#sim: sarah tonin
papermint-airplane · 1 year
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Tfw you want to make yourself dinner but you can't because one of your ghost roommates is haunting the fridge.
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lesbisims · 5 years
me: time for more sims
my brain, crying: please you already have like 80 things in your queue please do anything else
me: love the sarah tonin
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
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Sarah: You may approach the throne, peasant. Prithee, what tidings doth thou bear?
👻: I was haunting your toilet just now and it seems to have sprung a leak....
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Sarah: Moooom, one of the ghosts broke the toilet again!
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Mela: Mhm. That's nice.
Sarah: Are you listening to me?
Mela: Yep, that picture you drew is real cool.
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Sarah: Ugh, guess I'm peeing in the bushes for another week.
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
Mela's day was a success, too, although it was only because I dragged her to work kicking and screaming the whole way. Can you believe that heifer tried to skip out on work two more times?! I bet you can!
Anyway, we don't care what Mela gets up to as long as she's making money because, fortunately for Sarah, Mela is not in control of how the money is spent.
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I used Mela's earnings (plus a few more simoleons from selling random crap in Mela's inventory) to buy a toybox for Sarah. Yes, it is a literal cardboard box, but Sarah clearly doesn't mind.
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She's just happy to finally have something to play with!
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I also bought her a dollhouse and a toy oven, since she loved the one at the library so much. At least now, she can bake her own snacks and potentially earn a bit of pocket money when the ghosts are haunting the fridge in the future. Unless they decide to also haunt the toy oven, of course. We all know how ghosts can be.
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
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Lucky Palms!
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Home of red canyons, beautiful vistas,
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and our next miniseries star! Let's go inside and meet her now!
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Oh, those. They came with the house. As well as a few "roommates". We just try to ignore them.
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This is Mela. Mela Tonin. Observe her in her natural habitat watching her "stories".
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Looks a bit tired, huh? Yeah, she always looks that way. Lounging around the house and doing absolutely nothing all day really takes it out of you.
I'll bet you're wondering what kind of adventures she can possibly get up to. Well, keep wondering, because this miniseries isn't about her.
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Here's our star! This is Sarah Tonin. She's excitable, friendly, and a bit shy. She may be small but she has big dreams. And just what are those dreams, you ask? Well, that's for her to decide.
In this miniseries, I'm letting the Sim run the show for once. Mela isn't doing the best job raising her daughter -- or doing any job, for that matter -- so Sarah has to do it herself. With my help, of course. Consider me her fairy god-Watcher, here to grant her every wish and keep her out of harm's way as much as possible (unless she wants to be in harm's way of course).
What will a life of getting everything you've ever wanted lead to? Let's find out.
*theme song plays*
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
The next day at school, Sarah had an epiphany. It seems she met the class pet for the first time and fell in love with its adorable little face, because she immediately wished for 20 of them. 😅
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I didn't pin this wish because she's awfully young to decide right now what she wants to do with her life forever, but I'm keeping it in the back of my mind for now. Maybe all this means is that Sarah needs a pet of her own.
The animal-related wishes soon subsided the moment the teacher corralled the kids onto the school bus because today is the day of the big class field trip!
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Naturally, as the shy kid she is, Sarah tucked herself away in a corner, within sight lines of the other kids but not interacting with them. Cricket, however, planted herself directly next to the teacher. So, Cricket is that kind of kid, huh? No slight against her goes unreported, no offense too minor to be turned into the gossip of the day. I don't blame Sarah for steering clear of her for now until she's sure she wants to get involved in whatever drama Cricket is bound to stir up.
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The entire class was thrilled when they finally arrived at the bistro.
Hanson: We get out of school and we get snacks? This is the best day ever!
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Well, except for the teacher. I've never chaperoned a field trip before, so I can only imagine how stressful it is keeping an eye on all of these kids in a restaurant kitchen surrounded by sharp objects and hot surfaces.
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He calmed down pretty quickly once he realized Sarah's interest in the knives was purely culinary, though. I imagine she quietly slipped away from the rest of the group to live out her top chef dreams on her own.
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She even gained progress towards a cooking skill point! It seems like Sarah Tonin gets a lot of serotonin from the kitchen. Will that be a lifelong passion or just a childhood interest?
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Regardless of what the future holds, Sarah brought back a cute panda bento box as a souvenir. It'd look great on her nightstand next to her bed...you know...if she had one.
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For now, the outdoor picnic table next to her sleeping bag can be her nightstand.
We have got to get this kid a bedroom of her own.
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
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In my opinion, a toy oven is a pretty terrible idea for a library playroom (imagine sticky little fingers getting cake batter on all the pages! 🤢) but in this particular instance, I welcome its baffling inclusion. Sarah was very hungry after all the first-day-of-school jitters and you know Mela isn't going to feed her, so some blueberry muffins were just what the Watcher ordered. They came out a tad overdone, but this little face...
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...says they were a success regardless. She really seemed to enjoy the cooking process just as much as the eating process, too. Could this be a hint at something to consider in the future? 🤔
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
Learning Montage ensues.
School was a success, so much so that Sarah rolled a wish to stay a little longer and sign up for an afterschool activity!
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Although maybe this has more to do with the chaos waiting for her at home. 😅
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And there's a field trip tomorrow?! Wow, I didn't give Sarah the lucky trait but it seems like she's on a winning streak regardless.
Also Mela got a job so she'll be leaving from now on just as Sarah gets home. Sarah might not see that as a good thing, since she (inexplicably) loves her mom and wants to spend time with her, but it's great for the rest of us because Mela is just the worst. We need the money, too, because every penny earned is going towards toys for Sarah. This poor kid has nothing. 😭
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Possibly still stalling, Sarah decided to visit the library to do her homework. I feel like choosing the kid's section within direct sight line of the playroom was low key self-torture, but this was Sarah's decision. Maybe this is motivation for her: finish your work quick so you can play with Lysol-scented public toys.
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Hey, what do you know? That was exactly her strategy. 🤭
Meanwhile, Mela...
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...is making a great case for me turning off her autonomy.
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
It's the first day of school! I hope Sarah's day is off to a good start.
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Sarah: Oh, you're up! Any chance you'll make breakfast today?
Mela: Who are you again?
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Sarah: Mom, seriously. I have school in like an hour!
Mela: Whoa whoa whoa!
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Mela: Where's the consideration for my time, huh? I was up late last night because Romantic Rendezvous was having an All My Plumbobs marathon. I'm exhausted!
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Sarah: I-I'm sorry.
Mela: Ugh, you're so selfish.
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
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Sarah: Bee minions, assemble! Your queen has need of your aid! Removeth the ghost from the refrigerator so your queen may dine...eth.
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Sarah: I said, bee minions, assemble!
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Sarah: Ugh, it's so hard to find good bee minions these days.
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
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Once the other little girls left for the evening, Sarah took a moment to fulfill another wish...
Sarah: Yeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaw! I'm a space cowboy! Bet you weren't ready for that!
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...and then it was time to go home. Neither Cricket nor Yuna moved past acquaintance this afternoon but hopefully Sarah has laid a nice foundation for a lifelong friendship or two. Maybe she can invite the girls over after school tomorrow!
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Sarah: Hey, I'm home. Did you miss me?
Mela: Woooo! I love this commercial! Please, little lizard, tell me more about how I can save 15% or more on car insurance!
👻: You don't even have a car...
Sarah: I'll take that as a no.
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
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A new potential friend has appeared! It's Yuna Tanner, who I had the foresight to make over before taking a whole bunch of pictures! Go me! 🏅
What do you do when you meet a new kid you want to be friends with?
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Knock 'em on their ass with a water balloon, of course!
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As any professional water balloonist knows, the best way to throw a water balloon is by standing in the middle of the road next to the playground. I sure hope the residents of Lucky Palms have good brakes.
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
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Cricket: Oh uh...I don't really believe in ghosts.
Sarah: You will if you come to my house!
For a shy Sim, Sarah seems to be having no trouble at all talking to Cricket. She's even gossiping and joking around like they're old buddies.
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I wonder what they're talking about...
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Omg, she's so cute. 🥺🥺🥺
Sarah's probably the kind of kid who, like me, has no trouble making friends one-on-one but feels uncomfortable and out of place in a crowd. We'll find out for sure when she goes to school, but knowing how that trait works, I'm positive she'll be coming home stressed, poor baby. Oh well, she's having fun playing tag in the park for now!
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What's this?! I did a makeover on Cricket mid-scene with no regards to continuity?! What kind of horrible Simmer am I?! 😱😱😱😱😱 Listen, guys, I tried. I really tried but I could not deal with that EA hair a second longer. If she's going to be friends with Sarah, she has to be tolerable to look at, at the very least. I think she's going to be friends with Sarah, anyway. Sarah rolled a want to make friends with somebody but not necessarily Cricket. Interesting. It seems maybe Sarah doesn't like EA hair either.
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
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Sarah: At least it's a nice day.
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Sarah: Quick, to the watch tower! As fire chief, it's up to me to keep this town safe!
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Sarah: I see smoke in the distance! Gear up, boys, it's go time!
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Sarah: Weeeee! No wait, firefighters don't say 'wee'.
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Sarah: Ah, you must be the new recruit from the academy. Welcome aboard, rookie!
Cricket: I...uh...what?
Aww, Sarah's made a friend! And this one is corporeal!
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Sarah: So does your house have ghosts, too?
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
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Mela: Oh no you don't! You'll touch my TV over my dead body!
👻: Excuse me?!
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Mela: Ugh, it's a figure of speech, moron. You ghosts are so sensitive.
👻: How dare you! I'll have you know I was here long before you arrived and I'll be here long after you're gone. And furthermore--
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Sarah: Hey, Ghost Lady? If my mom asks, I'm gonna go play at the park, ok?
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👻: Just be back before 7. It's a school night, you know.
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
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Sarah, to herself: Arr, best be swabbin' the poop deck, First Matey. Can't be havin' any o' them scurvy dogs slippin' in the bilge water.
Sarah, to herself: Aye-aye, Cap'n! It'll be ship-shape before ye know it!
Poor Sarah. This can't be what she wants to do with her afternoon. Let's see what she does want to do, shall we?
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Hmm. The family funds are currently at zero so I don't think this one is attainable until Mela decides to get her ass off the couch and get a job, I'm afraid. What else do we have?
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That one might be a little more manageable.
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Although something tells me we shouldn't get our hopes up.
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Sarah: Sooo...
Mela: Shh, Brig is about to confess his love to Charlotte. I've been waiting all season for this.
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Sarah: Ok...I guess we'll catch up during the commercial break.
👻: Don't mind me, I'm just gonna haunt your TV a little.
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