chatting with spirits only she could see and giving her father long, sad looks. It was a minor miracle for Adrienne to open up to her parents and Abe wasn't about to fumble this situation. It might never happen again.
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"Hey, thanks for coming to me about your worries," he said, giving Adrienne a hug. "You don't need to worry about your dad, we're the grown ups and we're supposed to do the worrying. What's bothering you?"
"He's not fulfilling his destiny," Adrienne reported somberly. "He needs to stop stress baking and make it a proper business. Then he has to go to Pleasantview to see the queen. He needs to know something from her. It's really important."
"Rien, you're turning eleven soon, not thirty-five," Abe said quietly. "You don't have to worry about your dad, it's our job to worry about you and your siblings. I appreciate that you care a lot about your dad and want him to be happy, but he would want you to worry about your own life. Trust me, your father, Evren, and I will take care of your dad. You just focus on finding whatever makes you happy in life. Maybe you could try a new hobby, like painting?"
Adrienne was about to reply when she immediately sensed something in the air change. Someone was teleporting onto the lot. Her eyes widened dramatically and she instantly scurried away from her stepfather to stare out the window.
"Okay, so no on the painting idea then," Abe sighed. "How on earth am I supposed to help this kid when she defies all the parenting books?"
Adrian wouldn't be pleased with Adrienne's constant worry about Roman and their family. He'd already spent hours at the school talking with teachers about his daughter's behavior. Since Princess Zara Royal Academy had supernatural specialties, they all hoped that Adrienne would find her future there, but so far, her concern for her parents and family hadn't eased and she hadn't made any friends who might help her.
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Adrienne ran past her father, who was in the middle of jamming a screwdriver into Abe III's toy robot. The thing was a safety hazard, but Roman wasn't convinced that he was making it any safer with his efforts. Buying a new one would be expensive, so he preferred to try and repair it first.
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Someone knocked on the front door, jolting Roman from his work. He could see Adrienne peering excitedly out the window. If she was excited, maybe it was Adrian meeting him at the house early or Theo teleporting in to see his parents before school. It didn't happen often, but a father could hope.
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Instead of his ex-husband or son, Roman was greeted by Jorah and Cindra Durant at the door.
"Roman! So good to see you," Cindra gushed. "We were just in the area and thought we'd drop by. Thanks so much for the donated baked goods. Jorah raised a lot of money with them for children's programs in both Strangetown and Twikkii Island. Your contribution was very much appreciated by Queen Maura and her lovely children."
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"Uh, thanks?"
Roman was soon enveloped in a hug from Cindra. Before he could ask what the two Durants wanted from him, she continued with her confident exclamations.
"Now, you know that Trent and I try to use our platform as prince and duchess to help those in need. We're compensated by and work with the queen and often, her children. So, as a gesture of gratitude for your support with the queen's programs, we've arranged for a representative of the royal Siew family to thank you in person."
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"Roman Bellamy, her Highness Princess Georgiana Siew is here to thank you for your generosity," Jorah declared, gesturing to the little girl behind him.
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Roman's heart stopped in his chest as he watched the girl before him play with bubbles. She had accidentally swallowed some of the soap, much like Theo and his sisters had done when they were younger.
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She did look like Theo up close, just as Adrian had told him. They had the same eyes, there was no denying it. This was his daughter. She was real, tangible and very determined to ignore what the adults around her were saying. She was just as perfect as Roman had always imagined her to be.
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"Georgie, honey, remember why we're here?" Cindra prompted. The little girl dropped her bubbles and reluctantly faced Roman with a grudging look.
"Thank you for helping my mommy. Your cakes are really good. I like the ones with sprinkles best."
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"You like the ones with sprinkles?" Roman repeated. In all the media he'd scoured over the years, he'd never heard his daughter's voice. It was like hearing any of his other children's first words. Georgiana had a voice and opinions about his work and it was beyond any of Roman's understanding trying to process this all at once. He had simply been trying to get his mail and suddenly his world had been changed.
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"Yeah, and the chocolate ones too," Georgiana elaborated. "My brother tries to take them all, but Viola helps me steal some before he comes down for dinner."
"I'm so glad that you enjoy them," Roman replied, still feeling unsure that this wasn't some kind of hallucination. "I can send you more anytime you want. My daughters live in Twikkii Island with their dad sometimes. Maybe you could play together."
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"This is such an amazing result," Jorah gushed, watching Roman's depressive gloom lift. "We did a good thing, sis."
"Excuse me? We did nothing. My husband and I talked to Maura’s PR team. I told Ulyssa where she could go with her entitlement and you cowered behind our father."
Jorah's face fell a little, unable to dispute Cindra's words. Still, wholesome family moments were what Jorah lived for, and he refused to let reality damper the satisfaction he felt seeing Roman speak to his daughter for the first time.
"I told you I was sorry," Jorah whispered to avoid Roman overhearing their conversation. "Valerian and I are going to set boundaries for our family. I promised him and I'm not going to break a promise to my husband."
"Yeah, good luck with that," Cindra replied, rolling her eyes. "You set your boundaries while Trent and I request the presence of Maura’s children at the fundraising event that supports children's programs. My plan gets Roman a yearly meet and greet with his child and your plan does what exactly?"
Jorah scowled at his sister, but tried to remain positive. His sister might have better connections than he did, but he'd still tried his best. The important thing was that Roman had met Georgiana and Maura hadn't threatened to burn Arkhelios to the ground as a result. He'd done what he could and hopefully Roman was going to be in a better mental place as a result.
"Okay, Georgie, we have to get going," Cindra announced, looking at her watch. "Your mom expects you back in class in half an hour. Say your goodbyes to Mr. Bellamy, and let's get moving."
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luverofralts · 11 months
Arkhelios Adventures
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"Luci, come hang out with me. I'm stuck in stupid Arkhelios and if I have to spend another minute listening to Grandma go on about planning for retirement, I just might snap."
Noelle looked pleadingly at her cousin, trying to look as sad as she possibly could. It had been effortless escaping the Helios lot that she would one day own, but escaping Arkhelios was another matter altogether. At least Luci lived in Arkhelios part time and had access to her computer, bedroom and makeup. While Noelle was stuck at her grandmother's house, she had access to none of those things and she was going stir crazy. Noelle was turning twelve soon and she begged her mother to let her stay home alone, but her mother wouldn't hear of it. Someone had to look after Mikel and Noelle wasn't responsible enough to watch him. Things would probably only worsen once her newest sibling was born. There was no way that Noelle was going to watch her half-demon siblings alone. As a human in a heavily demonic family, she had to look out for herself. 
"I can't, I have to practice," Luci replied. "The track meet is next month and the skating competition is two weeks away. If I don't practice now, I'll blow my chances for nationals this year."
Noelle scoffed. Luci was constantly on the move, running from sport to sport and competition to competition. There wasn't a weekend that she wasn't involved with at least one sport. It was a good thing that her father had money; Noelle knew from experience how expensive extracurriculars were and how hard it was to get a parent to pay for them.
"Get your dad to rig whatever event you're stressing over," Noelle suggested, earning a dirty look from her cousin. "Come hang out with me instead. We can flush Grandma's jewellery until the toilet breaks, she just got it fixed from last time. Or, even better, we could put sugar in the gas tank of her sports car! I'd love to see the look on that cow's face."
Luci laughed, rolling her eyes as she did.
"You're the worst, Nol. There's no way my dad could afford to fix the competition and there's no need. If I practice, first place is practically guaranteed, no money needed. It's what I like, just like senseless destruction seems to be your thing."
"There's nothing wrong with making things interesting," Noelle countered. "Things are interesting in Pleasantview and I manage just fine. It's just stupid Arkhelios and Grandma's dumb house. Why can't my mom leave us with someone in Pleasantview when she has to work? She's only married to the freaking devil, you'd think she would have money to pay someone else to look after her kids."
"I think things are interesting here," Luci protested. "I mean, my dad and Evren's house is nicer and on the beach, but there's still plenty to do in Arkhelios. There's the soccer team you could join if you want. Osbert is a really good coach and we usually win."
"Bleh, no thanks," Noelle scoffed, looking horrified at the idea. "I don't run unless I have to. My make up might get ruined."
"Well, we could see what Rien's up to," Luci suggested. "I'm sure she's helping Dad in the kitchen. You know how he gets this time of year."
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Noelle's face immediately brightened at the thought.
"Is it maniacal baking day already? What do you think he's making? Cake? Cookies?"
Luci frowned.
"You shouldn't say things like that," she scolded. "It's not nice."
"It doesn't have to be nice if it's true. We all know why your dad freaks out and turns the house into a bakery this time of year."
Luciana frowned.
"If Ulyssa wasn't such a bitch, she would at least let him meet Georgiana. I mean we all know about her anyway. Why else would he be obsessively making birthday cakes on her birthday and dropping them off at the Durant house?"
"So there is cake?" Noelle asked. "Arkhelios isn't all that bad when it has gourmet cakes to eat."
"Oh my god, Nol. No wonder your mom abandons you here, you're feral. At least try to not upset my dad while you're here. You're too much like your mom sometimes. Maybe if you were nicer, your other mom or dad would have stuck around to raise you. Leave my dad alone and eat some cake before you scare off Aunt Lucy too."
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With that, Luciana turned her back to her cousin and headed towards the rink in the yard to practice. Noelle stood stunned in silence. Luciana's words were harsh, but Theo was hardly the only Bellamy to say mean spirited things when provoked. Luciana was far more direct with her anger; it was something that Noelle respected her for. She could handle any anger directed at her and give it right back to her cousin. Luciana was just the kind of girl that Noelle could handle. The two could say horrible things to each other, spend ten minutes cooling down and then hang out happily together.
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"This one's ready to go! Come box this up for me, Abe."
Roman admired his work. The Durants were going to love this year's offerings. Every year, Jorah donated Roman's baked goods to charitable causes. He did keep some items for his own family, but the vast majority went to fundraise for the orphans in Strangetown. On this day every year, Jorah would accept the baked goods, separate a cake or two for his family to share over dinner that night and send the rest off. It was sheer coincidence that this day also marked the occasion of Princess Georgiana's birthday and the annual gathering of the entire Durant family to celebrate. Whatever Jorah kept from the baked goods would grace the plate of Princess Georgiana herself and so Roman laboured to make his deserts high quality to satisfy her royal taste buds while also encouraging sales for the needy.
Roman frowned as he cracked another egg on the side of his new bowl.
"This could be the year you change things, Dad. There's an opportunity opening, one that could shift the family dynamics."
Roman jolted out of his focus on a bowl of flour to see his daughter watching him intently.
"Rien! You startled me. Hand me that hand towel, some vanilla spilled over here."
Out of all of his children, Adrienne was by far the quietest. No one saw her coming, or noticed her lurking in the shadows of the house, watching her family. She was quieter than even Too, an actual cat. Roman found the behaviour unsettling, but there was no correcting it. Adrienne was simply a quiet child, unlike most of her siblings. Nothing escaped her watchful eyes, and more often than not, Roman caught his daughter murmuring quietly to herself. She was his grandmother's spitting image behaviourally, though he never quite remembered Malika being quite as socially odd. Maybe his daughter would one day gain the social skills of his grandmother, but until then, Roman had resigned himself to being startled when Adrienne revealed herself.
"Rien, you really can't say things like that," he sighed. "It's a complicated situation, things aren't as easy as they seem to someone your age."
"The spirits wish you were more observant, Dad. There's so much that they want you to know. They want to get to know you, the same way they've gotten to know me."
"Honey, I don't understand all of that and I don't think I'd be any good at it," he replied with a small sigh. "My grandmother was the only one in our family with a connection to these spirits and sometimes I wonder if they really have your best interests at heart when they tell you things. Maybe you should talk with Aunt Wanda if she has the time. She might know more about the occult than I would. Or ask Adam's father the next time he comes to pick up Adam. Please? Just get a second opinion, that's all I ask."
Roman couldn't be sure, but he thought he saw his daughter give him the same horrifying look that Theo usually gave him on weekends home from school. The infamous "I know so much more than you and you don't even realize it" look. Adrienne didn't hold the glare for nearly as long as her brother did, but it felt just as patronizing.
"Sure," she agreed. "I'll do that, Dad. But if I do ask someone for their opinion, then it's only fair that you do the same. You ask someone you think would know about the spirit world and see what they say. Or better yet, why don't you try contacting the spirits themselves? You could borrow my tarot deck."
It was a fair idea, and one that Roman couldn't think of a way of refusing. It wouldn't hurt anything to take out his grandmother's tarot cards and see what happened. Probably nothing, knowing his luck, but if it was that important to his daughter, then Roman would give it a chance.
"Okay, we have a deal," he declared, stirring ingredients in his pot as he spoke. "Now why don't you come help me grease this pan so we can get these cookies in the oven?"
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luverofralts · 1 year
Arkhelios Adventures
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Theo pulled out his phone and began furiously typing a message to his greatest frenemy, Keiki Yoxall. While she was technically also his aunt, neither one of them acknowledged their blood connection and were content to leave their relationship as one of deep mutual dislike for the other. Still, Keiki had been receptive to helping Theo in the past as long as they both benefited from a scheme and no one saw them together.
Hey, Asshole. Need your help with something. Does your Aunt Jolanda still have her collection of positive pregnancy tests? -T
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Of course. Do I want to know what you need it for? $10 to start and another $10 just because it’s for you.
Keiki studied the text message, hoping to glean what Theo needed with one of Jolanda’s scam props without coming out and asking him. Clearly he had some plan that he was in no hurry to divulge to her. Oh well. Twenty dollars wasn’t bad compensation for something so simple..
Money sent. It's for revenge, what else? Leave it in the backyard, I'll break the demon trap Dad thinks I don't know about. See you then.
Theo cackled despite himself. Every teen knew about the various scams that Jolanda ran, which included a steady supply of positive pregnancy tests. Jolanda was old enough to be unable to use them for herself; no one would buy that an elder could get pregnant. Still, she apparently had some use for them, which was to Theo's benefit. 
His visit to Aunt Lucy had been a productive one. She listened to him like no other grown up would and commiserated with him about Grandma Elaine and his parents. Grandma hadn't approved of anything she'd done since she was a child, and she knew how frustrating both Roman and Abe could be. Aunt Lucy was always ready with a scheme, something no other adult could give Theo. The pregnancy test had been her idea. If his parents were convinced that Theo was running wild, why not encourage that idea? It served them right for not trusting him. All Theo had to do was place the test and wait for the fun to start- oh, and record what he could for his aunt to hear. She didn't want to miss out on any of the chaos. Aunt Lucy had to be the coolest aunt on the planet. Noelle and Mikhel were lucky to have her for a parent.
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"Keiki's teleporting," Luciana announced, looking through her telescope to see the drop off. "Break the demon trap!"
Theo scrambled to the secret trap, rubbing off the outer line, releasing the energy that prevented teleporting in and out of the lot. Their parents were idiots if they thought that the kids didn't know how to combat magical traps. It was something they learned in their first year of school at the Pleasantview Academy.
"This is an idiotic idea," Adrienne announced, looking worriedly over her shoulder. "There's no universe where this doesn't blow up in your face."
"The cards didn't think so when I read them this afternoon," Theo declared. "They said that I was going to be successful with my projects this week. This is a project. It's this week. No worries."
"You can't read them that well," Adrienne hissed, still watching for their parents. "You're guessing. My cards said to watch out for my siblings and their stupid plans. So here I am, watching my sibling and his stupid plans."
Theo rolled his eyes, but a sliver of doubt undercut the gleeful gloating in his mind.
"I guess we'll see."
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Roman dragged Renarde to the bathtub and fought against his fearful kicks as he waited for the tub to fill. Bathing the dog was a job that the kids had promised to do weekly, yet none of them ever seemed to remember about it. The dog had rolled around in something smelly in the yard and it was torture trying to hold his breath while constraining the frightened dog.
"Get a dog, they said. The kids will take care of it, they said."
Renarde turned around and snapped at Roman in desperation, narrowly missing the skin on his wrist.
"You're on thin ice," Roman warned the dog, narrowing his eyes into a glare. "If you keep that up, maybe I will get the kids to do this instead. Little Abe can teethe on your tail for all I care. Behave. Now."
The threat only made the dog kick harder, until finally Roman just turned on the shower head and sprayed warm water in the direction of the dog.
When the water turned off and Renarde was howling like Roman had attacked him, Roman's eyes were drawn to the lit candles on the counter beside him. It wasn't like Abe to leave flickering, lit candles in the bathroom. They had enough problems without adding a possible house fire to them. It could only be one of the kids, but which one of them would want to light candles around the house? He'd never even seen Theo or the older girls take an interest in candles unless….
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"Unless they're casting spells," Roman finished with a groan. "What are they up to now? It's always something, no matter how many talks we have about casting spells in the house and candle safety. Just like they promised to take care of this dog. Well, we're going to have a family meeting and…."
Roman trailed off, his eyes locking on something else on the counter next to the extinguished candles.
It couldn't be. It can't be. No, this is just a nightmare, wake up Roman! Wake up!
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Roman gasped, the soaking wet dog long forgotten. 
"Abe? Abe, can you come here for a minute? Abe! Abe!"
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Theo and Adrienne watched silently as Abe dashed across the house to meet with his husband in the bathroom. Theo smiled a devious grin while his sister just shook her head.
"This is going to blow up in your face," she warned, rolling her eyes. “You should never listen to Aunt Lucy.”
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"What's wrong? Is Abe okay? Is the house on fire?" Abe panted, catching his breath from his run. He stared at the wet pools of water on the floor that Renarde had left in his hurry to leave. "Did you murder the dog?"
Roman shook his head, unable to speak. He held out his hand so that his husband could see his find for himself. Abe gasped slightly once it clicked in his mind what Roman was showing him.
"You're pregnant?" he whispered, suddenly concerned about privacy in their busy house. "How? Did the vasectomy fail? I mean, we both shouldn't be able to-"
"It's not mine," Roman hissed. "I found it in the bathroom. I assume it's not yours."
"No, it's not mine," Abe replied, his face suddenly looking pale as he thought about who the test could belong to. "It has to be…no, it can't be. Theo would have come to us if he….he says that he's not dating that warlock boy."
"We just got a call from Ironman about Theo disappearing upstairs with a girl, who knows what he's been up to? Maybe he's dating three boys, who knows? He's a popular kid."
"This isn't right. Theo's too shy to even speak to his professors at school or to ask out that boy he likes," Abe pointed out, still trying to solve this puzzle in his mind. "We can't just burst into his room and make accusations, especially after the incident with my mom. Maybe it's someone's who came over recently. Did we have anyone over lately? Did Theo?"
"Nathan stopped by to try to ruin my day on Wednesday," Roman said. "He had some documents that he wanted to leave for your mom and decided to make me the messenger since I'm already in the doghouse with her. Lucy stopped by earlier in the week too. But Abe, we would have seen the test already if it was them. I have a bad feeling about this."
“Let’s not overreact,” Abe said, after some thought. “Maybe it’s not Theo’s. I mean, it’s definitely not Theo’s...right? I don’t think that he’d even know where to get a pregnancy test. The kid was rambling on about using a hot tub as birth control, I doubt that he’s sneaking out to hook up with someone. I know our son. If this was his test, then he’d hide it under his mattress and look as guilty as when we caught him and Luciana stealing wine from Adrian’s cellar. This has been staged to get our attention.”
Roman allowed himself to sigh, releasing some of his stress about his discovery. Abe made sense. Theo was a thirteen year old boy with social anxiety, not some lothario displaying proof of his virility. Once his panic had fizzled, the situation seemed a lot less dire. Had the test been from one of Theo’s friends? An adult who had visited earlier? Deliberately placed there to produce the terror that was only now beginning to leave Roman's chest?
“You know, Lucy did look a little bloated when she stopped by,” Roman suggested, earning a nod from his husband. “I can’t rule out her leaving a test here to cause drama. Nathan too for that matter. Anything to make us fight.”
“We should ask Evren tomorrow if he knows anything about this,” Abe agreed. “Maybe they’re trying for another kid. But could you imagine if we’d accused Theo? He’d throw a fit. This just screams Lucy or Nathan. You know they’ll will never own up to this though. Frankly, I’d place money on either one of them trying to play us against our son or each other.”
“Your siblings are terrible people,” Roman laughed. If he heard the frustrated groan coming from the hallway, he didn’t acknowledge it. “Thank god I fell for the only Chun sibling who wasn’t a sociopath.”
Theo smacked his head against the wall when the conversation in the bathroom was quickly replaced with loud kissing noises.
“Urgh I could have used that $20 to buy lunch at school,” Theo groaned. “Why is it so impossible to believe that I could be pregnant?”
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“Because you would need to actually talk to a boy for that to happen,” Adrienne remarked, smiling smugly at her brother. “Next time maybe listen to me and you can spend your next $20 on a date with Adam. One where you tell him how you feel.”
“Yeah, yeah. I should. I will. Next weekend. Absolutely.”
“Tomorrow. At the mall. Wear something white; he’ll appreciate it.” Adrienne ordered, pulling her favourite tarot deck out and selecting several cards. “Don’t bring up Medora and don’t chicken out.”
“Just text him already before I tell Dad who really left the test on the counter. Maybe actually confronting your feelings will keep you from following Aunt Lucy’s advice.”
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luverofralts · 1 year
Arkhelios Adventures
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When Theo and Adam materialized in Theo’s bedroom, the first thing Theo did was bolt to the door.
"Dad! Adam's staying for dinner! We're going to play video games. Tell us when dinner is ready."
Theo closed the door and leaned heavily against it, gathering his thoughts. Did he really hear Adam correctly before they left? Was this just a trick of his brain after thinking so intensely about confessing his feelings to Adam? There were spells where you could attempt to sway someone's opinion by focusing intensely while near them, but Theo hadn't finished that chapter of his textbook yet. Adam's feelings were probably genuine if that was what he'd actually said.
"You love me?" he asked breathlessly, watching every part of Adam's face for clues of his sincerity. When Adam sheepishly nodded, Theo released the breath he'd been holding onto. "I love you too! I mean, I like you. Like like you. My aunt says that you should never say the word love until you're in your thirties or if a guy's rich. But if I were to say it to you, it would be true."
"That makes sense, I think," Adam replied, reaching for Theo's hand once more. "I don't think you should really use your aunt’s advice given her own relationships, but I get it. We like each other then. Like like."
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"Will you be my boyfriend?" Theo blurted out, caught up in the rush of reciprocated feelings. When Adam nodded, Theo wrapped his arms around him. "You're my boyfriend."
Adam laughed, suddenly free from the worry he'd been carrying with him for so long. 
"You're my boyfriend too. Can…should we….?"
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The warlock trailed off, pulling away far enough to line his lips with Theo's. He leaned in for a kiss, only to bump into Theo's nose instead.
"Sorry, I've never really…."
Theo beamed despite the awkwardness. Adam wanted to kiss him. Kissing Medora had been okay, but this was Adam, the boy he'd been crushing on since he'd first learned about crushes. 
"Let me show you how," Theo replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "I think I've got the basics down."
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Theo reached for Adam's chin, pulling his face close enough to brush their lips together. 
His lips are soft, just like Medora's. Better than Medora's. This is all I ever wanted and I can't believe it's happening.
Every part of Theo seemed to be blazing with passion. It was like nothing he'd ever experienced before. Adam was here in his arms and eagerly kissing him just like every fantasy he'd ever had. How had his parents ever gotten bored of this feeling and had affairs? Kissing Adam was like holding onto lightning, feeling it radiate throughout his body, leaving him numb to any other sensation.
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"I'm glad you two have finally figured things out. It was getting ridiculous."
Adrienne picked up a fire truck from under Theo's bed and waved it around without a care for the other two people in the room.
"Rien? What are you doing in my room?" Theo gasped, immediately pushing away from Adam in horror. "Who else is here spying on me? Luci? Saturnia?"
Theo's sister rolled her eyes, continuing to play with the toy in her hand.
"No one cares about you and your boyfriend, stupid," she teased. "I'm just here to make sure you two didn't mess this up and drag everyone through another week of your stupid pining. Luci thought it was going to be at least another month at the rate you two were going."
"Get out of my room," Theo demanded, his face feeling red hot suddenly. He wasn't sure if it was embarrassment, anger or just repressed feelings finally breaking free, but the last thing Theo needed was his little sister teasing him. "Adam and I were having a moment. Alone."
"Ha! Just wait until I tell Dad that you're upstairs kissing a boy in your bedroom," Adrienne laughed, watching as her brother's face turned pale.
"You wouldn't! Rien, come on! What do you want?"
Adrienne pretended to think seriously about the request and laughed.
"I think I can forget that I saw anything in exchange for one of those charmed crystals I saw you writing about the other day," she said. "And your dessert tonight."
"Rien, I was writing about those crystals for an exam," Theo whined. "I don't know how to make them! What possible use could you even have for one? They're used for dark summoning."
"It doesn't matter what I want it for," Adrienne laughed, still playing with her brother's truck. "I want one and you want to keep Dad from murdering you for kissing boys in your bedroom."
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"I'll get one," Adam said, interrupting the glares the siblings were giving each other before Roman came up to get the kids for dinner and the damage was already done. "My dad's head of the council and my sister is marrying the queen of Pleasantview. If they don't have one, no one would. I just need the weekend to ask them for one. Do we have a deal?"
Adam winked at his new boyfriend, ending Theo's opposition before it could start. There was no way Adam could convince his father or sister to give an object capable of dark magic to an eleven year old. She wouldn't even know what to do with it anyway, which meant that she'd never recognize a fake. All he had to do was ask a witch from the Crystal Cove coven to make a replica that lit up or something and Adrienne wouldn't even notice.
"And Theo's dessert," Adrienne reminded him. "Dad's making cupcakes."
"What? That's not fair! I love cupcakes!"
"We have a deal," Adam interrupted, extending his hand for Adrienne to shake. "Thanks for keeping our secret."
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Adam leaned against Theo, wrapping him in his arms as comfortably as if he had been doing it for years. The closer he got, the less Theo seemed to care about his sister's demands.
"You can have my cupcake," Adam promised.”If your dad made enough for all of us, that is. I didn’t ask in advance if I was allowed to stay for supper, but if I get one, it’s yours.”
Adam smiled and for the first time in his life, Theo didn’t mind losing his dessert to his little sister.
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luverofralts · 2 years
Arkhelios University
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“So what brings you by?” Adrian asked casually as Roman sat beside him. “I don’t really get visitors here.”
Roman frowned a little at just how casually Adrian spoke about his presumed death, but if anyone got to comment on being dead, he supposed Adrian had earned it.
“I don’t know,” Roman answered honestly. “I think I’m dead. I mean, I must be to be talking to you, but I don’t know how I got here. My mom was draining energy from me and Abe and then suddenly, I was stuck in the past and some kind of ward or sigil opened up and brought me here. Is there like a map or something that they give you here to know where you are? Why isn’t Abe here too? Is he still alive or is he not demon enough to end up here if he died?”
“I’m not sure,” Adrian replied honestly, leaning closer to his ex-husband. “I never got any informational pamphlets or anything when I got here. I’ve never even seen my parents or grandparents here, even though I assume they’re dead too.”
Roman nodded sadly and Adrian let out a weary sigh.
“Ah, that sucks. I mean, I figured as much, but that’s rough. I wanted the girls to know their grandparents and where they came from but now Grandma and Grandpa are just going to be portraits on the wall.”
“You know about the twins?” Roman asked curiously. “I mean, we knew that you were pregnant with twin girls, but you know that they survived?They were born after you...passed. If you haven’t seen your parents, how do you know they weren’t dead too?”
Adrian shot Roman a playful smile that would have melted Roman’s resistance and made him weak in the knees if he wasn’t dead.
“Well, I did say that I don’t often get visitors here,” Adrian laughed, his eyes sparkling with secret knowledge. “Honey, come say hi to Daddy.”
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Roman looked behind him, only to see his young daughter, Adrienne, standing on the sand behind him, looking sheepish. He immediately reached for her, trying to see where she’d been injured in order to be dead like her parents.
“Addy! Oh my god, what happened? How are you- I need to fix this! Tell me how to fix this!”
While Roman started hyperventilating, Adrian reached out to massage his shoulder in support.
“Hey, she’s fine. Our daughter is just fine,” he reassured Roman. “She comes to see me pretty regularly and you’ve never seen her die before. She’s got a gift. I always thought that Theo was going to be the child we would have to worry about when he became a teenager, but it turns out that his sister is just as trouble prone as he is.”
“You have no idea,” Roman muttered, still worriedly scanning his daughter for injury. “That kid is going to be the death of me someday.”
He paused, thinking about his choice of words.
“Oh, I guess not if I’m already dead.” He groaned, suddenly too aware of his mortality and his lack of planning. “Oh god, who’s going to raise the kids now that I’m dead and I assume Abe is too. Lucy? Elaine? My mother? There’s no one to stop my mother from kidnapping the kids and using some twisted blood magic on them. Or the sovereign! She probably has Theo and Luci now and is planning some kind of scheme with them. I can’t be dead, the kids need me too badly! How do I protect them from here?”
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Instead of acknowledging Roman’s breakdown, Adrian shared a knowing look with his daughter.
“I can see that your dad hasn’t changed,” he joked, earning a smile from his daughter. “He spends too much time worrying about controlling all the variables of his future, only to realize that he can’t control them all. He’s already forgotten that you visit here often and return to the living plane just fine. You can pass on a message to anyone your dad needs to talk to.”
“And how is that exactly?” Roman demanded, still fighting against a rising panic attack. “I’m new to this whole being dead thing. Why is my toddler walking across planes of existence? That doesn’t seem safe. How am I supposed to raise a son who teleports wherever he wants to in the middle of the night and a daughter who apparently visits the dead on a whim? I mean, how was I supposed to, now  that I’m apparently dead too!”
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“Yeah, it takes some getting used to,” Adrian remarked dryly, watching his daughter splash around in the waves at their feet. “Look, I’m sure that we can figure something out. Maybe Abe’s not dead. We can see if Adrienne can find him. To tell the truth, I just assumed that your grandmother was a fraud, but if our daughter’s talents truly come from your family, we shouldn’t underestimate her.”
“Oh, my grandmother was many things,” Roman sighed. “A fraud isn’t one of them. I don’t know how or why Addy has these gifts, Grandma always said I was mediocre at best at everything spiritual. Is this some kind of astral projection? An out of body experience for her?”
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“How did this happen?” he asked, dreading the answer. “Why is a dead human this far in the Void? How did a toddler project herself here? Does the sovereign know about this?”
“This is my problem. Well, I guess it’s technically both of our problem. My intuition is never wrong about demons.”
The Grim Reaper grimaced at the scene before him. One dead man, one dying man and a living toddler projecting herself in a realm that none of them should be in. Gee's step-parent certainly made sure that his job was interesting
“She might,” Lukas replied honestly. “I have no idea of what she’s been scheming. This does seem rather dull for one of her schemes though, I’m tempted to attribute this to a lesser demon. The man’s mother maybe. I recently dealt with her.”
“Don’t tell me anymore,” Gee pleaded. He could feel the start of a headache coming on. “I need plausible deniability if Dad asks.”
“Well, you said that I was to prevent any unauthorized deaths when resolving this situation, and I’m trying my best. Look at your tablet for Mr. Bellamy. I don’t  know what yours says, but my records have him destined to live past this week. How much longer do you think he’s going to last this deep in the Void? I’d say another day, max. And the deceased husband? Murdered by exposure to the Void. Their two daughters? Exposed in utero. They barely survived and their father has been trapped here, completely isolated. He wasn’t properly processed and introduced to the afterlife, causing considerable suffering for him. Your father won’t be pleased to hear about this slip up.”
“Demons. It’s always the demons and their god damn god complexes,” Gee muttered to himself. “I’ve never had this problem with vampires or plantsims. Demons just love to make my life miserable. Well? What’s your scheme to fix this? I know you have at least one you’re dying to try.”
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Lukas smiled and snapped their fingers, producing an ancient book that radiated powerful energy.
“I’m glad you asked. Mr. Bellamy’s body is still alive, waiting for the return of his soul. I send it back so his mind/body connection remains intact and he doesn’t die before his time. The daughter will keep coming back to the Void as long as her father is here, so we release him from this trap and that solves that problem.”
“And? I feel like you’re leading to something far more complicated than escorting two lost souls home. What’s your scheme now?”
“Making things right,” they replied, gesturing at the impressive book. “Duke Adrian Siew wasn’t supposed to die for decades, it’s right there in the log. Upon his wrongful death, he was trapped away from his loved ones in the Void, a place that nearly cost his children their lives and stripped one of them of their genetic abilities. This family has suffered for our failures and I intend to fix it.”
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“Stripped them of what powers? What have you done?”
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“I’m really not dead? You can save me? What about Abe?”
Gee waved sheepishly at the pair of mortals now staring awkwardly at the supernatural pair. Lukas tried to look startled at the intrusion, but didn’t quite hide their satisfaction in time. This was a trap designed to tug at the heart strings of the Grim  Reaper. His father may not feel moved by the plight of a young family, but Gee was soft at heart. Reuniting broken families was a cause he firmly believed in.
“Oops, I guess we were too loud,” Lukas said coyly. “Though I suppose that it’s only fair that you know the truth about your own lives. None of you are supposed to be here. Duke Siew is supposed to be living, or at the very least in the proper afterlife. Mr. Bellamy should be at home, praising a certain deity for disassembling his mother piece by piece and both of your daughters should be happily embraced by the famous Bellamy family for their remarkable gifts.”
“I don’t understand, what’s wrong with my daughters?”
“My mother is what? What the hell does disassembled mean?”
Both Adrian and Roman stared in shock at the two deities, each unable to comprehend what was being said.
“Yes, I’d like an explanation about the disassembling too please,” Gee sighed, rubbing his temples. “You said no unauthorized-”
“She’s not dead,” Lukas scoffed, rolling their eyes. “She’s very much alive, just...in several places at once. The sky has a whole new constellation, so your mother will always be there watching over you. That’ll be about all she can do. Ever again.”
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“As for your daughters, they weren’t supposed to be exposed to the Void. Their demonic heritage protected them somewhat, but look at her. She’s thriving between planes of existence, visiting places she has no business being. Someone had to have shielded her in utero from the worst of the Void. For one twin to be so gifted and the other so unremarkable, I have my suspicions about what caused that.”
“Luci!” Adrienne supplied, looking excited to be included in the conversation.
“Probably,” Lukas replied, ignoring the look their step son was giving them. “Well, anyway, I should probably send the people still supposed to be living back to the proper realm. Unless there’s any objections? I’ve never seen any paperwork filed on Duke Siew’s death and reviving his physical body is well within my ability. Gee?”
The Grim Reaper paused to consider his options. This entire mess was going to mean a lot of paperwork, but he couldn’t deny the warm feeling in his chest when he watched Adrian hold onto his daughter. He was a family sim; the decision had already been made the instant he learned it was a possibility.
“Take them home,” he ordered, beaming with satisfaction. “If Dad asks, I’ll defend it. Children need their fathers, something he would know if he’d bothered to be around for me. I don’t see any paperwork here that says they have to stick around here. They’re free to go home.”
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Lukas waved their hand and the two young men and their daughter vanished from sight, presumably reappearing in their home country unharmed. They would need to follow up on how the young family was doing in the coming days, but Lukas felt confident that with both Life and Death’s approval, none of the demons would be bold enough to challenge the decision.
“For the record, I did lead the Bellamy boy here myself,” Lukas confessed to their stepson. Gee didn’t look surprised to hear this information.
“I figured as much. Maybe next time, give me a little warning before you rush to sweeping judgements, okay? I’m not thrilled to hear that people are slipping through the cracks of the system, but I can’t interfere in every demon screw-up. We should be making the sovereign clean up her people’s messes and if she won’t, we need to find a candidate who will.”
“Oh, trust me, I have some thoughts about that.” 
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luverofralts · 1 year
Arkhelios Adventures
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Theo Bellamy sat on the stairs with his trusted familiar, Too by his side. Today was an important day. It certainly wasn’t everyday that you turned thirteen. He was officially a teenager now with all the rights and responsibilities that came with it. 
“How badly do you think they’re going to embarrass me, Too?” he asked his faithful companion. When Too responded with a quick mew, Theo sighed. “Yeah, that’s my guess. Whatever they’re planning, I just know that it’s going to be embarrassing. I’m so glad this party is family only; I’d die if the kids at school could see me. I’ll probably have to wear the dumb birthday hat and everything.  At least the cake looks good. God knows it was the only good thing from last year.”
Too mewed again sympathetically at the thought. Theo could never be certain if the cat truly understood what he was saying or if she had simply learned to meow when he paused speaking to look at her. Either way, it was nice to have her support.
He could tell that his parents were going out of their way to make things perfect for his special day which was even more unnerving. Things hadn’t been the same between them since “The Incident” they never spoke of or the conveniently timed birth of his little brother, Abe III. Words like “postpartum” and “mid life crisis” and “cheater” were usually shouted when they thought the children were asleep, but Theo and his sisters heard every word. It was enough to make Theo come home from school only two weekends a month, instead of every weekend like he used to. At school things were quiet and ordered and all of his friends lived there with him. Every day was like a sleepover that he didn’t have to worry about his parents ruining with either arguments or overly zealous good intentions.
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“He’s going to be so excited. I can’t wait to see his reaction,” Roman said excitedly, staring at the expensive guitar they had purchased for their son. “We should film it. Do you think you can pull out your phone before he notices and starts giving us sass about ‘acceptable boundaries’?”
“He’s a teenager now, I’d be surprised if he didn’t give us sass,” Abe replied with a smile. “We’re the only thirty year olds at parent-teacher night though, we have that to our advantage. We’re still cool, unlike the other parents.”
Roman kissed his husband, catching Abe by surprise.
“Abe, we were never cool,” he laughed. “I was the poor transfer student who grew up in a “cult” and you were the nerdy kid who got knocked up at sixteen. We’re many things, but we’re not cool.”
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“Theodosius, you put that hat back on your head right now!” The instant Abe laid eyes on his son, he could see that Theo was missing an important item for his party. “And don’t go on a little tirade about me using your name. It’s only your siblings and family here and we all already know what Theo is short for. I’m not getting told what to do in my own house by some school in Pleasantview. Don’t give me that look! Go help your father set up the snacks.”
Theo rolled his eyes but obeyed his father, mumbling something unkind under his breath. Abe didn’t like yelling at his son; it was something he’d always struggled with. With his own mother as an example, Abe knew first hand how strict parenting pushed him away from her. Having his son run away from home as a young child because of his strictness and inflexibility had been devastating to Abe, but at the same time, he had no idea of how to reach Theo. The boy was away at boarding school for most of the month, something that Abe hated, and when he was at home, it was nonstop sass and rudeness. Theo needed boundaries and Abe was trying his best, but he often worried if his best would be enough for his son. The twins at least had Adrian and Evren as additional parental role models and Saturnia was still young enough to think that her parents knew what they were doing. Maybe by the time Abe Jr was Theo’s age, his parents would finally understand how to successfully parent a teen.
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The Bellamy household had never been bigger than it was now. Theo and the twins had their bedrooms when they weren’t at school or Adrian’s house and Saturnia was currently sharing the twins’ old room with her baby brother until the new addition could be added on to the house. Plus with Adrian’s three kids often staying over and all of the kids’ friends, a dog and the hyperactive cat, Too, the Bellamy house often felt like a circus.The only other household in Arkhelios that could compete was the Durant family, but it had been some time since either Abe or Roman had paid them a visit. Most days, they tried to ignore the Durants if they could. “The Incident” had severed those friendships pretty thoroughly.
The mixed Bellamy family was working though, despite their differences. Abe never thought that he’d see the day that he’d be okay with Adrian not only spending several hours with his children, but also helping to raise them. There were still moments when Adrian showed up with expensive gifts for the kids and a new expensive baking dish for Roman that made Abe fume, but they didn’t happen nearly as often as they did before.
it was rewarding to watch the girls grow into young ladies with goals and talents of their own. Adrienne was a better tarot card reader than her father and loved taking apart all the appliances in the house to figure out how they worked. She’d also insisted on being called Rien for short as her previous nickname, Addy, sounded too much like a “name for babies”.
Luciana was a bundle of energy who poured all of that energy into sports and fitness. She played in Osbert’s new soccer league in Arkhelios and a tee-ball and volleyball league in Twikkii Island.
Saturnia was shy and more reserved than her sisters. The twins sometimes excluded her from their activities because Saturnia was younger, but she always took it in stride and found her own entertainment. She was following in her father’s footsteps and helping him cook and bake. She used the toy stove they bought her to make muffins nearly every day for her family.
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“There you go kiddo, just sit tight here and I’ll have your bottle ready in no time. I just have to check on the cake.”
Roman placed Abe Jr in his high chair and then turned to open the oven behind him. The cake was nearly done and the icing was ready for when it cooled. Things were going surprisingly smoothly for once.
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“Etienne, Everard be careful.”  
“Oh hey, Evren,” Roman called out to the man attempting to wrangle two toddlers with limited success. “You’re early. The kids are still running around the house and the birthday boy is busy talking back to his father, so you can help me in the kitchen if you want. Where’s Adrian?”
“Busy. He's been looking over something Maura sent him on her efforts to protect the coral reefs near the property. He should be here in time for the party though. Oh, he signed the paperwork for your little collaboration this morning. The lawyer is sending you a copy.”
“That’s great. I’ll have to send a copy to Wanda’s office. She pushed through all the red tape just like she promised. We should be open by next week if it all goes smoothly. I guess it pays to have the president of Arkhelios as an aunt.”
Roman was too busy fussing with icing to see irritation flash across Evren’s face.
“She’s been president of Arkhelios for over a decade,” he said, shifting his wiggling son in his arms. “Plus she’s taken over the Arkhelios Coven’s leadership and spends a suspicious amount of time with...less reputable foreign witches. When you do send the documents, maybe you could suggest that she chooses a single project to focus on, or that she might want to step back from so much responsibility. She might listen to you.”
There wasn’t much that Evren could do about Wanda’s goals, as every time he tried to speak with her about his concerns, she ignored him completely. He wasn’t a very powerful warlock, and he didn’t have the brutal mindset to navigate witch politics. He’d tried to speak with Wanda two weeks ago and had only managed to be “volunteered” to help design Wanda’s expensive new home for his efforts.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll tell her,” Roman replied, his mind completely focused on his cake. “She was supposed to come to the party, but something came up. I’ll bring her some leftovers if there are any.”
Evren rolled his eyes. As usual, Roman couldn’t see past his own worries. If Evren wanted change among the witches, he would have to find another way to get through to Wanda.
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luverofralts · 2 years
Arkhelios University
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The agony in Roman’s head was proof enough that he was alive. Anything as painful as this had to be real.
He tried calling out for his husband, hoping to hear Abe’s reassuring, familiar voice, but no one answered him.
“Adrian?” he called out hesitantly. Had he simply imagined being reunited with his first husband or was whatever strange dream he’d been having actually true?
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To Roman’s amazement, the once very dead Adrian, Duke Siew answered his call. He tried sitting up off the ground, feeling the cold concrete beneath him.
Luciana toddled over to the glowing blond man who’d appeared out of nowhere. She had never been given the chance to meet him, but Roman had shown her enough pictures for her to recognize him on sight.
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“You did it!”
Theo hugged his sister, amazed to see his step-father again. He’d had every confidence that his sister could pull off whatever plan she had in mind that night, but the results were still astonishing.
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“Adrian! Oh my god, you’re here!”
Roman wrapped his arms around his ex, pulling him into a crushing embrace.
Adrian felt warm and real and safe. Roman buried his face into Adrian's neck, inhaling the same salty scent of a man who loved to be by the ocean. Memories of sleepy mornings drinking coffee with their feet in the ocean flooded his mind. Quiet afternoons on soft sheets looking through baby books. Swimming naked in the waves. Kissing in the rain in the lush gardens of the palace.
"I missed you," Adrian murmured against his ex-husband's ear, making Roman blush despite the circumstances they found themselves in.
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Roman and Adrian's reunion was cut short by the gleeful call of Theo. Adrian let go of Roman, only to be swarmed by toddlers. Roman swept his son into his arms while Adrian struggled to lift both twins at once.
"My girls!" he exclaimed, holding them both close. "I can't believe you're here!"
"Where's your father?" Roman demanded, only to have Theo point to a limp form on the ground. "Go inside and call for help. Tell Grandma to call a doctor."
Roman rushed to his husband's side, desperate not to trade one dead husband for another that night. To his relief, he could feel the gentle rise and fall of Abe's chest against his hand. Blood spotted the ground beside his body, filling Roman's mind with horrific potential scenarios that he fought hard to squash.
Abe was breathing. Adrian was miraculously alive. Kamalani was nowhere to be found. He had a lot of positive things to focus on instead. 
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Lucy didn’t even blink when Roman’s dead husband walked through the door, carrying two excited toddlers in his arms. Roman waited outside watching Abe, making sure that he remained stable until the ambulance arrived.
“I’ll be back for you when I know how Dad’s doing, okay? Stay with Grandma for now; she’ll take care of you.”
Roman hugged Theo in a crushing embrace, grateful to have escaped his near death experience to return to his kids.
“Take your zombie with you,” Elaine insisted, pouring herself a large drink. She gestured towards Adrian, who looked offended at the term.
“Excuse me? I’m not a zombie and I am usually referred to as ‘your Grace’,” Adrian replied irritably, crossing his arms defensively.
“My ex-husband and mother are walking corpses. You were a corpse and you’re currently shambling across my living room. I’ll call you what I want, Your Grace.”
Roman cleared his throat, hoping to diffuse the tension in the room. He’d never seen Adrian remind someone of his rank, but then again, he’d never seen Adrian escape the grave in his husband’s mother in law’s house either.
“She’s not wrong, Adrian. You should see a doctor just to make sure that everything is working right. I don’t want you to drop dead in a couple of hours without warning.”
“And just what happened to revive him in the first place?” Lucy asked, noting that Roman’s face looked quite flushed when staring at his ex-husband. “Don’t tell me that you made a deal with the sovereign. You can’t be that stupid. Not for some booty call with your ex anyway. You’re usually smarter than that.”
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Roman shot her a dirty look but didn’t engage with her bait. Abe and their baby were possibly in danger; he didn’t have the luxury of entertaining Lucy.
“There are things that even the sovereign is afraid of, Lucy,” he replied, staring out at the night sky, trying to process everything that just happened in the last twenty-four hours.
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“Some things are better off unexplained. I have a feeling that even she would agree with that.”
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luverofralts · 2 years
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@frauhupfner Lookbook Challenge 2
1. Casual
I’m starting this new lookbook challenge with Adrienne (Rien) Bellamy, who is still a toddler in the story so far and a child in game but fun to pose as an adult. She’s her father’s daughter and even her casual wear can quickly have a jacket added to it to make her look formal.
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luverofralts · 1 year
Arkhelios University
2 Years Later...
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Ironman looked at his son with mixed emotions. The only time he saw Nikolai these days was when they exchanged the children for visitation. Obviously leaving him at the altar while he had an existential crisis about his new body had been a step too far for Nikolai. The former servo needed to “find out who he was now”, or so Nikolai had screamed at him the last time Ironman had tried to bring up their relationship. It was a fair point, even if it made all the emotions he’d never been able to process before build up in his chest until he felt like he was about to burst. Who was Ironman now? How did he navigate as a human in a world he’d thought he understood?
The twins were Ironman’s only joy now, aside from the members of the Helios family who had come to rely on his guidance in life. Roman and the kids came over often to bake with him, and as much as Elaine denied it, she’d been making excuses to stay home with the former servo when he was upset. She insisted that she needed that time to go over her investments, but Ironman knew the truth. Even if he didn’t have Nikolai, he still had a family.
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The Rivales family was slowly beginning to heal and move past the shadow of Kamalani. Roman insisted that she would never return and the bewildered family took him at his word. There had been no explanation of the call they’d felt towards Kamalani that night or why it had summoned people they barely knew. Emilia had shrugged and chalked it up to a supernatural mystery that they didn’t have the relevant pieces to understand and no one challenged that interpretation. The less they thought about potential demons running around in their family tree, the better. It had taken months after Kamalani’s demise for Roman to get in the proper headspace to acknowledge his half-sister, and despite their previous bad blood, Theo and Keiki appeared to have settled on a sense of mutual dislike for each other. They weren’t friends, but they weren’t enemies and it was a compromise Roman was happy with. The two of them had been through trauma together and been forced to acknowledge what the other was capable of. Theo felt bad about her mother and Keiki felt bad that because of his power, Theo was frequently placed into dangerous situations.
Roman was still working on his feelings towards Keiki’s father, who had spent countless hours with him without even mentioning once that he had been in love with Roman’s mother. That he had been a large part of why she had abandoned Roman. While he felt bad that his mother had manipulated and abandoned Osbert too, Roman wasn’t sure if he could ever forgive the man who had had an affair with his mother for years without a second thought for her son or the husband she hated.
Keiki had really hit it off with Juliet, Oriana’s unconventionally featured daughter. Both girls were misunderstood and teased at school and they had formed a friendship because of it.Oriana didn’t pay much attention to her daughter, who she had pushed nearly every law of science to create only to get bored of her when a new experiment popped up. Benvolio was an attentive father and he tried to spend every waking moment with his daughter as he was living on borrowed time. Both he and Oriana could die at any time, leaving their daughter in the hands of the greater Helios family, so he tried to make up for it by seizing every day to be a good father. Oriana did try, though she had the exact same relationship with Nicholas as well. Science could only get her so far in life and demons didn’t often make a deal with the same person twice.
Already she could feel the time slipping through her fingers. Her energy had to be shared with Benvolio and some days she was barely able to get out of bed and dressed for the day. She had unfortunately lost the pregnancy she had started when Benvolio was resurrected because of this drain on her body. She had cheated death for a time, but there had been a price to pay. she would have a shorter life and be incapable of sharing her energy to make new life. As someone who didn’t care for parenting, this was a fine trade; as a mad scientist looking to push the boundaries on life and death, it had stung. Having this one avenue of study taken away from her only made her more determined to collect data from other beings who had been resurrected, much to the irritation of Adrian Siew.
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“Naethan is crying because of you!”
“No, he’s crying because his father is never around which means he doesn’t know who you are!” Kaeileen snapped angrily. “You can’t just show up with a toy and expect your son to be comfortable around you. I told you last week that he had a doctor’s appointment, but you’re just ‘so busy’. Busy doing what exactly? Why won’t you just take your son to the park once a week? Spend some time with him before he leaves for college!”
Nathan rolled his eyes, looking as irritated as the day Kaeileen had told him she was pregnant.
“Gareth and I are planning a wedding. I can’t just drop everything and run off to take Naethan to the park. Maybe if someone still wanted to marry you, you’d understand.”
Kaeileen fumed internally, but tried her best to hide her reaction. Nathan was just trying to rile her up and she refused to play his games. The few times he visited with Naethan, he was positive and playful with their son. It had to be Kaeileen specifically that he insisted on being a jackass to, so Kaeileen followed his own mother’s example and tried her best to ignore that Nathan was in her life, save for the child support he had been forced to pay her.
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Saturnia was a happy toddler, easily fitting in with the kids of Arkhelios. She wasn’t as moody as Theo or as excitable as her sisters, endearing her to her already delighted grandmother. Elaine spent enough time with Saturnia to mark her as her clear favourite, though the other kids really didn’t mind. Grandma Elaine going on about proper financial planning was an experience that most of the Helios grandchildren could do without.
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“Fiolett! How are you doing? Excited for dinner?”
Roman appeared out of the Helios kitchen just in time to catch the newest member of the Siew family. He made a silly face and the toddler and her father laughed.
“She’s extremely excited,” Adrian replied with a tired smile. “Finally a decently cooked meal. Between her teething and Evren fighting off morning sickness, we’ve been living off soup and ginger ale for the past week.”
The toddler smiled back at Roman, making his heart melt. Who knew that your ex-husband could be your best friend and that seeing him with another man’s child was rewarding instead of causing jealousy? He would never have imagined that Adrian would have anything in common with Wanda’s involuntary witch recruit, but the two of them really seemed to be good for each other. Having Evren around had done wonders for Theo’s grades as well. The man swore that he wasn’t a talented witch or teacher, but Theo’s report card said differently.
Fiolett had been a happy accident, just like Luciana and Adrienne, but the instant she was born, her parents had committed to having more children together. Since Adrian had a legitimate heir and a spare to his title, he and Evren weren’t rushing to the altar despite their kids. Roman had no doubt that they would get married in time, but unlike his ex-husband, Adrian wasn’t planning to rush into another marriage. 
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Mikel, Elaine’s newest and least adored grandchild, had also been a surprise to the family. From his yellow eyes and soft blond hair, it wasn’t difficult to identify his father. The only thing Elaine hated more than Lucy’s constant relationship drama was the proof that Lucy had no respect for her workplace. Having your boss’ demon child was a sin Elaine couldn’t forgive, even though her expectations for her children were already extremely low.
As Elaine’s heir once more, Lucy knew that her mother had impossible dreams for her and she couldn’t care less about them. She had Noelle to inherit the estate one day, so Mikel’s father shouldn’t matter to her mother. Were they going to keep dating? Lucy couldn’t think of a reason to stop seeing Michael unless management stepped in and that didn’t seem to be happening any time soon. Until then, Lucy would do whatever she wanted.
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“Evren! I’m surprised to see you. I thought you’d be resting. Fiolett is doing just fine with Adrian.”
Abe smiled at the warlock, who still looked a little pale if he was being honest. Abe could certainly relate to pregnancy discomfort. Between his difficult pregnancy with Theo, and the twins and Saturnia’s emergency births, Abe wasn’t planning on having any more children. Hopefully Evren would have a calm, normal pregnancy like he had with Fiolett.
“Wanda brewed me up something that helped,” Evren replied, pausing when Theo came running down the hall at the sound of his voice.
“Evren!” The little demon hybrid clung to the warlock, excited to see him there when he hadn’t been expected. “I practiced my homework like you showed me and the butterflies appeared just like you said they would! My teacher gave me an A-, which was higher than my friend Medora got. Adam said that he could summon fireflies and that he was going to show me at his mom’s house on the weekend. His mom said we could order pizza if we want, so we’re going to get the biggest pizza and split it with his sister. Can Luciana and Adrienne come? Please? Adam’s mom said it was okay!”
Evren smiled and ruffled Theo’s hair playfully.
“That sounds like fun; make sure you check with your stepdad first though. You know all the activities your sisters are signed up for on the weekends.”
Evren wasn’t lying. Even Abe, who had been raised by Elaine with her insane expectations, thought the amount of extracurricular activities that Adrian had signed the twins up for was excessive. Some activities were helpful to keep the kids out of trouble though. Abe made sure that Theo and Saturnia accompanied their siblings to dance, skating and piano lessons and even allowed them to stay over occasionally at their stepdads’ house.
Stepdads. Despite Roman being assured by lawyers that his marriage to Adrian had been dissolved upon Adrian’s death, the strangely blended family still referred to Adrian and Evren as the stepdads of Abe’s children. Despite everything, Adrian wanted to be a part of Theo and Saturnia’s lives. Despite everything, Abe found himself grateful for that fact.
It had been a long, terrible journey, but the Bellamy family would survive. After everything, the adversity they endured had only made them stronger. For the first time in a long time, Abe felt optimistic about where his life was going. He had a husband and children who loved him, a house to live in and his mother's attention was once more on Lucy and not him. The Bellamy family was going to be just fine.
The End
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luverofralts · 2 years
Arkhelios University
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Theo nervously watched his parents float above his head, completely limp and helpless. While he and Keiki were helping the Rivales twins and the unknown warlock trap his grandmother, Adrienne seemed to be working on a plan of her own. Theo had never seen wings on any of his classmates or horns curled quite like that, and he was impressed by his little sister. She didn’t seem to be using demonic magic either or if she was, he’d never seen it before. Maybe he wasn’t so alone in his family when it came to magic after all.
The demon sovereign had warned Theo that this day would come. It was only a matter of time before his scary grandmother returned, looking to either kill or exploit him. She’d prepared him to join together animals and then his parents when their wedding happened, but she had also lied. It wasn’t only his parents that he had to join, but an entire family. Using the blood and energy of the family that had produced her, the sovereign hoped to contain his grandmother, for real this time. She could never escape and try to hurt Theo or his family ever again.
The spell was difficult though, and his friend Adam had been too afraid of it to help him practice it at school. Adam was convinced that the spell was dark magic and that Theo should tell a teacher about it, but Theo knew that his friend Alexis was counting on him to perform it and he wasn’t going to let the sovereign down. The group of ants he’d tried a weaker version of the spell on were doing okay, or at least he hoped they were. They weren’t really doing much since the spell aside from moving perfectly in sync with each other only to run into a wall. He couldn’t tell if they were perfectly in tune with each other or if they were fighting for control over the group, but they’d only managed to collectively move about two inches or so over the span of two days. Theo had no idea about how it would work with humans, but he certainly hoped to avoid living like the ants.
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Cain and Rose were mostly following Theo’s lead, as they didn’t have the slightest clue of how to fight against a demon, let alone one as powerful as Kamalani. Beside them, a strange boy was moving his hands rhythmically while murmuring strange words underneath his breath. All around them, energy tightened its grasp on the crowd, sparking in the air and tying their energies together. The twins could feel magic fill the air, pouring into every part of themselves, hungrily hunting for more energy. Whatever spell Theo had started to defend his parents was consuming their energies at a startling pace, but for the first time, the twins experienced the sort of magical bonding Theo had always described his parents having. Cain could hear whispers of his sister’s thoughts echoing through his head; he could remember what Theo had for breakfast that morning. His eyes saw what Kaeileen was seeing inside the house and he felt her baby shudder inside of her while the energy knit the Rivales family closer.
“Theo. You come from Theo.” Rose spoke the words out loud and without any explanation, Cain could feel that she was addressing the teenager beside them, because he too could feel the name pulsing out like waves around the teen. The boy was an orphan, sent from Strangetown to study magic at Wanda’s new school, and yet he was just as much a part of the Rivales family as either of the twins. The siren call of magic had drawn them all together to entrap one of their own. Even Theo’s dad didn’t know where Kamalani fit on the Rivales family tree, but her blood called to her family all the same. Like it or not, blood bound them to the demon and they would bind her with the same, no matter the cost.
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“What? What’s happening?”
Kamalani looked at her hands, wondering why they were failing her. She could feel the energy drain from her son, but it was becoming lost in the haze of energy building around her. The assorted group of children were staring menacingly at her, their faces all either stoic or angry, but she’d never even seen some of them before. What exactly they had against her was a mystery, especially the toddler who seemed determined to rip her apart limb by limb if she could.
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The child looked demonic, but her magic felt different. In truth, it reminded Kamalani of Malika and the supernatural frenzy the Bellamy family outside of Arkhelios was known for. The girl shared the same scowl as her father when upset and Kamalani recognized the sad pout instantly. This was Roman’s daughter, likely the Bellamy heir that Malika was babbling on about earlier. For all of Malika’s worries, the toddler looked fine to Kamalani. Better than fine considering that the poor girl had Omar for a grandfather.
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While the joining spell wrapped the Rivales family together, tighter than they’d ever been before, the deity of life was dangerously close to causing death. It was a fight that the demon sovereign knew she would probably lose, but then again surely Life couldn’t cause the death of a being. Even if they had stolen their husband’s scythe, the sovereign was willing to gamble that they weren’t able to use it properly. What would happen if Life took a life? Would the universe collapse? Would some other deity intervene? She might be dangerously close to answering that riddle.
The sovereign had lost the grand sword she’d summoned nearly instantaneously. It had been her grandfather’s sword, the first, original ruler of all demons. She hadn’t had much practice wielding it in her relatively short time as sovereign and it showed. Lukas had an entire line of champions dedicated to the well-being and security of nations, all of which were expertly trained in combat. Whatever their origins were or their purpose in the universe, Life fought to survive and the sovereign didn’t stand a chance against them.
“Leave now,” Lukas ordered, completely aware that he held the upper hand. “I really don’t want to have to educate a new sovereign on how the world works. Let this be a lesson learned about your place and we’ll forget this ever happened. I’m not going to let you prey on some backwater nation like Dorhack did and we all know how combining the energy of a bloodline ends up for the living. You don’t get to bind one demon to the energy of the living while skimming off the top for yourself. I won’t allow it. Pray that I don’t refer this to a higher power to review. I doubt that they’d be merciful.”
They tightened their hand into a fist, summoning fiery energy that shone as bright as the sun. The sovereign stepped back in awe of such power, unable to hide how desperate she was to be near it. Just a fraction of that energy would spread warmth to her perpetually cold body for ages. A tiny piece of it would frighten off any potential usurpers to her throne. Queen of the demons was a small, insignificant title when beings like Lukas could mold the very stars themselves.
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The sovereign watched in horror as Kamalani’s own hand began to emit the same brilliant light as Lukas’. Kamalani herself seemed shaken by this development, looking around her for the source of the attack.
“You can’t kill her,” the sovereign whispered, watching as the same energy that lit Lukas began to engulf Kamalani. “You can’t use that scythe. Life can’t take lives. You can’t interfere with demonic affairs, that’s my realm!”
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“You’re right, the scythe is just for show,” Lukas replied, sending his opponent a dark look. “I don’t need it. I don’t plan on killing this demon.You see, a living being is composed of many pieces: blood, organs, cells. I don’t intend to end those processes, causing death. No, what I do is create life and nurture it. Your troublesome demon is alive and will remain so, All I’m doing is creating a new form of life for her. She’ll still have all the pieces that sustain her, but they’ll be redistributed. Millions of living cells still technically alive, scattered in the wind. If you’d like, I can scatter her across the stars and make a new constellation for you to remember her by. In fact, let’s do that, so that whenever you look up at the night sky, you’ll remember our little chat.”
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Kamalani screamed as the piercing light consumed her body, penetrating down to the smallest cell and gently separating it from joining cells. In a surprisingly beautiful shimmer, the image of Kamalani Bellamy winked out of view to be replaced with an unearthly red glow hovering in the air.
The Rivales bloodline was immediately released from their binding, now that the person they were connecting to themselves had suddenly vanished. The children looked around in bewilderment, staring at Theo like he could explain what just happened. Roman and Abe fell to the ground, no longer suspended for the demon to feed from. Theo and his sister ran to them hopefully, but neither one of them could wake them.
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“I hope you like your gift, Saren,” Life said, lifting the energy that had once been Kamalani Bellamy into the air while the sovereign watched in horror. “Just remember, if you step out of line again, you could be joining Kamalani up there in the sky. I won’t kill you, but as everyone knows, there are sometimes fates far worse than death. Now, forgive me, there are a few other corrections I’d like to make to my realm, now that you usurpers to my power have learned your place.”
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luverofralts · 2 years
Simstober Day 9: Candy
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Theo recruits his sisters as lookouts for the Great Candy Heist.
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luverofralts · 2 years
Arkhelios University
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“I think I felt the baby kick. That’s normal for this trimester, right? I shouldn’t be worried?”
Kaeileen massaged her swollen abdomen, trying to soothe her baby. It had been an eventful few months, but at least her family hadn’t abandoned her. Finding out that she was pregnant had been a shock, and truthfully, she had no idea of how to be a mother, but she was determined to try her best. Surely she could be better than her own mother, though that bar wasn’t exactly high. Jolanda hadn’t had any advice to give her daughter, aside from finding a rich one night stand and trying to convince him that he was the father.
Kaeileen knew who the father of her baby was, and that was the problem. Her grandmother had been so hopeful that by some miracle, Lucy could be the mother of the baby, but Kaeileen had slept with the wrong Chun sibling. Her ill advised fling with Nathan had been so spontaneous that they didn’t worry about protection, which had turned out to be a mistake. Now the matter of the Rivales heir was complicated. Was Kaeileen the better choice for heir because she was carrying a Helios-Chun baby, or was Pia’s education and stable marriage more attractive? Emilia didn’t often comment on who she would be selecting very often. At this point, most of the family just assumed that she would name an heir in her will since the matter had already dragged on for too long. Kaeileen knew that if she was pregnant by Lucy, the heir status would be hers in an instant, but Lucy’s little brother? Emilia had to take time to think this development through, or so she said.
Elaine had been less than thrilled to learn of her newest grandchild, which she made very clear to Kaeileen on a regular basis. Nathan hadn’t said much on the subject. He seemed to take the news well enough, but he was impossible to read. There was a darkness in him, that much Kaeileen knew, but overall, Kaeileen had never seen him act in the ways Roman accused him of. He would probably make a good dad...or at least she hoped he would. Most days he ignored her calls, but that would change the instant he held their child. Surely he would mature once he had a child in his arms. Roman had, so why not Nathan?
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“You’re imagining things, dear. You’re not that far along,” Emilia chided. She anxiously paced by the front window, peering out at the darkened sky. “Did you hear something? I could have sworn I heard someone screaming.”
“Maybe something’s happening at the park. That’s the only thing close enough to hear from here, aside from the factories.”
Kaeileen peered out the nearest window, looking for answers. Sure enough, a faint glow was coming from the direction of the park, though she couldn’t make out what was happening.
“She’s back then,” Emilia murmured to herself, unaware that Kaeileen could hear her.
“Who’s back? If you think Lucy’s outside, begging me to take her back, you’re going to be disappointed. I know how much you like her, but I slept with her brother, plus she was cheating on me. She’s not coming back, Grandma.”
Emilia scoffed at this, but didn’t elaborate any further. Instead, she took out her phone and hurriedly swiped on the screen, clearly looking for something. After half a minute of frantic searching, Emilia found what she had been looking for, pressed a few buttons and said two words Kaeileen could never imagine her grandmother saying.
“Hello, Ginevra?”
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“Something’s happening at the park, you can see it from here. Should I call the police?”
Elaine peered out the window, staring at the ominous clouds circling the rather infamous park. Any activity there usually meant something terrible was occurring and Elaine wanted no part of it. That was a matter for the police to deal with, god knows she paid enough taxes to pay for them.
“And if it’s Roman?” Lucy replied, trying to dry off from her relaxing bath. Between work and becoming the Helios heir once more to having to see her ex fiancee walking around carrying her niece or nephew, Lucy had been trying to relax whenever she could. This new development threatened that relaxation, as unlike her mother, Lucy knew that Melvin’s police force didn’t have a chance against a demon. Maybe Theo was just having another incident; the last thing they needed was to involve the police in that.
“It’s probably not Roman,” Elaine said hopefully. “Maybe one of Nathan’s friends from school is over visiting. Maybe it’s just a powerful storm front.”
“Trust me, Nathan doesn’t have any friends,” Lucy sighed. “It’s almost a guarantee that Roman’s involved with this somehow. We should probably go investigate. I’ll go get dressed.”
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Osbert Yoxall stared in disbelief at the woman who was running towards him. After all this time, after everything that had happened, Kamalani was rushing back into his arms. He hadn’t thought that would ever have been possible within his lifespan. Lucy had drilled it into his head over and over how serious Kamalani’s sentence had been.
“Kama! It’s actually you! I don’t believe it!”
Osbert took the woman he loved into his arms, squeezing her tightly so that she could never leave him again.
“It took a long time, but I made it,” she said, making happy trails of kisses down his throat. “The sovereign can’t contain me; not when it keeps me from you. And Keiki! You’ve found her? Is she not everything we ever dreamed of?”
“She’s amazing, just like her mother,” Osbert replied. “I couldn’t believe it when I heard that a little piece of you survived, that I could still see you in everything she does. Why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant? I would have helped.”
Kamalani shook her head quickly, still clinging to her love.
“My father would have interfered,” she answered. “If he had known, she would have been in danger. He’s killed people I loved in the past, just to keep me in line. I’d die if anything happened to you or her. It had to be a secret.”
“So we can be together now?” Osbert asked hopefully. “I mean, he’s sealed away and Roman knows about us, so we can all be a family now. We can start over and make a life together.”
Kamalani smiled, but didn’t rush to answer him. Things were complicated as always, and Osbert was an optimist.
“I have to hide from the sovereign, just until she cools down,” she insisted. “We have to leave Arkhelios tonight. I used to hope that Roman’s path lay outside of Arkhelios, but I was wrong. His path is here. Too many eyes are watching his son, eyes that might also be looking for me. He’ll understand.”
“But Keiki just got settled. She has friends and school here. I’m looking into buying a home.”
Kamalani sighed in frustration, trying to find a kind way of telling the man she loved that he was an idiot.
“She’ll make new friends,” Kamalani promised. “She can’t do that if she’s dead though, which is a possibility now that the sovereign of all demons is looking for me. We need to go. If you want to be with me, we have to go.”
“Okay,” Osbert relented, still looking uneasy at the thought of living on the run. “I’ll go home and get her, and I’ll leave a note for Kaeileen and Tennyson. They need to know what’s going on, other wise they’ll worry or think I abandoned them.”
“Don’t trust her! She’ll only hurt you and you’ll end up isolated and alone when she gets bored of you!”
To Osbert’s shock, Abe and a small group of children crossed the street, looking incredibly angry. Among them was Osbert’s own young daughter, happily co-existing with Theo, the boy she despised, and Theo’s little sisters. Two other kids Osbert recognized from the playground, where their snobbish parents usually ignored his attempts to make small talk.
“Keiki? Honey, are you okay? Where’s the babysitter? Why are you out in the middle of the night with your...friends?”
Friends was the only polite word Osbert could think of, especially when the father of Keiki’s bitter rival had apparently taken a crowd of children for a walk late at night.
“I want to help,” Keiki replied, looking nervously at the figure beside her father. “Theo said he needed my help. That something bad was happening. Like what happened to me.”
In all the shock of being reunited with Kamalani, Osbert had momentarily forgotten about the emergency trip to the hospital that he, Keiki and Roman had been forced to make earlier. While he was grateful to be reunited with the woman he loved, he had been less than thrilled to see the marks she’d left on their daughter. They were nothing compared to the wounds Osbert had watched hospital staff try to close on Roman, but his child had suffered all the same.
“I was meaning to ask about that, Kama,” Osbert said quietly. “I mean, I understand that it’s how you came back to me, but the amount of blood that Roman lost, and the scars he has...how could you do that to your own son? And then to cut your young child who doesn’t even remember you? Keiki’s been having nightmares ever since.”
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“That’s because she-”
Abe was cut off mid sentence by excruciating pain. To Osbert’s horror, his sweet Kama lifted her son in law off the ground, clearly draining some kind of energy from him.
“Kama! He’s pregnant! What are you doing?”
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“Stop hurting my Dad!”
Theo’s voice boomed as loudly as he could make it. He wasn’t great at defensive magic, but with his friends from school, Adam and Medora, along with his family, he was going to protect the ones he loved. Adam and Medora weren’t demons and fought with the magic they’d learned, while Theo, Adrienne and Keiki all summoned demonic energy. While they didn’t stand much of a chance individually against Kamalani, they hoped that together they could overwhelm the older demon.
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“Kama, what are you doing? That’s our daughter shouting at you! She’s scared!”
Despite the terror in Osbert’s voice and the fear she could see in her daughter’s face, Kamalani ignored their protests. None of them understood the stakes of what she was facing. Like with Roman, Kamalani knew that one day Keiki and Osbert would understand her position, and forgive the difficult choices she’d had to make to survive. Even now, Roman had pleaded with her to love and care for him despite everything, and Roman was far more stubborn than Osbert. She would be forgiven, which meant that she could do whatever she wanted to protect herself.
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“Mom! Leave Abe alone, he never did anything to you!”
Speaking of Roman, Kamalani glanced to her left to see her son hobbling towards her from the direction of the park. Roman collapsed on the ground before he made it anywhere near his husband, but his mother respected his dedication all the same. Maybe there was a little of the spark she’d once seen in him left. Still, she’d warned her son all the same and now both he and his high profile son were here, drawing attention to her.
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“I warned you, Roman. Why can you never obey my wishes? You’re bringing this on yourself.”
Energy poured from Abe in staggering amounts, straight to Kamalani’s waiting hands. Even Theo was astounded by his grandmother’s power. He’d never seen a spell like this in any of his textbooks.
“Abe! I’m coming!”
Roman tried to peel himself off the ground to reach his husband, but failed. His mind raced to think of a solution, but he’d never seen an attack like this in his demonic defense lessons. Maybe his mother wasn’t lying about how demon she claimed to be. That or she knew some very obscure spells. Either way, the only thing that mattered now was getting to Abe. He wouldn’t lose another husband to his mother’s schemes and if he could also protect their unborn child, he’d die trying to keep them safe.
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“Kama! What the hell are you doing?”
Osbert watched in horror as the woman he loved turned her gaze on her son and smiled cruelly. In all the time that he’d known Kamalani, she’d been a funny, sweet woman who legitimately seemed to care about him. Escaping a loveless marriage to a man she didn’t respect was one thing though. It was something else entirely for her to hurt her children and unborn grandchildren. Sure, she really enjoyed saying some dark things every now and then, but Osbert hadn’t been fully convinced that his Kamalani was the one who attacked their daughter and Roman. This was a side of her that he’d never seen before and he was appalled by it.
The demon before him snapped her fingers and Roman and Abe became enveloped by a light, drifting aimlessly in the air. Osbert could see the energy drain from them, pooling within the supernatural shimmer.
Osbert felt like he’d been shot through the chest hearing the desperate cry of a child watching his parents presumably being murdered right in front of him. Theo sounded heartbroken, which devastated Osbert. How was the woman he’d fallen in love with capable of this horror? Being afraid of the sovereign wasn’t an excuse to be cruel to someone else. Nothing justified this cruelty.
“Kama, stop!”
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luverofralts · 2 years
Arkhelios University
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Queen Maura II of Twikkii Island appeared out of nowhere in the blink of an eye, scanning the room for her formerly deceased cousin.
“Adrian? I was told that you were back, but I never- I couldn’t even hope that it could be true.”
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Adrian embraced his cousin happily. He’d agreed to meet Roman at the hospital to be checked over, but Roman had texted Ulyssa about the sudden resurrection of Maura’s cousin and the Queen demanded to see him immediately.
“I don’t even care how this happened, I’m just so happy to have you back,” she cried, not daring to let go of an actual, living blood relative in case this was just a cruel trick. “It’s been just me and Trent and your girls in the family for so long. But you’re back!”
Adrian could see the desperation to see another family member in his cousin’s eyes and squeezed her even tighter.
“I was told about Grandma and your mom,” he replied quietly. “I’m so sorry, Your Majesty.”
“Yeah, me too,” she whispered. “I don’t suppose you learned who was behind the attack in your mysterious time on the other side?”
Adrian shook his head sadly.
“I was trapped somewhere else, or so I’m told. I never even saw my parents the entire time I was gone. But who would attack us like that? It makes no sense. Twikkii Island is tiny compared to a place like Pleasantview! We’re a vacation hot spot, not some military installation.”
“Well, we’re about to change that,” Maura replied, looking nervous to be speaking on the subject. “Claudia’s been helping train our military and buy- well, it’s not important. You’re alive and that’s all that matters. Ulyssa and I will have to have you and Trent for dinner this week. It’ll be a real family reunion, just like old times.”
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Elaine stared at the tiny infant resting in an incubator with relief. Abe was still unconscious, but the doctors were optimistic about his recovery. The emergency c-section had gone well and the newest member of the Bellamy family was stable and doing well, considering the circumstances of her birth.
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The little girl had Elaine’s blue eyes. Roman had commented on them the instant he first held her and Elaine hadn’t been able to forget them since. She loved all of her grandchildren, but seeing a tangible physical connection between her and this infant was breathtaking. If this little girl didn’t ignite her grandmother’s living room furniture on a regular basis, Elaine probably had a new favourite grandchild.
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“She’s so tiny,” Roman whispered, stroking his daughter’s hair as closely as he could around the medical equipment. “She’s come into the world just as dramatically as her sisters. I guess we were lucky with Theo.”
“You know, Elaine’s a very popular name.”
Roman smiled politely at his mother in law and redirected his attention on the tiny infant in front of him.
“It’s a great name. I’ll mention it to Abe when he wakes up. I’m not naming another child on my own. Hopefully Adrian doesn’t have a problem with our daughters’ names, I never thought he’d be able to use them for himself. I’m glad I was wrong about that.”
“The doctors did say that Abe would be fine, right?” Elaine pressed, her attention focused once more on her son. Roman was Abe’s official next of kin and no one felt obligated to fill in his mother about his condition. “He’s not...your mother didn’t send him anywhere? Is this a coma? Do we need to call Wanda and have her perform a spell?”
If the circumstances were different, Roman would have laughed at the half-whispered horrified way she’d asked that last question. It had taken them a long time, but the extended Helios/Bellamy family was finally learning to embrace the supernatural nature of some of its members. There was something strange buzzing in the back of his mind ever since he’d regained consciousness after rejoining Adrian. A weird connection hummed whenever he went near Abe or their infant daughter and he’d felt it before near the Rivales children who had come to fight off his mother. He vaguely understood that the demon sovereign had been trying to bind Kamalani’s bloodline together instead of just him and Abe, but he had no idea if she had been successful. It didn’t feel like when he’d been connected to Abe and the more time passed, the weaker the pull felt. Maybe the effect would wear off with time. What Roman wanted to know was the sovereign’s intentions regarding his and Abe’s proposed demonic joining. Had her demands been overruled by a stronger power? Did Roman even want to mention the idea when he inevitably ran across her next? 
That was a discussion for another time though. Right now he had a brand new daughter to focus on and a husband to watch over. If his mother was truly incapacitated, there was nothing left on the planet that could keep him from Abe’s side when he needed him.
“Our daughter was in jeopardy and Abe’s been pretty banged up,” Roman replied. “They’re hoping that he’s just recovering from all the drugs they had to give him and the c-section. If he’s not awake by this time tomorrow, then they’ll start to worry.”
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“And Theo has a cat that’s magic and he gets to take it to school and his school is really far away.”
“Wow, really?” Adrian listened intently to his daughters as they both fought to tell their father the important things he should know about their lives. They could have been babbling nonsense and it would have been the greatest thing he’d heard, but hearing how reasonably well adjusted and happy his children were was everything to him. Before his death, Adrian had spent hours dreaming about being a father and what his twins would be like and now suddenly here they were. They mostly focused on what their older brother was up to or the things the dog had done that were funny, but each story was an amazing confirmation that he was a father to two bright, happy children who were slowly growing into their own unique personalities and thoughts. He especially loved how close they were to their older half-brother. After watching Maura struggle to connect with her half-siblings for years, Adrian had been half afraid that his girls would feel the same way about Theo.
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“Are you going to leave us again? I don’t want you to leave again.”
Adrian’s heart broke hearing the worry in Luciana’s voice. As much as he’d missed knowing his children, they’d missed him too. It sounded like Abe was a decent stepdad and was already far more mature than when Adrian had first met him, but there was no replacing their actual father. Adrian was immensely grateful that Roman had made such an effort to tell their kids about their father. It would have been easy to just have Adrian’s picture sit on a shelf while Abe took over the role of a dad, but Roman had made it very clear that the girls had a stepfather, not a replacement dad.
“No. No, I’m not going anywhere,” he reassured the toddlers. “Never again. I won’t let anyone get between us and if someone does try, Adrienne will come back to get me again. I’m not letting you two out of my sight.”
The toddlers smiled, but this new promise reminded him of the earlier one he’d made to Roman. He had to get checked out by a doctor before he could promise to be around for his kids. Adrian would fight death kicking and screaming if it came for him again, but he knew there wasn’t a chance in hell of him winning that battle. He had to know if this was a second chance at life for him or just a brief window to say his goodbyes properly.
“Come on, let’s go see how Daddy’s doing.”
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