#sim: hrh crown prince axel
the-royals-ts4 · 1 year
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My mother was a genius (Genius) My father commanded respect (Respect, Respect) When they died they left no instructions Just a legacy to protect
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simoviacourt · 3 years
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L I F E • S T A G E S • C A S • C H A L L E N G E • by @someone-elsa
Create a sim in all of their life stages. Or use a sim you’ve created before and create their other life stages. Or use a sim born in game or a premade. In addition to the six life stages you can create in CAS, you can add your own (like a tween for example, also maybe they don’t even live to the elderhood?). You can write their life story if you wish or let us guess. My inspiration for this challenge.
Have fun and tag some people to try this out if you like!
Tag me @someone-elsa and use #life stages cas challenge so I can reblog your posts :)
Thank you for the tag @someone-elsa @sweetpyxels @digital-deluxe and @ice-creamforbreakfast 🥰
I did the challenge for Alma, adding a couple more stages to her young adult (splitting her 20s and 30s) and adult (splitting her 40s and 50s/early60s) stages. The following text contains both spoilers and red herrings so don’t take it too seriously. 
Queen Alma of Simovia was born as HRH Princess Alma Yvette Madeleen of Simovia, the second child and only daughter to the Queen Zoe of Simovia and Prince Consort Alistair, although at the time of Alma’s birth, Queen Zoe was still known as the Crown Princess Zoe of Simovia. Alma was a happy, bubbly toddler who loved singing and talking to everyone, staff and family alike. She spent the first 8 years of her life living at the royal family’s summer palace, attended to by royal nannies and tutors. As she got older, Alma became more quiet, more serious and preferred to spend time away from crowds. Even after she became the crown princess, the teenaged Alma was not seen in public much. 
At the age of 21, Alma’s parents died tragically in a plane crash and Alma ascended to the throne. She married her first husband, the Prince Consort Axel, who tragically died not even three years later at the end of the Great Sim War, leaving Alma alone with their two young daughters. The following years were marked by more tragedy and unrest in Simovia but eventually Alma remarried happily, and the royal family expanded further with the births of several princes and princesses. 
Nearing the middle years of her life, Alma had found peace in her marriage and family, and together with her husband, she ruled effectively while raising her children. As her children grew older and married, Alma settled comfortably to the role of the family matriarch and enjoyed spending time with her many grandchildren.
However, after the death of her husband, the aging Queen was seen less and less in public. She confined herself to her rooms and would not see anyone but her children. Alma did not survive her husband for long. A few months after his death, she died in her sleep, wearing one of his shirts and holding his portrait.
I tag @theroyalthornoliachronicles @kingdomofvellia @batsfromwesteros @ardeney-sims @thealbionroyals @theroyalcoldwells and anyone else who would like to give it a go!
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the-royals-ts4 · 1 year
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I finally hopped onto the Barbie bandwagon :)
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the-royals-ts4 · 1 year
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I wonder who that is?
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the-royals-ts4 · 1 year
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Hello! I hope everyone is having a good weekend and smiling like Shay ❤️❤️
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the-royals-ts4 · 2 years
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the-royals-ts4 · 2 years
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Axel Christensen-Holliday.
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the-royals-ts4 · 1 year
This is one and a bit year old Amidala hanging out with 4 year old Benjamin.
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Just look at how cute she is, she had brown eyes when she was younger!
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And he’s been watching over her since the beginning 🥹❤️
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Little did he know that he made his future Bestfriend (and later girlfriend then wife) cry, but that’s okay because he made her laugh afterwards
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